The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 505 Jinghai City

The three people returned to Director Wang's office. Liu Ligan and Zheng Wei were about to leave. Zheng Wei asked:

"Director Wang, do you have a smaller version of the plan we just looked at? Can you provide us with a copy?"

Director Wang looked at Liu Ligan and then at Zheng Wei, hesitating a little. He said he didn't have this thing here. No one would believe it. Otherwise, how could you report it for approval and report it to leaders at all levels? Walking around with such a big map?

But this information is the internal information of their planning bureau, and it is expressly stipulated that it cannot be provided to external units without authorization, or disclosed to the public.

Liu Ligan looked at him and understood. He quickly said: "Wang Chu, you still can't trust me? We are only using it for internal discussion and reference. It is limited to a few of our senior people and will never be spread outside. This information is money." It’s just a business opportunity, but we’re still worried about others knowing about it. Either way, there are leaders from Beijing here today, you can lend it to me and I’ll promise to return it to you in a few days.”

For this reason, Wang Chu was pushed to the wall. If you keep nagging, you won't be a buddy. Isn't that what a buddy needs when you make mistakes all the time? It's all business, so who wants you as a buddy?

Director Wang clapped his hands and said, "Okay, I'll send Buddha to the west. Mr. Liu, just don't hurt me!"

He stood up, walked to the cabinet, opened the cabinet, took out a printed matter as big as a newspaper, and spread it on the desk. Liu Ligan and Zheng Wei saw that the light yellow cover printed: "Haicheng City Urban and Rural Development Plan - 1992", under the cover, there are eight large characters printed "Internal information, please pay attention to confidentiality."

When you open it, you will find a dazzling array of things inside, from the general planning map of Haicheng to the planning plans of various districts and major public projects.

Liu Ligan and Zheng Wei were overjoyed. Liu Ligan smiled and said, "That's funny, Wang Chu. Next time you need me, feel free to insert your sword, but don't show mercy."

"screw you!"

Director Wang cursed. He took two newspapers from the table, handed them to Liu Ligan, and said to him, "Here, wrap them up and don't let anyone see them when you take them out."

Liu Ligan and Zheng Wei returned to the company, and Wei Wenfang also came back. Liu Ligan asked how she was doing.

Wei Wenfang said that it was done, and Section Chief Xiao asked me to get the license the day after tomorrow.

Wei Wenfang laughed as he spoke. Liu Ligan said, "Why are you laughing?"

"Chief Xiao asked me to tell you that you must let me get it. If you go, he will not give us the license." Wei Wenfang said, and Liu Ligan and Zheng Wei both laughed.

"Then be careful, maybe that guy Xiao Zhanbo has taken a liking to you." Liu Ligan said.

Liu Ligan and Zheng Wei walked into Liu Ligan's office. Zheng Wei said, "I'm going to wash my hands."

When they were saying goodbye, Director Wang held her hand again. He held it for a long time. The hand was soft and greasy. It made me feel sick just thinking about it. If not for the precious plan that Director Wang gave them. For the sake of the book, she had already put her hand away.

How can I not wash my hands?

Zheng Wei walked to the washbasin and just turned on the faucet. Liu Ligan followed her in. He walked behind her and put his arms around her waist. Zheng Wei smiled, tilted his head back and pressed his face against Liu Ligan. s face.

Liu Lizhan kissed her neck and moved his hand upward.

The water from the faucet was running loudly, and Zheng Wei didn't have time to turn it off. His hands were wet, so Zheng Wei didn't have time to wipe them dry. He turned around, and the two hugged each other and started kissing.

The two things assigned by President Zhu now have a clue, and both of them are in a good mood. At the same time, they have a feeling that they are about to start fighting side by side together, and there is even more tenderness in their hearts.

"Okay, be careful someone comes." Zheng Wei said softly and pushed Liu Lipole away.

Liu Ligan kissed her again before going out. Zheng Wei turned around and continued to wash her hands. She looked up at herself in the mirror, her face flushed, and she couldn't help but make a face at herself.

After the two people sat down to discuss, they couldn't wait for President Zhu and Sun Hou to come over at 5:30. Zheng Wei called President Zhu's room and learned that President Zhu and the others were still in the hotel. Zheng Wei said, "Mr. Liu and I will come over right away. "

Liu Ligan and Zheng Wei took the planning album to Wanghai International Hotel. After the four of them sat down, they spread the album on the coffee table. Liu Ligan and Zheng Wei talked to President Zhu and Sun Hou about their plans for the new project. They also introduced Director Wang's proposal to develop the west coast.

Governor Zhu and Sun Hou think both projects are very good, but in comparison, they also prefer the Jinghaicheng plan. They feel that the development of the entire island will have a more sensational effect and will also be more autonomous. It is a three-sided project. Huanjiang is an independent island close to the sea. The decision-making power on how to plan and construct the island is completely in their own hands.

President Zhu immediately picked up the phone, called President Li, and reported the two projects to the branch manager in detail based on the planning map.

