The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 562 The huge sum of money comes quietly

Next, Zhang Chen was going to the Hangcheng Labor Service Center on Hanghai Road. Under the gray building of the service center, there was a courtyard. There were security guards at the gate of the courtyard. There were two recruitment markets inside and outside the courtyard.

Inside the gate, there are some formal units carrying out formal recruitment work. Desks are lined up in rows, and there is a long queue in front of each table. When a unit recruits people, they stand up and take the job. When people go to the second unit and sit down, they don't care about the people in line. They continue to line up. It doesn't matter what unit they are in. They are all working anyway, so as long as they can get in, that's fine.

The labor market at that time was still a demand-side market. Only the employer chose part-time workers, and few part-time workers chose the employer. It was not easy to find a job, and there was no choice. In order to find a job, many people even I paid registration fees everywhere, but was deceived by some shady intermediary companies, and got nothing in the end.

Some people even went to some units and paid deposits, registration fees, clothing fees, and other miscellaneous fees, so that you could officially go to work ten days later. When you went to work, you found that the building was empty and the unit did not exist at all.

When it rains, recruitment will be moved to the lobby inside. There are too many people applying here every day, and most of them are people who have just gotten off the train and cars and have not showered for several days. The air in the lobby is extremely polluted, so if Not as a last resort, everyone prefers to recruit in the open air in the yard.

Outside the gate, a free recruitment market has formed. Every day, many people squat on both sides of Hanghai Road, waiting for people to come here to recruit odd jobs. In front of these people are the tools of carpenters or masons, and some people have written " The words "plumber", "painter" and "welder" were placed on the ground, and people gathered next to them to play cards in a pile.

When he saw someone standing in front of the sign, he walked over with the old K sign in hand. If he could not reach an agreement or the other party had no intention of recruiting workers, he just took a look and went back to continue playing his cards.

There are also units that are reluctant to spend money to recruit people inside the hospital, so they shout outside. If someone comes around, they explain the conditions clearly. If they are still willing to go, they point their fingers and say, "You, you, you, come with me." This scene is very strange. Like the wild recruiters in front of the recruitment wall in East Lake, Haicheng.

Most of these units are not formal units. They are mostly workshops and small restaurants that do not even have business licenses.

If the recruiter stood there for too long, the security guard at the door would rush over. The crowd would disperse with a roar, and then gather together again after the security guard left.

There are so many people that even the security guards can't control them. Most of the time, they can only turn a blind eye.

Zhang Chen rode more than ten meters toward the labor service center and then turned around. He thought he should go back first and tell Xiao Zhao the good news that the business license procedures had been completed.

Zhang Chen parked his bicycle and the BB recorder in his waist rang. He looked and saw that it was Xiao Zhao. It turned out that Xiao Zhao had already detained him three times. He didn't hear the first two times on the road.

Zhang Chen hurried back to the stall. When Xiao Zhao saw him, he waved hurriedly, with a flustered expression and nervousness written all over his face. Zhang Chen hurriedly walked over and asked, what's wrong?

Xiao Zhao lowered his voice and said, "Something happened?"

"What happened?"

Xiao Zhao picked up his bankbook and opened it to Zhang Chen. Zhang Chen took a look and was startled, and asked quickly: "What's going on?"

"I don't know either." Xiao Zhao said anxiously, "I asked A Yong to look after the stall for me, and I went to deposit the business funds. When the passbook was returned to me, that was it."

Zhang Chen saw an income of 300,000 yuan in the penultimate line of the passbook, and the balance in the row below also had an additional 300,000 yuan.

"Could it be that the bank made a mistake?" Zhang Chen asked.

"No, I asked, and they said it was a supplementary registration, and the money arrived in the morning." Xiao Zhao said, "Dear, tell me, with so much extra money, will something happen? Yes? Could it be some criminals?"

Zhang Chen laughed: "Criminals will steal your money, but they will not give it to you. If there is such a stupid criminal, he probably doesn't have enough IQ if he wants to commit a crime."

"You're still laughing, but isn't it scary to have so much extra money?" Xiao Zhao was anxious.

"Then you didn't ask the bank where the money came from?"

"I asked, and she said it was entered into the account this morning. I asked who remitted it, and she said they have regulations and this cannot be disclosed." Xiao Zhao said, "But who would remit so much to us without saying a word? Money?”

Zhang Chen also felt that this was strange. He suddenly thought, could it be Meng Ping? Didn't he ask for the money he gave him last time? Zhang Chen asked Xiao Zhao: "Does Qian Fang know your account number?"

Xiao Zhao shook her head. She said she didn't know, and it was Qian Fanghui's. If she didn't tell it in advance, she would tell it later, right?

Zhang Chen thought about it too.

"Dear, can you go to the bank and ask again?" Xiao Zhao said.

"They said there are regulations and they can't tell you, so if I go, won't it be the same?"

Xiao Zhao chuckled, shook Zhang Chen and said, "It's different. I saw your little sister with medium-long hair working at another window."

Zhang Chen understood that Xiao Zhao wanted him to go through the back door, so Zhang Chen said angrily: "No, I'm not familiar with her either."

"Let's go, let's go, Guo Guo, you are not familiar with her, but she is very familiar with you. She will definitely tell you." Xiao Zhao said with a smile, "Look, I agree that my husband sacrificed his appearance."

Zhang Chen glared at her, Xiao Zhao laughed, put the bankbook into Zhang Chen's hand, and pushed him behind. Zhang Chen really wanted to know what was going on, so he left.

When Zhang Chen arrived at the bank, he saw the girl working and lined up at her window. When it was Zhang Chen's turn, the girl looked up and saw him and smiled: "Is that you?"

