The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 398 Welcome, please take care of me

Liu Ligan held food and drink in both hands. When he walked out of the elevator door, he saw Li Yong waiting at the elevator door. When he saw Liu Ligan, he chuckled:

"Damn it, I finally saw a living one."

Liu Ligan looked around. On this floor, except for Li Yong's company, all other companies had their doors closed. Those companies that had their doors closed solemnly put two cross-stamps on their company doors. , Liu Ligan never understood the behavior of putting up seals during the Spring Festival holiday.

He didn't understand what this was for. If it was to prevent thieves, would thieves be afraid of these two pieces of paper?

Liu Ligan also didn't understand that Li Yong was on duty in the company.

He knows that government agencies at all levels have people on duty during the Spring Festival. This is to prevent emergencies from happening and each unit can deal with them. This is understandable. Even their Wu Opera Troupe usually has no one on duty. In the office, during the Spring Festival, a duty list will be arranged in a formal manner and people will be arranged to be on duty in it.

Liu Ligan also understands this. After all, they are still public units. All public units, leaders of county committees and governments, in their offices, will flip through the phone book on the table and make random checks. Who knows whether Wu will be found? troupe? If it is found that the Wu Opera Troupe has no one on duty, then not only the troupe leader will be treated as a model, but also the cultural director will also be criticized.

One week before the Spring Festival, the Cultural Affairs Bureau will pay the outstanding phone bill of the Wu Opera Troupe's phone to keep it open. Liu Ligan wonders if it is because of this that the old cunning old Yang If you deliberately don't pay the phone bill, you will be able to use it in vain for several months before it is shut down until the next Spring Festival.

Liu Ligan and Zhang Chen have never been assigned to the Spring Festival duty. Although they can be regarded as the backbone of the troupe, Lao Yang, the runaway leader Yang, thinks that even if these two guys are arranged, it will be in vain. Arrange it so that they will not be in the office and sit obediently on duty.

Liu Ligan felt that all this was understandable. What he couldn't understand was that Li Yong and the others were in a broken company, and they had no superior unit. There would be no emergencies, and no one would come to check. What a shitty shift you were on. ?

Liu Ligan told Li Yong his curiosity, and Li Yong sighed. He said, who can say otherwise? I don’t know what my uncle is up to. I heard that every Spring Festival, people in this company avoid this duty. It's like hiding from the god of plague. If I hadn't said that I would do it alone every day this year, maybe there would be a bunch of people left behind, and I wouldn't be able to escape even when we set sail.

"Your uncle is quite weird." Liu Ligan smiled.

"Maybe it's a habit brought over by the original state-owned unit. However, he also has his own excuse, saying that the company is on holiday and it's not closed. How can there be no one? The company door is open, so there must be people there every day."

"What about regular Sundays?"

"You fucking don't know? We all have people on Sundays, but most of the time, my uncle is there by himself."

Liu Ligan laughed loudly: "I really don't know this. I don't come to the company on Sunday."

The two people entered Li Yong's office. Liu Ligan put everything on the table. Li Yong shouted, "Go to the sofa to eat." Liu Ligan said, "Don't go. It's too short. My back hurts when I sit down. It's better to stay here." .

"Damn it, your back hurts because of my sister."

Li Yong cursed. He picked up a set of four thick volumes of Sholokhov's "Quiet Don" on the table and put them aside. Liu Ligan saw it and teased:

"Hey, are you studying for the rise of China?"

"On New Year's Eve, I went to Xinhua Bookstore and found this. Otherwise, how would I have spent these long days? However, this book is really well written."

The two sat down to drink. After drinking for a while, Liu Ligan's eldest brother rang loudly. He picked up and it was Sun Hou. Sun Hou said on the phone: "Happy New Year, pole."

Liu Ligan quickly said: "The same goes for you, Happy New Year, Sunhou."

When Li Yong heard that it was Sun Hou, he snatched the phone away and shouted: "Monkey, what the hell are you doing, am I going to be bad in the New Year?"

"Hey, Yongzi, happy New Year! Happy New Year!" Sun Hou smiled, and after laughing, he was surprised: "Why are you two together at this time?"

"I'm on duty in the office, and the pole is here to drink with me."

"Fuck it, that's for your own good. I'm also on duty in the office. However, you can be content with no wine and eating instant noodles." Sun Hou scolded, "By the way, Yongzi, let the pole answer the phone. , I have something to say to him."

Li Yong returned the phone to Liu Ligan, and Sun Hou and Liu Ligan said, "Gangzi, who is that, Zheng Wei? He may have to move, and he won't be able to go to Haicheng after the New Year."

