The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 248 Send five thousand over quickly

The waiter served the food, but Mr. Han had no intention of stopping yet. He continued to talk to Liu Ligan, but occasionally stopped in the middle to take a bite of the food and a sip of wine, and then continued. Mr. Han talked a lot and ate a lot. Less, it seems that for him, talking is more interesting than eating. This is when he has entered the state.

Liu Ligan felt that everything he said was new. He listened carefully and forgot about the idea of ​​eating back three thousand yuan. He hardly moved his chopsticks. Randall was the only one, regardless of the two of them. He was eating and drinking with great relish.

"Can this real estate be speculated on?" Liu Ligan asked puzzledly.

"Of course, there is too much oil and water here, not just a little bit."

Mr. Han then introduced to Liu Ligan how Hong Kong people speculate in off-the-plan properties and house numbers.

"Hong Kong people have learned better now. The government knows the dangers and supervision is getting stricter. In the Mainland, there is almost no one to control things like speculating in off-the-plan properties. In Hong Kong, the current rule is that your house must be built to 25%. Only then can you start selling off-the-plan properties, which is not the case in the Mainland. If you look at Hainan, you can sell the house with just a picture. It’s crazy.”

Mr. Han shook his head as he spoke, and Randall interjected: "Then no one will buy it."

"That's because the market hasn't picked up yet. Once it picks up, I'm telling you, it will go crazy in a few weeks."

Mr. Han wrote as he talked, filling several pages.

After talking for a long time, Mr. Han seemed to realize that he was hungry. He said to Liu Ligan, "Eat, eat, let's chat while we eat. You should put this away first. You can take it out and look at it when you have nothing to do."

He returned the stack of manuscript paper to Liu Ligan. Liu Ligan looked at the densely packed words and diagrams on it. He felt like he had found a treasure. He thought to himself, these are really precious words. If this is converted into manuscript fees, how much does it cost per word? I wrote four legends of the king, but I still didn’t earn the money for this meal.

Liu Ligan put the manuscript paper in his bag and felt that the meal was worth it. After Mr. Han's one-on-one training, Liu Ligan felt that he was already half a real estate expert, which shocked Sun Hou. Shocked, there should be nothing wrong.

Mr. Han then drank and chatted, and told Liu Ligan several examples of the real estate industry in Hong Kong. Liu Ligan felt that his imagination was wide open, exciting and exciting. It turns out that there are so many things in real estate. Much knowledge and ingenuity.

What irritated Liu Ligan the most was Mr. Han's words. He said that real estate can make money faster than a money printing machine. It is addictive. Once you have done this, you will not want to do anything else. The profits from drug trafficking are not even comparable to those from real estate. Haha, the best way to make a drug dealer change his ways is to let him do real estate.

Liu Ligan watched Gui Lao and the others pour out the bottle of wine, and his heart was pounding. He had only drank less than half of his own wine. Liu Ligan made up his mind that if they wanted to add more wine, he would bite the bullet. , I also want to share my bottle of Dong wine with them. Although it will be very embarrassing, but when I pay the bill, I don’t have enough money, which will only make it more embarrassing.

It’s not that I’m reluctant to give it to you, Teacher Han, but my wallet won’t allow it. When I get rich, I’ll pour Louis XIII into the bathtub and give you a bath.

The wine glasses of Randall and Mr. Han were empty. Although Liu Ligan lowered his head and pretended to look elsewhere, he kept paying attention to them from the corner of his eye. His heart was in his throat when he saw the ghost guy using He flicked the empty wine bottle with his finger, meaning to ask Mr. Han, do you want more?

Teacher Han waved his hand slightly and said softly: "Okay, that's it for today."

Liu Ligan breathed a sigh of relief, thank you, Teacher Han!

He was worried that there would be extraneous matters, so he quickly called the waiter to pay the bill. After the discount, they paid 10,627 yuan. Liu Ligan immediately paid the money, feeling relieved for a while, as if he had picked up this 10,000 yuan. Six hundred and twenty-seven yuan.

What a risk, but luckily I still have enough money!

The three people stood up. Liu Lizhan was about to say goodbye to them. Randall asked: "Zhangzi, how are you? Is the meal worth it today?"

Liu Ligan smiled and said: "It's so worth it. I just realized today that listening to your words is better than studying for ten years. Thank you, Teacher Han!"

Liu Ligan meant what he said. Mr. Han also saw it. He waved his hand and said don't say it like this. Don't say it like this. Liu Ligan felt that he didn't say so many words. He was stunned for a while before he understood. , what he said should be "a false award, a false award."

You drop the book bag, and I will drop the book bag too.

Randall clapped his hands, rubbed them, and shouted, "Okay, let's go on to sing and relax. If you have any questions about the pole, you can continue to ask Han Sheng for advice."

