When Zhang Chen arrived at the Taoyuan Hotel upstairs, he didn't see Liu Ligan. This guy's message didn't tell him which box he was in. Zhang Chen thought about it and walked to the queue to make phone calls. He wanted to detain him from here. This guy should have known he had arrived when he saw it.

After Liu Ligan paged Zhang Chen, he hurried back to the box. He was afraid that the ghost guy would do something wrong again while he was away.

After sitting absentmindedly in the box for a while, Liu Lipole counted the time and realized that Zhang Chen should be here. He walked out again, and when he reached the front hall, he saw Zhang Chen waiting in line to make phone calls.

Zhang Chen also saw Liu Ligan. He walked over, handed the money in his pocket to Liu Ligan, and cursed: "Damn it, you need so much money this late at night, where can I get it? Fortunately, Cao Guoqing still has public funds."

Liu Ligan said: "What should I do? I may not have the money to pay him back tomorrow."

"Don't worry about it. I still have it in the bank. I'll give it to him." Zhang Chen said, "By the way, what have you been doing in the past two days? I haven't seen you since yesterday?"

"Good things, good things, it's hard to describe them in one sentence. Do you want to go in and yell a few words? Wenwen and Qianqian are also here."

Zhang Chen shook his head. He said there was still something to do at the construction site and he wanted to go back.

"Wait a minute, I'll call you when I'm done, and we'll have a midnight snack together."

"Go away, you're done here, it's already past midnight, I've already fallen asleep."

"You don't want to know what good things I have done? You don't want to know, and I'm still anxious to say, how can such good things happen overnight?"

Seeing Liu Ligan's mysterious words, Zhang Chen felt itchy in his heart. He wanted to know what the good thing was. Zhang Chen said okay, then you will detain me, or go to the water spinach?

Liu Ligan agreed, and one of them went downstairs, while the other hurried back to the box.

The ghost guy put his arms around Qianqian, and Mr. Han put his arms around his best friend. When they saw Liu Ligan coming in, they raised their hands holding the microphone as a greeting, and then continued singing and ignored him.

Liu Ligan thought of something, pulled Wenwen out of the door again, and asked her, did you add anything while I was away?

"I'm keeping an eye on you, you cheapskate!" Wenwen said.

"Okay, I'm not stingy, I'm really poor." Liu Ligan said, "By the way, when the meeting is over, if they ask where they want to go for supper, you can't say it, and then you hold me tightly and don't let me go. I go."

Wenwen giggled: "But I want to eat."

"Whatever you eat is my money. Let's go back to Binya Village and eat with your brother Zhang Chen."

"Brother Zhang Chen is coming too? Okay." Wenwen agreed, holding Liu Ligan's hand, and the two of them went back to the box.

When Mr. Han went to the bathroom, Randall stood up, came over with a wine glass, sat down next to Liu Lipole, clinked glasses with Liu Lipole, and after drinking, he patted Liu Lipole's shoulder. , and said to him: "Today cost you money."

Liu Ligan said yes, but he cursed a series of "fuck you" in his heart.

Randall smiled slyly and said to Liu Ligan, "I'm so happy today. I ripped you off."

Liu Ligan glared at him, and Randall laughed: "Next time, if you have the ability, find an opportunity to knock back."

Liu Ligan was even more sure that this bastard must have done it on purpose today. Liu Ligan scolded: "Okay, just wait, I will bring twenty Hainan women and your broken cassette stove to your company tomorrow." It’s noisy here.”

Randall laughed. He spread his broad arms and flapped them like the wings of a roc: "Come on, let me give each of them a loving hug."

The next morning, Liu Ligan went to Chen Qihang's place and told Qihang and Li Yong what happened the previous day as a joke. Li Yong shouted: "Gangzi, the price for you is a bit high. You have given up all your wealth and life." It’s a gamble, if Sun Hou loses his business, you’ll suffer a big loss.”

Liu Ligan said: "What you learn is always your own."

Chen Qihang immediately called Sun Shengguo, and the call went through. Sun Shengguo lowered his voice and said on the phone, buddy, I am having a regular meeting and will call you later.

But when they waited until noon, Sun Shengguo didn't call. Chen Qihang couldn't help it, so he called again and asked him how things were decided in Haicheng. Sun Shengguo hesitated and never gave a clear explanation.

Chen Qihang hung up the phone, and Li Yong immediately said: "Damn, I'm such a crow's mouth, this monkey, really lost his temper."

Chen Qihang also felt that Sun Hou was hanging over here. On the phone just now, Sun Hou was no longer Sun Hou. He must have something to hide.

