The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 301 Holiday Beach

Liu Ligan fled back to the felt. When Huang Meili saw him coming back, he said, "What a pity, I forgot you were here today. If I had known this, we could have bought a few boxes of mineral water and used it to take a shower."

"That's too luxurious." Liu Ligan said, "You dare to use it, but I don't dare."

"I didn't let you use it. I asked you to help me wash it."

"That's okay, I can still take a peek." Liu Ligan chuckled.

"Rogue." Huang Meili cursed. She patted the felt and said, "Lie down and be quiet."

The two people lay side by side. Liu Lizhan looked at the coconut trees above his head. The coconuts were already ripe, and he was worried whether they would fall.

Liu Ligan closed his eyes. After a while, he opened his eyes and looked at Huang Meili beside him. He found that her eyes were wide open and she was staring at the sky above her head, motionless. Liu Ligan looked from her face. On the screen, I saw that faint sadness again.

"Lao Ma?"


"How old are you?"

"Twenty-six, what about you?"

"In four months, I will be twenty-three."

Liu Ligan smiled and said, isn't this twenty-two? It will be twenty-three in four months. Liu Ligan teased her: "In seventy-three years, I will be a hundred years old."

After Liu Ligan finished speaking, he laughed softly. Huang Meili didn't say a word or laugh. Liu Ligan turned to look at her and was startled. He saw crystal tears hanging from the corners of her eyes. , Liu Li stood up and asked, "What's wrong with you?"

"Nothing." Huang Meili closed her eyes, wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes with her hands, and said softly: "Lie down, Lao Ma, let's go swimming now."

Liu Ligan lay down obediently.

After a while, Huang Meili giggled: "Lao Ma, your swimming style is really ugly. Lower your head, keep it parallel to your torso, don't be lazy."

Liu Ligan closed his eyes and lay quietly. Although he was doubtful, he knew that Huang Meili didn't want him to know too much. Liu Ligan tilted his ears and listened quietly to Huang Meili's voice. came.

"Lao Ma, open your eyes, have you seen corals? There are so many corals, colorful, oh Lao Ma, there are so many fish, look, this is the long-necked lion, this is the red clown, this is the yellow Blue devil, this is the mandarin duck cannonball, this is the stone beauty, this is the saddle fairy, this is blue Spain, this is the fluttering fish, this is the sail bream, this is the moon eyebrow butterfly..."

Huang Meili stretched out her hand and held Liu Ligan's hand. She counted them one by one. After hearing this, Liu Ligan realized that these strange names were all names of fish. Huang Meili's hand moved excitedly. Shaking as if she was actually seeing them.

Huang Meili's voice became softer and finally fell silent. She held Liu Ligan's hand and became quiet. The two of them lay quietly. Liu Ligan opened his eyes and saw the snow-white clouds above his head, slowly moving slowly. , moving leisurely.

"Lao Ma?"


"Do you want to do something bad? There are no mosquitoes now."

"Here? Now? I wouldn't dare."

"You bastard, who was such a gangster just now?" Huang Meili chuckled.

"Then I'm really a gangster, don't think I don't dare."

Liu Ligan turned aside, and Huang Meili rolled to the side with a cry, climbed up, giggled and ran away to the side. She ran to the side more than ten meters away, stood there with a smile on her face, and waved to Liu Ligan: " Come over here."

Liu Ligan walked over, and when he was approaching, Huang Meili ran away again, standing more than ten meters away, smiling and waving to him, Liu Ligan walked over, and she left again.

In this way, they walked along the shade of the trees and almost finished walking on the beach. Huang Meili finally stopped and stopped walking. She spread her arms and danced up and down, like a seabird flapping its wings. Her head was slightly raised, and the wind blew her His hair was flying rustlingly, Liu Ligan walked over, and Huang Meili hugged him...

When they returned to Zangzi, the sun was already setting. Several men and women who came to swim on motorcycles were watching Huang Meili's car.

Huang Meili and Liu Ligan said, okay, our swimming is over, let's go back.

The few people saw them coming and walked away. One of them told them that the car was nice.

Another one said that the beauty is also good-looking and worthy of her. He was immediately slapped on the back of the head by the girl walking next to him.

Liu Ligan and Huang Meili smiled softly.

They got into the car, and Huang Meili and Liu Ligan said they would find a place to take a shower first, and then go to eat.

Liu Ligan said: "I want to go to Wanghai Tower."

"Okay, then go to Wanghai Tower."

Liu Ligan knew that she had misunderstood, and said quickly: "No, no, I mean I want to go to Wanghai Tower to find someone. A friend has just returned from the mainland and wants to treat me to dinner tonight."

"I want to go too." Huang Meili shouted.

