The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 404 I am like this now

Today is Sunday. Liu Ligan and Liu Yun stayed in bed until about eleven o'clock before getting up. The two of them walked to a noodle shop in a small street, ordered a few braised vegetables, and each ate a bowl of noodle soup, which served as breakfast. , also counts as lunch.

After returning to the room, Liu Yun and Liu Ligan said, "Sit down, I have something to tell you."

But after one night, not even one night, it was time for a bowl of noodle soup. When she woke up in the morning, Liu Yun was still charming and soft in bed. But at this moment, Liu Ligan felt that Liu Yun had become her original self again. Liu Yun is serious and conscientious, making people dare not offend easily. She always looks like I want to have a good talk with you.

Although it looks calm as usual, it always feels like there is something repressed and self-restraint underneath this calmness.

Is it the relaxed and happy Liu Yun who suppresses and restrains herself?

Liu Ligan was puzzled.

The two were sitting on the sofa. Liu Ligan wanted to hug her, but Liu Yun gently pushed his hand away. Liu Yun said softly, "Sit tight, I really have something to say to you."

"Then just say it."

Although Liu Ligan was upset in his heart, he was still smiling casually on the surface.

Liu Yun looked at Liu Ligan and frowned slightly. She seemed to be considering every word, thinking about how to express what she wanted to express clearly.

"Do you think we will have a future?" Liu Yun asked.

"What's the meaning?"

"I mean, do you think we can keep going?"


"Don't be so casual and perfunctory. Speak seriously. Think carefully before speaking. Don't be worried or force it. I just want to hear the truth."

Liu Ligan thought for a moment and said, "I think it's okay."

"It's not that you think it's okay, that means it's not okay. You just convinced yourself after thinking about it and thought it was a rational result. But if two people want to be together for a long time, they don't rely on rationality."

"Then what?"

"Relying on congenial smells, communicating with each other, relying on no hesitation, and even habits formed inadvertently. It is a feeling and a state, but it does not rely on reason. Reason is the result of convincing oneself after dealing with oneself. That requires cheering up. .”

"not understand."

“For example, every time you want to go to my place, do you really want to go, or do you think you should go?

"For another example, if you have several women at the same time, you will think about whether to be with them or with me. There will be a struggle in your heart, and you will write down all the possibilities, pros and cons, just like doing a question. Come out, compare, and then convince yourself that it is better to be with Liu Yun."

Liu Ligan looked at Liu Yun and smiled. He felt a little weak in his heart. He felt that he had become transparent in front of Liu Yun, and Liu Yun seemed to be able to see through him at a glance.

He even had some doubts about whether Liu Yun knew about her relationship with Wenwen Qianqian, or even knew that a person like Huang Meili once existed?

Liu Yun also looked at him, with a calm expression on her face and eyes. Liu Ligan thought that Liu Yun would probably look like this when she entered the examination room.

Every time he communicates with Liu Yun, Liu Ligan feels that he has no advantage at all and will soon be at a disadvantage.

Half of this is intellectual, and the other half is the so-called moral level. Everything about Liu Yun is blameless, but Liu Ligan himself is always so incompetent, which makes him lose the courage to defend himself.

Liu Yun continued: "Don't think that the result of this comparison is reliable. It is precisely the most unreliable relationship between two people."

"Then what is reliable?"

"I have already said that it is the same smell, the same voice, and no hesitation. These words are not very accurate, but it must be emotional to keep two people going for a long time. If they are even physically repelled, psychologically Even if you accept it, it will be reluctant, it is a relationship modified by rationality, and it is destined to not go far."

"What about another example?"

"For example, when Zhang Chen and Jin Lili were together, I was not optimistic about them. Even if you say how many years they have been together and how good they were before, they are always fragile, and it will only be a short time to break up, so I don't think so at all. I’m not surprised about Jin Lili and Lao Xia, do you know why?”


"Since they have been well for so many years, why do I still feel that they are two separate individuals when I see them."

Liu Ligan smiled and said: "They are two separate individuals."

"No, you are wrong." Liu Yun shook her head, "If it is really good, two people will become one, just like Zhang Chen and Xiao Zhao. I am optimistic about them. I think they can last for a long time. Integration is What it feels like is that there is no turning back, one party will sacrifice everything for the other party, because if he doesn't do it, he will feel that he is not complete."

