The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 582 Countermeasures

Wang Hainiao told Zhang Chen everything. After listening to it, Zhang Chen went over the matter. After putting it all together, he felt secretly frightened. If Wang Hainiao hadn't told him, he really wouldn't have known that the other party had carefully planned it. So.

Zhang Chen felt like he was being shot coldly, and even more so, he felt like he was unprepared.

It turned out that not only the Wenzhou old lady had been monitoring them, but the Wenzhou old lady's daughter had been eyeing them for a long time. She also knew that another shop in the old market copied Zhang Chen's style, but the business was in a mess, so she went to see it. , I immediately knew that it was not the style, but the fabric.

She knew that these styles were designed by Zhang Chen, but she didn't know that the factory was also their own. What she was thinking in her mind was that as long as she found this factory, she would have to pay a few more yuan in processing fees. She was not afraid that the factory would not tell the truth. Here, it is easy to know where the fabric comes from. She can even ask the factory to stop Zhang Chen and the others and make it for herself.

In this way, even the version is ready-made.

Nothing else. Her confidence outweighs her strength. How could Zhang Chen be no match for her? Is it not easy to pry off one of his factories?

She used the stupidest and most effective method and immediately found the factory in Sanbao. She sent her husband to Zhang Chen's market to guard it. After Lao Wan finished delivering the goods and returned, he followed Behind Lao Wan, we followed him all the way to the factory.

(Later, Zhao Zhigang also remembered it. He said that there was such a person. He came in that day and said that he was looking for a processing factory to process clothes. He asked Zhao Zhigang if he could take it. Zhao Zhigang told him that we do not accept external orders. Our boss has it himself. We only cook the stall for ourselves. The man left after hearing what Zhao Zhigang said.)

After they knew that the factory belonged to Zhang Chen and the others, they understood that the factory could not be pried, so they had to do the next best thing and find the fabric. The daughter pretended to be a nearby villager. Anyway, as long as she didn't speak, no one would You will know that when Zhang Chen and Xiao Zhao were not in the factory, she pretended to be nearby villagers and went to their factory to watch the fun.

There are indeed many villagers who come to their factory when they have nothing to do, or when they are tired from working in the surrounding vegetable fields. Whether it is Zhao Zhigang or the people who cut houses, no one will pay attention to this.

Her daughter stole the code label from the fabrics piled in the cutting room. After asking someone to translate it into English, they found out that it was produced by a factory in Changshu. They rushed there, only to find that the factory had closed down.

They found a nearby weaving factory. After looking at the sample clothes they brought, the other party told them that it could be produced, but the fabric did not use conventional yarn and needed to be customized. It would take about a month from yarn to fabric. time.

One month? What's the use? By the time the fabric comes out, autumn will be over.

They thought that since the factories that produced fabrics had closed down, it was impossible for Zhang Chen to buy fabrics from factories.

When they returned to Hangzhou, they still used the stupidest and most effective method. They guarded outside Zhang Chen's factory every day for three days, and finally waited until Wang Hainiao delivered the fabric.

When Wang Hainiao left, they caught up with Wang Hainiao, told him that they wanted to buy this fabric, and asked Wang Hainiao how much it cost per meter. In fact, Wang Hainiao didn't want to do their business, so they casually said fifteen yuan. One meter of money.

Unexpectedly, they only paid back 14 yuan, and said that they would go 15,000 meters at a time.

They probably want to seize this opportunity to make more than 10,000 pieces of clothing in one order, and take advantage of their own stalls to make the last profit while the autumn clothes are still available for sale in ten days.

Wang Hainiao hesitated for a moment. The profit was too great. In the end, he couldn't hold back and sold it to them.

That's the thing.

After talking about it, the two of them felt calm. Zhang Chen smiled and said: "Then you will get paid with this sum."

Wang Hainiao chuckled. He said that I ordered an Iveco, which will make it easier to find fabrics in the future. If you want to use the car in the future, I will be in Hangzhou and I will be on call. By the way, boss, you won’t be discordant. Am I doing business?

