The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 2311 Washing hands in a golden basin

Jiajia returned home, but Jianqiang was not at home. Jiajia didn't pay attention, thinking that he was going out to play. In the past few days, Jiajia didn't accompany the boss day and night. She didn't go home, and she didn't need Jianqiang to go to him. Business, I didn’t expect Jianqiang to take this opportunity to take care of other Dingdong business.

Of course, these were all things Jianqiang confessed to Jiajia later. If Jiajia knew at that time that Jianqiang was taking care of other people's business when she was still worried about doing business every day, she would kill him.

With Jianqiang away, Jiajia felt peaceful, so she sat down and read the information her boss had left for her. However, there were a lot of terms in the information, and Jiajia was confused. She couldn't even figure out this disease or that disease, let alone Not to mention understanding the pharmacology of these drugs and their efficacy.

Jiajia remembered what her boss had said to her earlier and felt that she really needed to make a desperate move. Tomorrow morning, she would run to the bookstore, buy a few medical books, and study hard.

By the way, you also need to buy a dictionary. If you don’t know the words, you can look them up in the dictionary. Otherwise, if you go out, you won’t be able to say that this tincture or that amidine is wrong, and you won’t be laughed out of your teeth. Those who are doctors, Jiajia knows, they will look down on the most. People.

In addition, she also thought that in the future, instead of running business, she would have to print business cards. Like Liu Ligan, she would have business cards with others, so that when they need to contact her for business, they can take her.

Jiajia didn't know anyone in Hainan. The people she knew most, besides Yilin's mother and Yilin, were Liu Ligan and Zhang Chen. Jiajia felt that she couldn't do what Zhang Chen did before, but he could draw. Paint, whatever you paint looks like. If you paint a chicken, people will think it is a duck. If you paint a duck, people will think it is a piece of shit.

But Liu Ligan, Jiajia felt that she could learn from it. Liu Ligan did very well in advertising before. How did he do it? When they were eating in the corridor, Liu Ligan would often brag about it. Jiajia felt that You can learn from him yourself.

Jiajia also decided that since she has become a medical representative and wants to burn her boat, she must wash her hands in a golden basin like the heroes on TV. From today on, Jiajia will never sleep with a man again. In the past, she relied on sleeping with men to make ends meet. From today on, she had to make ends meet based on her own ability, not her own body.

Jiajia made up her mind and felt that the incomprehensible things in front of her became easier to understand, so she looked at them over and over again.

Time passed little by little, after ten o'clock, after eleven o'clock, after twelve o'clock, Jianqiang still didn't come back, and Jiajia was still reading the information.

Jiajia herself was a little surprised, why did she like to study so much? When she was studying, she had never been so diligent. At that time, she would doze off as long as she picked up a book. Today, she can actually read these things, and they are so long. time.

For this reason, Jiajia felt a kind of satisfaction in her heart, a kind of satisfaction that she had never had before.

At about one o'clock, Jianqiang came back and was shocked to see Jiajia at home. Jiajia asked him where he had been and why he came back so late. Jianqiang said, didn't you say you weren't at home today? Let me think about it. It was not interesting to come back alone, so I went to the video room to watch the video.

Jiajia didn't ask any more questions. She asked Jianqiang to sit down and told Jianqiang about her decision to become a medical representative. She also told him that from today on, she would no longer receive customers or sleep with men, and neither would you. No need to solicit business anymore.

Jianqiang froze there, confused and confused.

Jiajia told him, I have already thought about it. I still have a basic salary of 500 yuan every month. I am very busy every day and have to run business. I may not even have time to come back to eat. I don’t care what you do. If you say you don’t want to do anything and are just going to sleep every day, that’s okay. I’ll pay Yilin’s mother three hundred yuan to pay for your food. You can just go to her place to eat.

I still have two hundred yuan left with me to eat a packed lunch.

If you can't sleep at home, then go find some work, anything. Anyway, starting from tomorrow, we will all be serious people with our own serious jobs.

Jianqiang thought about Jiajia's words from beginning to end. He thought about it and said, why is it five hundred? Isn't there three thousand? Three thousand can be reimbursed with an invoice. I will go to the hotel to get the invoice. You can invite anyone. After writing it randomly, they don't know that the boss is not stupid enough to ask the deans, have the people in our unit invited you to dinner?

He wanted to ask, should they consider him a lunatic and kick him out? Even those who have really eaten, no one will admit that they have eaten. Can't we use the three thousand for ourselves?

no. Jiajia told Jianqiang seriously, I won't do such a thing. If I can't even spend three thousand, it's because I don't have the ability. I won't misuse this money, let alone embezzle. By the way, you What I just said is corruption, embezzlement of business expenses.

Jianqiang scratched his head and said, "Well, I'm hungry. Let's go have a midnight snack to celebrate that you've become a medical representative, okay?"

Jiajia laughed and said, "This is okay. I'm hungry too."