Zhang Chen quickly said hello.

“Withdraw money or deposit money?”

Zhang Chen handed the bankbook in and lowered his voice and said to her, "Please help me see if a sum of 300,000 yuan came in this morning?"

The girl took one look and said, yes, it's not written very clearly here.

"Can you help me find out who sent it?"

The girl glanced at him, said nothing, stood up and walked away. After a while, she came back, closed the bankbook and gave it back to him. Zhang Chen kept the bankbook. The girl did not tell him who remitted it to him, but He asked: "Do you know someone named Liu Ligan in Hainan?"

Zhang Chen understood and quickly said thank you!

Zhang Chen walked out of the bank and went back to the stall. Zhang Chen never thought that Liu Ligan remitted the money to him. He thought of Meng Ping but not of Liu Ligan. This was because Liu Ligan was paid, so he could not With so much money, and this guy basically ate it all up, including performance bonuses and dividends, that should be at the end of the year, not now.

Unless he borrowed it from his work unit like last time, how could he borrow such money and pay it to himself for no reason?

Unless Xiao Zhao told him that they were short of money now, but that was impossible. If Xiao Zhao had told him, then Xiao Zhao should know that the money came from Liu Ligan.

Zhang Chen returned to the stall and Xiao Zhao asked, how was it?

Zhang Chen looked at Xiao Zhao and asked, have you told Liu Ligan or Qian Fang that we want to set up a factory?

"No." Xiao Zhao said, "We are going to set up a factory, and only Sister Qu knows. She also asked me if I needed help. I told her no, why..."

Xiao Zhao understood and shouted: "You mean, this money was transferred with a pole?"

Zhang Chen nodded and Xiao Zhao laughed. She said: "What an idiot. We should have thought of it earlier. Only he knows our account number. Didn't he call us 20,000 yuan last time and let us go back to Yongcheng?" For his parents?"

Zhang Chen also remembered this incident.

"But why would he give so much money to his parents?" Xiao Zhao asked.

Zhang Chen picked up the phone on the table and dialed Liu Ligan's office. The call was answered by Wu Zhaohui. When he heard it was Zhang Chen, he said, Mr. Zhang, please wait a moment. Mr. Liu is doing something big. .

"What's the big deal?" Zhang Chen asked curiously.


Zhang Chen laughed loudly.

Liu Ligan came back, snatched the microphone away, and shouted in a pretentious manner: "Oh, it's Mr. Zhang. It's so rare. Why do you have time to call me today?"

"What the hell happened to that money?"

"Haha, have you received it? Are you surprised or surprised? Do you feel a little like getting rich overnight?"

"Stop blabbering, where did this money come from?"

"It's yours."


"Of course, you still think I gave it to you? I wanted to give it to you, but now, I'm the mother of the damn family and I'm about to be squeezed dry by them. I'm short on money, but I'm a little better now."

"Tell me clearly what's going on."

"Okay, I'll break it down with you next time when I sit down." Liu Ligan took the microphone, sat down on the chair, and told Wu Zhaohui to get me a bottle of water.

"You just peeed down below, and you want to pee at the top again?" Wu Zhaohui asked. Zhang Chen heard it on the phone and laughed again. Liu Ligan glared at Wu Zhaohui fiercely.

Zhang Chen also sat down. He was worried that the people next to him would hear, so he didn't dare to press the speaker phone. Xiao Zhao's head was almost touching his, and he was also very anxious to listen.

"Zhang Chen, you left Haicheng and forgot that you still have assets in Haicheng?"

"I have shit assets."

"It's just an asset, no shit. Did you really forget about that piece of land?"

Zhang Chen suddenly realized and remembered that Liu Ligan should be talking about Lao Xie's land. Liu Ligan continued:

"The Longkun South Road has been opened. Although the land was divided into two parts, under the good situation in Hainan, it still became popular. Someone offered ten times the money to sublease. When Lao Xie asked me, I made my own decision. The idea was agreed, so the 50,000 yuan we invested turned into 500,000 yuan and I gave you your 300,000 yuan. Why, you don’t want it?”

It turns out that's what happened. In that case, the money is really my own. However, the pie is too big and it fell too suddenly. Zhang Chen asked stupidly: "You mean, that broken ground, Lao Xie?" Five million was actually sublet?"

"Yes, Lao Xie is so rich now." Liu Ligan said with a smile.

"What's up with him?"

"Do you still remember his factory? Now it has become an entertainment venue, a hotel, a movie theater, and a hypermarket. They are all plural. Lao Xie can collect more than two million yuan in rent a year."

Zhang Chen was surprised: "Lao Xie's factory, according to the plan, isn't it located on the roadside?"

"Yes, but Lao Xie has a way. When he sublet this land to others, he specified in the agreement that the area in front of his factory can only be used as a parking lot. Therefore, the area in front of his factory is now It’s a large parking lot. This is not a house on the street, but a house on the street. Tell me, is Jiang too old?”

"Awesome, indeed awesome!"

Zhang Chen also smiled, but he was even more happy because now he felt at ease. It turned out that the 300,000 yuan was really his own. Liu Ligan just deliberately didn't tell them in advance and wanted to tease them.

After hanging up the phone, Zhang Chen looked at Xiao Zhao, and both of them laughed.

When Zhang Chen and Liu Ligan were on the phone just now, Xiao Zhao and Zhang Chen's hands were tightly clasped together without even realizing it. Only now did they realize that their palms were sweaty.

Thank you Lao Chentang and Laughing and Running Y for the tip! Thanks for all the votes and reading! I wish you all good health!

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