The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 504 Falling in love with an island

When Director Wang saw Liu Ligan and Zheng Wei coming in, he stood up happily. They were together. They were with Meng Ping and Qian Fang. They had eaten together countless times and had long been friends.

What else do Haicheng people do when they get off work at night? They just eat and sing. The men go on to do what men do. It's easy to become as close as a family.

Although Liu Ligan's company is diagonally across from the Planning Bureau, the two of them spend a lot of time talking on the phone, eating together, and not going to each other's offices much. Therefore, although Liu Ligan is an old acquaintance, Director Wang sees When he came to see him, he still shouted, "There are few guests, few guests. What gust of wind brought Mr. Liu here?"

"Yao Feng. It's so hot in Haicheng right now. Director Wang is a busy man and also a popular person. How about I don't come and show my face? If we haven't seen each other for three days, I'm afraid that Director Wang will forget me. Next time he sees me, Liu Ligan , with their chins in the air." Liu Ligan said.

Director Wang laughed loudly, held Liu Ligan's hand and kept shaking it: "Even if I forget the old woman in my family, I dare not forget you, Mr. Liu."

Zheng Wei had never met Director Wang, so Liu Ligan introduced them to them. Director Wang held Zheng Wei's hand and couldn't bear to let go. He smiled and said, "Oh, all of them are young and promising. When I see you, I will I really wish I was ten years younger."

"Director Wang, thank you for the award. You are now in the prime of life."

Zheng Wei smiled, trying to take his hand out, but failed. He could only continue to hold it for a while, and then pumped again. Finally, he succeeded, but he felt sick in his heart. He felt that this man from Haicheng, looked at When meeting the opposite sex, it's like a switch is turned on immediately, and he immediately reveals his hunger and thirst without even a little bit of concealment.

Liu Ligan asked Director Wang, Haicheng is so hot, and the current planning of Haicheng is still what I saw before, without adjustment?

Director Wang said: "The situation is stronger than people. How can we keep up with the development of the situation without adjustments? Of course we have."

"Let me go, how come your plan still looks like a stepmother's face, changing at any time?" Liu Ligan said with a smile.

"Of course, planning and planning, we will do what the leaders plan. The leaders of Haicheng change like a revolving door." Director Wang said.

"Wait a minute, Wang Chu, wait a minute. I must write down what you said so that I can use it for reporting later." Liu Ligan said seriously.

Wang Chu laughed, glanced at Zheng Wei and said, "Remember, remember, I'm a broken C-man who has reached the top. It's not my fault. If I don't do it, they really won't be able to find a replacement." , the people who want to poach me are waiting in line."

"Does that mean that I also want to join the queue?"

"It's too late, it won't be your turn to jump in line."

Director Wang said, feeling quite proud. Liu Li pushed the pole again and shouted: "Okay, you are not Director Wang, you are the number one, the beautiful lady Wang who is stunning in Haicheng."

Zheng Wei burst into laughter, and Director Wang looked at her and was also happy.

Director Wang took them to the next door. Liu Ligan saw that the original sand table was gone. It was on the shelf of the sand table. It was now covered with a layer of glass. On the glass was a huge planning map of Haicheng. Wang The director turned on the light under the glass and told Liu Ligan that the new sand table was still being made, so he would use this map to top it first.

Liu Ligan asked, where is the new adjustment part of the plan?

Director Wang took the billiard stick, pointed it to them on the map, and said to them: "The most important places are these. First, if you see it, it is right here at our door, at the head of Longkun North Road, here We need to build a century bridge to connect to Haidian Island, right here at Hainan University, so as to connect the entire Haidian Island to the urban area."

"What a loss!" Liu Ligan shouted, "If this is the case, will the value of the houses on both sides of Longkun North Road increase even more?"

"Of course. Take a look. This end of Longkun North Road is connected to the Century Bridge to Haidian Island. This end is connected to the South Bridge. In the past is Longkun South Road, all the way to the planned Meilan Airport, and behind it is In the Guomao Development Zone, the short length of more than 300 meters on Longkun North Road must be very valuable,” Director Wang said.

Liu Ligan and Zheng Wei looked at each other. Liu Ligan felt that his Hongyu Building was sold too early. Moreover, he did not regard this as a selling point in the advertisement at the time. If it was marked that his building was located between the South Bridge and the Century Bridge, In the middle, which is equivalent to the best place to get down from the approach bridges on both sides, the price can still go up.

"Don't think too much. There is no such selling point. If you have the ability, just leave it alone. The price has skyrocketed by now." Zheng Wei said with a smile. She seemed to understand what Liu Ligan was thinking.

"We need to withdraw funds as soon as possible. There is no such thing as early or late. This is good."