Liu Yun sighed and said softly: "I envy them very much."

After Liu Yun finished speaking, she fell silent, and Liu Ligan was also silent. He was thinking about what Liu Yun said, and he felt that he couldn't keep up.

"I can't do it." Liu Yun said.


"I said I can't do it without looking back." After a pause, Liu Yun said, "You can't do it either, let's not deceive ourselves."

"What's the meaning?"

Liu Ligan asked Liu Yun. Liu Yun bit her lip and frowned. She said, "We can't go far, pole. Let's break up."

Liu Ligan's heart froze. He didn't expect that Liu Yun would say this. He looked at Liu Yun blankly. Liu Yun stretched out her hand, touched Liu Ligan's face, and said slowly:

"You are not a bad person, and you are not only one-tenth of your merits, but you will not be my lover, and I will not be yours. We were wrong."

"Why did you suddenly make this request?" Liu Ligan was a little confused, but he still asked.

Liu Yun smiled sadly and said, "Actually, it's not sudden. I've been thinking about it for several days. After the New Year, I encountered some things at work."

"whats the matter?"

Liu Yun shook her head and said, "It's nothing. It's all over now."

After being silent for a while, Liu Yun said: "This is the problem. When I encounter these things, the first thing I think of is not to tell you and ask you to help me share the burden, but to choose to find a way to solve it myself. That must be because I feel that talking to you won’t help.”

"You didn't even tell me, how do you know it won't help?"

"I know it's useless to say it, so I won't say it anymore. Fortunately, it's all over now, pole. I'm leaving Hainan."

"Ah!" Liu Ligan was shocked and asked, "Where are you going? Back to Sichuan?"

"No, go north to Nanjing. There is a Taiwanese boss who asked me to go to Nanjing to build a golf club and serve as the general manager. Like you, I am also one of the shareholders." Liu Yun said with a smile, "A general manager cannot be fired casually. .”

"Then I'll go with you." Liu Ligan shouted, "I'll go with you to Nanjing."

Liu Yun frowned, then looked at him quietly, and asked slowly: "Why do you say something that can't be done?"

Liu Ligan was startled, and Liu Yun continued: "Can you leave everything behind in Haicheng and come with me?"

Liu Lizhang seemed to have been cast a restraining spell, and he was stunned. Yes, could he leave just as he said? Liu Ligan didn't even know why he blurted out, "I'll go to Nanjing with you". Did this night of rubbing shoulders make him feel more attached?

Liu Yun smiled and said: "You can't do it, pole. This is what I mean by no hesitation. I don't blame you. Really, because I can't do it either. I can't put aside my work from now on." Everything, just like Xiao Zhao, come back here, cook food and wash clothes at home every day, waiting for you to come back."

"Why not?" Liu Ligan asked blankly.

"I won't feel at ease." Liu Yun looked at Liu Ligan, her eyes became a little cold: "You are not the person who can make me feel at ease."

After hearing this, Liu Ligan knew that he and Liu Yun were over. Yes, Liu Yun was right. He didn't want to deceive Liu Yun or himself. He was indeed not the person who could make Liu Yun stay at home with peace of mind. .

I am not Zhang Chen, and Liu Yun is not Xiao Zhao.

If Liu Yun was at home every day, she would not be able to do it, even if she could go home on time for dinner every day, let alone restrain her habit of flirting with women. As time goes by, they would not get better, they would only To make matters worse, all kinds of contradictions will start from daily trivial matters, grow like weeds, until they are completely buried.

Liu Yun took Liu Ligan's hand and told him, I'm leaving, please see me off and walk me to the intersection outside.

"When are you leaving? Oh, I mean, to Nanjing."

"They want me to go as soon as possible. I have already bought a ticket to Shanghai at noon tomorrow. The Taiwanese boss and two other shareholders will pick me up at Hongqiao Airport."

Liu Yun stood up, while Liu Ligan was still sitting there. Liu Yun took his hand, shook it, and asked, "Why are you so heartless that you won't even send me to the intersection?"

"Wait a minute, I'll call Wu Zhaohui and I'll take you back to the club."

"No, I'll take a taxi back. In the evening, there will be a farewell dinner at the club here..."

"I am coming too."

"No, I might cry then. I'm so ugly. Just remember me like this."

Liu Ligan looked at Liu Yun, who smiled at him.

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