Chen Qihang looked at Liu Ligan apologetically, and Liu Ligan comforted him and Li Yong in turn. He said it was okay, and again, what you learn is always yours. Don't talk about it. You really don't know if you don't have contact. , it turns out that there are so many tricks in real estate.

"I'll keep an eye on the pole for you here," Chen Qihang said.

After Liu Ligan left, Chen Qihang called Sun Shengguo again. This time it was even more outrageous. When Sun Hou heard that it was his voice, he immediately hung up the phone.

The next few days were like this. Chen Qihang and Li Yong were so angry that they wanted to skin Sun Hou alive. This is something to say later.

After leaving Chen Qihang and the others, Liu Ligan went to Wanghai Tower. Zhang Chen wilted when he saw Liu Ligan coming in. He was completely different from the eloquent and cheerful Liu Ligan who had supper in Binya Village last night. Zhang Chen knew something was wrong.

"What's wrong?" Zhang Chen asked.

"It's yellow."

"What's so yellow?"

"My pie is yellow. I spent so much money on it, but it turned out to be a joke." Liu Ligan cursed.

He told Zhang Chen about the phone call between Chen Qihang and Sun Shengguo. Zhang Chen also felt that the matter was out of the question, but he did not have as big a reaction as Liu Ligan and calmly comforted Liu Ligan:

"That's not bad. Didn't you always envy me before? You have eaten thousands of meals per capita, but now you have tasted it yourself. Besides, didn't you say you learned a lot?"

Liu Ligan picked up the ashtray on the table, almost threw it over, and cursed: "You are fucking eating someone else's food with an average of several thousand per capita. What I am eating is mine! It's all my blood and sweat." money!"

Zhang Chen laughed: "That's better than spending it on Dingdong."

"Unreasonable!" Liu Ligan cursed.

"By the way, when I came back last night, I also thought of a question. If you really go to jointly establish a company with a Beijinger, will it be considered a violation of your promise?" Zhang Chen asked Liu Ligan.

"What promise was broken?" Liu Ligan asked, "I haven't left the newspaper office, I still wash the building every day, I still overfulfill the task every month, and running the company is just a part-time job. Even if this kind of broken company is established, there will be no one in a while. What kind of business? Look at the real estate companies in Haicheng. They are all half-dead. I don’t even know what kind of nerve this Beijinger has got."

Zhang Chen smiled and said, "Why does this become a part-time job?"

"Of course it's a part-time job. What's the difference between this and me working for "Haicheng Evening News" and "Hainan Daily"? Do you think everyone is as lucky as you and can only work one job every day? Who in Haicheng doesn't work part-time? Our director himself works part-time, he works as the director of the newspaper office during the day, and helps people look after the warehouse at night."

"Your director is helping people look after the warehouse? Is it true?"

"Of course it's true. Otherwise, with just the salary from the newspaper office, how can we live in Haicheng with seniors and juniors? Let me tell you, do you remember that there is a very handsome restaurant manager in Nanzhuang? You know What does he do?"

Zhang Chen shook his head: "I don't know this person you are talking about. How do you know him? What happened to him?"

Of course Liu Ligan would not say that Mr. Xia introduced him to him when he and Mr. Xia Jin Lili went to have dinner.

"He is a cadre of the Haicheng Culture and Sports Bureau. There are five people in their office, and three of them work outside. The wages outside are high. It used to be that the remaining two people did the work of the five people in the office. The wages of the five people are not enough for them. Divide it between two people.”

"Fuck, can this still happen and the unit doesn't care?"

"The work unit? The work unit turns a blind eye and pretends it doesn't know. Everyone is happy, you know? The remaining two people are motivated to work, and the three who go outside don't have to apply for suspension without pay, and their wages No, but the welfare remains the same, isn’t it good for everyone? In this city, in order to make money, shrimps have their own ways, and crabs have their own ways, forcing the wisdom and potential of the people to come out.”

Zhang Chen was silent. It seemed that in comparison, he was really comfortable here. Especially after Xiao Wu came, he used to do everything by himself. Xiao Wu came and shared many things with him. After Xiao Wu left, he had to do everything by himself. Even he felt uncomfortable if he returned to his original busy state, so he immediately brought up Cao Guoqing.

After listening to Liu Ligan's words, Zhang Chen felt, should he feel ashamed? Every day, I go to Wenmingdong and Wanghailou. Apart from the people on the construction site, I almost have no contact with the outside world. I isolate myself from the city. At the beginning, my eagerness to integrate into the city seems to have faded. Retreat to a corner and be quiet.

Is this good or bad?

Zhang Chen himself felt a little confused.

"I'm leaving." Liu Ligan said, "Start from scratch and accumulate wealth. I want to turn grief into strength and earn back the losses caused by being eaten by ghosts."

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