"What do you think?" Zhang Chen asked.

Wang Hainiao smiled and said, "You can't. You are not a stingy person."

"Nonsense, I'm stingy. If it happens again, I will not only stop dealing with you, but I will also chop off your head." Zhang Chen said angrily.

"There won't be a next time. As your boss, I have to curry favor with you. They are just a handful of business."

"It's good to know."

"By the way, boss, whatever you need next, I promise to help you find it."

“I need stretch cotton, lots of stretch cotton.”

"Okay, take it with me."

"By the way, how many wick strips are there in your warehouse?" Zhang Chen asked.

"More than seven thousand meters."

"Send it to me in the afternoon. By the way, does this cost four yuan or fourteen yuan?" Zhang Chen joked.

Wang Hainiao glared at him and asked, "What do you think?"

Zhang Chen laughed loudly.

Zhang Chen stood up and was about to leave. Wang Hainiao left him to eat. Zhang Chen said, "I won't eat from traitors."

"Look, the boss is still stingy."

Zhang Chen said: "I really have something to do. You brought such a big mess to me, and you don't wipe your ass. Why don't I wipe my own ass?"

"Okay, hurry up and get out of here. Let's have some wine together when your butt is clean."

Zhang Chen really had something to do. When he heard Wang Hainiao talk about it, he had already thought about it clearly and knew what he should do. While riding on the road, he thought about the whole plan again. Yes, Just do it.

Zhang Chen returned to the stall and saw Xiao Zhao arriving. Four women were sitting there with sad faces. When He Hongmei saw him coming in, she shouted, "Why have you been here for so long? There was a fight?"

Zhang Chen smiled: "How could I be so boring?"

When Xiao Zhao saw Zhang Chen smiling, she almost cried. She said, you can still laugh, but you have no business at all.

Zhang Chen looked at her and nodded. He said, I know. Please prepare some money. Wang Hainiao will deliver more than 7,000 meters of fabric this afternoon.

Zhang Chen didn't tell Xiao Zhao that Wang Hainiao got the fabric from that store. He thought if he did, Xiao Zhao would be furious and ignore that person again.

"Are you crazy? Are you still buying fabrics?" Xiao Zhao shouted.

"Yes, we still need to make more progress." Zhang Chen said, "I calculated that these more than 7,000 meters, plus the fabrics, finished and semi-finished products in stock in the factory, can probably make more than 9,000 sets."

Xiao Zhao was anxious: "There are so many, how can we sell them now!"

"Sell against them, start a price war, and kill them all at once."

Zhang Chen had already calculated on the road that a set of clothes would be more than ten yuan more expensive than him in terms of fabric. When he calculated the wages, he calculated them directly to the workers. The other party was not his own factory, and the factory must be profitable. This profit should be about seven or eight yuan, which means that the other party's cost should be about twenty yuan higher than your own.

The most important thing is that his fabrics have already arrived, and all orders have been sent to the processing factory. He can no longer adjust this cost. If he reduces it further, it will only reduce the profit of the processing factory, and the processing factory will definitely not do it. No matter whether you sell it or not, it has always been the case that the processing fee negotiated is the final word.

The other party's packaging and wholesale are now five yuan cheaper than mine, and there is still a profit of fifteen to twenty. This profit is a normal profit in the old market.

The other party's booth fee is higher than your own, so if you want to fight...

Zhang Chen couldn't help laughing when he saw the four women staring at him, and asked, "Why are you all looking at me?"

"Look at you for showing off. Otherwise, what are you looking at? Do you think you are good-looking?" Xiao An scolded angrily.

"Don't dare." Zhang Chen said with a smile, "From now on, whether it is wholesale or packaged, it will be reduced by 35 yuan immediately!"

"Ah!" Xiao Zhao and Xiao Li were both surprised.

"This much?" He Hongmei asked.

"Yes, I have already calculated their costs. Their profit is between fifteen and twenty, without sharing the daily stall fee. If we reduce it by thirty-five, we can ensure that they lose money on every piece of clothing."

