Zhang Chen returned to Sijiqing with the Japanese sword and the movie script that Harada Shino gave to Zhang Xiangbei. He Hongmei helped Xiao Zhao and Xiao Li to sell all the samples at the original Fengzhen stall. When she saw Zhang Chen coming back , Xiao Zhao proudly told him, we made back the stall fee for this stall today.

Zhang Chen looked to the side and asked, your little fellow is not here?

"She is moving to live near Sijiqing and is looking for a house today." Xiao Zhao said.

Zhang Chen remembered that one of the newly built simple dormitories in their factory was still empty. Zhang Chen and Xiao Li said:

"If you are not afraid of far distances, you can actually live in the factory and arrange for you two salesmen to share a room. In this way, you don't even have to pay rent."

"Really?" Xiaoli asked.

"Of course, you can enjoy the same treatment as workers in the factory, including food and accommodation. After get off work at night, you can go to the factory cafeteria to eat." Zhang Chen said with a smile.

"Go, go, the canteen in the factory is delicious." He Hongmei shouted from the side.

"Then do we even save money on food?" Xiaoli asked.

Zhang Chen said that's right, we don't charge money for meals in the canteen.

"Great, boss lady, then I'll go find Xiaojuan and ask her to stop looking for a house?"

Xiao Zhao said okay, you go.

Xiaoli ran out happily.

He Hongmei looked at the red cloth bag in Zhang Chen's hand and asked, "What good things did you bring back from your international friends?"

"Zhang Xiangbei's amulet."

Zhang Chen put the cloth bag on the table, opened it, revealing the wooden box inside, opened the box, showed them the Japanese sword inside, and introduced them to the origin of the knife. Both of them thought the knife was very beautiful.

"This Doubanjiang is really good." Xiao Zhao said.

Zhang Chen took the knife in his hand and said with a smile: "With this knife, we Zhang Xiangbei can kill demons and exorcise them."

He Hongmei asked: "Can a Japanese sword also cut down Chinese monsters?"

"Of course, why don't I try to kill you?"

"Tch, I'm not a monster."

Zhang Chen then took out the movie script and told He Hongmei, "This is your part too, it's your job."

He Hongmei and Xiao Zhao looked at the movie script with a light yellow cover and didn't know what Zhang Chen was talking about. Zhang Chen told them the matter and both of them became excited. At that time, movies had a high status in the minds of ordinary people. It was very high. They never thought that they could be related to movies.

He Hongmei shouted: "Master, you must let me, let the clothes I designed appear in the movie, so that I can take my parents to the cinema and tell them, look, these clothes were designed by me. .”

Zhang Chen said yes.

"So, can we also display stills from the movie in the booth in the future and tell customers, look, the costumes in this movie were all designed and manufactured by our company?" Xiao Zhao also asked.

Zhang Chen said yes, as long as our plan is approved. This clothing production requires the guidance of designers, so it must be done in our factory.

He Hongmei grabbed the movie script and said, "I'll read it first, and then I'll show it to you after I've finished it."

Zhang Chen smiled and said: "Okay, okay."

Xiaoli came back with Xiaojuan. Zhang Chen and Xiao Zhao were about to leave. Xiao Zhao was going back to feed Zhang Xiangbei. Zhang Chen was going to the factory. Zhang Chen asked Xiaoli and Xiaojuan:

"When are you going to move to the factory?"

Xiaojuan said: "My place has already been withdrawn, and I will move today."

Xiaoli said: "Then I will go there today too, so that the two of us can have company and come together in the morning."

Zhang Chen said yes, then I will ask Lao Wan to come and wait for you. When you get off work, I will help you carry your things to the factory.

He Hongmei also wanted to go to the factory. She also wanted to see Zhang Xiangbei. She asked Xiao Zhao to ride in her car. Xiao Zhao gave his bicycle to Xiao Li and asked her to ride to the factory with Lao Wan later. inside.

The days passed by very quickly, and it was already January 10th.

This year is the Chinese New Year on January 23rd. He Hongmei had shipped the last batch of goods and was supposed to go back to Chongqing on the 89th, but she didn’t leave. She originally wanted to go with Caidi and the others and squeeze into the train on the 17th. Caidi refused, she said, "I'm exhausted from being squeezed in the car. We still have to take care of you, the eldest lady. Have you ever taken a train?"

"I've sat on it before, I did when I was a kid," He Hongmei said.

"How many hours have you been sitting there?"

