The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 225 Fast forward several times faster

Xiao Zhao put the painting in his bag and was about to say something. He bit his lip and hesitated and said, "Forget it."

"What's wrong?" Zhang Chen asked.

"I wanted your paging number..."

Zhang Chen quickly said: "I am writing to you..."

"No, no, no!" Xiao Zhao waved his hands quickly and shouted: "If I have it, I really want to fight, but I can't fight, so I might as well forget it."

Xiao Zhao looked at him and sighed. Zhang Chen was stunned for a moment, not understanding what Xiao Zhao meant when he said he wanted to hit but couldn't.

"I'm leaving." Xiao Zhao turned around and walked towards the door. When he reached the door, he turned around and stood still, smiling and waving to Zhang Chen: "Goodbye!"

Zhang Chen felt a little bitterness in Xiao Zhao's smile.

He watched Xiao Zhao's figure disappear into the darkness outside the door, feeling empty in his heart. Xiao Zhao's unique cool and faint fragrance still lingered in the room.

Zhang Chen was sitting there, picking up Xiao Zhao's photo on the table and looking at it. When he heard some movement outside, he panicked and quickly put the photo in the drawer and looked up at the door.

After waiting for a while, no one appeared inside the door. It turned out that someone was passing by the door. After passing by, Zhang Chen breathed a sigh of relief. He opened the drawer, picked up the photo, looked at it again, and then put it in his bag.

Looking at the sketchbook on the table, Zhang Chen touched the torn marks with his hands. He wanted to continue the unfinished work, but it was impossible.

Zhang Chen stood up and walked to the door. He wanted to go and sit in the flower bed in front of the old lobby. From there, he could see Xiao Zhao walking out of the door from a distance and take another look at Xiao Zhao. But Zhang Chen thought about it and gave up. Well, since I already know who will be around her when she appears again, why should I go through this trouble?

Zhang Chen walked back to his seat and sat down in a daze, hoping that Xiao Zhao would appear again just like he suddenly appeared at the door of the office before. However, Xiao Zhao waited until Xiao Wu and Yi Lin came in and prepared to leave. Didn't show up again.

"Aren't you leaving?" Xiao Wu asked.

"Sit for a while longer." Zhang Chen said.

"Then let's go first." Xiao Wu and Zhang Chen said.

Zhang Chen said yes, Yilin waved to him and followed Xiao Wu out.

Zhang Chen sat alone for a while and looked at the time. It was already past ten o'clock. Xiao Zhao probably wouldn't come again. Zhang Chen sighed.

As if being shocked by electricity, Zhang Chen jumped up. Damn it, there was still something he had not done, how could he forget it?

Zhang Chen quickly stuffed his sketchbook into his backpack and hurried out.

He quickened his pace and walked forward until he reached the junction of Boai South Road and Wenming East Road. He saw that the lights of the video rental store were still on, the door was still open, and there were people coming in and out of the door. Zhang Chen Then he breathed a sigh of relief.

Zhang Chen walked into the video rental store. The three walls inside were lined with rows of wooden shelves. The shelves were dark and neatly lined with rows of video tapes. These video tapes were all transcribed, and their covers all had It is a photocopy, in black and gray. Only the two rows of covers near the bottom corner of the door are in color.

These are videotapes released through official channels, but these are the ones that few people rent.

Those transcribed video tapes with black and gray covers are the latest Hong Kong, Taiwan and foreign movies, and some Hong Kong TV series. The master tapes are all smuggled in. Most of them are impossible to be released in China. Even if they are released, they will be less than The tapes were months late.

Zhang Chen stood in front of a row of shelves. When all the customers in the store were gone and only he and the store owner were left for a short time, Zhang Chen asked the store owner:

"How much does it cost for a night?"

"Ten yuan, fifteen yuan for the first and second episodes, five yuan for the series."

"I don't want a TV series, I want a movie. Can I rent ten movies at a time, cheaper?"

The shop owner looked at him, as if he didn't believe it.

"I do ten movies every day." Zhang Chen told him.

"Then it's five yuan, just like the TV series." The shop owner said.

Zhang Chen agreed. He quickly pulled out the straps he had already picked out from the shelf, handed them to the shop owner for registration, opened his wallet, and took out the deposit. The boss said:

"The deposit is also reduced by half, just pay five hundred."

Although Zhang Chen knew that five hundred yuan to go to the aquatic product terminal was enough to wholesale ten new tapes, and the boss would not lose money, he still thanked the boss for his kindness.

While registering, the boss cursed in his mind, "What kind of movies did this idiot borrow? No one would watch them." He wrote the movie titles in his notebook, hoping that this guy would better borrow these tapes. I won’t return it.

