The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 300 Escaped all day

Liu Ligan arrived at Zhang Chen's office. It was not yet nine o'clock, but Zhang Chen had already arrived. Liu Ligan asked, had you had breakfast?

Zhang Chen said no, waiting for you to buy it.


Liu Ligan turned around and walked out. After a while, he came back with pickled flour, braised eggs and rice dumplings. The two of them sat down to have breakfast. The phone on the table rang. Zhang Chen picked it up. There was a lot of noise on the phone, Salad Salad. The ground rang, and then a voice came from far away:

"Hey, is it Mr. Zhang? I'm Meng Ping. I've arrived at Guangzhou Airport now. I'm going back to Haicheng this afternoon. I'll treat you and Gangzi to dinner. You decide the place."

"Fuck, are you done?" Zhang Chen asked.

"Of course, I, Meng Ping, have a huge pocket now, haha, let's talk about it when we get back." Meng Ping called on the phone.

After putting down the phone, Zhang Chen and Liu Ligan looked at each other, Liu Ligan shouted, did this bastard really get money?

"That should be the case. Otherwise, if you are so loud and ask us to book a place, wouldn't that mean that we can eat whatever we want." Zhang Chen said with a smile.

"That's right. People who couldn't bear to sit in a car are now coming back by plane." Liu Ligan said, "When he left the island, he took a long-distance bus. I have to give him a good beating at night."

"What's the matter? You haven't eaten yet? Just go and eat coconut chicken hotpot." Zhang Chen scolded.

"Coconut chicken is coconut chicken, Zhang Chen, I'm warning you, if Meng Ping is sitting there today and his eyes are itchy, and he wants me to go find Dingdong, you can't stop me."

"You think everyone is second-rate."

"I don't know if he is a bitch or not. He is definitely a single man. A single man needs Dingdong's comfort, otherwise he is not a man."

When Liu Ligan said this, he glanced at Zhang Chen and meant something. Zhang Chen almost threw the fast food box in his hand, but Liu Ligan laughed and ran away.

Liu Ligan first went to two places and signed two contracts. When he returned to the newspaper office, he saw the director and shook the contract in his hand. The director cursed, "What are you showing off for?"

"No way, leader, this half month has not passed yet, and I have completed a month's mission. How can you not praise such a soldier and still say bad words?" Liu Ligan shouted.

The director smiled: "What bad words? I scold you just to praise you."

"No, no, no, director. Hitting means kissing and scolding means loving. You don't want to love me. I only like women." Liu Ligan waved his hand quickly.

The director glared at him, and Liu Ligan smiled and ran away.

After going downstairs, I met Xiao Ren at the entrance of the stairs, holding an empty bowl in his hand with a sad face. When he saw Liu Ligan, he complained that this damn canteen only has vegetables.

"Didn't eat?"

"Eat farts."

"Let's go, let me treat you to dinner." Liu Lizhu put his arm around Xiao Ren's shoulders and walked outside. Xiao Ren was overjoyed.

After eating with Xiao Ren, Liu Ligan decided to go to the construction site. When he got downstairs, he remembered that the workers must still be taking a nap at this time. There was nothing to see when they went up, so he went to Li Yong's office. Li Yong Lying on the table, he was still asleep. When he saw Liu Ligan coming in, he cursed:

"Go out and disturb other people's sleep again."

Liu Ligan smiled and said, "You haven't even slept yet, why should I make a fuss?"

"Fuck you, you're here and I can still sleep?"

Before Liu Ligan could speak, the BB machine in his waist beeped. Liu Ligan lowered his head and looked. Li Yong also heard the sound of his BB machine and cursed: "Come back quickly, get out of here, I'm really sleepy." .”

"Go to sleep. Find me upstairs. I'll go take a look." Liu Lizhan stepped back and couldn't help laughing when he heard Li Yong breathing heavily behind him.

Liu Ligan walked to the elevator and pressed the down button. At this time, the ghost upstairs would look for him. When he saw that it was Huang Meili's number, he did not dare to return to Li Yong's office, so he walked out.

Liu Ligan went downstairs to the edge of the Longzhu Building and found a public phone. He called back. As soon as the call came through, Huang Meili shouted on the phone: "Lao Ma, this is great. People in the whole city are taking a nap. Fortunately you didn’t sleep, where were you?”

"This is the Dragon Ball Building."

"Wait there, I'll come find you."


"Go swimming with me at the beach."

"Now? Such a big sun?"

"I don't care, you must accompany me."

After Huang Meili finished speaking, she hung up the phone.

Liu Ligan walked out of the shop, looked at the sun above his head, and cursed, "Why are you so crazy? If you go swimming in such a strong sun, you won't be afraid of getting burned."