"It seems like more than two hours."

"This is more than thirty hours. Miss, you can't bear it. Go away, or you buy me a plane ticket and I will give you the train ticket?" Caidi scolded.

He Hongmei had no choice but to buy a ticket for the 20th, saying she was going to be here, and while she had nothing to do now, she could think about the costumes for the movie.

Xiao Zhao smiled and said, "You don't have nothing to do every day. You only have to be busy delivering goods in the morning."

He Hongmei pointed to her head and said seriously: "Here it is. Thinking about what to post every day is also a headache. Now I don't have to think about anything."

The workers in the factory have a holiday on the 17th when they are far away, and they have a holiday on the 20th when they are closer. The workers choose automatically. Anyway, they are all making spring clothes now, and the goods are not so urgent. However, most workers choose the day when they have to go on the road. Come on, if you work for one more day, you will get one more day's salary. Zhang Chen asked Zhao Zhigang to count all their last pieces of clothing and pay them all their wages.

There were still a dozen workers who were not planning to go home during the Spring Festival. They begged Zhao Zhigang to leave some cutting pieces for them during the Spring Festival so that they could work when they got tired of playing. What was there to do outside during the Spring Festival? The scenery It was freezing cold in the district, and all the shops on the streets were closed, so it was better to work in a factory.

Zhao Zhigang decided to close two of the three workshops, leaving only one workshop, and concentrated all the remaining workers into this workshop. He also designated a worker as the team leader and asked her to be responsible for distributing cut pieces, inspecting and accepting finished garments, and counting output. .

All the ready-made garments are piled on the table at the back end, waiting for post-processing and perming to come back.

Among the dozen or so people who did not go back, Lao Wan was included.

Zhang Chen called Lao Wan aside and asked him, do you owe someone else money and can't get it back?

Lao Wan said no, it’s because his parents are gone. When I went back and saw those brothers and sisters, they were quarreling every day. It was boring. It was better to stay in the factory and clean up. There were so many people in the factory, and everyone had a lot of fun. companion.

Zhang Chen asked Lao Wan to be responsible for everything in the factory during the Spring Festival, including buying vegetables. Lao Wan said to the workers, if you don't dislike my cooking, then I will cook it for you every day. If you don't, I will cook it for you every day. I'll buy the food and you'll take turns cooking it yourself.

The remaining workers all said they didn’t mind it, Lao Wan, you can do it, and we’ll all do it together when the New Year’s Eve comes.

The market does not close until the New Year's Eve. Xiaojuan will go back to Sichuan with Caidi and the others on the 17th. Xiaoli is from the province and can get home by car on the same day, so she chooses the 21st for the New Year's Eve. When Jiuzai went back, Xiao Zhao asked her why she came back so late. She laughed with Xiao Zhao and said it was early to go back. I had to work every day and I didn't want to go back early.

Zhang Chen knew that Xiao Zhao wanted to go back to Sichuan. Who wouldn't want to go back to her parents' home with a newborn in her arms? But it would be too much for them to take the train during the Spring Festival travel rush. Instead of flying, Qu Tianlin told them that the child was too young to sit on the train. Airplanes are not good. Flying does a lot of damage to the eardrums. How big is this one to the north? His eardrums are so tender. When the plane takes off and lands, even adults' ears can't bear it.

Zhang Chen had never flown on a plane, so she didn’t know how uncomfortable it would be for people when the plane took off and landed. Xiao Zhao had flown before, and she remembered that when the plane took off and landed, people’s ears did feel a little uncomfortable, swollen, and... I have tinnitus and I have to swallow hard to feel better.

Qu Tianlin and Xiao Zhao said: "Be patient, I will wait until my son is over one year old before taking him back to Hangzhou to meet his grandparents."

Xiao Zhao said with a bitter face, "Okay, okay, just bear with it."

After having dinner with Qu Tianlin and others, the two returned home. Zhang Chen and Xiao Zhao said, "Go and send more money to your family tomorrow."

Xiao Zhao said "hmm".

"Send fifty thousand."

Xiao Zhao was taken aback and opened his eyes wide: "Why send so many?"

"Stingy." Zhang Chen scolded.

"Guo Guo, it's not that I'm stingy, it's just that the money is of no use at home. Only money can make money here. We now send money to our families every month, so the family is not short of money."

"There is a shortage of houses." Zhang Chen said, "After the Chinese New Year, I asked my family to demolish the old house and build new houses. The workers below have all taken the money to go home and build new houses. You, the boss lady, don't want to build them?"

