The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 399 Continue to be bored

It was already past two o'clock when Liu Ligan left the "Tang no Bath" hot spring. He rode his motorcycle to Binya Village. When he saw the ghost playing billiards, Liu Ligan got off the motorcycle and walked over. Someone saw him. Come over and immediately give him the billiard cue in your hand.

The ghost looked at Liu Ligan and asked, "How's it going? It's Chinese New Year, do you want to gamble on something?"

Liu Ligan looked at the stall next to him and said to the ghost, whoever loses will get a midnight snack.

"Okay, how many rounds?" the ghost asked.

"Winning or losing is determined by one round," Liu Ligan said.

After a few strokes, the two were evenly matched, but Liu Lipao suddenly lost his patience. He threw the club on the table and told the ghost, "I'm hungry. If I lose, I'll treat you to a midnight snack."

As soon as he asked for a late-night snack, he cheered and didn't know where he came from. Seven or eight people ran out. Liu Ligan asked the stall owner to put two tables into one and asked them to sit down. He told the ghost to go Order food.

The stall owner asked Liu Ligan, where are your wives?

"Going home." Liu Ligan said.

"Tsk, money is so easy to make at this time, why are they going back?" someone shouted from the side.

"What the hell is more important to you, making money or your parents?" Liu Ligan scolded, "You think everyone is like you, and you don't go home to see your parents during the Chinese New Year."

"Then you didn't go back either?" The man said unconvincingly. Liu Ligan was speechless for a moment, and everyone else laughed.

Someone else said, "Why are you going home? My dad beat me with a stick when I go home."

When the ghost came back after ordering the food, he was more concerned about what happened a few days ago. He asked, had they found Zhang Chen?

Liu Ligan shook his head, I don't know, how should I know.

The ghost paused for a moment, then said flatteringly, Boss Liu, I heard that you and Brother Zheng have a good relationship, is it true?

Liu Ligan nodded: "He is my friend."

"That's awesome. When can you introduce it to us?"

"Why, you want to follow him?"

"Of course, follow Brother Zheng, but on Haixiu Road, there are so many girls on Haixiu Road."

"All right."

Liu Ligan laughed. When he listened to this guy's words, he suddenly remembered the story about the city mouse and the country mouse. To Brother Zheng, these people were village boys who didn't care about them. These village boys, now The highest goal in life that they can imagine is probably to go to Haixiu Road. They think that Haixiu Road is really full of flowers and they can play and sing every night.

"I'll introduce you to him when I get a chance," Liu Ligan said.

The ghost was so happy that he quickly gave his BB phone number to Liu Ligan.

Liu Ligan sat and drank a few drinks with them, but he felt bored for no reason. He stood up and said to the ghost, I am sleepy and have to go to bed. You eat slowly. If you want to add any dishes, let the boss know. Here you go.

The ghost quickly said okay, Boss Liu, go slowly, we will be measured.

Liu Ligan greeted the boss and said he would come to buy the item tomorrow. After getting on his motorcycle, he suddenly wanted to go to Liu Yun's place. He thought about it for a moment and then forgot about it.

Damn it, you just came out of the pink room of the "Yu no Bath" hot spring, and you are going to find Liu Yun again. Isn't this too fucking dirty?

Liu Ligan returned to the room, fell on the bed, and stared blankly at the ceiling in the darkness above his head. In front of his eyes, the faces of Liu Yun, Tan Shuzhen, Huang Meili, Zheng Wei and Wenwen Qianqian appeared alternately. He was in a daze. , for a moment, he felt that these were all his imagination, and these people had never really appeared in his life.

In the distance, the ghost and the others were shouting and starting to punch. It looked like they were drinking and eating his food, and they were already very happy. Liu Ligan wanted to get up and join these happy people. , but felt like I couldn’t get up.

He seemed to have fallen asleep before his eyes.

Liu Ligan didn't get up until about four o'clock in the afternoon. He called Li Yong and told him that he would no longer go to his place and would go see Liu Yun.

Li Yong cursed: "Go away, go away, of course my sister is more important than me."

Liu Ligan arrived at Liu Yun's club, but found that Liu Yun was not in the office. The people in the office told him that Liu Yun was in the room.

Liu Ligan went to Liu Yun's room and knocked on the door. Liu Yun opened the door and saw Liu Ligan. She was stunned for a moment and said, "Why are you here?"

"What, you're not welcome?" Liu Ligan said.

"Didn't you say you called me before coming?"

"Can't I give you a surprise?"

"Young poor man, come in."

Liu Ligan walked in and saw Liu Yun's expression was a little sad. Liu Ligan asked, "What's wrong with you?"

"there is nothing."

"Why aren't you in the office?"

