The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 253 Hiding in a small building to unite

Because of the celebration of the delivery of the third floor of the mall, the staff canteen of Wanghai Building had extra meals today. Those who did not take a break from work also returned to the canteen to eat, and the canteen became very crowded.

Zhang Chen went to the cafeteria to take a look. There were too many people, so he went back, thinking that he might as well go to that spicy soup with chicken oil rice.

Thinking about Gu Shufang again, he decided to go back. Even if he had a bowl of noodles cooked by Gu Shufang, it would be good. Zhang Chen liked the light and skillful look of Gu Shufang when he was busy in the kitchen. He felt that just looking at it made him laugh. People are reassured and warm.

Zhang Chen returned to Wenming East and went directly to the third floor without even entering his room. Gu Shufang was sitting at the dining table. Zhang Chen was stunned when he walked in.

He saw a table of dishes on the table, which was the same as when he first came. Gu Shufang was worried that every dish was cold because there were bowls and plates on it. Although the weather in Haicheng was so hot, the dishes would be cold. It’s not easy, Zhang Chen thought to himself. This is probably a habit brought over by Gu Shufang from Suzhou. Many families in Yongcheng will also have this habit.

When Zhang Chen looked at Gu Shufang, Gu Shufang also looked at him. The two of them laughed at the same time. Zhang Chen asked, "How did you know I would come back?"

Gu Shufang pursed her lips and said with a smile, "I just know."

Gu Shufang came over, took Zhang Chen's backpack and hung it up for him. She seemed a little shy. She wanted to hug Zhang Chen but hesitated. Zhang Chen saw it and spread his arms to hug her. When he hugged her, Only then did I feel that her whole body was full of enthusiasm.

Zhang Chen likes her implicit and restrained expression very much. It makes people feel that they have been living together for a long time. They are intimate but not strong. All the love has been melted into every move in daily life, and there is no need for more words. verbal expression.

The two of them drank a little red wine. After drinking, Gu Shufang's face became flushed, like a little rose red, spreading on the snow. Zhang Chen was fascinated by the sight. He really wanted to paint this moment with a paintbrush. Pin it down.

After eating, Gu Shufang asked Zhang Chen to sit in the living room. Zhang Chen refused to leave. He said I like to watch you work.

Gu Shufang followed him and took care of herself. She felt a pair of eyes watching her all the time. She panicked and a plate in her hand fell to the ground. Gu Shufang turned around and looked at Zhang Chen, angrily. Said: "Look, it's all your fault. I can't do this job anymore."

Zhang Chen smiled, walked over, held her hand, and told her that she wouldn't do it.

Gu Shufang sighed, but said in a joyful tone: "Okay, leave him alone, what's the big deal."

The two held hands and went to the living room. Zhang Chen saw his unfinished painting. The two looked at each other and smiled. Zhang Chen asked, "Do you want me to finish it?"

"No." Gu Shufang flattened her mouth, "Just like this, you can make me remember how cruel you are."

Gu Shufang scolded Zhang Chen for escaping from here again and again in a teasing tone. Zhang Chen quickly begged for mercy, "Okay, I regret it. If I had known I couldn't escape anyway, I wouldn't have escaped then."

Gu Shufang looked at him and asked seriously: "Do you still want to escape now?"

"I don't want to." Zhang Chen also said seriously, "The reason why I ran away at that time was actually because I liked you in my heart. If I didn't run away, I would feel that I wouldn't be able to control myself."

Gu Shufang nodded thoughtfully: "Actually, I understand in my heart, so I have been waiting."

When it was over, she sighed again: "Really, why do we have to torture ourselves for such a long time."

Zhang Chen also thought, yes, why bother?

The two of them were in the living room. When Xiao Lin and Caizhen came back downstairs, they listened quietly to their singing and playing. Zhang Chen and Gu Shufang were giggling like two children guarding a huge secret. It's exciting and satisfying.

After they returned to their rooms, Zhang Chen tiptoed down to the first floor, pretending to have just come back. He passed by Xiaolin's room, punched his door, and then opened the room with a bang. The door burst open.

In fact, he had already taken a shower on the third floor, so he went to take another shower, returned to the room, turned off the light, and when everything around him was quiet, he tiptoed upstairs again.

The next morning, Gu Shufang stood at the stairs, almost driving Xiao Lin and Caizhen away as quickly as possible with her eyes. Then she returned to the room and woke up Zhang Chen.