Xiao Zhao thought about it, but Zhang Chen was thoughtful. She said okay, let's build it, but it won't cost so much. We can build a house with only 20,000 to 30,000 yuan.

"If you have more, buy a TV and other things." Zhang Chen suddenly became interested and shouted: "By the way, I will design a set of drawings for my family, send them back, and ask them to make them according to these drawings."

Xiao Zhao said yes.

Just do it. Zhang Chen spread out the paper on the table at home and started to draw. After drawing for a while, Zhang Chen said, "Oh, why can't I draw well at home? I'd better go to the factory to draw."

Xiao Zhao smiled and said, "You have become a cultivator."

"That's right, it's been repaired. It's such a big platform in the factory, so it's exciting to work on." Zhang Chen said.

"Okay, let's go together." Xiao Zhao hugged Zhang Xiangbei and said to him: "Beibei, let's go to the factory and watch my father paint houses for my grandparents, aunts and uncles, okay?"

Zhang Xiangbei probably heard the word "factory" so often that he already had a vague idea of ​​what a "factory" was. He started laughing when he heard it. When he smiled, Xiao Zhao laughed and shouted:

"Look, honey, look, he understands what I say."

Zhang Chen looked at them and said with a smile: "Zhao Zhigang is right, this is a little flower girl. He knows that there are many girls in the factory, so he is happy when he goes to the factory."

Xiao Zhao grabbed Zhang Xiangbei's little hand and came to beat Zhang Chen.

"Xiao Zhang, Xiao Zhang."

As soon as the three people walked out of the room, they heard the landlord's brother shouting from below. Zhang Chen stretched his head and looked down into the yard. He saw Accountant Ge and the landlord's brother standing in the yard below, looking up.

The three people went downstairs, and the landlord let them into the front of the hall and sat down at the Eight Immortals table. Accountant Ge took out a bulging red envelope from his bag. The name of Zhang Chen's company was written on the envelope. Accountant Ge Hand the envelope to Zhang Chen and say to him, "This is yours."

The envelope was not sealed. Zhang Chen opened it and took a look. Inside was four knives and forty thousand yuan. Zhang Chen asked curiously: "Accountant Ge, what is this for?"

Accountant Ge smiled and said: "This is the investment promotion reward awarded to you by the district government, two thousandths, forty thousand."

Zhang Chen quickly pushed the envelope back and told him that this was too polite and I couldn't take it.

"This is for you, why can't you have it?"

"Then... then give it to the village." Zhang Chen said, "We are here, and the village has helped us a lot."

Accountant Ge pushed the bag of money back and said to Zhang Chen: "There is also one in the village, and a reward of 100,000 yuan is awarded. This reward is meaningful only when it is in your hands. This is specially explained by the district committee and district government. You If you want to give it to the village, you are forcing us to make mistakes. Boss Zhang, we accept your offer, but you should keep the money."

"Then take it, you're welcome." The landlord also said from the side.

"Here, take the money and sign here." Accountant Ge handed over a piece of paper, and Zhang Chen signed where his finger pointed.

Accountant Ge then took out another red envelope, handed it to the landlord brother, and said to him: "This is yours, the investment promotion and introduction award, as a reward for introducing Boss Zhang to us, one thousandth, twenty thousand."

The landlord was startled: "I have one too, what's more?"

"Of course there is. To attract investment, the district government is not just talking about it, but has spent a lot of money." Accountant Ge smiled and said, "Then take a look, is your name on this envelope? You poisonous head, do you want it?" Don’t give it to me.”

"If you want, I'll treat you to some old wine tomorrow morning." The landlord smiled.

The next day, Zhang Chen and Xiao Zhao went to the post office to send money to their families. Each remittance order could only send up to 10,000 yuan, so Xiao Zhao wrote five remittance orders. After writing, Xiao Zhao turned to Zhang Chen and said with a smile:

"My hands are sore from writing."

Zhang Chen knew that Xiao Zhao was happy in his heart.

Zhang Chen rolled the drawings he designed last night into a roll and sent it as a registered mail.

After leaving the post office, Lao Wan was waiting for them at the door. There were six people in the village committee. Zhang Chen went to buy each of them two bottles of Maotai liquor worth 128 yuan a bottle and two soft Chinese bottles, and returned them to the joint defense team. , bought a box of Dazhongjiu.

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