The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 591 What kind of wine are you drinking?

The landlord was sitting at the door of his house. When he saw Zhang Chen coming back, he stood up and asked, "Did you just come back from Yongcheng?"

Zhang Chen said no, he went to the factory with a customer, and I will be back in Yongcheng in the morning.

"As soon as we meet each other, let's just walk there. It's hard to ride a bike after we have some wine." The landlord said to Zhang Chen.

Zhang Chen said yes.

The two of them walked out of the courtyard and walked to the street. Zhang Chen asked the landlord, what did the secretary and director want from him?

The landlord brother said: "I can't figure out what's going on in the brigade. Anyway, they will ask you later. If you can do it, then agree to them. If you can't do it, then repay them well (reject them well). Don't think It’s hard to speak.”

Zhang Chen said yes. Hearing what the landlord said, he was half relieved. At least it shouldn't be what they were most afraid of. The village was going to take back the house. Otherwise, what would it mean to repay them properly?

The landlord also knows that they have invested a lot of money in renovating and building those simple houses and building awnings there. If they really want to take back the house, they will definitely refuse, and there will inevitably be a squabble. What else can they do to "pay a good return"?

The two of them arrived on the street and walked to the village committee at the end of the street. Zhang Chen saw that the landlord had no intention of turning in, but continued to move forward.

They passed the village committee and saw a small hotel next to the village committee building. The hotel didn't even have a name. If the landlord hadn't brought him here today, Zhang Chen wouldn't have known there was such a store here.

When they usually go shopping, they always walk to the village committee, thinking they are at the end of the street, but they don't expect there to be a store behind.

The landlord walked in with Zhang Chen. The hotel was very small. A cashier and wine counter took up one-sixth of the space. There were three or four tables in the remaining space. It was time for dinner. , but there was no one in the store, and even the kitchen in the back was quiet.

A pretty lady boss in her thirties, with a shiny face, stood behind the cashier. She looked calm, as if she had long accepted such a miserable situation. The landlord asked:

"Is Old Five here?"

The landlady shouted: "Come on, come on, it's in the box."

Walking into a small door next to the counter, there is a hall of two or three square meters. Directly opposite there is a plastic curtain, open, which is the kitchen. On the left side of the hall is a gender-neutral toilet, and on the right is a closed door. The door is open.

The landlady pushed the door open, and Zhang Chen saw the village party secretary, village committee director, and village accountant sitting inside. Seeing them, the three people raised their right hands to greet them almost at the same time, as if they were rushing to speak.

Zhang Chen quickly said: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, there's something going on in the factory, so I kept you waiting for so long."

The secretary smiled and said, we have nothing to do, we are just sitting here, bragging and drinking tea.

After sitting down, Zhang Chen understood. No wonder this store didn't even have a signboard, and there wasn't much business in the store. The proprietress was still there. It turned out that the biggest customer of her store should be the village committee, and the landlord in front of her was The fifth person who asked the question didn't know which one of the three it was.

The moment the landlord and Zhang Chen walked in, the kitchen started to get busy, with the sound of igniting a fire and the sound of a horse spoon hitting a pot.

After a while, the landlady started serving wine and food. What they drank was bottled Guyue Longshan Jiafan wine. The food here was not served on plates, but in white tasting pots and basins. Come up, braised mutton, soft-shelled turtle in red soup, loach rolled tofu, old duck pot, tripe chicken... the table is full in no time.

The director told Zhang Chen that they were all local dishes, and he didn’t know if Boss Zhang was used to eating them. Zhang Chen quickly said that they were very good, very tempting to look at. He quickly picked up his chopsticks and picked up a piece of mutton. To support your words.

A bottle of wine with food is a minimum for each person, and they don't pour each other's wine. They all share the responsibility. Zhang Chen stood up and toasted each of the four of them a glass in turn. His bottle of wine was at the bottom. The accountant called out and the landlady hurriedly took it. Come in with a drink.

The secretary and the boss’s wife said, this boss, you don’t even give him a toast.

The landlady smiled brightly and said, "I respect you, of course I have to respect you. Thank you, Boss Zhang, for the honor!"

The proprietress took an empty cup from the table next to her, filled it up first, and then filled it up for Zhang Chen. She raised the cup, touched it with Zhang Chen, and drank it in one gulp. Everyone else shouted and looked at Zhang Chen. Chen, Zhang Chen could only drink it all in one gulp, and the others continued to applaud.

Next, the boss lady went through the customs, from secretary to director to accountant, and finally to the landlord. Each person had a drink. When toasting someone, the boss lady held the wine glass in her right hand and put her left hand around the other person's shoulder, as if she couldn't do it. , those who drank deliberately made difficult expressions, and those who watched clapped their hands.

After they had finished drinking, the landlady stopped going out. Instead, she sat down between the secretary and the director and ate with them.

After drinking this round of wine, we started talking about business. The director talked to Zhang Chen, and only then did Zhang Chen understand the purpose of inviting him to drink this wine today.

It turns out that since the speech during the Southern Tour, the whole country has stopped arguing and focused on economic development. Economic tasks are now being assigned at all levels and the implementation is checked at all levels. Even their village and town have issued investment quotas to them.

This Sanbao Village is incomparable with the other villages closer to Hangzhou. It used to be that everyone was a vegetable farmer and there were no village-run enterprises. Later, Sijiqing Village became very popular with its market, and the Wufu Village next door had steel pipe factories, The boiler factory is also doing a decent job.

