The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 254 The Great Sage Arrives

Now, Liu Ligan would come to Zhang Chen's place every morning or noon. In the evening, he would go to Liu Yun's place more often. After that night, Liu Yun's attitude towards Liu Ligan completely changed. In the club, they officially appeared as boyfriend and girlfriend. Even when they went to the club restaurant to eat, the two of them were holding hands.

But Liu Ligan felt a little uneasy in his heart. He felt that he was suspected of performing in this way, including going to Liu Yun's place in the evening. He should go instead of wanting to go. He felt that he and Liu Yun were together. Sometimes, there is always a fake and unreliable feeling, and I don't know whether it is because of myself or Liu Yun.

Liu Ligan thought of a sentence: Once upon a time, it was difficult to overcome the difficulties.

Tan Shuzhen is his sea, and this sea has submerged him. He feels that the real Liu Ligan is dead, and now this one is more like a walking corpse. What kind of love are you talking about?

Liu Ligan felt that he had an apology for Liu Yun, but he could not control himself from getting close to Liu Yun. Liu Ligan himself also felt that he was sick. He had habitually wanted to get close to and possess all young women who were close to him. This kind of physical pleasure has made him addicted.

He thinks that people are like a clock with a clockwork. If you take yourself and others seriously every day, you just need to tighten the screws and tighten the clockwork at the same time every day. Once you relax, the clock will run wildly. plate.

Just like writing a self-criticism when studying, the first reason is always not being strict with yourself. Liu Ligan feels that he is not strict with himself now, and there will be a kind of inertia in his degeneration. This inertia will bring a kind of pleasure, and he will be dissolute and unrestrained. It makes people intoxicated in a slight dizziness. All things, once addicted, become inner demons. How can people easily defeat their own inner demons?

Don't think that it's just drug addiction that's hard to quit. For fishermen, no matter how hot the sun is or the wind is blowing at night, they can't resist the urge to go to the lake and the river and sit there stupidly.

When Liu Ligan heard the crisp laughter of the Ding Dongs, he was about to take action. The only thing that could stop him was money.

Liu Ligan didn't understand how he became like this, and he didn't want to understand that in this world, you are good with her today, and she is good with him tomorrow. Every man and woman has either been abandoned or is on the way to being abandoned. Either physically abandoned, or spiritually abandoned.

Even the love between himself and Tan Shuzhen, Zhang Chen and Jin Lili is so fragile. There is no such thing as bullshit love in this world.

Wenwen and Qianqian finally got angry. When they caught Liu Ligan one day, Wenwen yelled, "You fucking use people to go forward and not people to go behind. Where have you been these days, causing us to guard an empty house every day?"

Liu Ligan also felt that he had neglected them for too long, which was inappropriate, and he really missed them. He called Liu Yun and told her that he had something to do in the evening and could not go, so he would stay at home and wait for Wenwen to be reunited. Qianqian gets off work.

Wenwen and Qianqian also deliberately left work early. They had supper together, watched videos together, and finally reconciled.

The weather in Haicheng is getting hotter and hotter. In this city without winter, even the ambiguous and harsh smell in the air cannot be frozen by the biting cold wind. The sea breeze is filled with the smell of hormones everywhere.

Chen Qihang was sitting in the office, still sulking at Sun Hou. He called Sun Hou's office. This time, someone answered the call and did not hang up the phone. But the caller was not Sun Hou, but his secretary. She and Chen Qihang said that President Sun was on a business trip.

Damn it, he is obviously an assistant to the president, and the secretary has the nerve to call him president.

Chen Qihang asked her where she had gone, and the secretary said she didn't know. In turn, she asked Chen Qihang, "Who are you?"

Chen Qihang was extremely angry and cursed: "I am his father."

The secretary quickly bowed respectfully and said, "It turns out to be uncle. Uncle, your voice is so young."

Chen Qihang threw the phone away and couldn't laugh or cry. He was such a rotten person. He couldn't find a secretary at all. He thought, too, what the hell are you doing with a rotten assistant to the president? You deserve a secretary. You're damn qualified to be a secretary. What a decent secretary.

Chen Qihang heard someone asking in the corridor outside the door: "Where is Mr. Chen's office?"

This voice was somewhat familiar. Chen Qihang remembered it and was startled. He jumped up from his chair. Three people came in from the door, carrying bags in their hands. The leader was none other than Sun Hou Sun Shengguo.

Chen Qihang said "Hey".

Sun Shengguo had a wicked smile on his face: "Hey, what? I'm here, why don't you pick me up quickly?"

"You fucking..."

"My mother didn't come, so she was cooking for my father at home." Sun Shengguo said with a smile. He took two steps back, reached the door, and shouted into the corridor: "Li Yong!"

