The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 590 Three cobblers, one fur shop

Zhang Chen's eldest brother rang loudly. Zhang Chen picked up the answer. It was the landlord's eldest brother. The landlord asked where Zhang Chen was and why he hadn't seen you back in the past two days.

Zhang Chen told him that I was in Yongcheng now. Xiao Zhao was discharged from the hospital. I would send her back to her home in Yongcheng for confinement, where my parents could take care of them.

The landlord said no wonder, then when will you come back?

Zhang Chen said tomorrow morning, what can I do, brother?

"I am now in our brigade headquarters. The secretary and director of our brigade said that they will treat you to dinner when you come back."

Zhang Chen quickly smiled and said: "Don't take it seriously, I will invite them when they come back. During this period, I have been running around the hospital, factory and store, and I don't have time. Brother, please make an appointment for me. I will come back tomorrow. I will invite them." They eat.”

The landlord covered the phone receiver with his hand and asked the director of the village committee. The director told him. He picked up the phone and said to Zhang Chen:

"Then let's have dinner together tomorrow night. Our director has said that they should pay for the meal. They need your help if they have something to do."

"You want me to help you? What's the matter?"

"When you come back, you come back and let them tell you for themselves. I can't tell you why they are so experienced in carrying out such things. That's all."

Zhang Chen said okay, goodbye brother.

After hanging up the phone, Zhang Chen felt that the call was a little strange. He told Xiao Zhao about the content of the call. Xiao Zhao also felt strange. The two of them thought about it for a long time, but they couldn't figure it out. The village secretary and director asked Zhang Chen, something will happen, and she said she wanted his help.

"Is that house no longer available for rent to us?" Xiao Zhao asked. This was what they were most worried about.

Zhang Chen shook his head. He said it didn't seem like it. We paid the rent for that house for a year, and it had only been a few months. How could we take it back? Even the demolition is not so fast. It has only been a few days. When we were in Hangzhou, we did not hear of such a demolition. According to the agreement, unless the government demolition is force majeure, they have the right to take it back. Otherwise, they have no choice. Taken back.

Xiao Zhao nodded, she felt that what Zhang Chen said made sense.

"Ignore him, they are going to treat me to dinner. It shouldn't be a bad thing. If it is a bad thing, how can I still eat this meal." Zhang Chen said with a smile.

"You're right." Xiao Zhao nodded and said, "If it was really something bad, my eldest brother wouldn't be happy to make this call. However, we still need to pay for this meal."

Zhang Chen said he knew, I'm not stupid, how could I let them pay the bill.

Zhang Chen returned to Hangzhou and went to the stall first. Xiao An and Xiao Li were dealing with two customers respectively. Seeing him come in, Xiao Li smiled and nodded, while Xiao Anli ignored him.

Zhang Chen sat down at the table, and Xiao An threw the key to the drawer at him. He opened the drawer and took out his accounting book to see that the sales during his absence in the past two days were pretty good, far exceeding his expectations.

The two customers paid and left one after another. Zhang Chen and Xiao An said, "Not bad, you look like a veteran now."

"Tch, you think I'm an idiot and can't learn this?" Xiao An rolled her eyes at him.

Zhang Chen quickly smiled and said: "Don't dare, don't dare, if you are ears, there will be no one in this world who is not ears. By the way, I don't have time tonight, tomorrow, tomorrow I will treat you to dinner and reward you."

"Tch, you're back. I'm going back to Hangcheng Building tomorrow." Xiao An said.

"Then let's go to Hangcheng Building to eat, and ask Sister Tianlin to come with us." Zhang Chen said.

"Okay, let's go to Hangcheng Building." Xiaoli shouted happily.

Xiao An looked at Zhang Chen and asked, "Do you feel free now that Xiao Zhao is away?"

"It's really not true. It's because you have worked hard during this period." Zhang Chen said, "This is what Xiao Zhao asked me to reward you. If you don't believe me, call Xiao Zhao and ask."

"Tch, I just said you're not that good. It turned out to be Xiao Zhao's order." Xiao An said.

