The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 275 A Close Family

They sat down in the box, and the waiter came over and asked, do you need to remove a few seats for you?

Section Chief Ma waved his hand and shouted, "Don't move, don't move." Liu Ligan understood that he had someone else coming.

After a while, someone was heard shouting in the corridor outside. Chief Ma responded. The door of the box was opened, and a woman came in with a child of sixteen or seventeen years old.

Section Chief Ma and Liu Ligan introduced that this was my wife's son. My son went to the Overseas Chinese Middle School nearby, so I asked them to come over.

Liu Ligan quickly said, "Let's go together. I'm worried that there are too few of us and we can't even spend the minimum consumption. We can eat whatever we want."

Section Chief Ma snorted and also laughed. He said, are you and I thinking about it together? I am most afraid of waste when eating.

Just as he was talking, a young man and an old man came in through the door. Chief Ma introduced them as his father-in-law and nephew.

Liu Ligan thought to himself that this young man should be the one who opened the canteen downstairs of his home, and he really wanted to get to know him well.

The next person who came in was the family of three members of the Ma Section Chief and his brother, two adults and a little girl of twelve or thirteen years old. When the little girl came in, she asked, "Uncle, have you ordered any poisonous snakes?" Chief Ma said, how could the uncle forget? He knew that you like to eat venomous snakes the most.

As Section Chief Ma spoke, he used two fingers to scratch Snake Nobuko's face. The little girl twisted her neck to avoid it.

Liu Ligan thought to himself that it was strange for a little girl not to be afraid of venomous snakes, but also like to eat venomous snakes.

The last ones to arrive were Section Chief Ma's sister-in-law and a cousin. Eleven people crowded the large table for twelve people.

To everyone who came in, Section Chief Ma gave them the menu and told them which dishes they had already ordered. They could add whatever they wanted to eat. Those people were not polite. No one even looked at Liu Ligan, and happily Just light up.

What they were talking seemed to be Hakka, mixed with Hainanese. Liu Ligan couldn't understand what they were saying. He felt that he was completely redundant in this room. Even if he stood up and left now, there would be no one. He will care, as long as he can come back on time to pay the bill.

Chief Ma was sitting there, looking like a grown man. Even his father-in-law had a somewhat flattering attitude toward him. Liu Ligan was sitting there, not knowing anything but a silly smile. What else can I do in this situation?

After they had finished adding all the dishes they wanted to add, Section Chief Ma seemed to remember something and said something to them. Everyone at the table laughed and had a good time. Only Liu Ligan was in his heart, fucking everyone at the table. After checking over and over again, what kind of family are these? They are mainly anti-customers. They are not such anti-fa, right?

Chief Ma called the waiter in, pointed his fingers in front of his face, and told the waiter to add a cup of bird's nest to each woman present, young and old, and a cup of shark's fin to each man.

Only then did Liu Ligan realize that this was what they were happy about just now.

When the waiter asked what kind of drink he wanted, the room was bustling again. Everyone signed up for a drink. Finally, Section Chief Ma asked Liu Ligan, "Xiao Liu, what do you want to drink?"

Liu Ligan said, I can do anything, I will accompany my eldest brother.

Liu Ligan thought to himself, fortunately, these people only focus on eating well and have no knowledge. They all aim at domestic wine. For them, Maotai is already very good. They are not like Mr. Han, who only drinks Louis X. Three, otherwise, if I drink three or four bottles, my soul will definitely be severely damaged.

Section Chief Ma patted Liu Ligan on the shoulder and told them, "My little brother is pretty good."

Everyone clapped, and after the applause, they continued to throw him aside and continued their own topics in their native dialect.

Liu Ligan sat there on pins and needles, wondering why today's meal took so long. He ate alone and drank alone. Sometimes when he just wanted to raise a toast to Chief Ma, someone would grab him. He bowed in one step, and Liu Ligan could only smile stupidly, pretending to be accompanying the drink, and took a sip.

Liu Ligan remembered why Yang Weili laughed when he said, "I can't bear to eat this meal." He felt baffled at the time, but now he understands that she must have expected such a scene. She was not with this family. Come closer?

The cups and plates on the table were in a mess, and everyone seemed to be well fed. Section Chief Ma called the waiter and asked her, how far are we from the minimum consumption?

