The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 405 She also went north and left

The farewell dinner for Liu Yun was held in the private room of their club restaurant. The chairman and his wife, the newly appointed general manager of his brother-in-law, Liu Yun, and several club executives gathered at the table.

Liu Yun chose to leave on her own, which suited the wishes of the chairman's wife and brother-in-law.

The chairman himself is a little worried about whether Liu Yun's departure will affect the club's operations, but at this point, you can't say that even if he leaves, you won't let him leave with dignity and dignity. If it's this extreme, it will force people to fight back desperately.

Since it's hard to collect the water, it's better to turn it into spring rain, so he, like the other two, pretended to show his regret, pretending that it's not that we are sorry for you, but in fact, you want to climb a new branch and we don't want to spoil your good deeds. .

Those senior executives, with the chairman, his wife, and the new general manager present, didn't even dare to express anything, so they just picked a few words to express themselves.

A table full of hypocrisy and high-handedness made the dinner end in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere. There was no scene that could make Liu Yun cry.

After the dinner, those who should be busy continued to do their work. Liu Yun returned to her office alone, closed the door, and sat quietly in the office for a while.

There were faint sounds of the practice field in the distance. Liu Yun looked out the window. There were scattered lights on the court. In the lights, there were workers who continued to maintain the lawn of the court at night.

Liu Yun sighed softly and looked around. She was familiar with everything in the office. Even if she closed her eyes, she could go to any corner and get whatever she wanted.

Liu Yun felt a little nostalgic in her heart.

The Taiwanese boss had actually been in contact with her last year. He was also a VIP client developed by Liu Yun personally.

A Taiwanese boss made a lot of money by working as an OEM for American companies when the Asian Tigers were booming. He believed that the OEM industry would gradually move out of Taiwan and develop into the mainland. His future should be On the mainland.

He is also optimistic about the future golf market in mainland China. Golf is a leisure activity for the middle class. It is different from popular industries such as bowling and KTV. It does not seem so popular now, but its sustainability has been confirmed. What has been verified by developed countries will not be eliminated so quickly.

Mainland China has a huge population base. As the economy develops, a large number of middle classes will inevitably be created. These are all potential customers of golf clubs.

In mainland China, there were no more than ten golf clubs open at that time, all concentrated in Guangdong and Hainan. The situation of each golf club was very clear to each other. Liu Yun’s prominent background in the Chinese Department of Peking University and her beautiful appearance, as well as allowing a family to run it, A club that was in difficulty, came back from the dead, and is now full of vitality. This has been spread by word of mouth among everyone in their industry.

She can be said to be a leader in this industry. Talents in this industry are already very scarce. Coupled with Liu Yun's reputation, Taiwanese bosses who want to invest in golf courses in mainland China will of course think of her first.

The Taiwanese boss first became a member of Liu Yun's club to get close contact with Liu Yun, and also used this opportunity to examine Liu Yun's work ability from a close distance.

In several contacts, he did not reveal his intention to poach Liu Yun, or even revealed his intention to invest in the golf club. He was waiting for an opportunity, but when the opportunity did not come, he felt that it would be difficult to poach Liu Yun. .

The contact with Liu Yun made him know that Liu Yun is a person who does things well from beginning to end. She will not easily leave the club she has brought up, nor will she change jobs easily, especially when the club has not yet completely got out of trouble. will leave.

This woman is very clear about what she wants to do, her direction and goals. For such a person, it is even difficult for you to impress her with material things.

It wasn't until the Spring Festival this year that the Taiwanese boss learned about the personnel changes of Liu Yun and his club through his own secret channels. He knew that the time had come for him to poach Liu Yun. He knew that Liu Yun and his short-sighted fish-catching boss had taken advantage of others. Prepare to kick him away, even though Liu Yun is still claiming to be the general manager.

Some people are always like this. After starting their career, they will blindly feel that all these are not due to the efforts of many people, but entirely due to their own abilities and good luck, and their career will be smooth sailing from then on.

The Taiwanese boss rushed over from Taiwan immediately, found Liu Yun, went straight to the point, and proposed his invitation. Liu Yun indeed agreed to his invitation.

Liu Yun found a paper box and put her personal belongings in the desk drawer and cabinet into the paper box. Liu Yun sat down in front of her desk, flattened her palms on the desk surface, and rubbed it gently. Goodbye, these things every day Everything familiar that accompanied her.