Sanbao used to have a market, the cigarette market. In the past few years, there were many customers and life was very good. However, this market later turned into a counterfeit cigarette distribution center. Every stall displayed genuine cigarettes. Cigarettes are secretly in the business of counterfeit cigarettes, and have been raided several times by the industrial and commercial authorities and the police.

In addition, now that cigarettes have begun to be monopolized by the state and tobacco companies have been established in various places, this market no longer needs to exist. It has been ordered to close down or transform. However, a market is easy to open and closed down. There are a lot of leftover problems, and the business owners are making trouble every day, which is very annoying.

As for what to do with market transformation, they have no idea yet.

Apart from this, there are no other companies or resources in this village, but your superiors don’t care about you. When assigning tasks, they are one-size-fits-all. No one can escape. Seeing that this year is almost over, this investment promotion The task, even the eggs haven't been opened yet, is giving them headaches every day.

There are several garment processing factories in the village, but these factories are all in rented houses of the villagers. They don’t even have licenses and are very small in scale. You said you were attracting investment and you attracted so many garment processing factories. , you report it, but the superiors won’t recognize it.

They thought about it and decided that Zhang Chen looked like a garment factory and had a certain scale. He was still in their house in the village. They reported him as a project to attract investment. When the superiors came to inspect , which makes sense.

The reason why they invited Zhang Chen here today was to discuss with him to see if he could register a company, a serious clothing company, so that they could report this newly registered company as an achievement in attracting investment.

After Zhang Chen heard what the director said, he said yes without thinking, no problem.

Originally, Zhang Chen also wanted to register a company even if they didn't tell him. When he applied for a license, he had no choice but to apply for a processing plant license for an individual industrial and commercial household because of insufficient registered capital.

Now, I have no problem with the registered capital. After I have a formal company, it will be more conducive to the development of my business. Promising them is just a favor, so why not do it?

The three of them became happy when Zhang Chen agreed. The accountant asked, Boss Zhang, how much is the registered capital of your company?

"Does this matter a lot?" Zhang Chen asked.

"Big, big." The director said, "The investment attraction index is based on the registered capital of the companies you introduce. Of course we hope that the bigger the better. The bigger your place is, the less pressure we will have left."

Zhang Chen thought for a moment and realized that if he was tighter, he could borrow two million. If he asked Liu Ligan or Meng Ping to borrow three million, he could get five million.

This loan is different from borrowing money. This time it is a temporary loan for registering a company. From the time the money comes in and the capital verification report is issued, to the company license, and then the business license, tax registration certificate, account opening license, and code certificate are obtained. After the basic settlement account is opened, transfer the registered capital from the capital verification account to the basic settlement account, and then transfer it back.

The full calculation of these three million will only take two weeks.

Zhang Chen felt that it would not be embarrassing to open this mouth. He would open it, and Liu Ligan or Meng Ping would definitely agree. Zhang Chen said to the director:

"How about I raise the registered capital to five million?"

"Very good!"

The director shouted that their original plan was to see if Zhang Chen could do some work here and ask him to increase the registered capital to eighty to one million. Unexpectedly, before he even opened his mouth, Zhang Chen came to him for five One million, five million registered capital was not considered small at the time.

The director looked at the secretary and accountant, and all three of them laughed. The secretary picked up the cup and said, "Come on, on behalf of our village, I would like to toast to Boss Zhang first."

Zhang Chen quickly raised his glass, clinked it with the secretary and drank it all. The landlady looked at it and shouted: "This boss, drinking and doing things are very refreshing!"

The director smiled and said: "You like Boss Zhang so much, why don't you have a drink with him?"

"Just drink. My old lady also eats young grass today." The proprietress picked up the cup and everyone laughed.

When the proprietress reached this point, other people started making noises again. Zhang Chen felt that it would be a bit too pretentious not to drink. Anyway, everyone was just having fun and making fun of themselves.

Zhang Chen also stood up holding the cup. The landlady came over and looked at Zhang Chen with a smile. The hand holding the cup slipped from Zhang Chen's hand. The two of them hooked up and finished a glass of wine.

Others cheered and clapped their hands.

After Zhang Chen sat down, the accountant looked at the secretary and director, and said to Zhang Chen, Boss Zhang, what do you think of these two leaders in our village?

Zhang Chen quickly said, "Very good, very good. I am here only because of their strong support. I am very grateful to them from the bottom of my heart."

Zhang Chen said, clasping his hands and bowing to the secretary and director, the two of them waved their hands humbly.

"Then are you used to being in our village?" the accountant then asked.

Zhang Chen looked at the landlord and said to the accountant: "I'm so used to it. If I were asked to change places now, I would definitely be reluctant to part with it."

"Well, Boss Zhang, I have a suggestion. I didn't tell the two leaders about this. I just thought of it myself. I think you can just buy our place." The accountant said.

Zhang Chen was surprised and bought it. What does it mean? There was no problem in registering the company, but when it came to buying that place, I never thought that I would go to the countryside to buy such a dilapidated house.

"Look, Boss Zhang, I went to your factory to see it. To be honest, our original shabby house is not worth a penny. It is not as valuable as the houses you built yourself, but that place , the house is not valuable, and the place is actually not small. After your company is established, there will definitely be a big development, right? You can't always be like this, building a little today and a little tomorrow.

"In this way, it is actually not cost-effective for you. The money you spend in this thing will not add up to a small amount of money over time. If you buy that place, you can re-plan it and make it look decent. Wouldn’t it be nice to build a few houses?”

When the accountant said this, the secretary and director remained silent and looked at Zhang Chen.

Thank you Lao Chentang for the tip! Thanks for all the votes and reading! I wish you all good health!

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