The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 274 Going Further

Chief Ma finally found the information about Hainan Jinghai Real Estate Co., Ltd. from the large pile of materials. He snorted, pulled out the materials, threw them aside, and threw the large pile of materials with a bang. Return to the basket.

Sitting down again, Section Chief Ma asked Liu Ligan while flipping through the materials, "What's your name?"

"Liu Lipole."

Section Chief Ma took a look at the materials and said, "Are you a shareholder of this company?"


"The registered capital is 50 million, which is not small. It is already in place. Is it borrowed?"

"No, it's not Chief Ma, this is our shareholders' own funds."

Chief Ma looked at the name of the major shareholder again and understood. He closed the document, put it aside, and said to Liu Ligan: "There are many people registering companies now, and we also have other jobs here, so, The approval time may be longer than usual, so be patient."

You really don't give face, even if it is brought by your own apprentice, you will still be given a soft nail. Liu Ligan thought.

"I know that Section Chief Ma is very busy, so I came to see Section Chief Ma because I just wanted to invite him..."

Chief Ma played the material with his fingers and interrupted Liu Ligan: "This is a big deal, but don't worry, I will take a good look at it as soon as I have time. However, you also know that such a big industrial and commercial bureau, I’m not the only one who has passed this test, there are still other departments and bureaus that I have to pass, but don’t worry, everyone of us will take it seriously.”

Liu Ligan felt clear in his heart, what the hell, I’m telling you, just wait patiently until the year of the monkey and the month of the horse.

Liu Ligan quickly laughed and said, "Yes, I know that the leaders are very busy and work very hard. By the way, does Section Chief Ma have time in the evening?"

Chief Ma glanced at him and snorted: "What are you going to do?"

"If I have time, I'd like to invite Section Chief Ma to have dinner with me."

"I know, sugar-coated bullets." Section Chief Ma snorted, "You want to use sugar-coated bullets against me, right?"

Liu Ligan quickly laughed: "Chief Ma is serious. For someone as upright as Section Ma, don't talk about sugar-coated bombs. Even if I use sugar-coated atomic bombs, it will be useless. This matter is in charge. It is a public matter anyway. Just wait and see." Just wait, what’s the big deal, I just want to make friends with the section chief, and ask the section chief to reward me.”

Section Chief Ma glanced at him, snorted, and finally smiled a little, saying, "Young man, you can't tell, but he's still a slippery man, and he's quite good at talking."

"It's a little trick that can't escape the eyes of Section Chief Ma. I just want to make friends with the Section Chief too urgently. Section Chief, please give me a favor." Liu Ligan clasped his hands and asked.

"Actually, I quite like dealing with you young people." Section Chief Ma pondered for a while, and then said: "Okay, it's commonplace, don't make so many tricks, there are too many tricks, don't blame me for turning against you, even if You are Wei Li’s friend.”

"Okay, definitely, it's settled, tonight at seven o'clock, the third floor of Nanzhuang, box 818."

Section Chief Ma snorted and did not comment. Liu Ligan was cursing in his mind, why are you pretending to be a big-tailed wolf? Damn you, Nanzhuang Haobao, the minimum consumption is 8,888, don't you know there is no homely food there?

"Do you have that business card?" Section Chief Ma asked.

"Yes, yes."

Liu Ligan quickly took out the business card of "Talent Information News" and handed it to him. Section Chief Ma took it in his hand and hummed again: "He is still a reporter."

"Fake, fake, fake reporter, from the advertising department. In fact, he is just selling ads." Liu Ligan was afraid that the other party would think too much, so he quickly explained: "No, it's hard to sell ads now, and I can hardly support myself. Just try to find another way out."

"Get another one."

Liu Ligan didn't understand what he was going to do, but he quickly took a business card and handed it over.

Section Chief Ma wrote his BB phone number and office phone number on the back of the business card, and gave it back to Liu Ligan. At that time, business cards were still strictly controlled in government agencies. Section-level cadres like Section Chief Ma were not yet qualified to print business cards.

Liu Ligan took the business card from Chief Ma and asked him: "Chief Ma, what time will I pick you up at the door?"

"No need, I'll go there myself."

"Okay, then I will wait for Section Chief Ma at the gate of Nanzhuang."

Section Chief Ma snorted and turned to look at other documents on the table. Liu Ligan quickly stood up and left. Chief Ma didn't even raise his head and just waved his hand.

Liu Ligan came out of Chief Ma's office and walked in after passing the enterprise registration (2). Yang Weili saw him and asked, "Is it done?"