Damn it, Liu Ligan wondered if this ghost guy did it on purpose to avenge Lin’s mother that time? When he was paying the bill just now, he kept staring at Liu Ligan's wallet. He had obviously seen that there was not much money left in Liu Ligan's wallet. Why the hell are you still doing this?

Liu Ligan hoped that Mr. Han would refuse again, but Mr. Han nodded.

Liu Ligan felt bitter, but he had no choice. He could only smile on his face and move his head, neither nodding nor shaking his head.

When the three of them arrived at the parking lot, Liu Ligan thought about it. He told Randall that my bike was over there and I was going to ride it. What he was planning in his mind was to just walk away and then call Gui Lao and say I had an emergency and left. Anyway, I had promised to treat him to a meal, but I never said that he would also be treated to a song after the meal.

Randall hugged Liu Ligan and said to him: "Take my car and go. I will bring you back to pick up the car later."

With a height of over 1.9 meters, Liu Ligan was almost held hostage in the car. Randall stuffed Liu Ligan into the passenger seat. After starting the car, Randall asked Mr. Han where he was going.

Mr. Han said, Taoyuan Hotel.

Liu Ligan pretended to be relaxed and said: "Taoyuan Hotel, there should be no private rooms if we go now."

"It doesn't matter. The boss is my friend. He has several private rooms reserved for emergencies every night." Mr. Han said.

Randall handed his big brother to Mr. Han, and Mr. Han dialed the number of the owner of the Taoyuan Hotel Entertainment City. Liu Ligan complained repeatedly in his heart. He did the math, and when he got there, the box fee plus drinks , even if you don’t want it, and you just call them ladies, then you don’t have enough money in your pocket, what should you do?

When the car was approaching the Taoyuan Hotel, Liu Ligan suddenly had an idea. By the way, he asked Wenwen and Qianqian for help. He asked them to help him and deal with it tonight. At worst, he would treat them to a supper later.

The three of them entered the box and sat down. Liu Ligan lied that he went to call Mommy, but in fact, he blocked her at the door and told her that there was no need to bring the beauty over. He had made arrangements for this box.

Mommy walked away with a face full of displeasure. Liu Ligan hurried to the room where the ladies were resting. Dozens of girls were sitting there. Liu Ligan saw Wenwen and waved to her. Wenwen ran over. Liu Ligan He stood up and said to her, quickly, take Qianqian with you and help me push it.

Wenwen understood and cursed, "The hell are you asking us to do a loss-making business again?"

Liu Ligan quickly apologized and said, "Good sister, help my brother survive tonight. I will make up for it in any way you want."

Wenwen pursed her lips and looked behind her. Qianqian saw them and stood up. Wenwen waved to her and Qianqian came over.

Liu Ligan took Wenwen and Qianqian back to the box and opened the door, but he couldn't stop complaining. He saw a beautiful woman sitting next to Mr. Han. No need to ask, she was his old friend. It looked like This tip cannot be saved.

Fortunately, Randall's eyes lit up when he saw Qianqian coming in. Liu Li pushed Qianqian over smoothly, pulled Wenwen, and retreated to the corridor outside.

Liu Ligan asked Wenwen: "Add the tip for that beautiful woman, how much will it cost tonight?"

Wenwen returned to the box, took the order from their box and looked at it. She went back outside and told Liu Ligan that it was about five to six thousand, and she didn't know if they would need to add wine later.

"Say hello to Qianqian and help me keep an eye on it. If you want to add more, add beer or foreign wine. I can't even keep my shorts here."

Wenwen chuckled: "You deserve it. Who asked you to slap your face and pretend to be fat? Who are these two people? You have to be so fawning."

"I'll talk to you later." Liu Lipole said impatiently, his mind racing, and he had already calculated that even if these two guys didn't add anything, he wouldn't have enough money in his pocket.

"Do you have any money on you? Can you lend it to me first?" Liu Ligan asked Wenwen.

Wenwen opened her eyes wide: "Qianqian and I have just arrived, how can we have money?"

"You're not talking about tips, you didn't bring any money yourself?"

"How can we bring money when we go out? I just brought the car payment, and there are five yuan left. Do you want it?"

Liu Ligan was right when he thought about it. He said, "Okay, go in first and keep an eye on them for me. Tell these two bastards to stop messing around. I'll be back."

Wenwen went back to the box. Liu Ligan thought for a while and walked to the front hall. In front of the bar, there were six or seven people waiting in line to make a call. Liu Ligan queued in. When it was his turn, he dialed the paging station and called Zhang Chen sent a message:

"I'm at the Taoyuan Hotel KTV. Send me 5,000 yuan quickly! The pole."

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