Liu Ligan returned to the door of Longzhu Building. He didn't want to suffer this, but he didn't dare to go upstairs. He knew that if Huang Meili arrived and didn't see him, she would definitely go upstairs to find him based on her temper. Yes, it's hard to say whether anyone will see it. Even Liu Yun's fellow villagers don't know if they will inform Liu Yun next time if they see it.

Liu Ligan really regretted it now. How could he be so hot-headed last night that he brought Huang Meili here? At that time, he just lied and said that he didn't have the key to the construction site and got away with it. Alas, the only fault was that in his subconscious, He still wanted to show off to Huang Meili.

Liu Ligan thought about the white villa last night again. You are showing off, I have never seen anything like this before.

Liu Ligan stood at the gate and waited for a while. Huang Meili arrived. Liu Ligan did not dare to stay longer, so he quickly got in the car and followed Huang Meili.

They arrived at the holiday beach they had visited that night. On the beach in the afternoon, the sun had turned the sand white and it was hot to step on with bare feet. There was not a single ghost on the beach, and the open space was also empty. , no other car.

Huang Meili got out of the car, took a bag from the back seat, and asked Liu Lipole to hold it. The two of them walked along the beach. On one side of the beach was the sea, on the other side were coconut trees and mangroves. The two of them walked to a large tree In the shade, Huang Meili asked Liu Ligan to take out a square felt from his bag and spread it on the ground. The felt was so big that it was as big as a bed.

The two of them stood on the felt. Huang Meili began to take off her outer clothes, revealing the swimsuit underneath. When she saw Liu Ligan standing there motionless, she urged, "Take off too. You agreed to swim with me. Do you want to let go?" Me pigeon?

"I didn't bring my swimming trunks." Liu Ligan said.

"What kind of swimming trunks does a man want?" Huang Meili rolled her eyes at him and suddenly smiled: "You're not even wearing shorts, are you?"

Liu Ligan glared at her and took off his clothes.

Huang Meili frowned and said, "Your shorts are really ugly. Otherwise, I have a swimsuit in my bag and I can lend it to you."

After saying that, Huang Meili giggled, and Liu Ligan cursed, "Believe it or not, I will throw you into the sea in the wilderness."

"Okay, come on, you may not be able to beat me in the sea. I was in college, but I won the swimming championship of our school." Huang Meili shouted.

The two people sat on the felt. Although the sea breeze kept blowing, the temperature on the beach in the afternoon was too high. After sitting for a while, the two people's faces became shiny with sweat.

"What's wrong with you in this sunny day, why do you think of swimming?" Liu Ligan asked.

"I haven't seen the sea for several days and miss it." Huang Meili said.

Liu Ligan nodded and shouted: "No, aren't you going to Ningbo? Isn't Ningbo also on the beach?"

Huang Meili snorted and cursed: "You still have the nerve to say that the sea in Zhejiang, which you have the nerve to call the sea, is all muddy and muddy."

Liu Ligan was silent. He had been to Ningbo and even Zhoushan. The sea water there was indeed muddy and tawny, incomparable to Hainan. Liu Ligan went there every year. He was familiar with the sea water in Pingyang, Cangnan, Wenzhou. , the sea water is also muddy, and there is no beach, it is all tidal flats, and there is mud as far as the eye can see.

Until one time, a fishing boat took them to Nanji Island for a performance, and then they saw the blue sea, blue sky and white sandy beach, and they felt that they had finally seen the real sea.

Huang Meili lay down on the felt and closed her eyes slightly. Liu Li asked curiously: "Don't you want to swim? Why don't you go into the water?"

"I'm already swimming, don't disturb me."

Liu Ligan chuckled: "You just swim like this? Just look at the sea and just wear a swimsuit?"

"Of course, what do you want?" Huang Meili sat up and asked: "Do you want me to go into the water? Are you mistaken? There is not even running water here. I can swim up, how can I drive back? That face and hair After being exposed to the sun, why don’t you become a white flower?”

Liu Ligan pointed to a simple house not far away. On the exposed cement brick wall of the house, the two characters "shower" were painted in red paint. Liu Ligan said, "Isn't there water there?"

"It's broken, otherwise I would have gone into the water."

Liu Ligan didn't believe it and walked over. The house used to have a door, but someone removed it, leaving only a door frame and a window. They were originally nailed with plastic sheets, but they were now in dilapidated condition. Liu Ligan didn't believe it. I looked through the pole probe and almost vomited out. There was a strong smell of urine. The valves of the two shower faucets inside had been pulled out and the water pipes were rusty.

Liu Ligan looked carefully and saw dried stool in a corner of the house. There were flies buzzing around it. Liu Ligan quickly ran away from there.

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