"But in this case, we won't make any money, right?" Xiao Zhao said.

"Yes, we have no money to make. At most, half of the factory is working for nothing, and half of it is still making money. But we must do this. They still have more than 10,000 pieces of clothes that have not been released. Starting from today, we have 9,000 pieces of clothes. If the number of pieces continues, their more than 10,000 pieces can be turned into inventory, unless they accept the loss and rush out, but the loss is not a small amount."

What Zhang Chen didn't tell Xiao Zhao and the others was that even so, he still didn't work in vain and still had a few yuan in profit. He was prepared to lower the price by another five yuan if the other party admitted compensation and followed up on their price. , that is your own cost.

Zhang Chen looked at the beggar's uniform outside the door and thought, what's more, this most profitable one has not yet participated in the price war.

Zhang Chen asked Xiao Zhao and the others in a low voice: "Do you know who is imitating us in the old market?"

They all shook their heads. Zhang Chen pointed to the next door and said, "Her daughter."

"Ah!" Several people were surprised.

"Mom, no wonder! It turns out the thief is around!" Xiao An scolded.

"Yes, the thieves are around us." Zhang Chen said, "If we don't beat them up this time, can we still have peace in the future?"

"I agree with what Master said, do it."

He Hongmei said, and she also laughed after saying this. When she said this, she completely regarded herself as one of their people, not their client.

Xiao Zhao held He Hongmei's hand, and she said to Zhang Chen: "Okay, let's do this."

"I'm going back to the factory to make arrangements. Will you go?" Zhang Chen asked He Hongmei.

"Go, go, there's a big sale. I have to go to the factory to deliver the goods. They also started shipping out the goods today. I have to catch up. If there is one from Chongqing, I will beat him to death." He Hongmei shouted.

When they arrived at the factory, Zhang Chen called Zhao Zhigang and Lao Wan over and told them what happened. Only then did Zhao Zhigang talk about what happened to the man that day, and said angrily:

"Oh, if I had known he was here to steal copies, I wouldn't have let him go that day and beat him until he was half dead."

"If you can even know this, you are a god." Zhang Chen said, "But in the future, we will still have to build a strong fence. Damn it, I never thought that this costume maker can still perform " Gunshots from the Bureau of Secrecy."

"That's because you have little knowledge." He Hongmei said, "This is normal in a shopping mall."

"Well, it's not that I don't understand, it's that the world is changing rapidly."

Zhang Chen told Lao Wan to immediately ask his fellow villagers who were expanding the sample room to stop what they were doing. First, erect an iron fence around the factory, and then add a gate at the intersection. He and Zhao Zhigang said:

"In the future, if they are not from the factory or someone you are familiar with, don't let them in. If this happened once, it will definitely happen again. We need to nip it in the bud."

Zhao Zhigang agreed that when he usually goes to work, he can close the door and only open it when necessary.

Lao Wan and Zhao Zhigang both walked out, leaving only Zhang Chen and He Hongmei in the office. He Hongmei and Zhang Chen said, now it seems that your idea of ​​expanding the showroom is too wise and too high.

After saying this, she went out and asked Lao Wan to prepare her own goods.

Zhang Chen thought of something. He dialed Xiao Li's phone and told him, on the label of the goods you sent for me, can you help me erase the name of your company with ink? Also, on the label Don’t write your company’s name and phone number on the outer woven bag.

He was worried that someone else would follow him to the shipping department, tear open the outer woven bag from the shipping department, and steal the label on the reel head.

Xiao Li immediately understood and said with a smile, "Why, do you want to keep it a secret?"


"In this case, I will remove all the labels on the roll and write another code sheet. All the quantities will be written on this code sheet. Together with the delivery note, I will pack it in the middle of the fabric and you will receive it. When you go out, cut the packing tape and look for it.”

Zhang Chen said yes, that’s it.

Thank you Tiger for your monthly pass! Thank you for all the recommendation votes and reading! I wish you all a happy life!

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