The waiter said, one thousand one hundred yuan.

"What else do you want to add?" Section Chief Ma snorted and turned to ask Liu Ligan. Liu Ligan shook his head.

"Then there's no need to add food. It's a waste. Little sister, please bring us three or five cigarettes." Section Chief Ma said.

After a while, the waiter came over with a bag of cigarettes. Chief Ma pointed at Liu Ligan and told the waiter, give it to him.

Liu Ligan cursed in his heart, Damn you, can I still take this cigarette away with me? If I take it away, tonight’s dinner will be in vain. Not only is it in vain, it will be worse than eating your pockmarks. The consequences will be Even more serious.

Liu Ligan declined and said, "I'd better take this away with my eldest brother. I'm not used to outside smoking."

Section Chief Ma declined at first, and finally sighed helplessly. He told his nephew, "Then help me and take it back."

Section Chief Ma patted the table, then waved his hands and told them, "It's good for you all. My brother and I will sit down for a while."

Liu Ligan understood that he was going to drive them away, so he went on to act alone with him.

People at the table stood up one after another and left with cigarettes and smiles. When they left, everyone said polite words to Section Chief Ma, and no one greeted Liu Ligan.

After they all left, Section Chief Ma took a toothpick, picked his teeth, took a deep breath, and threw the toothpick into the bone dish. He reached out and patted Liu Ligan on the shoulder and told him, what about you? , don’t worry, big brother is here.

Liu Ligan quickly said: "Thank you, brother!"

Liu Ligan said to Section Chief Ma, "Brother, let's find a place to relax. I booked a private room in Taoyuan Hotel."

Chief Ma said, OK, let’s digest it.

The two arrived at Taoyuan Hotel. Wenwen and Qianqian were waiting for them in the lobby. As soon as they saw Wenwen, Chief Ma's eyes lit up, and he took her hand and asked Wenwen to take them to the private room.

The four of us were in the box, and they didn't sing a few songs all night. They were all sung by Liu Ligan and Qianqian. Section Chief Ma patronized Wenwen and once, blocked Wenwen in the room. He went into the restroom and came out after twenty or thirty minutes. Liu Li had to urinate urgently, so he had to go to the public restroom outside the box.

When she came out, Wenwen's face was red and she glared at Liu Ligan resentfully.

At about one o'clock, Section Chief Ma clapped his hands and said it was okay. That was the end of the day. Two men, one with Wenwen in his arms and the other with Qianqian in his arms, went downstairs. Liu Ligan thought it was true. That's it. Unexpectedly, Section Chief Ma suggested going to the Lion House for a midnight snack.

Section Chief Ma suggested, and Liu Ligan could only pretend to be happy in response, hoping that Wenwen and Qianqian could help stop him. Unexpectedly, the two of them did not say anything, since they hoped to go. After all, it was the Lion Building.

There is no other way, so we can only go to the Lion Tower.

The four of them ate until almost four o'clock, and then it was really over. Liu Ligan asked to send Chief Ma home, but Chief Ma refused to say anything. He called a car and was about to leave. Liu Ligan could only I paid twenty yuan to the driver and asked him to take me home. At that time, Haicheng taxis could take you to any corner of the city for five yuan.

Just leave by yourself. Anyway, his nephew's shop won't be open now.

After returning home, Wenwen asked Liu Ligan for a tip, and said that he must pay according to the regulations. Liu Ligan understood and cursed, "Damn it, we can't even defend the city."

Wenwen was more fierce than him, roaring, "If I want to fucking defend, I can only slap him in the face, do you want it?"

Qianqian giggled beside her.

Liu Ligan had no choice but to give her the money. Qianqian stretched out her hand and shouted, "I want it too, and I have to give it according to the regulations."

Liu Ligan said curiously, "That doesn't make sense. I didn't see him touching you."

Qianqian scolded, "Fuck you, I'll do it for you every day."

Liu Ligan thought it right, so he had to give her the money and give Wenwen a little more, so that she would double the amount.

After this calculation, nearly 20,000 yuan was gone this night, and Liu Ligan felt heartbroken for a while.

There was no talking all night, and the three of them stayed alone. When Wenwen came over, Liu Ligan pretended to have drunk too much and fell asleep.

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