After listening to this, President Li told him that there was no need to think about it. As for the Shanghai Haicheng project, if the funds were under pressure, they could refinance or take the trust route. If that didn't work, we could also introduce overseas consortium funds, or I would ask the head office to Support, you let Xiao Liu and the others do it.

After hanging up the phone, the three of them had already heard President Li's instructions on the phone without the need for President Zhu to convey it to them. President Zhu told them that it was settled.

"There is another problem. Xinbu Island is not within the planning scope of Haicheng Planning Bureau. When we develop Xinbu Island, we must include it in the overall planning of Haicheng. Otherwise, the municipal supporting facilities will not be there, and we will have to do everything. It is very difficult to do it yourself. To adjust the plan, you need the consent of the provincial and municipal levels, and you also need to submit it to the central government for approval." Liu Ligan, Zhu Xingchang and Sun Hou said.

Governor Zhu looked at Sun Hou, and Sun Hou looked at Zheng Wei. He said: "To raise troops for a thousand days and use them for a while, all the resources in our bank can be mobilized. Besides, this is not for our personal benefit, but also for the country's contribution." , there’s nothing you can’t talk about, what do you think, Lao Zheng?”

Zheng Wei smiled slightly and said okay, let's work hard.

President Zhu was obviously relieved when he heard what the two of them said. He and Liu Ligan said, you hurry up and make the plan. After we report it to the branch for official approval, we can start taking action.

Liu Ligan said yes.

The next day, Wu Zhaohui and Wei Wenfang accompanied President Zhu and Sun Hou to drive to Sanya. Sun Hou said that in Beijing, when talking about Hainan Island, it means the ends of the earth. Only when they arrived in Hainan did they realize that the real ends of the world are in Sanya, and they have not been there several times. If you pass by Sanya, you must visit Sanya this time.

Liu Ligan made an appointment with Mr. Han, Meng Ping, and Jason from Hong Kong's P\u0026T Architectural Design Company, and asked them to go to Xinbu Island to help him come up with ideas on what to do about the island's development plan.

At this time, Liu Ligan thought of Zhang Chen. He thought it would be great if Zhang Chen were here. He would definitely be able to give himself a lot of ideas. His imagination in space is so rich. After reading this Island, it won't take long before he will have a picture of the island's future in his mind and be able to draw it with a pen.

Wu Zhaohui drove to Sanya, and Meng Ping asked Cao Xiaohe to drive with him to pick up Mr. Han. Qian Fang drove another car and picked up Liu Ligan and Zheng Wei first, and then picked up Jason.

They arranged to meet at the end of Causeway Road.

By the time Liu Ligan and the others arrived, Meng Ping and Mr. Han had already arrived ahead of them.

Where they parked their car, here was a two- or three-story old Nanyang-style house, and there was a vegetable field. At the end of the vegetable field was a low bush, and behind the bush was the Henggou River. In fact, it is also separated from the Nandu River, one on the left and one on the right, surrounding Xinbu Island. Xinbu Island is surrounded by the river on three sides and faces the Qiongzhou Strait on one side.

The Nandu River is the largest river in Hainan Island. Xinbu Island is located at the mouth of the Nandu River. It is an estuary island formed by the impact of the river over many years. There is no one living on the island and it is deserted. There are no bridges connecting Haidian Island and Haicheng City. You can’t get to the island without crossing the river by boat.

They searched along the bushes and finally found a gap. Going down the steps from this gap, there was a simple small dock. There were two small fishing boats moored on the dock. Liu Ligan asked the people on the fishing boats if they could send them away. When they went to the opposite island, the fishermen told them that there was no dock on the island. Even if the boat docked, it would be difficult to get on, and there would be no way up.

They had no choice but to give up and return to the parking place. Mr. Han suggested that we find a nearby building and go to the top of the building to have a look at the island, so that we can have an intuitive feeling.

Everyone said yes.

They walked back along Changdi Road and slowly drove out for more than a hundred or two hundred meters. Mr. Han and Cao Xiaohe said that that building was the building in front of them.

Cao Xiaohe turned left and went in. Qian Fang followed behind and parked the car in the parking space at the gate. Qian Fang got out of the car and negotiated with the security guard of the building. The security guard called their captain, who agreed. They went to the top of the building to have a look and asked the security guard to accompany them. He told Qian Fang that if he didn't open the door, you wouldn't be able to get to the top of the building.

Qian Fang thanked the captain and walked back to greet Liu Ligan and the others to get out of the car.

A group of people entered the hall on the first floor. Liu Ligan was chatting with Jason in front of him and didn't notice where they were. When he entered the hall, he saw four huge stainless steel characters on the wall facing the door, Liu Ligan. The pole was startled.

Those four words are: "Jingfa Group".

That clear figure immediately appeared in Liu Ligan's mind, with the same sharp gaze as the boss. Isn't this Huang Meili's father, Huang Hongguang's company?

Thank you Lao Chentang for the tip! Thank you Dugu and Leo for your monthly votes! Thank you for all the recommendation votes and reading! I wish you all good health!

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