Zhang Xiangbei and Xiangnan entered the room. The first thing they did was take a shower. They had walked all day, ate hot Xiangou beef, and visited the breeding farm. They had already sweated a lot.

Feeling tired after taking a shower, the two fell on the bed and fell asleep quickly.

When Zhang Xiangbei woke up, it was already dark outside. Zhang Xiangbei looked at the time and saw that it was already past nine o'clock in the evening. He looked at Xiangnan who was not awake yet, so he quietly got up and walked outside. In the living room, sitting on the sofa, I picked up my mobile phone and started reading.

After a while, Xiangnan also woke up, but did not see Zhang Xiangbei. She got up and walked to the door connecting the bedroom and the living room. She stood there and looked at Zhang Xiangbei. Zhang Xiangbei's back was facing her, and he was concentrating on Looking at his mobile phone, Xiang Nan asked:

"looking at what?"

Zhang Xiangbei turned around and said with a smile: "I'm not looking at anything. I'm looking at the information about the Ding'an calf we went to eat today. Are you hungry?"

Xiang Nan shook his head: "I'm not hungry. I still have enough to eat at lunch."

Zhang Xiangbei stood up and said, "If you're not hungry, go for a walk. If you're hungry, have a midnight snack."

Say yes to the south.

I washed my face and went out, went downstairs, and walked out of the hotel lobby. The Wanghai International next door was still open. Neither of them was interested in visiting the department store. They walked to Haixiu Road. Haixiu Road was full of people, as if the night in this city had just begun. start.

They looked to the right, then to the left. There were night market stalls in front of the Pearl Plaza on the left, and there were many people. They walked to the left.

Pearl Plaza is deserted inside, but from the entrance and along Haixiu Road, there are stalls selling clothes, handicrafts, and food. They don't need to buy anything, but just walking among the crowds makes people a little excited. .

They have heard too many stories about Hainan and Haicheng since they were children. It can be said that Haixiu Road was familiar to them before they came here, including Haicheng Park, which is not far from here. The first night Zhang Chen and Liu Ligan arrived in Haicheng, they slept in Haicheng Park.

However, they always thought that Zhang Chen and Liu Ligan came to Hainan as two people. They were the only two people sleeping in the park, and there was another person. No one told them, and they had no way of knowing.

Thinking that this was the city where their fathers first visited, and the city where Zhang Xiangbei's father and mother met, the two of them had a special feeling in their hearts, feeling that there was some kind of secret bond between themselves and this city. Bringing them together makes them a little excited.

"Why do I feel like I've been here before?" Xiangnan and Zhang Xiangbei said.

Zhang Xiangbei nodded and said yes, I feel the same way.

"How do you feel? You have really been here with Uncle Xiao Wu." Xiang Nan shouted.

"No, we have just been to Haicheng, but never here." Zhang Xiangbei said, "When we got here, I also had a feeling of deja vu. Haixiu Road, I used to listen to Uncle Gangzi, Erhuo and Uncle Wu Zhaohui. I don't know. How many times have I spoken about it.”

Xiang Nan nodded, understanding.

The two walked forward hand in hand and smelled the smell of cumin. As they walked further, they saw the Xinyuan Hot Spring Hotel. There was a small road next to it. It was exactly what Bao Tianbin said. It was full of people all the way in. The food stalls offer barbecue, stir-fry, and some sell refreshments and fruits.

"Want to eat?" Zhang Xiangbei asked.

"We'll take a stroll and eat again when we come back," Xiang Nan said.

I saw someone selling Qing Tonic Liang in front of me. Xiang Nan was about to buy Qing Tonic Liang. Then he saw a sugar cane seller nearby. The sugar cane seller here was very strange. There was also a stove on the stall, and the sugar cane was placed on the stove. Grilled on top.

Xiangnan pulled Zhang Xiangbei's hand and asked Zhang Xiangbei why they put the sugar cane on the fire to roast?

Zhang Xiangbei said: "I don't know either."