Zhang Chen returned to the room with this big bag of video tapes. After taking a shower, he closed the door, sat shirtless on the bed and watched the video. He held the remote control in his hand and fast forwarded. When he saw what he was looking for, he hurriedly I pressed the pause button, watched it at normal speed for a while, then continued to fast forward. I finished one movie in just ten minutes, and then switched to the second one.

The movies he borrowed were all foreign and Hong Kong city movies. Whether it was a gunfight, spy war or a love affair, as long as the name and introduction made it feel modern and the setting was a metropolitan city, he wanted to look for it from these movies. See if there is any material you need.

Before finishing the fourth part, Zhang Chen's eyes couldn't bear it and began to swell and blur, all because he had been staring at the rapidly flashing screen for dozens of minutes.

Helpless, Zhang Chen could only slow down the speed and fast forward for a while. In this way, he could watch faster and only watched five movies.

Zhang Chen stood up, walked to the bathroom, washed his face with cold water, and then came back to continue reading. After seeing it, he was already dizzy, but he still insisted on reading them all. It was almost four o'clock.

He stood up and went to the bathroom to wash his face again. After he woke up a little, he returned to the room, took out his sketchbook, and drew some things that he could still remember in his mind. Then he went to bed and turned off the lights. I remembered it before, climbed out of bed again, took out Xiao Zhao's photo from my bag, looked at it for a while, then turned off the light and went to sleep.

This night, Zhang Chen dreamed constantly. In his dream, ten movies were performed in a chaotic manner, with Xiao Zhao and himself appearing from time to time. When he wanted to catch her, Xiao Zhao always disappeared. What's even more annoying are the parts that he fast-forwards into. In dreams, he always seems to want to complete their stories, but he always misses the point, which makes people anxious.

In his dream, Zhang Chen is a bystander for one moment, and the protagonist of the story for another. When he is the protagonist, the heroine is always Xiao Zhao. When he turns around, Xiao Zhao disappears and becomes the original character in the film. The protagonist, Zhang Chen, was anxious, but found that he was not himself, but the protagonist in another movie.

On a rainy and snowy night, the hero was abandoned by the heroine, and he was walking alone in the rain and snow. The cold wind was biting, and the rain and snow hit his face. At first, it was cold snowflakes, and then it turned into ice slag, which hit his face very hard. It hurts. Zhang Chen saw Liu Ligan, with a wicked smile on his face, and said to him, I know who you are looking for, come with me.

He followed Liu Ligan, and the rain and snow seemed to have stopped. No, it wasn't that the rain and snow had stopped, but they were walking in a corridor. Why was this corridor so familiar? Zhang Chen gradually understood that this was the corridor of the Wu Opera Troupe. There were no lights on, and there were tables and pots and jars all around. They kept knocking pots and bottles off the table.

Why is the corridor of the troupe so long? It seems to be endless. Liu Ligan doesn’t know where he went. He may have gone back to his room. Zhang Chen looked around and couldn’t tell which one was Liu Ligan. room, and then remembered that Liu Ligan's room was not on this floor.

He saw a door in front of him, and the transom light on the door was on. He could tell that this was his room. Zhang Chen asked himself in his dream, what am I doing here? Why are the lights in the room on?

He reached out and pushed the door. It was closed, and he knocked. There was a voice inside the door asking: "Who is it?"

Zhang Chen was overjoyed when he heard Xiao Zhao's voice. He felt that he could smell Xiao Zhao's fragrance leaking out from the crack in the door. His heart was pounding. He quickly stretched out his hand to push the door, but it opened automatically. There was someone standing in the door. Zhang Chen was startled. He saw Jin Lili standing in the door, staring at him and roaring:

"Fucking Zhang Chen, tell me clearly, who was that woman just now?!"

Zhang Chen woke up with a start, covered in cold sweat. After a while, he realized that it was a dream.

He looked at the time and saw that it was only after five o'clock. Damn it, he had only slept for less than an hour. Why did it feel like a lifetime had passed?

Zhang Chen let out a long breath. He turned on the light and saw Xiao Zhao's photo still beside his pillow. He picked it up and looked at it. Xiao Zhao smiled at him, and he felt his heart gradually calm down.

When Zhang Chen woke up again, he was shocked. He saw that the time was already past ten o'clock, but the alarm clock didn't even wake him up.

To die! late!

Zhang Chen has not had a day off since Wanghai Building started construction, except for the time he went to Sanya, let alone being late. Although no one would care about him being late, from the day he decided to go to Panshi Company, this was his absolute responsibility. not allowed.

Zhang Chen quickly got up and opened the door, but was stunned. He saw Gu Shufang standing at the door of the office. Gu Shufang obviously did not expect that he was still in the room at this time, but was shocked by him.

After being stunned for a moment, Zhang Chen called out in panic: "Sister Shufang."

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