Just after Liu Ligan left, Xiao Xu came in. The office area on the third floor of the mall has been renovated. The entire Haicheng Catering Service Company and Mr. Fu have moved here from the top floor of Wanghai International Hotel. Over there, demolition has begun. remodel.

After the office moved to the upper floor of the mall, Xiao Xu would come to Zhang Chen's place to sit and chat when he had something to do. In his words, Mr. Zhang, you are free here. Even the air smells of freedom. In the office, it's so weird. Damn it’s boring, they’re all a bunch of old men and old ladies.

Zhang Chen understands Xiao Xu's mood. In the work unit, he is an official, and an official must behave like an official. Once here, he can live freely and have no scruples.

Indeed, Xiao Xu is considered young in the catering service company. Most of the other people are the managers of the various stores below. Some of them were sold or demolished and are gone. Some of them are incompetent and were replaced by Mr. Fu. , these people have no place to go, so they are all arranged in the company. For them personally, after all, they are transferred to the higher-level unit, and it makes sense in terms of face.

After chatting more often, Zhang Chen got to know Xiao Xu better. Xiao Xu turned out to be Mr. Fu's apprentice. He learned to be a chef from Mr. Fu at the age of seventeen. Unfortunately, he was not the right one.

"It's a common thing to get scolded and beaten, but there's nothing I can do about it. If I'm not this material, I won't be able to learn well. Haha, the senior brothers who are with me are Level 3, Level 2, and Level 1 , Special 3, I climbed up one level at a time, and now I am still at level 3. To tell you the truth, Mr. Zhang, my level 3 is still the back door opened by Mr. Fu when he was a judge. Haha."

When Xiao Xu talked about this, he was so happy. However, Zhang Chen could imagine that Mr. Fu, a person with such strict requirements, could imagine how miserable it would be for Xiao Xu to learn skills under him at that time. Not only was it miserable Xiao Xu, even Mr. Fu probably has a headache every day when he sees him, right?

"Needless to say, Master wants to chop off my hands. He said that even if he presses a pair of pig's trotters on you, he will be more dexterous than your hands." Xiao Xu put his feet on the table and happily put them on The walkie-talkies standing on the table were kicked down.

Xiao Xu is not good at being a chef, but there is one thing that his brothers cannot match, that is, he likes to study. Although he only graduated from junior high school, he went to the Radio and Television University of Hainan Administrative Office and studied for three years. Got a college diploma from TV University.

"Only after I got my diploma did I feel like I had really made it through." Xiao Xu said with emotion, "In our system, people who are either chefs or waiters are generally low-educated. At that time, I was the only one in our system. College students, even though they are a TV University or a junior college, are still a rarity.”

In addition, at that time, from the central to the local governments, everyone was calling for cadres to be younger, more knowledgeable, and more professional. Xiao Xu stepped on all three of these. In addition, he had the relationship with Mr. Fu, so he caught up. May 43 cadres, the trend of replacing fucking cadres.

"What are fucking cadres? They are the group of cadres who went south to conquer Hainan Island, as well as the retired cadres from the army. They talk about fucking in meetings and small meetings, so they are collectively called fucking cadres. Our group is all students. Those who follow the Five Lectures, Four Beauties, and Three Loves of Growth are called May 43 cadres, and there is also a May 43 office." Xiao Xu and Zhang Chen said.

Later, Xiao Xu followed Mr. Fu, rising step by step, until he is now the assistant to the general manager. Although new college students continued to come in the company, especially after the establishment of Hainan Province, more college students came in, but Mr. Fu I just like to use him as a college student.

Firstly, because he is his apprentice and reliable, and secondly, because after all, Xiao Xu is from the grassroots, and he does not need to learn the things in society. He is not nerdy, and there is no gangsterism or domineering in this place in Haicheng. Can't do anything.

"Master's mantra is that you have to be gangster when doing small things, and you have to be domineering when doing big things. It makes sense when you think about it."

Xiao Xu told Zhang Chen, and Zhang Chen nodded. He felt that this was indeed the case. Compared with Liu Ligan, he was a little less domineering, but to say that he was not domineering, he was not domineering. Admittedly, he thinks that the word domineering must be guaranteed by status and ability. If you don't have that status or ability and still dare to be domineering, that's not domineering, but stupidity.

It's not that I don't have domineering power, it's that I haven't reached the stage of domination yet.

Xiao Xu often visits Zhang Chen. For Zhang Chen, the biggest advantage is that if he needs to tell Mr. Fu anything, he can convey it through Xiao Xu. If Mr. Fu needs anything, he will directly ask Xiao Xu to go downstairs. Come and talk to him, naturally, the weekly work morning tea party between Zhang Chen and Mr. Fu disappeared.