Liu Lipole nodded.

"Sister Wei Li, will you and Brother Bo go together tonight?" Liu Ligan said.

"What are we going to do?" Yang Weili frowned and kept shaking her head: "I can't bear to eat this meal."

After saying that, Yang Weili laughed.

Liu Ligan didn't understand what was so funny about this. Yang Weili said, "It's okay. You can go. I'll go back later to take care of your good brother. Every time he drinks too much, he has to pretend to be dead for several days. By the way, He is like this when he drinks too much, so don't mind.

"No way, Brother Bo is really serious."

"Haha, okay, true character. If you were me, you would know how annoying this true character is. By the way, the minions are pretty good. You have to cherish them."

Liu Ligan smiled, waved his hand, and came out of Yang Weili. He was thinking, yes, she is very good, but it's a pity that he doesn't know who she is.

Before Liu Ligan came, he had asked Li Yong to book the private room in Nanzhuang. Liu Ligan asked Li Yong and Qihang to go there in the evening. Li Yong told him, "Gangzi, don't call anyone for this kind of game." The other party will mind.

Liu Ligan thought about it, and it made sense.

Liu Ligan rode his motorcycle back to Yilin's house. Wenwen and Qianqian were still sleeping and hadn't gotten up. Liu Ligan woke them up and told them to help me book a box at Taoyuan Hotel for the night. The small bag was enough. Also, you two, don’t take orders tonight, just serve in my private room.

"You fucking want us to do money-losing business again?" Wenwen scolded.

"No, no, this is business, so I'll give you your tip as usual, plus midnight snacks."

Wenwen smiled and said: "That's pretty much it."

"This matter is of great importance. You must help me serve me well." Liu Ligan confessed.

Qianqian scolded: "When did we fail to serve your guests well? When you are losing money, we are more concerned about making money than making money!"

Liu Ligan smiled and said: "That's right. Okay, brother, remember it. When I get rich..."

Qianqian stood up and shouted, "I'm going to wash my face."

She said and ran away.

Liu Ligan shook his head and said to Wenwen: "I drank too much last night and I will drink more tonight. I have a terrible headache. Come and give me a massage."

Wenwen quickly stood up and shouted: "Oh, I have to wash my face too."

She also escaped.

Liu Li banged the bed and howled: "You two things, I treat you very badly. Is there any justice for you to treat me like this?"

In the corridor outside, Wenwen and Qianqian were lying on the railing, laughing.

Wenwen saw that Yilin was out of school, and as soon as he walked into the yard, Wenwen shouted: "Yilin, hurry up, hurry up, your tough brother has itchy skin, he said he wants you to come up and beat him."

Yilin looked up at them and said contemptuously: "Him? Oh, not without a beating. I'm too lazy to beat him!"

Wenwen and Qianqian giggled.

At 6:30, Liu Ligan arrived downstairs in Nanzhuang. He first went to the reception area to order a knot, and then stood at the door waiting for Chief Ma. After waiting for more than ten minutes, Chief Ma came. He was outside. They were completely different from those in the office. He waved to Liu Ligan from a distance, but before he even got closer, he called out:

"Sorry, sorry for keeping you waiting."

This flattered Liu Lipole.

The greeters at the entrance of Nanzhuang all knew Section Chief Ma. When they saw him, they would call him Section Chief Ma affectionately. Section Chief Ma put his left hand on his hips and nodded at them with his right hand and said, "Forgot again?"

The two welcome guests laughed and said sweetly: "I know, call me big brother."

Liu Ligan almost laughed. This big brother is too fucking big.

Chief Ma was very familiar with this place. He asked Liu Ligan, "You come and I come?" He meant ordering food.

Liu Ligan quickly said, "Here comes the section chief."

Section Chief Ma told him that the same goes for you. When you leave the office, you should not call him Section Chief, but also Big Brother.

Liu Ligan quickly said, "Okay, brother."

Chief Ma ordered the dishes very quickly. He did not order expensive things like Gui Lao and Mr. Han. He ordered Australian dragon for lobster and ordinary grouper for fish, but Liu Ligan ordered What was strange was that he ordered the biggest of everything, including lobsters and fish, as well as mountain tortoises, poisonous snakes, and even squabs. He ordered the four biggest ones.

Liu Ligan cursed in his heart, just two people, can they finish eating so much?

Fortunately, no matter what he ordered, Liu Ligan estimated that he would not be able to order the minimum consumption.

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