The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 2247 Qiongzhong

At nine o'clock in the morning, Bao Tianbin drove over to pick them up. Zhang Xiangbei and Xiangnan were already waiting for him in the lobby below. Bao Tianbin asked them if they had had breakfast. Zhang Xiangbei said no, waiting for you to come and eat together.

"Great, let's go. We won't eat here. I'll take you to eat Baoluo noodles. When you get to Hainan, you must try Hainan noodles." Bao Tianbin said to them.

The three people got in the car, and Bao Tianbin drove from the New Okros Hotel to Haixiu East Road. There is an isolation zone in the middle of Haixiu East Road. You cannot turn left. You must turn right and drive to the front, Haixiu East Road and Haifu Road. , and make a U-turn in the triangle area at the intersection of , Boai Road.

After turning around, Bao Tianbin drove the car, pointed to the lush greenery on the right side of the road with his chin, and told them that this was Haicheng Park, also called People's Park.

Zhang Xiangbei and Xiangnan quickly looked over there. This was their fathers. When they first arrived in Hainan, the place where they slept at night was so close to the hotel where they stayed. The two of them, especially Xiangnan, felt a little worried. She lamented that when she first arrived in Haicheng, there was someone to pick her up and drop her off, and even the hotel was arranged for them.

I could take a bath and sleep calmly, get up and go shopping to eat sugar cane, and eat croaking frog hotpot. At that time, Liu Ligan and Zhang Chen were about the same age as they are now, but they could only sleep in the park. Their future was uncertain and they were very optimistic about the future. At a loss, at that time, I was already in my mother's belly. We were obviously a family, but we were about to be separated.

During this, it seemed that no one did anything wrong, but the result was wrong. The result was that she had been with Liu Ligan for several years, but she didn't know that he was her father, and he didn't know that he was her father. My own daughter.

Xiangnan sighed softly, Zhang Xiangbei turned to look at her, reached out and held her hand, Xiangnan rested his head on Zhang Xiangbei's shoulder.

From Haixiu East Road, turn to Datong Road, and from Datong Road, turn back to Haixiu East Road. The intersection of Datong Road and Haixiu East Road is the hotpot restaurant where Zhang Xiangbei and Xiangnan had supper last night. Not open in the morning and noon, the door is closed.

Enter Nandaqiao from Haixiu East Road, turn right into Longkun North Road, and turn left from Longkun North Road into Longhua Road.

Neither Zhang Xiangbei nor Xiangnan had been here before, but looking at each street name, they all felt familiar. Growing up, they had eaten together with Zhang Chen, Liu Ligan, Meng Ping, Erhuo, and Wu Zhaohui. At that time, these sea travelers would always mention Hainan, and the road names would flow out from their lips inadvertently.

Zhang Xiangbei and Xiangnan knew that Liu Ligan's company was on Longkun North Road at that time. The tallest building in Haicheng he was going to build in Haicheng was at the Guomao Building they were going to now. On Kunnan Road, there is another broken dream of Liu Ligan and Zhang Chen.

These roads turned out to be so familiar to them. When the car drove through these places, they didn't feel like they were here for the first time.

After the car turned left onto Longhua Road, it entered Guomao in Haicheng, passed the gate of Coconut Tree Group, and turned right at Guomao Yiheng Road in front. Not long after entering, the vehicle was blocked. The road here is not wide. , is an alley, and there is a farmer's market here. Opposite the farmer's market is a Dad's Tea Shop. There are many vendors parking their cars on the roadside.

This is not a one-way street. Two cars met at the entrance of the farmer's market and couldn't meet each other. He wanted to back up, but another car came up from behind. Bao Tianbin had to get out of the car and let the cars behind him go back one by one, and he also backed up. , make way for the car on the opposite side to pass first, and this bottleneck will be cleared.

After the road was clear, Bao Tianbin drove forward about a hundred meters and saw an empty space in the parking lot next to Shenlan Urban Apartment on the roadside. He turned in and parked the car. The security guard ran over from the hotel door. Bao Tianbin Bin told him in Hainanese dialect that he would just eat some rice noodles and leave, and the security guard would let them go.

Bao Tianbin led them forward and saw a low house with the sign of Tongli Baoluo Noodle Shop hanging on it. Next to it was a pig's trotters restaurant. The stove at the door was beeping. Hot air, Bao Tianbin and Zhang Xiangbei said:

"The pig's trotter rice here is very delicious. I often drive here at noon and buy rice, pig's trotters, and large intestines. I eat it in the car and then go back. I am very satisfied. They are very cool, so I just make a Chinese meal. It’s too late and it’s not there yet, they sell a big bucket of pig’s feet every day, you must come over and try it next time.”

Of course, Zhang Xiangbei has heard of pig's trotter rice in Haicheng more than once, but it's not here, it seems to be over there in Haicheng Park, on Boai Road, where Zhang Chen and Liu Lipole ate their first meal in Haicheng. The food is pig's trotter rice, Zhang Xiangbei and Bao Tianbin agreed.

This noodle shop is very small, only about a dozen square meters. One-third of the area is taken up by the stove and chopping board for cooking noodles. The remaining space can only be placed for four small tables. There is not much in the store. The customers, the chefs and the helpers surrounding the stove looked very busy, but there were only two customers eating noodles in the store. Zhang Xiangbei didn't understand how Bao Tianbin brought them here.

Bao Tianbin asked them whether they wanted to eat soup noodles or pickled noodles. They both said pickled noodles. Bao Tianbin and the boss said that all three bowls of soup noodles should be added with eggs.

After saying that, Bao Tianbin led them into a door in the corner. Outside the door was a temporary shed. There were three or four people busy in the shed. Some were washing dishes and vegetables, and some were washing dishes. Making stewed vegetables.