Liu Ligan hesitated, thinking, what's the point of having dinner with Zhang Chen and Meng Ping and bringing her with him? How to explain to Zhang Chen?

"What, Lao Ma, do you think I will embarrass you by following you?" Huang Meili asked.

"No, no, you don't know those two people."

"We'll get to know each other after dinner."


"If you don't go, I won't go. I'll throw you down."

Huang Meili pursed her lips, feeling really angry. Liu Ligan thought to himself, no matter what, this paper can hardly contain the anger. Are you afraid that Zhang Chen will know? Liu Ligan quickly found a reason to defend himself. He said to Huang Meili:

"Of course I hope you go, but, just..."

"Just what?"

"It's just that the place we're going to is not very good. It's for coconut chicken hot pot..."

"Across from Ah Er Liang Tang?" Huang Meili asked.

Liu Ligan asked curiously: "Do you know where it is?"

Huang Meili chuckled and said: "What a fuss, I thought I was going somewhere, how could I not know where it is."

Liu Ligan suddenly realized, yes, how could she not know that Huang Meili, before being taken care of by that old man, might have been the same as Jiajia, and maybe the old man had taken her there.

Zhang Chen was sitting in the office. When Liu Ligan came in with Huang Meili, their hair was still a little wet, and Zhang Chen couldn't help but frown slightly.

Huang Meili and Liu Ligan had already booked a room in Wanghai Building and took a shower. Huang Meili also changed clothes. Of course, if they were to book a room today, with Huang Meili here, there would be no need for Zhang Chen. The receptionist handed the key card to him. Huang Meili looked at Liu Ligan and felt that this man seemed familiar.

As soon as the two people left, the bellman came over and muttered to the receptionist, why was he with Miss Huang?

"Who is he? Why does he look familiar to me?"

"I'm with Mr. Zhang from Panshi. We don't often meet him in the cafeteria."

"Oh", the receptionist suddenly realized and smiled slightly.

Liu Ligan introduced to Zhang Chen that this was Xiao Huang, Huang Meili. He also told Huang Meili that this was Zhang Chen, my good brother. He designed the decoration of our company and Wanghai Tower.

"Really?!" Huang Meili exclaimed in surprise, "This lobby is so beautifully designed. I thought it was designed by a foreign design company, but I didn't expect it was you. I can brag to others in the future."

Huang Meili reached out her hand generously and shook Zhang Chen's hand. Zhang Chen quickly said thank you.

Zhang Chen felt in his heart that this girl was not annoying at all. When had she been with Liu Lipole? Why haven't you heard him say that?

"Where's Meng Ping?" Liu Ligan asked.

"He's been here, just go back and take a shower."

"Coming, coming." As soon as Zhang Chen finished speaking, Meng Ping's voice sounded at the door.

He walked in and saw that not only Liu Ligan had arrived in the office, but there was also a girl. He was stunned for a moment. After Liu Ligan introduced them, Meng Ping said, "That's great. You are the most beautiful girl I have ever seen in Haicheng." pretty girl.

Huang Meili giggled: "Do you say this to all the girls you meet?"

Meng Ping said yes, I have said this before. From now on, I will tell them that you are the second most beautiful girl I have ever seen in Haicheng.

The others laughed, and Zhang Chen thought to himself, this Liu Ligan is so smooth-tongued, and here comes Meng Ping, who is as good as him, and it will be lively now.

Meng Ping looked at the time and said it was almost time. Where should we go to eat?

Zhang Chen looked at Huang Meili, and then looked at Liu Ligan with questioning eyes. Does that mean, if Huang Meili is here, are you still going there?

"It's okay, she knows where it is." Liu Ligan and Zhang Chen said.

Meng Ping was surprised on the side: "What a good place, but it seems so mysterious to you?"

Zhang Chen, Liu Ligan and Huang Meili all smiled and did not answer Meng Ping.

The four of them went to the Coconut Chicken Hot Pot Restaurant, but there was no space and they had to queue up. The four of them sat there waiting for a table. Meng Ping complained: "I asked you to pick a place. If you pick a food stall, are you afraid that I will have no money or do you want to do it for me?" save money?"

"Save your shoes." Zhang Chen said with a smile, "It's close here, just a few steps away."

Meng Ping sat there and saw the problem as he watched. He saw that most of the people coming in and out were in pairs. Every girl was beautiful. Liu Ligan smiled and asked him:

"Meng Ping, how are you? Are you seeing the second most beautiful girl in Haicheng?"

"I saw good cabbages, but they were all eaten by pigs." Of course, Meng Ping could see what these girls and the various men around them were doing, and Meng Ping said angrily.

Everyone else laughed. When Liu Ligan was smiling, he peeked at Huang Meili beside him and found that she was also smiling happily.

Has she forgotten that she is also a good cabbage?

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