The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 344 What else is going on?

When Xiao Ren saw Azheng and the others leaving, he came over. When Liu Ligan saw him, he said, "Let's go," we said in the car.

Liu Ligan called Wu Zhaohui, and the three of them went downstairs.

"Go to Wanghai Tower first." Liu Ligan said to Wu Zhaohui as soon as he got in the car.

When Xiao Ren got to the car, he couldn't help shouting: "Master, your company is so impressive. Compared with our newspaper office, one is heaven and the other is hell."

"It's not that exaggerated. According to what you said, didn't I come out of hell too?" Liu Ligan said with a smile.

"I'm talking about the environment." Xiao Ren said quickly.

"Do you want to come?"

"Yes I do!"

"Okay, you do your job well now, and in one year, I will help you talk to the director."

"Why can't it be now?"

"You still have to exercise now. Advertising is the most training job."

"What's the most training for a person is something that everyone can do." Xiao Ren said.

"Yes, it is true that everyone can do it, but there is a difference between being able to do it and doing it well. Let me ask you, in our newspaper office, which department has the largest turnover of personnel every year?"

"Of course it's our department."


"It requires performance. If there is no performance, the director will not ask him to leave, and he will leave on his own."

"Then tell me, has anyone in our department opened the back door?"

Xiao Ren smiled: "Which idiot would come to the advertising department? Why does the advertising department need to open a backdoor?"

"By the way, because in our department, we all rely on our ability and our own performance. People who are capable don't need to open the back door at all, and they don't need to look at anyone's face, right?"

"Of course, if his performance is good, even the president will treat him differently. Just like you, others need to report for work every day, and it doesn't matter if you don't come for a few days."

"Is this because of my background or my performance?"

"You have a shitty background."

"Yes, I have a shitty background. For those of us without a background, no one can be relied upon but ourselves. So I said that the advertising department is the most training for people. If you can establish yourself in the advertising department, then don't blame me. There are a lot of people poaching you here, so you don’t have too many opportunities.”

"It makes sense."

"It doesn't make sense, it just makes sense. We promote advertising. Do you think it's just advertising?"

"It's not advertising, what is that?"

"It's about promoting yourself." Liu Ligan said, "If you think you are advertising, your eyes will only look at the other person, and you will think that the other person is like this and that other person is like that. It seems that everything is not what you want, so you go ahead and do it. In other people's business, you still subconsciously think that you are a boss, who will give you a shit?

"On the other hand, if you think you are promoting yourself, then all you are looking at is yourself. Looking at yourself is just like looking at yourself in the mirror. Except for idiots who think they are becoming more perfect the more they look at them, most people are. The more I look at it, the more dissatisfied I feel. I feel that my eyebrows are too light, my eyes are too wide, my nose is too flat, etc. That’s why women need makeup. They are dissatisfied with themselves.

"If you always look at your own shortcomings, you will think about changing yourself and adapting to others. Only when you adapt to others will others see you more and more, and then you can complete your business."

Wu Chaohui chuckled: "After talking for a long time, you just turned people into pugs."

"So if you meet someone who hates pugs, do you think he will like you more or hate you?" Liu Ligan asked.

"Of course I hate it," Wu Zhaohui said.

"Then it's still useful for you to become a pug?"

Wu Zhaohui opened his mouth but was speechless. Liu Ligan continued:

"This is called positioning yourself. Only by positioning yourself can you try your best to meet the other party's requirements and correct your own shortcomings. In fact, all successful transactions are about promoting yourself. Look at the same person in the shopping mall. At the counter, they obviously sell the same thing, but why do some salespeople sell more and some sell less? It’s because one knows how to sell himself and the other doesn’t.”

"No, this one can sell products, right?" Xiao Ren said.

"Promoting products is selling yourself. Products are lifeless, talents are. Think about it, the things are the same. Two salesmen got the same instructions, and neither of them even bothered to read them, or when a customer comes, Just give people instructions.

"There is another one who not only memorizes the instructions by heart, but also feels that this alone is not enough. She will use her own language to reorganize the contents of the instructions and add a lot of touching and fun words to make people fall in love with her as soon as they hear it. Of the words you remember, which one should be the best seller?"

"That must be the latter one." Xiao Ren said.

"Yes, the latter one is to change yourself, to work hard to make the unfamiliar things familiar, to get rid of the boring content, turn it into your own thing, and then sell yourself. It is not that the product is different, but It’s these two people who are different.”