Since then, this has become a daily routine for the two of them. Zhang Chen goes home for dinner almost every day. He does feel like he is home. Sometimes he will come back at noon, eat lunch, and take a nap before going to work. .

When he had something to do and couldn't come back for dinner, Zhang Chen would go to the cigarette shop opposite Wanghai Building and call Gu Shufang. Their conversation was also very concise. Zhang Chen would just say, I can't come over, and no one else can I don't know who he is calling. After all, there are many people from Wanghailou who come here to buy cigarettes, so Zhang Chen has to be careful.

Zhang Chen didn't even dare to use the office phone to call Gu Shufang. When dialing the office phone, Wanghailou's switchboard can check the number. If they call too many times, they will definitely become suspicious. If they are intentional, the switchboard lady can even eavesdrop. the content of their calls.

Zhang Chen called twice, but Gu Shufang stopped him. She pointed to the phone on the coffee table and said to Zhang Chen, this is Wanghailou's public phone number. That person is actually very small-minded. Who knows if he will pick up the phone? Checklist.

Gu Shufang touched Zhang Chen's face and said to him: "I'm not afraid of him. Even if he knew about it, he wouldn't dare to do anything to me. I know all about his scandals. I'm worried that it will be bad for you." , We should be careful until the Wanghai Tower project is completed, and after that, we will be free."

Zhang Chen nodded. He felt that what Gu Shufang said made sense. After discussion, they decided that if they called again, Zhang Chen would just use the phone number in the construction site office and call the office on the second floor. They had official business to communicate, which was normal. .

On Saturday, Jin Lili would still come. Zhang Chen didn't go back to Wenmingdong. Gu Shufang knew what he was doing, but one of them didn't say it, and the other didn't ask. They just sometimes had breakfast on Saturday mornings. Sometimes, Zhang Chen would lower his head and say casually, "I won't be back tonight, don't wait for me."

Gu Shufang gave him a glass of water. Zhang Chen looked at her in surprise. Gu Shufang said slightly mischievously, I can't raise you well for others.

Zhang Chen couldn't help laughing and scolded her for being stingy. Gu Shufang also laughed, brought a glass of milk and replaced the water. She also said, "I am just stingy, I am a stingy woman."

This morning, when they were parting, both of them knew that they couldn't be together at night, and they would be particularly entangled. They hugged each other repeatedly, and then parted reluctantly. During the day, if Zhang Chen was free, he would secretly After running back, Gu Shufang knew that Zhang Chen had her in his heart, so she was very happy every time she saw him running back.

Zhang Chen and Jin Lili still behaved politely, and no one pointed out the indifference, but they all knew that they were finished.

In Jin Lili, it was because of the emotions of the past few years and a sense of guilt. She always felt that she was sorry for Zhang Chen. In addition, Mr. Xia said, "If he doesn't move, you won't move." "The explanation never mentioned the word breakup.

In Zhang Chen, he himself felt strange as to why he still maintains this relationship. Is it because he is vaguely proud and disdainful, or he also has the attitude of doing more than doing less. Anyway, if you don't tell me, I won't tell either.

Zhang Chen knew that Jin Lili would often be impatient and uncomfortable when the two of them were together. Zhang Chen thought that maybe it was Jin Lili's discomfort that made him never say that we broke up. We just have to torture each other like this, anyway, I don’t care.

He regarded his weekly appearance as a walk-on in the theater troupe.

Over time, Zhang Chen developed an attachment to Gu Shufang. This attachment was like a slide, making Zhang Chen slide faster and faster. However, he did not want to stop, let alone stop. Whenever he had time, Zhang Chen would go I ran around the house, and when I got to the third floor, I didn't come down. Later, I stopped even pretending to be back from outside. I went up to the third floor and stayed there until I went to work the next day.

When Xiao Lin went back, he could no longer see Zhang Chen. After a long time, he felt strange and asked Zhang Chen. Zhang Chen told him that I went to Binya Village and slept in Xiao Wu's room. Xiao Lin suddenly realized.

Zhang Chen, on the other hand, almost never thought of Xiao Zhao again from that day on, and had no time to think about it. After that day, Xiao Zhao never came to see Zhang Chen again, or she did, but Zhang Chen was not in the office and had returned long ago. Civilization has gone east.

Xiao Zhao was gradually overwhelmed by Zhang Chen's memory.

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