The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 2193 Thinking Beautifully

When Zhang Xiangbei woke up, he was in his room, lying on his bed. He vaguely saw a person sitting by the bed talking on the phone. His eyes widened instantly. It was none other than Xiang Nan.

Zhang Xiangbei asked urgently: "How did you..."

Xiang Nan turned to look at him and put a finger on his lips to signal him to be silent.

Xiang Nan changed the phone from his right hand to his left hand, stretched out his right hand and took Zhang Xiangbei's hand. Zhang Xiangbei was lying there, watching her call. He could tell that Xiang Nan was probably talking to Ding Yousong. We were talking on the phone about tonight's performance.

Originally, Xiang Nan should be in Jiaojiang at this time. The Yongcheng Wu Troupe was touring there and should not appear here.

After making the phone call, Xiangnan told Zhang Xiangbei, "Their performance has just ended."

Zhang Xiangbei asked: "Why are you here?"

"Tell me first, why do you drink so much wine?" Xiang Nan said.

"There was no reason. I just drank at the 'Pillow Teahouse' in front of me with my father, Uncle Zhanzi, and Gu Gong. The wine was too strong and I got drunk," Zhang Xiangbei said.

"You have today too?" Xiang Nan asked.

Zhang Xiangbei grinned: "Today."

Xiangnan reached out and touched Zhang Xiangbei's face and asked, "Are you feeling uncomfortable?"

"A bit." Zhang Xiangbei said, actually he had a splitting headache.

"Can I get you a glass of water?"

Zhang Xiangbei nodded.

Xiang Nan got up, poured a glass of warm water for Zhang Xiangbei, came back, went into the bathroom, twisted a towel under the hot water, came back, wiped Zhang Xiangbei's face, went back to the bathroom, and twisted the towel again He came back and folded the towel a few times and covered Zhang Xiangbei's forehead. Zhang Xiangbei felt that his headache had indeed been relieved a lot.

Xiang Nan asked: "Is this more comfortable?"

Zhang Xiangbei said "hmm" and asked, "Why are you back?"

Xiang Nan pretended to be angry and snorted: "You still asked me, I was about to ask you, why didn't you tell me that such a big thing happened? If Zhou Ruoyi hadn't been holding it in her heart for a few days and couldn't hold it in anymore, give it to me I called, but I didn’t know yet, and said, why didn’t you come find me if you weren’t at work?”

"Aren't you on tour overseas?" Zhang Xiangbei muttered.

"Is Jiaojiang far away from here?"

"Everyone in your group is here."

"Hoho, Zhang Xiangbei, when did you become afraid of people? Have you never followed him on tour before?" Xiangnan asked, "Who is that person who follows you even to the ravines?"

Zhang Xiangbei was speechless, and then said: "Well, I feel embarrassed and embarrassed. I will be embarrassed to see you."

"What do you mean, Zhang Xiangbei?" Xiangnan widened his eyes and asked, "Do you think that when you succeed, I will look up to you? When you encounter difficulties, I will despise you? You put me Who do you think he is?"

"No, no." Zhang Xiangbei said anxiously.

"What is that? Say."

Zhang Xiangbei straightened up and hugged Xiangnan. Xiangnan was stunned for a moment, and then he also reached out and hugged Zhang Xiangbei. His hand rubbed his back. Zhang Xiangbei's body trembled slightly and whined. started crying.

"What's wrong, Zhang Xiangbei?" Xiangnan leaned close to Zhang Xiangbei's ear and asked quietly.

Zhang Xiangbei shook his head and said, "I'm just afraid that I will be like this when I see you..."

Xiang Nan sighed, she kissed Zhang Xiangbei behind the ear, and Wen Yan said to him:

"Zhang Xiangbei, do you still remember that when you first said that you were going to do a 'home delivery', I told you that if you failed, you would go home and I would support you and wait for you to be mentally rejuvenated. Okay, let’s start from scratch?”

Zhang Xiangbei nodded.

"In my eyes, you will always be you, no matter what, you will always be you, you know?"