When Li Yong heard the sound, he walked to the door and saw that it was Sun Hou. He was also shocked. He quickly ran over, ran up to him, picked up Sun Shengguo, carried him in from the outside, and shouted: "This bastard, let's set sail, deep-fried or braised?"

"Take him to Guilin Yang to feed the fish." Chen Qihang cursed.

Li Yong slammed Sun Shengguo to the ground hard. Sun Shengguo grinned and was beaten until his feet were numb. After Li Yong let him go, he brushed off the wrinkles on his suit and cursed: "The suit I bought in Hong Kong has been turned into a fucking pickle by you."

Li Yong laughed loudly: "Are you a fool? It's over 30 degrees in Haicheng, and you come here wearing a suit?"

"How did I know that Haicheng is so hot?" Sun Shengguo said as he took off his suit, threw it on the sofa, and called to the other two to take off their clothes as well.

"Sun Hou, why the hell are you here?" Chen Qihang asked.

Sun Shengguo looked at him with wide eyes and said, "Didn't you ask me to come here to see that person?"

"Then why the hell won't you answer my call?"

Sun Shengguo chuckled: "I did it on purpose, was it unexpected? Surprised or not? My brother told you, I take full responsibility for this matter, you are so fucking stupid, who are you kidding if you don't tease me? It’s not that I can’t leave because of something, I came here a week ago.”

Chen Qihang got up and was about to hit Sun Hou, but Li Yong stopped him and said with a smile: "Okay, as long as you come, let's forget the past and forget the grudges with a smile."

"Okay, let's find a place for you guys to stay first. I'll come to you directly from the airport. Is that fun?" Sun Shengguo said, "By the way, I'll treat you tonight. You decide the place. Invite that person." There are also Yiyan and Liu Yun, our classmates, who else are there in Haicheng?"

"There is no one left. Dawei and Lao Liu went to Yangpu. Madman and his wife left for Shenzhen a few months ago." Chen Qihang said.

While Chen Qihang was chatting with Sun Shengguo, Li Yong picked up the phone on the table and called Zhang Chen, asking him to help book a room at Wanghai International Hotel. Sun Hou raised two fingers towards Li Yong, and Li Yong and Zhang Chen said , two rooms, one double room and one standard room.

Sun Shengguo nodded.

"By the way, Zhang Chen, tell the pole that our classmate, the monkey has arrived in Haicheng. Hey, Liu Yun will probably tell him later that we will have dinner together in the evening. You and the pole will come." Li Yong and Zhang Chen said.

"You classmates? Are you here to talk about the real estate company?" Zhang Chen asked.


"Great! I told Zhuangzi right away, by the way, I won't go to dinner. I won't get involved in your classmates' gathering."

"Go away, the pole is definitely not our classmate, right?"

"He?" Zhang Chen said with a smile, "He is a family member of a classmate."

"You are also a family member, you are my family member." Li Yong scolded, "You are not allowed to fail."

"Okay, I obey." Zhang Chen laughed.

Zhang Chen immediately dunked Liu Ligan, and Liu Ligan came back. Zhang Chen told him that the Beijing classmate from Qihang is here and wants us to have dinner together in the evening. You can ask Liu Yun about the time and place later.

Liu Ligan was stunned and asked: "Which classmate, Sun Hou?"


"real or fake?"

"People are already at Qihang's place now. If you don't believe it, just ask Qihang. I'm going to book a room for them right away."

"That's great! What a surprise! Zhang Chen, I'm so fucking moved that I'm going to cry. I still have my pie!"

"Well, eat slowly and don't choke."

Zhang Chen hung up the phone and then dialed the office on the second floor of Wenming East. The phone was ringing. Zhang Chen looked at the time. He estimated that Gu Shufang should be busy in the kitchen at this time. When he heard the call, he went to the sink to wash his hands, and then went downstairs, one step, two steps. , three steps, Zhang Chen silently counted one, two, three in his mind. When he counted to three, the phone call went through, and Gu Shufang's voice came: "Hello!"

Zhang Chen couldn't help laughing. He suppressed it, swallowed his laughter, and said in a cold voice: "Accountant Gu, I'm sorry, I have something to do tonight and I have to go back later. I will give you the voucher and documents tomorrow morning."

"Okay." Gu Shufang replied coldly, but she already knew in her heart that Zhang Chen would not be back for dinner today.

call ended.

Zhang Chen stood up and went to the front desk of the hotel. When the front desk supervisor saw Zhang Chen, he came over from the other side of the back-shaped front desk surrounding the oar tree and said to Zhang Chen: "Mr. Zhang, our new The lobby is so beautiful that every guest is in awe.”

Zhang Chen smiled and said he would book two rooms for me.

"Don't you live by yourself?"

"Friend, how can I live in two rooms by myself?" Zhang Chen said with a smile.

"Whatever, I'll give you the same discount."

The supervisor told Zhang Chen, and Zhang Chen quickly said thank you!

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