Zheng Wei added, and Liu Ligan nodded. He felt that Zheng Wei was right. It is meaningless to think about things with the benefit of hindsight. However, in the second and third phases of sales, this can still be used as a selling point.

"Wang Chu, where else have you made adjustments?" Liu Ligan asked.

"Here." Director Wang pointed at the glass with a billiard cue. Liu Lizhan saw that the location he pointed was on the promontory just past Holiday Beach.

"The pressure on entering and exiting the island is too great now, and Xiuying Port is already overwhelmed. A new pier, Xingang Terminal, will be built here soon," Director Wang said.

"Also going to Hai'an?" Liu Ligan asked.

"Yes, this is about to start construction. The coastal avenue is already being extended forward, and there is a pier next to it. It is nearby, called Nangang Pier."

"Nangang Pier?"

"Yes, this is a mid- to long-term plan to connect to trains and ferries."

"What, you mean the train coming from the mainland is going to connect to Hainan Island?"

"Yes, here, take the train and ferry to the island."

"Oh! That's really generous."

"Of course, do you think we are just for a living?" Director Wang laughed, "We are also working hard on the construction of the island day and night."

"Okay, next time I will set up a bronze statue for you in Haicheng Park, a bronze statue of Dame Wang." Liu Ligan said, and the three of them laughed again.

"Wang Chu, I have a question to ask you. No reservations are allowed. For example, we are going to do a big project now. What suggestions do you have?" Liu Ligan said.

"How old?"

"The bigger the better, for example, like building another Guomao Development Zone."

Liu Ligan said, even Zheng Wei was startled. President Zhu did say that the bigger the better, but he didn't say it was as big as a Guomao.

"Such a big appetite?" Director Wang was obviously surprised and asked Liu Ligan.

Liu Lipole nodded.

Director Wang stared at the map for a while and said, if this is the case, I suggest it be here, the west coast.

He pointed the pole in his hand at the large patch of green on the map, across the road from Holiday Beach, and spoke to Liu Lipole.

"Isn't it too remote here? If you go there, you'll have to reach Lingao, right?" Liu Ligan asked.

"You..." Director Wang raised the pole, pretending to hit Liu Li with the pole, and cursed: "Do you have any idea, Lingao, do you know where Lingao is? Have you seen this area? The area between Xingang Pier, Nangang Pier and Xiuying Port will definitely be the golden area of ​​Haicheng in the future.”

Zheng Wei looked at the map and nodded. She said, "Director Wang's suggestion is good. I think it is a good choice."

Liu Ligan hugged his chest with both hands. He also stared at the map. His eyes stayed at the end of Changdi Road. To the east of Haidian Island, there is an island two-thirds the size of Haidian Island. There are two islands. There was a small river between them, and the island was shaped like a dog's head with an open mouth. He asked Director Wang:

"This is where?"

"Xinbu Island." Director Wang pointed to the rivers surrounding the island. "The one across from Haidian Island is the Henggou River, and the one on this side is the Nandu River. This is the mouth of the Nandu River. "

"How big is this island?"

"Nine point and nine square kilometers." Director Wang said.

Liu Ligan looked at Zheng Wei and said: "Mr. Zheng, how about we take over this island? The size is just right. Let's develop it into a satellite city of Haicheng, with resort hotels, golf courses, commercial complexes, villas, residences, etc." , By the way, I’ve already thought of a name, it’s called Jinghai City, yes, how about we build a Jinghai City on this island?”

Liu Ligan became more and more excited as he talked, and Zheng Wei's eyes also lit up. She also thought this idea was good.

"You want to develop Xinbu Island?" Director Wang asked.

"Yes, is that okay, Director?" Liu Ligan asked.

"Of course you can." Director Wang said, but he immediately poured cold water on them:

"Our current focus is still on Haidian Island. The Xionggu Group and Li Ka-shing's projects are both on Haidian Island. The development of Xinbu Island is not yet in our plan. If so, we will have to adjust the plan again. This is no small matter. , you know, this not only requires the approval of the province, but also needs to be reported to Beijing."

"no problem."

Zheng Wei blurted out. As soon as the words came out, she knew she had made a mistake. Sure enough, Director Wang was shocked when he heard her tone. He couldn't help but look at her. He knew that the major shareholder of Liu Ligan Company was from Beijing and had some background. , but I don’t know where this woman comes from. Can they really handle both the province and the central government?

"It all depends on people. As long as you work hard, there will always be a way, right? Wang Chu?" Liu Ligan quickly interrupted.

"Of course, of course." Director Wang said.

Thank you Weizi99999 for the reward! Thank you for your monthly pass to Smile and Run Y! Thanks for all the votes and reading! I wish you all good health!

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