Lunch was served at Zhang Chen's villa, and they asked "Food and Drinking Man and Woman" to cook Tan's dishes. This was Xiaohu's request. Zhang Chen personally called Xiaoli to place the order. Of course, Xiaoli paid special attention to it and asked Du Thao came with a cook and a waiter.

Xiaofang handed the key to the villa to Du Tao. While they were still having a meeting here, Du Tao and the others were already busy there. When the meeting ended and they returned home, a table of dishes was already placed on the table.

Xiaohu saw that every dish on the table was very fresh and he had never eaten it before. He asked while eating, and Zhang Chen told him one by one what kind of dish it was.

After tasting each dish, Xiaohu would say: "It's so delicious!"

After eating, Xiaofang and the four girls Liu Yun, Zhou Ruoyi, and Wu Huan went to the teahouse in the garden to drink tea. Zhang Xiangbei and Sun Xiangyang went to the activity room to play billiards. They greeted Xiaohu, who said you go first, Zhang Xiangbei and I. Uncle smokes a cigarette.

Xiaohu and Zhang Chen were sitting on the sofa in the living room smoking. Zhang Chen saw that Xiaohu looked a little disappointed, and he was completely different from the two people at the dinner table. Zhang Chen asked:

"Xiaohu, what's wrong with you? Are you worried?"

"No." Xiaohu smiled and said, "The food just now was so delicious."

The food just now was so delicious. Isn’t it supposed to make you feel happy? Why do you feel depressed after eating it? Zhang Chen was a little strange. He looked at Xiaohu, who still smiled at him, but this smile looked a little bitter.

"Uncle Zhang, I hope you don't mind." Xiaohu said, "When I arrived in Hangzhou, I ate something delicious and saw something interesting, and this happened."

Zhang Chen vaguely seemed to know something, and he asked: "Is it because..."

"Yes, that's right, I will think of my mother." Xiaohu said, "My mother seems to have never had a good day. How can I say..."

"The son wants to be filial but the relatives are not there." Zhang Chen said, he knew that the mother Xiaohu was talking about was Ah Lian, and her mother was Miss Cai.

"Yes, that's the feeling." Xiaohu nodded, "I often imagine how great it would be if my mother was still alive. I think that when my mother dies, she will definitely tell me everything. If so, I will go back to Hangzhou and have a home here."

"Yes." Zhang Chen said, "Ms. Cai asked me and Tan Shuzhen to help find A-Lian a long time ago. I think that since she opened her mouth and asked us to find her, she has probably decided to tell you the truth and let you We recognized each other, but it’s a pity that by that time, your mother was no longer here.”

Xiaohu nodded "Yeah".

Zhang Chen stood up, patted Xiaohu on the shoulder, and said to him:

"There is nothing we can do about it. The last time Zhang Xiangbei's mother and I were together was in this house. She was taken away in an ambulance from here. The last time I saw her in the hospital was across the street. Protective clothing, even if I want to hold her and let her walk in my arms, it’s impossible.”

Xiaohu sighed.

"Let's go and watch them play billiards." Zhang Chen said. Xiaohu said yes and stood up.

The meeting continued in the afternoon. Xiaofang first introduced the rumors on the Internet and told everyone that Zheng Huihong, her seniors, and several other investors came to her and Liu Yun to inquire about investment or acquisition of "Zhaixianshuang" possibilities, and their valuation of “home delivery”.

After Xiaofang finished speaking, Liu Yun looked at Zhang Xiangbei and said to everyone:

“If we look at it from an investor’s perspective, the current valuation of ‘Zhaixianshu’ is between RMB 150 billion and RMB 160 billion, which is more than US$20 billion, which is reasonable and in line with our psychological expectations.

"Whether it's being acquired, of course, Beibei, I'm just saying, I know that if it is acquired, you won't agree, and neither do we. 'Zhaixianshui' cannot be handed over to people who have no feelings for it. My Meaning, whether it’s being acquired or starting Series A, now is the best time.”

"I think Beibei himself knows this very well, right?" Xiaofang asked Zhang Xiangbei, and Zhang Xiangbei nodded.

Xiaofang continued: "Being acquired is not within the scope of our consideration. The other way for 'Zhai Xianshui' is to go public. Whether it is in the United States or Hong Kong, it will eventually go public. Beibei, you are also prepared for this." ,Yeah?"

Zhang Xiangbei nodded.

"I think if you want to go public, the New York Stock Exchange is the best choice. 'Zhai Xianshui' doesn't even need to be considered by Nasdaq. And if it goes public next year, 'Zhai Xianshui' will fully comply with the three requirements of the New York Stock Exchange." In the first fiscal year, the annual profit will be no less than two million U.S. dollars, and the cumulative profit in three years will be no less than six and a half million U.S. dollars.

"Others, including the company's size, the stability of the industry, its position in the industry, the company's market conditions and prospects, etc., are all fine. It would be a pity for such a company to be listed on other sub-scale capital markets. "Liu Yun said.

"I agree with what Liu Yun said. It would be a pity if 'Zhai Xianshui' cannot be listed on the New York Stock Exchange, the world's largest securities market." Xiaofang said, "Several major indicators of the New York Stock Exchange for non-U.S. companies. 'Home delivery' is completely achievable, and what we need to do next is to meet the other two requirements of the New York Stock Exchange."