Zhang Xiangbei walked out of the door and suddenly felt enlightened, "I'm going!" Zhang Xiangbei couldn't help shouting.

He saw that outside the shed was a forest, which was also the backyard of a certain company. There were dozens of tables in the woods, most of which were already full of people. No wonder the chef in front was so busy.

There were many customers, but the noodle soup came out very quickly. Zhang Xiangbei thought to himself that so many people must have waited for a long time. Unexpectedly, only four or five minutes after sitting down, their noodle soup came out. There was something in the white noodle soup. Green cabbage, rice rolls, beef and green onions.

Zhang Xiangbei took a sip of the soup and found it extremely delicious. He took another chopstick and held the powder to taste. Zhang Xiangbei praised it profusely and said to Bao Tianbin, "It's delicious, it's delicious."

Bao Tianbin smiled and said: "In Haicheng, there are many inconspicuous shops like this. They look very shabby, but the taste is really good. Hainanese people are very down-to-earth. They don't care about the decoration, but only whether your food is delicious. It's really delicious. If you set up a straw shed to sell your stuff, your business will still be very good."

After eating, we set out on the road. It was more than 120 kilometers from Haicheng to Qiongzhong. It took an hour and a half to drive. We arrived in Qiongzhong at around 11 noon. While still on the way, Bao Tianbin’s comrade-in-arms, Fu Zhirong from the Qiongzhong Agriculture and Rural Affairs Bureau , so he called and asked if they had arrived. Bao Tianbin said it was almost there, it was almost there.

Fu Zhirong sent the location and asked them to go directly to the hotel, not the one they visited last time, but another one.

Qiongzhong County is different from the last time Zhang Xiangbei came here. At that time, the entire county was in tatters. Now, the main streets of the county, Yinggen Road and Baihua Road, have been renovated. The roads are wide and clean, and the houses on both sides of the street are The facades have been redone, and patterns with Li ethnic characteristics are added to the tops and skirt waists of many houses, making people feel that this is a Li Autonomous County as soon as they enter.

Bao Tianbin told them that the land acquired here by "Splendid China" a few years ago is now going to make a fortune. The project has started this year and is the largest project in Qiongzhong. The cost of acquiring the land at that time was only more than 300 yuan. For one square meter, the house price in Qiongzhong is already eighty to nine thousand. After the project is completed, the selling price will definitely exceed ten thousand.

"Where is this project?" Zhang Xiangbei asked.

"Would you like to go over to the Wetland Park and have a look?" Bao Tianbin asked.

Zhang Xiangbei didn't say anything, but Xiangnan immediately said no, we don't do real estate, what's so good about it.

The hotel they were going to was on Baihua Road. When they arrived, two other comrades, Fu Zhirong and Bao Tianbin, had already arrived. After entering the box and sitting down, they realized that this hotel was owned by one of their comrades, Lao Tan.

The reason why Lao Tan is called Lao Tan is because when he was in the army, he drove for the chief. The chief always scolded him, saying that he drove like a tank. He kept scolding him, and when someone asked to find a new driver for the chief, he was called Lao Tan. , the chief refused to say anything. He said, as soldiers, we still have to ride in tanks to feel comfortable.

Bao Tianbin scolded Lao Tan: "What do you mean, Lao Tan, you opened the hotel without saying hello, are you afraid that I will always come to your place to get a meal?"

Lao Tan retorted: "I just won't tell you. It depends on when your kid thinks of us and comes to Qiongzhong to see us. To be honest, if Mr. Zhang hadn't come, you wouldn't have done it today." Come? Do the fucking math, how long has it been since you came to Qiongzhong? My hotel has been open for almost a year. "

"That's right, that's right, I'll have to drink one drink as a penalty." Fu Zhirong shouted.

Bao Tianbin picked up the glass and said, "Just punish me." He raised his neck and drank a glass of wine first. He put down the glass, slapped the table and shouted:

"Drink down, Lao Tan, where's the food? Where's your fucking food?"

"Come right away. I know Mr. Zhang is coming to eat beef today, so I have already prepared it." Lao Tan said.

Just as he was talking, the door opened, and the waiter brought in a stainless steel basin of fried golden beef ribs. It was different from what he had eaten in Ding'an yesterday. The fried beef bones in Ding'an were chopped into small pieces, and here they are whole. Beef ribs.

Lao Tan and Xiang Nan said, "Sorry, we are a bit bandit when we drink and eat."

Xiang Nan smiled and said, "It doesn't matter, I'm used to bandits."

People at the table laughed and looked at Zhang Xiangbei. They all thought that Xiang Nan was saying that Zhang Xiangbei looked like a bandit. In fact, they misunderstood. What Xiang Nan really meant was that people like them who were touring around and running on the dock had long been familiar with these things. No wonder.

Xiangnan and Zhang Xiangbei knew that they had misunderstood, but they did not explain. If there was anything to explain, bandits would be bandits, as long as they had something to eat.

Zhang Xiangbei grabbed a beef rib and gave it to Xiangnan. Then he grabbed one and gnawed it. After one bite, his mouth was filled with fragrance. It was even more delicious than yesterday's fried beef bones. The most important thing was that It's so satisfying, there's almost half a pound of yellow beef on one beef rib.

Thank you Brokeback Mountain for the reward of two fishes! Thank you to Lao Chentang, Xiao Sheng Nian Fang Forty-eight, zdlm001, eight liang, windiwing, four plus one equals five, lemon stone spring hodgepodge, ZHAO1017, on the road - every day, the wind of gibberish, lcs0001, book friend 20190110213524468 for your monthly votes! Thanks for all the votes and reading! I wish you all good health!

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