"Okay, I agree what you said makes sense." Wu Zhaohui said, and Xiao Ren nodded.

Liu Ligan glared at Wu Zhaohui and cursed: "Do I need your approval? You still agree!"

Xiao Ren laughed, and Wu Zhaohui said, OK, you are the boss, you agree and I agree with you.

Liu Ligan and Xiao Ren said, don't underestimate this job. If you do this job well, it will be helpful for you to find a girlfriend in the future.

Wu Zhaohui was unconvinced again and muttered: "This is just advertising. Does it have anything to do with finding a girlfriend?"

Liu Ligan scolded: "Looking for a girlfriend, aren't you promoting yourself? Look at those people who can't find a girlfriend. Who is not a lonely and eccentric person who doesn't know how to change himself?"

"I don't agree. I'm not withdrawn or weird, but I just don't have a girlfriend. The reason is that there is no woman around me. There is Wei Wenfang, and she doesn't like me." Wu Zhaohui said.

"That's because you don't know how to change yourself. You only go to work and sleep, so how can you meet women? Look outside the car, there are women everywhere. You don't go to women, and you complain that there are no women around you. Do you want women to be around you? Climb into your bed by yourself?!"

Liu Ligan scolded, and Wu Zhaohui nodded: "Now it makes sense again, good scolding, you know so much, no wonder you have so many women."

Xiao Ren laughed, he was right, and I admired him too.

They entered through the door on Wuzhishan Road. The old man who looked after the car was already familiar with their car. He saw it from a distance and came to open the door for them. Wu Zhaohui drove the car until it reached the door of Zhang Chen's office and stopped.

Liu Ligan said to them: "You guys wait for me in the car."

Liu Ligan got out of the car and walked into Zhang Chen's office. He saw stacks of paper on Zhang Chen's desk. Zhang Chen was immersed in writing something with a calculator at hand.

"What are you doing?" Liu Ligan asked.

"Don't touch anything on the table." Zhang Chen warned him first, and then said to him: "The project is about to be completed, and I will make the final calculation first. By the way, why are you here? It's so empty now?"

"Shit, I have something to do with you."

"Looking for me?" Zhang Chen raised his head and looked at him doubtfully.

"Yes, put your pen down first, and I want to tell you something." Liu Ligan said.

Zhang Chen put down his pen and looked at Liu Ligan. Liu Ligan told him about Azheng coming to the office to find him. Zhang Chen nodded after listening. It seemed that all the good things were not without reason. They used to be Because we need to help hold Xiao Wu down, I’m probably targeting your project now.

"I don't care. Anyway, I give it to whoever I give it to. He is also a friend. This is not important. What is important is what he said to me when he left." Liu Ligan said.

"What words?"

"He asked me to remind you to be careful."

"Should I be more careful? Why should I be more careful?"

"Yeah, I just don't understand, so I came here to ask you. Judging from Azheng's behavior, it doesn't look like he is bluffing. He also has something to hide. What have you been doing here recently?"

"What will happen to me here? I go to work and get off work every day. Besides, even my affairs here have nothing to do with Azheng. He just wants to get involved in this project, but it's too late now."

"This is something I can't understand either." Liu Ligan said, "By the way, could it be related to the Jianqiang Jiajia incident?"

"Then you have to look for Jianqiang. Why are you looking for me?"

"Could it be that the guy who was beaten by Xiaowu defected from Azheng and wants revenge?"

Zhang Chen smiled and said: "Then I have to remind you to be careful. Besides, how much does that matter have to do with us?"


"Don't worry about him. If you're worried about something like this, then you can still worry about it."

"Okay." Liu Ligan nodded, "By the way, I have officially left the newspaper office. I had a farewell banquet last night. Today I will take my apprentice to visit some clients."

"The tight spell is gone?"

"The director has canceled it." Liu Ligan said with a smile, "Then I'm leaving. After all, you'd better be careful."

"That's long-winded, I got it." Zhang Chen scolded.

Looking at Liu Ligan's back, Zhang Chen frowned. In fact, when Liu Ligan was talking just now, Zhang Chen's first reaction was, might Mr. Fu find out about his affair with Gu Shufang?

But it's impossible to think about it. I would have discovered this a long time ago. I and Gu Shufang have not been in contact with each other for such a long time. During this time, whether it was Xiao Xu or Mr. Fu, they were still the same as before when they saw him. It was nothing. abnormal.

What else is there?

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