"You want to move again? What kind of tricks are you doing? This yellow bitch is doing well, so you will be transferred back to Beijing, and Zheng Wei will take over. You have just become familiar with the situation in Haicheng, and you want to change it again? Are you magicians?"

Although the words were said in a joke, the dissatisfaction was real. It seemed that Meng Ping was right. The farewell to Zheng Wei at the airport could not be said to be a permanent farewell. It was really a farewell and never looked back.

"Yes, pole, I know. I heard that you guys cooperated well, but I can't help it this time. It's still due to personal reasons. There's no rush for the new personnel. We'll let you know when we decide."

"It's personal reasons again, what reason? Why did I come to your place and there are only so many personal reasons?"

Sun Hou didn't say anything specific, he just said a few words vaguely and then hung up the phone.

Li Yong kept looking at Liu Ligan. When he hung up the phone, Li Yong smiled and said, "The reaction is a bit big. Why, you can't bear it?"

Liu Ligan scolded: "Go away, don't talk nonsense, I am doing this for the sake of work, I will change it as soon as I take over, I will change it as soon as I take over..."

"I didn't think much about it. It was your boy who really reacted badly. Logically speaking, the vice president in charge of finance made it clear that it was Sun Hou and others who sent to supervise the army. They should be unable to send anyone. You I'm so happy, why are you not happy that it was withdrawn?"

"Then we have to evacuate forever. Besides, I'm honest and don't sneak around and make my own plans. I really hope they have someone here to supervise the army. This way, at least, Beijing won't think about it. You We also know that those random guesses will turn into hidden arrows in the end, so they can rest assured if someone is sent here."

"That's right, okay, don't worry about this, just drink and drink."

The two of them raised their glasses and continued to work and eat. In front of Liu Ligan's eyes, something kept shaking. When Zheng Wei turned his head with a smile, that tall and elegant figure, thinking that she would no longer come to Haicheng, made him feel a little sad. Pity.

The two of them ate until about ten o'clock, then stood up and looked at the mess on the table. Liu Ligan wanted to help Li Yong clean it up, but Li Yong said, "Ignore him, let's go, let's go, I have a whole day to clean up tomorrow" .

Liu Ligan went around from behind Li Yong to hold the set of "Quiet Don River" and told Li Yong, "I have nothing to do, so let me have a look."

Li Yong agreed to leave the fourth volume to me, but I didn’t finish it.

Liu Ligan hugged the three books and walked out of their company with Li Yong to the elevator hall. Liu Ligan shuddered when he thought that he would go back to Yilin's house and be alone in the yard again. , he raised the book in his hand and said to Li Yong:

"You go first, I'll put this in the office, and we'll continue tomorrow."

After Li Yong said yes, Liu Ligan walked to the elevator next to him and pressed the up button.

Liu Ligan opened the door and entered the company. It was dark inside. When they left on New Year's Eve, Wei Wenfang checked all the windows and closed the curtains. Liu Ligan walked to the back of the front desk and pressed the button in that row. There was no response from the switch. He was stunned for a moment, and then he remembered that Wei Wenfang should have turned off the main switch.

Liu Ligan turned on all the switches in the row. The huge office area was as bright as day, but there was no one inside, giving people an unreal feeling.

Liu Ligan held the book and walked towards his office. He saw the rows of dark cubicles on the other side of the large office area. He stared at Zheng Wei's office for a while and sighed in his heart. This woman will never come out of this office and walk to her own office in a graceful manner.

Liu Ligan continued to walk forward, walked through the entire large office area, and walked to his office. He opened the door and went in. Without turning on the lights, he walked directly to his desk, put the book on the table, and sat down in the darkness. Come down.

Liu Ligan sat for a while, feeling a little bored, so he stood up, walked over, opened the curtains, and saw Longkun North Road below. It was much deserted than before. The large troops had not yet started to return to the island, and it was destined to be... In this way, vehicles occasionally pass by at a very fast speed, as if they are trying to escape quickly from this road.

Liu Ligan saw many cars parked at the entrance of the "Tang no Bath" hot spring opposite. On the neon lights, the female bodies were constantly changing colors and orientations, making them enchanting.

Liu Ligan turned around, put on his bag, walked out of his office, walked to the front desk and turned off the lights, then walked out of the company's door and locked the door.

After a while, Liu Ligan appeared at the entrance of the "Yu no Bath" hot spring. The greeter in kimono said to him welcome, please take care of him:

"いらっしゃいませ、よろしくお愿いします! (I have grown up and gone to the stables, from the building to the west Kunega to the horses!)"

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