Zhang Xiangbei nodded again.

Xiangnan received a call from Zhou Ruoyi and rushed back to Hangzhou for a day. Yin Tao, the B character, helped to support the performance. She still had to rush back to Jiaojiang at noon the next day to follow the troupe. The troupe finished its last performance in Jiaojiang today. We have to transfer to Suzhou.

Xiangnan was worried about Zhang Xiangbei and asked Zhang Xiangbei to go with her. Zhang Xiangbei said that I would also help arrange the funeral arrangements for "Zhaixianshu". Teacher Ma would be back in the next two days. I met and talked with him. After that, just pass by.

"Are you okay?" Xiang Nan asked.

Zhang Xiangbei said it's okay, don't worry.

"Don't lie in bed every day, you know." Xiang Nan warned.

Zhang Xiangbei smiled: "I have stopped lying down for a long time. I go to the 'Zhenshui Teahouse' to drink tea every day. I am now a retired cadre and I am thinking about buying a radio to listen to."

"Okay, veteran cadre, and Zhou Ruoyi and Fatty are here to ask you to go out to play and have supper. You are not allowed to go, do you understand?" Xiang Nan said.

"Okay, I'll keep an eye on these two brats."

Xiang Nan chuckled: "But don't drink too much."

"If I don't drink too much, I now know my depth." Zhang Xiangbei said.

"Where did you learn these words?" Xiang Nan asked.

"Uncle Zhanzi," Zhang Xiangbei said, "He said that a person only knows how deep he is when he gets drunk once."

"Humph, I knew it." Xiang Nan turned up his nose.

It is more than 200 kilometers from Hangzhou to Jiaojiang. There is no high-speed rail. The train can only go to Huangyan and then transfer to the bus. It is very inconvenient. It is better to just take the bus in Hangzhou.

Zhang Xiangbei sent Xiangnan to the East Bus Station, and the two of them said goodbye reluctantly.

Zhang Xiangbei returned home, parked his car, and wanted to go to the "Zhenshui Teahouse". He stopped halfway home, picked up his laptop, and then went to the "Zhenshui Teahouse."

Zhang Xiangbei walked into the teahouse, and the waiter asked: "Is it the same place?"

Zhang Xiangbei said yes, I will go there myself.

Zhang Xiangbei walked over and heard the waiter laughing behind him. Zhang Xiangbei was stunned for a moment, and then he remembered that he must have been very embarrassed here last night.

The owner of the teahouse came over and asked, "Mr. Zhang, are you sober?"

"Wake up." Zhang Xiangbei said. He vaguely remembered that he vomited in the box yesterday and said to the boss, "Sorry, I rebelled here."

"It's okay, it's okay. It's just that the smell of alcohol is a bit strong. I opened the windows for ventilation all night, and it should be better now." The boss said, "If it's not, you can continue to reminisce about it."

Zhang Xiangbei laughed.

Zhang Xiangbei walked into the box where they drank last night. There was something in the box, and there was still the smell of Vajra Spike. Zhang Xiangbei smiled bitterly and shook his head, thinking that he still didn't know his own depth. He couldn't remember how much he drank yesterday.

Zhang Xiangbei sat down on the sofa, opened his laptop, and browsed the website of "Zhaixianshu" first. Then he opened the report sent to him by Ma Lin and the email written by Wu Huan to him. Zhang Xiangbei read it carefully. got up.

Zheng Huihong called Zhang Xiangbei and told him that Lao Ma came back yesterday. Beibei, how about I arrange it here and you can meet in the afternoon?

Zhang Xiangbei said yes.

"How about Lao Ma's office in our West Factory?" Zheng Huihong asked.

Zhang Xiangbei still said yes.

In the afternoon, Zhang Xiangbei arrived at the location given to him by Zheng Huihong as promised. He drove all the way according to the Amap map until he reached the downstairs of their Building 2. Zheng Huihong was waiting for him at the gate and saw Zhang Xiangbei driving there. , Zheng Huihong waved, called the security guard on duty in the hall, and said to him:

"Go and help Mr. Zhang park the car. Leave the car keys at the front desk."