Xiang Nan let go of Zhang Xiangbei's hand, walked towards the stall where the sugar cane was roasted, and bought a piece of sugar cane. The boss removed the roots and tips of the sugar cane, cut it into three sections, and roasted it on the fire. Xiang Nan asked the boss, Why does sugar cane need to be roasted on the fire? The boss told her that roasted sugar cane is sweeter, crisper and more delicious. Also, eating sugar cane is easy to get angry, but it will disappear after roasting.

Xiang Nan nodded, understanding.

The boss packed the roasted sugar cane in a bag and handed it to Xiang Nan. Xiang Nan asked the boss for another bag to use for bagasse later.

Xiang Nan turned around and saw Zhang Xiangbei standing there. There were two women standing in front of him, trying their best to say something. Zhang Xiangbei turned around, trying to avoid them, but they refused to let them go. Xiang Nan quickly walked over, calling Zhang Xiangbei as he walked.

When the two women saw Xiang Nan coming, they put something into Zhang Xiangbei's hand and immediately walked away. They approached Xiang Nan and asked:

"Do you know each other?"

Zhang Xiangbei shook his head.

"What are they looking for you for?"

Zhang Xiangbei handed the small card in his hand to Xiangnan. Xiangnan understood it at a glance and said with a smile: "Fair, tender, gentle and considerate, why didn't you call me one?"

Zhang Xiangbei said seriously: "I called, but he didn't come."


Xiang Nan looked left and right, but saw no one. He only saw the two women looking at them from a distance. Xiang Nan suddenly realized that Zhang Xiangbei was talking about himself. He kicked him with a hook of his foot. Zhang Xiangbei laughed.

"Take it."

Xiangnan took out a piece of sugar cane from the bag and handed the bag to Zhang Xiangbei. Zhang Xiangbei took it in his hand. Xiangnan then gave him the empty bag. Zhang Xiangbei asked:


"Catch the bagasse for me." Xiangnan said, and Zhang Xiangbei said "oh".

"You can eat it too." Xiang Nan said.

"I don't want to eat. It's too troublesome." Zhang Xiangbei said.

The sidewalk in front of Xinyuan Hot Spring Hotel was also full of night market stalls, but the number of people began to decrease. The things they bought were no longer clothes, but antiques, calligraphy and paintings, antelope horns, etc. The two of them continued to walk forward. , gnawing sugar cane as he walked south, while Zhang Xiangbei collected the slag in a bag on the side.

Xiang Nan thought about it and asked, "Why would those two women keep an eye on you?"

"How do I know? As I stood there, they came up. At first, I didn't know what they were going to do."

"Then did you tell them that you were alone?" Xiang Nan asked.

"No way, I told them that I came here with my wife, and I lied to them that we were staying in this hotel." Zhang Xiangbei pointed at the Xinyuan Hot Spring Hotel.

"I'll go, why are they still pestering you?" Xiangnan cursed, and Zhang Xiangbei laughed.

Xiangnan rolled his eyes at Zhang Xiangbei and asked, "Why are you laughing?"

"They told me that I can get a room in the hotel opposite. It's not expensive. It only costs more than a hundred yuan. In the middle of the night, when your wife is asleep, you can sneak out and try something new."

Xiang Nan giggled and said, "Okay, then I'll open it for you."

Zhang Xiangbei nodded and said yes.

As Xiang Nan said, she reached out to the bag where the bagasse was thrown, and she threw the two small cards inside. Xiang Nan said:

"I'll make a call first and help you book the girl."

Zhang Xiangbei was shocked, quickly took the bag away, and cursed: "Nerve, if you make this call, it will be terrible. They will harass you all night and keep calling you."

Xiang Nan asked: "How do you know?"

"Master and I have traveled almost half of China. There are no such people anywhere. What's so strange about it? Sometimes when we stay in a hotel, there will be this little card stuck under the door." Zhang Xiangbei said.

"Then have you called?" Xiang Nan asked.


"I've never been beaten, how do I know I will be harassed constantly?"

"That's what Uncle Dude said." Zhang Xiangbei said with a smile, "When he gets such a small card, he will call and tease others."