This made Zhang Chen breathe a sigh of relief. Originally, every time he went to have morning tea at work, Zhang Chen had to find something to talk about. Otherwise, he would sit there with nothing to say and it would be quite uncomfortable. Now he doesn’t have to go. Zhang Chen feels very good. .

There are even some things that need to be discussed with Gu Shufang, such as some urgent financial arrangements or large cash preparations. Zhang Chen told Xiao Xu, and Xiao Xu would notify Gu Shufang in time and sometimes bring the money to hand. Just give Zhang Chen a formality and leave it on Gu Shufang's desk.

This saved Zhang Chen a lot of trouble.

Xiao Wu walked into the office. Xiao Xu looked at his watch and said with a smile: "The time for bragging flies by so fast. Look, it's dinner time. I'm leaving."

Xiao Xu stood up, picked up the walkie-talkie on the table, and when he walked past Xiao Wu, he patted him on the shoulder and said, "You are famous now!"

Xiao Wu was confused. He looked at the back of Xiao Xu walking out, looked at Zhang Chen and asked, "What do you mean?"

Zhang Chen smiled and said: "How do I know? It's probably because you became famous in one battle."

The two of them took bowls to the canteen to get food. Zhang Chen didn't pay attention in the past. Today, after Xiao Xu said it, Zhang Chen paid close attention. It's true. They met the security guards of Wanghai Tower in the canteen. When they saw them, they seemed to They were all very polite, smiling and nodding at them, mainly towards Xiao Wu. Even the staff in the cafeteria looked at Xiao Wu differently.

The two people walked back with the bowls. Zhang Chen looked at his own bowl, then at Xiao Wu's, and asked Xiao Wu if he saw what Assistant Xu said was in the bowl.

For the same two dishes, Xiao Wu's portion was obviously much larger than Zhang Chen's.

"I want you to do the cooking from now on." Zhang Chen laughed.

After dinner, it was Zhang Chen's self-limited time to get off work. Xiao Wu went to the practice hall at the back. Zhang Chen took out the book he borrowed from Mr. Tan and started reading.

He took out a sketchbook and pen from the drawer, and drew in the sketchbook while reading. When he saw something in the book that touched him, he copied it in the sketchbook and wrote annotations on the side. .

Zhang Chen lowered his head and drew in his sketchbook. Someone knocked on the open door a few times. Zhang Chen raised his head and his eyes lit up. He saw Xiao Zhao standing at the door.

"Why are you here?" Zhang Chen asked in surprise.

Xiao Zhao walked in with a smile, gesturing upwards with his fingers as he walked, and said to Zhang Chen, "I'm here to eat, and I'm here to see you."

Zhang Chen understood. Mr. Fu was having dinner together again. Zhang Chen wanted to ask who he was having dinner with, but he held back. Do you have the right to control who he was having dinner with? Even if I tell you, you may not recognize him.

Xiao Zhao came over, saw the sketchbook on the table, and shouted: "The painting is really good. Did you draw this?"

Zhang Chen nodded.

"Can I take a look?" Xiao Zhao asked.


"Great." Xiao Zhao picked up the sketchbook and sat down opposite Zhang Chen. He read each page carefully. Zhang Chen looked at her and saw her eyes shining. The sketchbook Spreading it on the table, flipping it over with his right hand, putting the ring finger of his left hand in his lips, biting it gently, Zhang Chen thought of a word: "It's so naive."

"Let me draw a picture for you." Zhang Chen said.

"Okay!" Xiao Zhao shouted, but she immediately hesitated, looked at her watch, sighed softly, and said: "It's a pity that I have to leave soon. I am, I just tricked them into coming down to buy something." ...and have to go to another place.”

"Just five minutes." Zhang Chen said.

"That's okay." Xiao Zhao smiled.

Zhang Chen stood up, leaned over, took the sketchbook, sat down and started drawing. Xiao Zhao looked at Zhang Chen intently and smiled lightly.

Zhang Chen quickly finished a sketch of a portrait and stopped writing.

"Okay?" Xiao Zhao asked.


"Let me see!" Xiao Zhao jumped up from the chair, walked over, stood behind Zhang Chen, and exclaimed: "Really! So fast! How did you do it?"

Zhang Chen smiled and asked, "Do you like it?"

"Of course I like it, can you give it to me?"

Zhang Chen smiled and said, "I originally drew it and gave it to you."

Zhang Chen tore this page out of the sketchbook and handed it to Xiao Zhao, feeling reluctant and hesitant.

Xiao Zhao seemed to understand something and cursed softly: "Stingy guy."

Xiao Zhao did not accept the painting, but walked to the opposite table, opened his bag, took out a photo of himself from his wallet, walked over, and said to Zhang Chen: "Exchange one photo for another. Is it okay?"

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