The two of them went downstairs and went to the food stall owned by the real estate owner in the back for a late-night snack. Although the food of this owner was not as delicious as the original owner, Jiajia felt that after all, he had opened a company and had a big business. He knows a lot of things. If you don't understand a lot of things in the future, you can ask him.

The next morning, the boss was going back to Zhejiang, so Jiajia went to Wanghailou to see him off. When Jiajia arrived in the boss's room, the girl was still there. The boss was very happy to see Jiajia and asked her to come into the room quickly.

The girl had already told the boss about the money Jiajia gave her. The boss asked Jiajia to go in and said to the girl, "Come on, let's go back to the bridge. You can take the money Jiajia gave you yesterday." Give it back to her.

The girl took out the money and gave it back to Jiajia. The boss said to Jiajia, "It seems I saw you right."

However, this is really not what I should take. Jiajia didn't accept the money and told her boss.

Hi, what did I say yesterday? I said this is a meeting gift for you. I am your boss. If I don’t keep my word, how can you trust me in the future?

When the boss said this, Jiajia could only thank the boss and take the money.

The boss gave the girl another money and two hundred more, and told her that this is to reward you for being honest. If you didn't tell Jiajia about this, she probably wouldn't ask. You could have collected the money twice, but if you didn’t, that would be a good thing.

After hearing this, the girl smiled from ear to ear and happily accepted the money.

The three of them went to the restaurant below for morning tea. After finishing the morning tea, the boss asked the girl to leave her mother's phone number and agreed to find her next time she came to Haicheng, and then asked her to leave first.

The boss and Jiajia continued to sit in the restaurant. Jiajia told the boss that she had decided not to do Dingdong from today on. She was going to print business cards and go to the bookstore to buy books and study. The information given yesterday, She doesn't understand many things. Starting from tomorrow, she will officially start running business.

The boss was very happy to hear this. He told Jiajia that if he didn't understand something, he could just call his boss and ask him. By the way, the money you spend on printing business cards can be reimbursed in business expenses.

The boss took his bag, took out 3,500 yuan, and told Jiajia, this is your first month's salary and business expenses, so that if you want to treat guests or something, you can get it from here. For expenses, remember to put together the three thousand invoice and give it to me when the time comes.

Jiajia was a little surprised and asked, I haven't started doing business yet, so is it appropriate to take money?

The boss said that logically, both basic salary and business expenses are paid at the end of the month, but I am the boss and the boss has the right to let you advance. I can trust you.

The boss said, looking at Jiajia and smiling.

Jiajia was puzzled by his smile and asked, Boss, why are you laughing?

The boss said, Jiajia, you probably don’t even know that by giving you these 3,500 yuan, I am actually digging a trap for you to jump into.

Jiajia didn't understand and asked, why is it a trap again?

The boss smiled and said, Jiajia, I can see that you are actually a very serious person. I gave you the 3,500 yuan first. Do you feel that the pressure on you is getting greater? You must put it down. Is this done?

Jiajia thought for a moment and realized that was really the case. She nodded.

The boss smiled and said, look, what is this if it's not a trap?

Jiajia also laughed.

After seeing her boss off, Jiajia went to print the business card first, then went to Xinhua Bookstore on Jiefang Road and bought a dictionary and several medical books to read. When she got home, Jianqiang was not there again. She didn’t know where he was. Jia sat down and started reading.

When she really read these books, Jiajia found that she was even more confused than before. There were some things that she seemed to understand last night. But when she read the books today, she realized that what she thought she understood last night was completely wrong. , I am getting more and more confused.

This is how to do?

He couldn't understand it by reading a book or looking it up in a dictionary. Jianqiang didn't even know a word. He didn't know as many words as Jiajiaduo. Asking him was a waste of time. The boss said he could beat him if he didn't understand. But brother, it costs money to make calls and receive calls, and they are all long-distance calls, and the phone bills are exorbitantly expensive.

Even if she is not willing to spend the phone bill, Jiajia thought to herself, how can she understand something that she can't even understand when she picks up the phone?

This is how to do?

Jiajia was sitting there thinking, and suddenly it occurred to her that she had a customer, wasn't she a doctor from the Provincial People's Hospital? The surname was very strange, Pang. When he wrote it to Jiajia, he asked Jiajia what the character was. Jiajia said disdainfully, "If you still test me on this, isn't this the word "Feng"?"

As a result, he laughed and said to Jiajia, "This is not Feng. Look at the place below next to the word "Zhao". Is it different?" This is pronounced "Pang", which is pronounced the same as the word "Pang" next to it. I am Dr. Pang, not Dr. Feng. Do you understand? I am from Zhejiang and the United States?

Jiajia didn't know which office Dr. Pang was in. She only knew that he was a surgeon at the Provincial People's Hospital. There would be several doctors with such strange surnames in a hospital. She just had to find him. If she found him, she could ask him for advice.

Jiajia made up her mind and put the information and the books in her bag. She decided to go see Dr. Pang this afternoon.

Thank you Hu Hu for your monthly vote! Thanks for all the votes and reading! Have a good evening everyone!

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