The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 581 Unquiet Sunday

Today, Sunday, Zhang Chen went to the factory first. A batch of cotton-padded clothes would be delivered to the sand washing factory early this morning. Zhang Chen went over to take a look. By the time he returned to the stall, it was almost seven o'clock.

He saw that Xiao An had arrived and was doing business with Xiao Li.

Zhang Chen walked in and said with a smile: "Haha, it's lively today."

Xiao An rolled her eyes at him: "You must feel very happy. Among the thousands of flowers, you are the only one who is green."

Not only Zhang Chen, but also the customers who received the goods looked at Zhang Chen and laughed. They were both women. Among the four women in this stall, only Zhang Chen was a man.

Zhang Chen simply withdrew and followed Xiao An and Xiao Li to deal with the two customers. He walked to A Yong's stall. When he turned around, he saw Feng Zhen's face was ugly. Her face had always been ugly, but It seems particularly ugly today.

Zhang Chen walked to Ayong's stall, and Ayong couldn't help laughing when he saw him.

"What are you laughing at? Did you find your wallet?" Zhang Chen asked.

Ayong pursed his lips towards his booth and asked in a low voice: "Where do you, little sisters, come from?"

Zhang Chen knew that he was asking Xiao An, so he said, friend, what's wrong?

"Look at the color of the coat. I don't always have quarrels in the morning. It's so scary. (It's very powerful. I have quarrels so early in the morning. I'm scared to death)."

A Yong said, shaking his head towards Feng Zhen. Zhang Chen understood that it was Xiao An and Feng Zhen who had a fight. No wonder Feng Zhen looked so ugly.

Zhang Chen quickly asked: "What's going on?"

A Yong briefly told him what had happened. It turned out that Xiao An had arrived early and was waiting for Xiao Li at the door. After Xiao Li arrived, the two of them opened the door and moved the models, and Xiao Li opened the light boxes. , as soon as Xiaoli opened the light box, Fengzhen started scolding her. She probably looked at the two little girls opposite and thought they were salesmen.

Xiaoli was from out of town, and she thought Xiao An was also from out of town. She cursed in Hangzhou dialect, which was very unpleasant. Unexpectedly, just after she cursed a few words, Xiao An jumped up, rushed to her stall, pointed at her nose and screamed , If you have the ability to say one more word, will you get slapped?

If you keep nagging, believe it or not, I will tear your mouth apart. Come on, if you want to make a fuss, just make a fuss and have fun. Sijiqing or Wulin Square, you choose the place.

If A Yong and the people at the stall next to him hadn't come to stop her, Feng Zhen might have really been slapped.

When Fengzhen arrived, she didn't expect that Xiao An was also a native of Hangzhou, and she didn't expect that he was also a vicious man. At that time, she withered and didn't dare to say a word.

After A Yong finished speaking, he laughed, and Zhang Chen also laughed. He shook his head and thought, this Xiao An is also gentle and soft-spoken when he is with Qu Tianlin, and he looks very well-behaved. He is pretty good when he is close to Zhu.

When she arrived at the market, she looked completely different. It seemed that her ability to adapt to the environment was really fast. I didn't know which one was the real her.

After the two customers left, Zhang Chen saw He Hongmei walking into their stall carrying a black bag. He saw Zhang Chen sitting next to A Yong and waved to him.

Zhang Chen walked over.

"Here, the old market has re-produced its imitation. It was just launched today. The package price and wholesale price are both five yuan cheaper than yours."

Zhang Chen smiled and said, "What fabric was used this time?"

He Hongmei kicked the black bag on the ground and said to Zhang Chen, "See for yourself."

Zhang Chen squatted down, opened the black bag, and felt his head buzzing. He saw the five-piece suit of clothes in the black bag. The style was exactly the same as theirs, and it also used the same wick strip. If it weren't for the different trademarks, At first glance, Zhang Chen really thought it was his own.

Xiaoli saw it from the side and shouted: "No wonder, this morning, there were several customers who asked about the price and then left. So far today, I have only done the two businesses just now, and they are still the same." client."

Zhang Chen saw a sales bill inside, picked it up, and walked out without saying a word.

He looked for the stall number according to the sales list, and saw many people in that stall from a distance. Zhang Chen exclaimed in his heart, it's over, he told himself.

I walked to the door of the stall and looked inside. There were many people in the stall getting goods. It seemed that a lot of them had been sold out and they were almost gone. What appeared on the wall were the same five sets of clothes as them. Zhang Chen I saw the excited boss lady's face glowing red, with beads of sweat on her forehead.

Zhang Chen was shocked and felt that he had seen this person somewhere.

The landlady turned around and saw Zhang Chen standing in the passage outside. She was stunned for a moment, and immediately turned her head. At this moment, Zhang Chen remembered, wasn't this landlady just going there for ten days and a half? Is this the daughter of an old lady from Wenzhou who went to the market?

It turned out that the old Wenzhou lady who seemed to be oblivious to what was going on outside the window had actually been observing them from the side. She must have revealed the situation of their stall to her daughter.

Zhang Chen turned around and walked outside, his mind in a mess.

When he reached the door of his market, he stopped, took out a cigarette and smoked it, trying his best to calm down. Now that something had happened, he felt that what he needed to do now was how to face it.

He couldn't rush into their stall and make a fuss. There are a lot of imitations in the market. Being imitated can only mean you are unlucky. What can you do? Your clothes don't have a patent. You don't even have one. There is a way to prove that these are what you designed. Only you and their old customers know about this. What's the use of knowing it?

This is why Zhang Chen stood outside the stall to look at it, but walked away without saying anything.

He thought of the old lady from Wenzhou who would tell her daughter that the business at their stall was booming. Didn't they know about the stall in the old market? That's why they copied it, but the fabric they chose was wrong. It seemed like their stall had already been sold. I was targeted by many people in the old market.