She sighed, and when she felt her eyes were a little moist, she quickly stood up.

Liu Yun walked to the door with the cardboard box, turned around, took one last look at her office, opened the door and walked out, leaving her office key on the door.

Liu Yun crossed the road outside, walked to the dormitory building opposite, and went up the stairs. At the top of the stairs, she saw a familiar figure standing in front of her door.

Liu Yun walked over and asked, why are you here?

Liu Lizhan was a little embarrassed, and smiled nervously: "I really want to come this time."

Liu Ligan took the carton from Liu Yun. Liu Yun opened the door and went in. Liu Ligan followed. He saw a large suitcase already packed and standing there on the floor of the room.

Liu Ligan put the carton on the table and asked, "Has everything been packed?"

Liu Yun said "hmm".

The two people stood there facing each other, looking at each other. They both laughed. This smile was bitter. The two people took a step forward almost at the same time and hugged each other.

Tears finally flowed down Liu Yun's eyes, and she sobbed softly.

While Liu Ligan was still lying on the bed, he had already detained Wu Zhaohui and asked him to drive over to pick them up. The two of them got up, washed up, packed the last things to be packed into suitcases and bags, sat down, and had breakfast together. , Wu Chaohui brought the breakfast. He sent the breakfast upstairs and then went back downstairs to get in the car.

The two of them ate in silence. No one spoke. The atmosphere was very depressing. Liu Yun did not even dare to look at Liu Ligan. She was afraid that she would cry again. It would be too ugly.

Liu Ligan carried the big suitcase and Liu Yun carried her bag. The two of them walked out and were stunned. There were people in the corridor outside. They all knew that Liu Yun was leaving and came to see her off. They didn't dare to go. Liu Yun said goodbye to her office, fearing that the new general manager would see her and leave clues.

Liu Yun turned around and closed the door, put the key into the keyhole and left it on the door.

Liu Yun smiled, shook hands or hugged everyone, and there was a gentle sobbing in the corridor. Liu Yun kept telling them that it was okay, and I would come back to see everyone.

When they reached the first floor, there were still people. Liu Yun held back her tears and continued to say goodbye to everyone. Everyone surrounded them and followed them to the car. They got in the car. Liu Yun could no longer hold back, tears rolled down her eyes. Liu Ligan Passing the tissue to Liu Yun, Liu Yun turned her head and shouted to Wu Zhaohui:

"Let's go!"

Wu Zhaohui started the car and drove out of the courtyard of the dormitory building. Wu Zhaohui looked in the rearview mirror and saw many people following him out of the hospital and standing on the road.

After completing the check-in formalities and checking in the luggage, Liu Ligan accompanied Liu Yun to the security checkpoint. The two of them stopped, facing each other. Liu Yun and Liu Ligan said, "Where are Li Yong and Qi Hang, you can take my place." Farewell, I haven’t told them yet.

Liu Ligan said yes, he said: "Call me when you get to Nanjing."

Liu Yun didn't say anything. She tilted her head and thought for a while, then turned back to Liu Ligan and said, "It's better not to let us forget each other in the world."


"Okay, come on, let's give her a final hug." Liu Yun opened her arms, and Liu Lizhan hugged her.

Liu Yun stood on tiptoe, leaned close to Liu Ligan's ear and whispered: "I will still miss you, thank you!"

Liu Ligan wanted to say something, but Liu Yun had already let go of him, turned around and walked towards the security check channel. Liu Ligan was standing there. He saw Liu Yun passed the security check, picked up her bag, turned around, and smiled at him. He waved and disappeared.

Liu Ligan stood there blankly, with people coming and going in front of him, but no one was related to him anymore. The people related to him had disappeared in that passage.

He suddenly thought that in this ghost airport, when he came to pick up people, he always couldn't pick them up. When he sent people off, why the hell did the people he sent away always disappear completely?

In the past it was Huang Meili and Zheng Wei, today it is Liu Yun.

Li Yong and Chen Qihang ran over, and Li Yong asked: "Where is my sister?"

Liu Ligan smiled bitterly: "Let's go."

Chen Qihang scolded: "Pole, why didn't you tell us earlier?"

"Liu Yun won't let me." Liu Ligan continued to smile bitterly. He felt that he would have no other expression except laughter. He asked, "By the way, how did you know?"

Chen Qihang glared at him, and Li Yong grabbed Liu Ligan's collar and shouted loudly: "What the hell is going on between you and my sister!?"

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