Zhang Chen smiled and said: "That's right, she orders, I execute it, and you guys implement it, okay?"

"Okay, it's free if you don't eat." Xiao An said with a smile.

Zhang Chen stood up and was about to leave. Xiao Li asked, boss, where are you going?

"I'll go to the factory and have a look."

"Wait a minute, wait a minute, there is a customer from Yinchuan. He wants to visit the factory. Please wait for him."

Zhang Chen said yes.

"I'm at Ayong's place. You call me when he comes."

Zhang Chen stood up and walked to A Yong. Zhang Chen himself felt funny. Why was he a little afraid of Xiao An when he was with her now? He didn't know what she would say if she was cold or not. , choking you to the point of being confused.

Zhang Chen walked to A Yong's stall. When A Yong saw him come in, he shook his head and sighed, and told him that this broken market seems to have more people doing it, and the shops in the main aisle have also installed light boxes. Yes, they follow your example and also purchase fabrics and make goods themselves. The business is not as good as yours, but it is not bad.

"Why, do you still want this market to remain lifeless?" Zhang Chen asked with a smile.

Ayong shook his head.

"I've been thinking about it for a long time. I don't know what to do. If this stall is transferred like the Wenzhou guy opposite, I can make tens of thousands of yuan. But if this stall is gone, I have nothing to do. ." Ayong frowned and continued to shake his head and sigh.

"You can do this too, you're not stupider than others." Zhang Chen said.

"Me? I'm sorry. How could I not be as capable as you? I can design by myself. You take a table tennis ball and ask me to draw it. I can't draw a circle either. What can I do? Swish, swish, swish, swish, swish. Click, click, click."

Zhang Chen couldn't help laughing and cursed: "What the hell, there are so many onomatopoeias."

"Swish, swish, swish is tanning the skin, swish, swish, swish is to use scissors to cut the skin, and swish, swish, swish is to use scissors to cut the skin, and click, swish, swish is to use chop to cut the holes."

Zhang Chen was confused and asked, "What is beheading?"

"The tools used to make leather goods are used to punch holes. The head is like a comb. You have to use a chopper to cut holes in the leather first, and then you can sew and needle through them."

Zhang Chen seemed to understand a little, and he asked A Yong: "What did you originally do?"

"Be a cobbler. My grandfather and father used to be cobblers. However, let's just say it nicely. My grandfather is the real cobbler. He makes leather bags, suitcases, boots and saddles. He makes everything. My dad And I am actually just a shoe repairman."

"Then what your grandpa would do, would you do it?"

"Of course I do. I've seen it since I was a kid."

"Okay, not bad!" Zhang Chen shouted, "Then why don't you do this?"

A Yong glanced at him and said disdainfully: "Who else would want this now? Leather bags, leather boots, and suitcases. It would be so refreshing to buy them in a department store, or go to the Huanbei Small Commodity Market, which is dirt cheap."

Zhang Chen shook his head and said, "You are wrong. Those are all mass merchandise. If you make handmade leather goods and personalized products, there will always be a market, and this market will get bigger and bigger. Do you know that those foreign products Designer leather bags are all handmade.”


"Of course, if you do this well, Ayong, I tell you, I can't guarantee that many of my customers will definitely get goods from you." Zhang Chen looked around, and Ayong said : "By the way, ours is a clothing city, and we didn't say that we are not allowed to sell leather bags and leather goods. If you decorate this stall and specialize in handmade leather goods, I guarantee you will have business."

Ayong was convinced by Zhang Chen's vision, and he definitely believed Zhang Chen's statement. Hearing Zhang Chen's words, he became excited and interested. Zhang Chen continued to tell him:

"Besides, your handmade leather goods are a perfect match for my hemp clothes. If you really make them, we can still cooperate."

When Zhang Chen said this, Ayong thought of how many denim clothes Zhang Chen had taken away for him. If he wanted to say it was OK, then it would definitely be possible.

"Are you saying that there is really a future in doing this now?" A Yong asked.

"I guarantee there is a future. Decorate this place and put in your own leather goods. Give this shop a name. Let me think of what to call it..."