"What's the request?" Zhang Chen asked.

“First, the number of stocks held by the public must not be less than 2.5 million shares, and second, the number of shareholders holding more than 100 shares must not be less than 5,000. This is why we need to go through rounds of financing. To dilute the stocks in your hands." Xiaofang said.

"This is very fast. We can do it right away. It doesn't take half a year to complete all the requirements. The things mentioned above are the hard targets. Many companies either have industry status, company size, or lack of profitability. , those who go to Nasdaq are basically because their profitability cannot meet the requirements of the New York Stock Exchange." Liu Yun said.

When Liu Yun and Xiaofang were talking, Zhang Xiangbei lowered his head and said nothing. Of course he knew what Liu Yun and Xiaofang said, and he also knew that "Zhai Xian Delivery" would eventually go public. , to go public, going to the New York Stock Exchange is the best choice.

What makes Zhang Xiangbei hesitant is that if the listing time is set for next year, "Zhaixianshui" will immediately need to start the A round and divide the equity internally.

Liu Yun looked at Zhang Xiangbei and asked: "Beibei, what do you think? We want to hear your thoughts."

Zhang Xiangbei looked up at everyone and said: "I have been thinking about this matter for the past two days. I think it is too urgent and whether the time for listing and starting financing can be pushed back later. "

"Why, Beibei?" Liu Yun asked.

"I think the company is still changing and is not very stable yet. If new investors come in, it may disrupt our current rhythm and some plans." Zhang Xiangbei said.

Zhang Xiangbei then introduced the situation of Yubei Company to everyone, and their next idea of ​​​​conducting corporatization in those villages that "simply help" the entire village.

Zhang Xiangbei said: "I know that for investors, these are very thankless and ineffective things. If new investors come in, they will definitely question this plan and feel that it should not be done." Implementation, they don't know, through the transformation of Yubei Company, it has been proved that this is what we must do.

"Think about it, we have so many cities across the country that need supply. Now we are basically developing five or six new cities, large and small, every month. With such a huge demand on one side, the other side is supply. At the end, if it is not stable enough and the foundation of the entire company is not solid, it will be like a loft in the sky.

"As soon as there is any disturbance, the entire company will definitely be on the verge of collapse. Those engaged in fresh food delivery are not only in the service industry, but also in the tertiary industry. If you understand it that way, you have not understood this industry thoroughly. It must be a mixture of the primary and tertiary industries. Only in this way will our ability to resist risks be strong.

"It's not that I look down on those investors, but their original intention of coming in was to wait for the company to go public and leave. For them, they don't care about the company. What they need in five or ten years will not matter to them. What is the long-term plan? All they want is how to make the financial report more beautiful and how to shorten the time to go public as soon as possible.

"Listing is their only goal and pursuit. In their view, other things are dispensable and optional. We cannot say that they are short-sighted, but they have been doing everything since the day they came in. It is reasonable for them to make such a choice with the mentality that after I cash out and leave the market, I don’t care if the floods are overwhelming.

“But what is reasonable for them, for us, for Home Fresh Delivery, may be exactly the obstacles that will affect our development and progress.

"So I hope that I can be given another period of time to complete the current plan and completely lay a solid foundation for the company before I start planning for the listing."

After Zhang Xiangbei finished speaking, Wu Huan said:

"I agree with Mr. Zhang's statement. In fact, as for Yubei Company, at the beginning, not to mention the new investors, even Mr. Zhang and I had different opinions. I think it would be an invalid investment and not cost-effective. , now facts have proved that Yubei Company itself will not only not become a burden to us, but will also bring us profits, but this time will be longer.

“But it has now become the most stable supply base for our ‘Zhai Xian Delivery’ in Chongqing, and this has become a reality.

"Mr. Zhang is right. In the eyes of new investors, these are very uneconomical things, but for the long-term development of our company, they are what we have to do to build more of our own It’s actually a bit late for us to do this now, but if we don’t do it now, it will be even too late in the future. I think this plan should not be interfered with.”

Liu Yun nodded and looked at Zhang Chen. Zhang Chen pointed at Zhang Xiangbei with his finger. The meaning was self-explanatory. Liu Yun smiled and asked Zhou Ruoyi and Sun Xiangyang:

"What do you two think?"

"I support Zhang Xiangbei." Sun Xiangyang said, Zhou Ruoyi nodded beside her, and she agreed.

"Xiaohu, what about you?" Liu Yun asked Xiaohu.

Xiaohu looked at Zhang Xiangbei and said:

"You are right, now is indeed the best time to start planning for listing. From an investor's perspective, I should ask that now, at this best time, start planning for listing. However, from the perspective of brotherhood, Like Fatty, I also support Zhang Xiangbei."

"Well, Zhang Chen also supports Zhang Xiangbei, and Xiaofang probably has the same opinion." Liu Yun said with a smile, "You all support Zhang Xiangbei, even if I object, my opinion can be ignored, Beibei, then Just go with your plan.”

Thank you for your monthly pass! Thanks for all the votes and reading! Have a good evening everyone!

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