Zheng Huihong led Zhang Xiangbei upstairs.

Teacher Ma's office is large and simple in style. As soon as you walk in, the most eye-catching thing is the black wooden horse that is as big as a real horse in the middle of the office.

Half of the office is decorated in European style. The desk is a long arc-shaped table. Teacher Ma sits in it like a castle owner guarding his castle.

On the other side, there are two Chinese-style writing desks with pens, inks, paper and inkstones placed on them, as if they are ready to write a few strokes at any time.

The carpet in the office is gray and the ceiling is milky white. One side of the office is covered with huge glass, and the outside of the glass faces the garden of their campus.

When Teacher Ma saw Zhang Xiangbei coming in, he stood up and greeted him. The two shook hands, and Zhang Xiangbei said, "I'll take a look around first."

Teacher Ma waved his hand and said, "You can do whatever you want."

Zhang Xiangbei walked around the office. He saw that there were not only wooden horses, but also a piece of marble. In this way, Mr. Ma’s name was put together. On the marble, two famous quotes of Mr. Ma’s own were engraved. :

"Today is cruel, tomorrow will be even crueler, and the day after tomorrow will be beautiful. Many people will die tomorrow night and will not see the sun the day after tomorrow."

"Entrepreneurs must know how to use their left hand to warm their right hand."

Zhang Xiangbei thought to himself, damn, I am the one who is going to die tomorrow night.

In the office, there is also a utility rack that separates the office area from the negotiation rest area. The utility rack displays swords, cartoons of Mr. Ma, and photos of him with celebrities and dignitaries from around the world.

This time, Zheng Huihong did not leave with an excuse, leaving the two of them to interview alone. Instead, she walked to the negotiation area with them and sat down on the sofa.

Zheng Huihong spoke first. She did not shy away from the purchase of "Zhai Xianshui", but went straight to the point and asked directly:

"Beibei, regarding the acquisition of 'Zhaixianshui', what is your psychological price point?"

"I don't care about this matter." Zhang Xiangbei said with a smile.

Zheng Huihong and Teacher Ma were stunned for a moment, and then they understood that there were two experienced negotiators, Xiaofang and Liu Yun, behind Zhang Xiangbei, and there was no need for him to intervene in the bargaining process.

Teacher Ma looked at Zhang Xiangbei and said, "I understand, you are here to ask for my promise, right?"

Zhang Xiangbei is right.

"What do you want me to promise?" Teacher Ma asked.

Zhang Xiangbei said: "Two things. One is the 'Suishui Gang' activity. I hope you can continue it."

"This is no problem." Teacher Ma said cheerfully.

"Second, I know that you still retain the entire fresh food delivery team of 'Daily Fresh', just to prepare for taking over 'Zhai Xian Delivery' one day. I hope that after the merger, the original team of 'Zhai Xian Delivery' will Don’t lower their treatment. I can guarantee that they are a very dedicated group of people and deserve this..."

Teacher Ma waved his hand: "Facts have proven that the team of 'Zhai Xianshui' is better than that of 'Daily Fresh'. There is no reason for bad money to drive out good coins. 'Daily Fresh''s team does still exist, but the number of people is very small." , you can rest assured that they will not replace the ‘Zhai Xianshui’ team, they will only supplement the ‘Zhai Xianshui’ team, but one person’s seat must be moved.”

"Who?" Zhang Xiangbei asked.

"You." Teacher Ma said, "I hope you can come to the group and you can take on a heavier burden."

Zhang Xiangbei shook his head and said, "Thank you, I'm not included in this, you don't need to think about it."

Zhang Xiangbei was thinking, during the war, you couldn't defeat me. Now that you have recruited the team, you still want to capture me too?

Think beautifully.

Thank you winsonliu, Nanke Yimeng 79, Lao Dibowei, On the Road-Tiantian, Zhenwu Longyi, Book Friends 20180429103252488 for your monthly votes! Thanks for all the votes and reading! Have a good evening everyone!

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