"Fur Hall?"

"Oh, that's good. This is a good name. It's called Pi Caotang. Ayong, how did you come up with this name?"

"Before liberation, my grandfather's shop in Hao'er Lane was called this name."

"That's great. It's still a time-honored brand. By the way, do you still have the things your grandfather made at home?"

"Yes, I still have all the goods from before liberation. My grandfather has always kept them as treasures and said he would take them into the coffin."

"That's great. Don't put it in the coffin. You can't bury it now, so keep it. This will be the treasure of your store from now on."

Ayong also laughed. He asked Zhang Chen to go to his house when he had time and help him take a look. Zhang Chen agreed immediately. He said that we would go see it at noon tomorrow. Ayong agreed.


Xiaoli was calling him, and Zhang Chen hurried back.

The customer from Yinchuan had already arrived. Zhang Chen took him to the factory. When he walked to the road, he met He Hongmei. He Hongmei heard that they were going to the factory, so she said, I will go too.

This customer arrived at the factory and saw their showroom. He Hongmei appeared nearby and gave her own explanation. Of course, the conversation quickly settled down.

After packing the goods, Zhang Chen sent the customer and Lao Wan out to deliver the goods. Looking at the time, it was already past four o'clock. Zhao Zhigang came over and said to Zhang Chen, look at the fabric, it may be necessary to replenish the goods. Zhang Chen went I took a look at the warehouse and calculated that based on their current daily output, the fabrics in the warehouse can probably be used for eight or nine days.

Zhang Chen had never made clothing before and had no experience at all. He asked He Hongmei, how long does it take for your winter clothing to arrive?

He Hongmei told him that for retail stores, there will be a small climax before the Spring Festival. After the Spring Festival, everyone starts selling at discounts, so the retail stores usually continue to purchase goods ten days before the Spring Festival. For wholesale customers like them, Generally, in the first half month of the Spring Festival, winter clothes will no longer be worn.

Zhang Chen understood. He calculated an approximate amount and then added a little margin. If these fabrics could not be used up for winter clothes, he should be able to use some more for spring clothes.

Zhang Chen told He Hongmei about his plan, and He Hongmei shouted, no, no, no, no matter how suitable it is, don't use the same fabrics for your spring clothes as your winter clothes.

"Why?" Zhang Chen was puzzled, "These cotton-padded clothes are made of thin materials, so they are suitable for spring clothes."

"Do you know that there will be aesthetic fatigue, brother?"

Zhang Chen understood, and when he thought about it, it really made sense. He scolded: "It's neither big nor small."

"Yes, Master!"

"Okay, you are my master this time. Really, you are right to remind me."

"This is true knowledge gained through practice." He Hongmei said.

Zhang Chen recalculated, and He Hongmei told him that it doesn't matter if you count less. Winter clothes are the most afraid of being sold out. They are packed for a year and take up a lot of space. Winter clothes would rather be collected earlier than sold out.

"What will you sell if it's out of stock?"

"Spring clothing, before the Spring Festival, customers like us can buy some of the new spring clothes. You have to know that we are actually the same as you. We are also afraid of buying winter clothes. We also hope to clear out all winter clothes before the Spring Festival. Part of the spring clothes.”

"So, we need to go to Zhangjiagang in the future? There are a lot of fabrics there, suitable for making spring clothes."

"That's for sure. Go early this time, go straight to Zhangjiagang, and take a closer look at their warehouse, Master."

Zhang Chen said yes.

Zhang Chen followed He Hongmei's suggestion and counted the numbers again, then called Xiao Li and delivered to him all the fabrics he needed for the year at once.

After finishing these tasks, he looked at his watch. It was almost five o'clock. He said to He Hongmei, "I'm going to have dinner with the village chief. You can make your own way for dinner."

He Hongmei was burying her head in reading a newly arrived "Ruili" magazine. She raised her hand and waved to Zhang Chen, shouting: "Go, go, I'll hang out with Caidi."

Thank you Li Ruijin and Shouwang for your monthly votes! Thank you for all the recommendation votes and reading! I wish everyone a happy weekend!

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