Yes, fabric, fabric is the key.

Zhang Chen walked to the parking lot, opened his bicycle and rode out.

Wang Hainiao opened the tea can and poured tea leaves into his large enamel teapot. He looked at it and felt it was not enough, so he poured some more. When he picked up the thermos and filled the teapot, he saw Zhang Chen leaving. Come in.

Wang Hainiao smiled and said: "Hey, big boss, what kind of wind brings you here?"

Zhang Chen looked at him with a livid face and said nothing. Wang Hainiao's heart skipped a beat, and he continued to smile, "Okay, let's make a cup of tea first."

He took a cup, swamped it with boiling water, poured it on the ground, picked up the tea can, opened it, poured some tea leaves into the cup, and made Zhang Chen a cup of tea.

Zhang Chen had already sat down at the table. Wang Hainiao pushed the tea over and told him, try it, try it, this tea is good.

"Did you get their fabrics from here?" Zhang Chen asked straight to the point.

"What fabric, which them?"

"That Wenzhou guy from the old market, did you get their wick strip fabric from here?" Zhang Chen looked at Wang Hainiao and asked again.

Wang Hainiao panicked for a moment, and immediately said: "Crazy Qifengba, look at the wick strips in my stall. If you tell me about the hairy ones, I will take them to the warehouse."

After just a moment of panic, Zhang Chen already knew in his heart that his guess was correct. The fabric in that stall was obtained from Wang Hainiao.

Zhang Chen felt cool, but he still tried his best to control himself. He said to Wang Hainiao in as calm a voice as possible:

"Tell the truth. If you still think that I am your friend, then tell me the truth. The fabric is yours. Whoever you sell the fabric to is your freedom. I don't blame you, and I have no right to blame you. But I just want you to tell me honestly, what is going on?"

"No, I sell the fabrics here to you. No one else has sold them. There are so many weaving factories, who knows where they get the goods from." Wang Hainiao defended, "What stall are you talking about? , I don’t know him at all.”

"It's impossible. This batch of goods is a foreign trade order. For some reason, it didn't go out. You ate them all. How could other factories have it? If it's just ordinary fabrics, I believe you when you say this, wick strips , it’s so special that other factories can’t have it.”

When Zhang Chen said this, he felt confident in his heart. He had not seen this kind of fabric in the factory in Jiangyin he had visited.

Especially for Xiao Li and his colleagues in Zhangjiagang, they had such a large-scale factory and hundreds of kinds of linen materials in the warehouse, but he didn't see any wick strips. If this fabric was a popular commodity, it would be impossible for them to have it.

Wang Hainiao wanted to say something, but felt that he couldn't find a good way to say it. He could only drink the tea in sips. The tea was very hot, as if the mucous membrane in his mouth was boiling, but he still didn't. Feeling it, continue to drink sip after sip.

Zhang Chen sighed and said, I don't mean to blame you. I said, I just want to find out what is going on. Since I am here today, I will not leave until I find out.

Wang Hai was silent, and both of them were silent. After a while, he still picked up the big teapot and drank one mouthful at a time. When he picked up the cup again, his hands were trembling slightly.

Zhang Chen sighed again. He said okay, let's do one thing. Count how many goods I bought from you. If you don't have this number, I have it here. I can tell you. Yes, you first told me how many bamboo hemp and wick strips you have here. I also wrote down this number.

Since you said you have never sold goods to them, let's go to your warehouse now to see how much of these fabrics are left. If the numbers match, it can prove that you have indeed never sold them. For such a small matter, I will let you Is it too much for you to help me?

What Zhang Chen said was actually bluffing him. Wang Hainiao did tell himself at that time how much the two fabrics cost in total. He remembered that it was more than 90,000 meters, but he didn't remember the specific length of each type. At that time, I felt that more than 90,000 meters was an astronomical figure. How could I use so much? I didn't care at all.

As for the fabrics sent by Wang Hainiao, he sent them too many times every four or five kilometers. He actually didn’t know how much they were. He only remembered that more than half of the fabrics had been used. After this autumn, he He was sure to use them all, but he would not know exactly how much he had used until he went to Xiao Zhao's place and checked how much he had paid for the fabric.

Hearing what Zhang Chen said, Wang Hainiao knew in his heart that today's matter could not be avoided without telling the truth. He still wanted to continue doing Zhang Chen's business and even make this friend. He had already determined in his heart that this boy's business would It will definitely grow bigger and bigger. Only by relying on this big tree can I enjoy the shade.

At the same time, he was very grateful to Zhang Chen for helping him solve his major problem at once. If Zhang Chen hadn't discovered these rubbish and turned waste into treasure, how could his life have been so easy?

Alas, my only fault was that I couldn't withstand the temptation that day.

Wang Hainiao put down the cup and finally made up his mind. He said to Zhang Chen, "Oh, it's my fault that I sold it to them because I was confused and hot-headed."

Zhang Chen nodded and asked, "How much did you sell?"

"Fifteen thousand meters."

Zhang Chen quickly calculated in his mind that he could make about 11,000 sets of clothes.

"When was it sold?"

"More than a week... let me think about it, nine days, nine days ago."

The cloth bought nine days ago was shipped for the first time today. Zhang Chen knew clearly that the processing factory found by the other party was not very large. They were waiting for the styles and sizes to be available, so they needed these days.

"How much does it cost to sell a meter?"

"Hmm...ten...fourteen yuan."

"So high, really?"


"Then you're not fucking rich." Zhang Chen laughed.

Seeing Zhang Chen smiling, Wang Hainiao also laughed.

Thank you Li Ruijin for your monthly ticket! Thank you for all the votes and reading! I wish you all a happy life!

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