"I'm a little tired, so come back and lie down for a while."

Liu Ligan was secretly surprised. Even in normal times, Liu Yun was not the kind of person who would desert during working hours, let alone that their chairman was still here.

What happened to Liu Yun?

Liu Ligan reached out to touch Liu Yun's forehead, but Liu Yun knocked it away. Liu Yun said impatiently: "Oh, I told you, it's okay."

After saying that, Liu Yun may have felt that this attitude was a bit rude, so she leaned over and nestled in Liu Ligan's arms.

The two sat in the room for a while, and Liu Yun said, let's go to the restaurant to eat, and you invite me.

Liu Ligan said yes.

The two people walked out of the door. Liu Yun took Liu Ligan's hand. Liu Ligan felt a little strange. In the past, when it was still dark like this, he and Liu Yun walked together in the club. Liu Yun would never allow Liu Ligan. She always said that those who had physical contact with her would have a bad influence in the workplace.

Liu Yun and Liu Ligan walked into the restaurant and found a seat where they could see the stadium not far away. As soon as Liu Ligan sat down, they saw the big round table in the corner of the restaurant. Liu Yun and their chairman, and a group of people. Table with guests sitting together.

Liu Ligan stood up and wanted to say hello. Liu Yun asked, "What are you doing?"

Liu Ligan said: "Your chairman, let me go over and say hello."

"Sit down!" Liu Yun shouted in a low voice. Liu Lizhan looked at her and saw that her eyes were a little cruel and a little cold.

Liu Lipole sat down.

The chairman also saw Liu Ligan. He stood up and walked over. Liu Ligan quickly stood up again and looked at Liu Yun. Liu Yun was sitting there motionless, as if the person who came over had nothing to do with her and she didn't know him at all. Similar.

The chairman shook hands with Liu Ligan and said with a smile: "It's rare. Reporter Liu, I heard that you are in trouble now."

"No, I didn't rely on the chairman's help at the beginning."

Liu Ligan said humbly that what he said was true. It was the chairman who recommended him to Mr. Becoming an employee of the advertising department of a newspaper, this advertisement was really crucial to Liu Ligan at that time.

The chairman looked at Liu Yun, and smiled with Liu Ligan: "Are you doing well now?"

Liu Ligan chuckled and didn't know how to answer. Liu Yun suddenly said: "He is my husband."

The chairman was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said: "Good thing, good thing, a perfect match."

The chairman invited Liu Ligan: "How about coming over and joining us?"

Liu Ligan glanced at Liu Yun and saw that she was sitting there with no intention of standing up. Liu Ligan quickly said: "Don't bother me. There are so many guests from the chairman. Please do it. We are here." eat."

The chairman smiled and said: "I understand, I understand, it's a world of two. Let's talk when we have time."

"Okay, thank you, Chairman!" Liu Ligan said quickly.

The chairman walked back and Liu Ligan sat down. He looked at Liu Yun. Liu Yun was looking out the window at the stadium not far away, where workers were spraying liquid.

Liu Ligan wanted to ask something, but he didn't ask. The two of them ate in silence and hardly said anything else.

Liu Ligan concluded in his heart that something must have happened to Liu Yun, otherwise Liu Yun's behavior would not be so abnormal.

After the two of them finished their meal, they stood up and prepared to go out. Liu Ligan and Liu Yun said, "I'm going to say hello to the chairman, otherwise it would be rude."

Liu Yun did not comment and walked out. Liu Ligan thought for a moment and walked towards the chairman's table.

After Liu Ligan exchanged a few polite greetings with the chairman and his guests, he left the restaurant and walked outside. He found that Liu Yun was gone. Liu Ligan didn't know whether she had gone to the office or returned to her room. He thought for a moment. , or decided to go to the room to have a look first.

The door to the room was closed. Liu Ligan knocked on the door. After a slight noise inside, the door opened. Liu Yun looked at him and sneered: "Are you too polite?"

Liu Ligan chuckled.

Liu Yun walked back and sat down on the sofa. Liu Ligan closed the door, walked over and sat down next to her. Liu Ligan couldn't help but asked, "What happened?"

Liu Yun shook her head: "It's okay."

"Impossible, there must be something wrong."

"Oh, you..." Liu Yun turned around, looked at Liu Ligan, and said seriously: "You should go back first. Today, I want to be alone for a while."

Liu Ligan looked at Liu Yun, and Liu Yun looked at him. Seeing that Liu Yun's attitude was very serious, Liu Ligan sighed and said, okay, tell me when you want to say something.

Liu Ligan stood up and walked to the door. Just as he was about to open the door and go out, Liu Yun rushed over from the sofa and hugged him from behind.

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