Xiang Nan chuckled: "We also fought."

Zhang Xiangbei stared at her and said to Xiangnan: "Really, when we go out, Ding Yousong's room will also have such cards inserted. Those people seem to know which room contains men. We are very curious, Yin Tao I just pretended to have a male voice and made the call.”

Zhang Xiangbei laughed and asked, "What's the result? What's the result?"

"The result was a phone call every ten minutes, asking the girl when she could come over. Later, Yin Tao got tired of being asked, so she lied to them and said that she had called another one, but she was scolded on the phone."

As Xiang Nan said this, Zhang Xiangbei laughed loudly. After laughing, he said, "Just be lucky. There are gangsters behind these people. It's a good thing they didn't come to settle accounts with you. Don't do such a thing next time."

"Do you think we are stupid?" Xiang Nan said.

The two people were talking as the sidewalk came to an end.

The stalls on the side disappeared, and there was an intersection in front of him. There was a pedestrian bridge at the intersection. Zhang looked diagonally across to the north. In front of the opening where the pedestrian bridge went down, there was a shop with a big sign in front of the door that said "Quack." "Hot Pot Restaurant", the business in the store is very good, and it is full of people. There are also many tables set up in the open space outside, and many people are sitting there.

Zhang Xiangbei and Xiangnan said, "Let's go over and see what's going on there."

The two of them crossed the overpass and walked into the shop. It turned out that this place was selling frog hot pot. There was a gas stove on a table, and a pot sitting on it. A pot full of frogs were simmering in the pot. It was hot, the soup was red and had the flavor of Yongcheng spicy duck feet. The two of them were attracted at first sight. They sat down and ordered three kilograms of frogs and a plate of pickled radish.

While the two of them were sitting and waiting for the food to be served, Xiangnan kept staring at Zhang Xiangbei, and Zhang Xiangbei asked:

"What are you looking at?"

"look at you."

"What do I have to see?"

"I'm waiting to see when you tell me." Xiang Nan said.

"What did I tell you?" Zhang Xiangbei asked.

"Zhang Xiangbei, do you think I can't see that I'm stupid? Are we here to play in Hainan or to inspect work?" Xiangnan asked.

Zhang Xiangbei chuckled.

"Tell me, why do you want to come to Hainan?" Xiangnan said, "You are so interested in cattle that you went to Japan to see cattle and eat beef. When you get here, today and tomorrow, you will be around cattle. I'm here Guess, do you want to go to Hainan to raise cattle?"

Zhang Xiangbei looked at Xiangnan and said honestly: "I have this idea, but it is not as simple as just raising cattle. I want to build a research institute while raising cattle to introduce high-quality breeding cattle from all over the world. I want to improve the young cattle here and raise cattle that are even better than Japanese Kobe Wagyu.

"At the same time, I want to open a beef shop in Haicheng. Each type of beef actually has its most suitable cooking method. While raising cattle, I want to find a cooking method suitable for young cattle. What I ate today It is not suitable for roasting and hot pot, or in other words, the current veal beef is not suitable for roasting and hot pot."

"Okay, I support you." Xiang Nan said, "Tell me, when are you going to start?"

"You don't object?" Zhang Xiangbei asked.

"Why should I object?" Xiang Nan asked.

"This is Hainan, away from Hangzhou..."

"What's wrong with Hainan? It's not Africa. It's only a two-and-a-half-hour flight from Hangzhou. I can come here during my vacation. I can come here on Saturday or go back on Sunday. Zhang Xiangbei, you won't be so worthless, because this is Are you hesitant?" Xiang Nan asked.

Zhang Xiangbei chuckled and said, "I thought I still needed to do your work, but I didn't expect you to agree so quickly."

Xiangnan looked at Zhang Xiangbei and said seriously: "You need to do something. No matter what you do, I will support you. If you don't do something, Zhang Xiangbei, you will rot. We are all the same."

Thank you wooden man and book friend 160908165004541 for your monthly votes! Thanks for all the votes and reading! Have a good evening everyone!

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