The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 2113 Eating sugar cane

The three of them left the dormitory and walked back. Zhang Xiangbei and Sun Xiangyang said, go find Mr. Qian of the base and ask him if he has any good hotel recommendations, and you can book two tables.

Sun Xiangyang said yes and walked away.

Zhang Xiangbei and Ding Mianli walked back to the workshop together. Zhang Xiangbei took off his coat and said to Ding Mianli:

"If there is any work that needs to be done, I will do it together."

Ding Mianli hurriedly said: "No, no, Mr. Zhang, we can do it."

"If you don't divide my work, then I will find work by myself." Zhang Xiangbei said, "After working in so many workshops, I have learned a lot about it. I can do all the work here."

Zhang Xiangbei said, taking a screwdriver and a wrench from the tool box to help install the stainless steel workbench.

There are two land reclamation warriors in the family. The land reclamation warriors not only like to grow vegetables, but also like to make various skyscraper models in the studio. Later, they were used as sandboxes for real estate. Zhang Xiangbei followed them since childhood and learned not only about growing vegetables. Zhang Xiangbei can also operate the multi-function milling, turning and planing machine imported from Germany that Chen gave to Lao Zhang.

In the evening, Zhang Xiangbei looked at his watch. It was almost time. He walked to Ding Miuli and asked him to invite everyone to dinner.

The Hongyun Hotel that Sun Xiangyang booked was more than 20 minutes away from the logistics base by car. Zhang Xiangbei and Ding Mianli couldn't fit in the two cars, so Sun Xiangyang borrowed a business car from Mr. Qian, and the three cars set off together.

Ding Mianli's car was driven by Han Song, Ding Mianli was sitting in the driver's seat, driving Zhang Xiangbei's car, and Zhang Xiangbei was sitting in the passenger seat.

Zhang Xiangbei and Ding Jianli said: "I will buy a car tomorrow. How can you afford a small car here?"

"No, no, no, we don't need it now. Whoever needs to drive this car now, plus there is a tool cart, it is enough. There will be so many cold chain trucks in the future, so there is no need to buy another small car." Ding Say it with effort.

Sun Xiangyang booked a large box and a large table for 18 people. There were 16 of them in total, and they could sit at just one table. As soon as they took their seats, eight cold dishes were served. Zhang Xiangbei said to everyone:

"Tonight is a day off. Everyone doesn't have to work. Those who can drink drink, and those who can't drink drink. Everyone is open to drink. I know everyone has worked hard during this period. Even the suppliers were forced to scream by Mr. Ding. , you guys, he will definitely not let you go."

Everyone laughed. Zhang Xiangbei raised his glass and said, "Here, let me toast you first."

Everyone raised their glasses one after another and clinked glasses from afar.

Zhang Xiangbei said: "I visited your dormitory in the afternoon. To be honest, I was scared. How about you move me to the guest house in the logistics base tomorrow?"

Everyone looked at me and I looked at you, but no one said a word. Zhang Xiangbei asked:

"Why, did Mr. Ding tell you not to say a lot of things?"

A girl said: "Lao Ding didn't tell us not to say anything. Before we came, Lao Ding held a meeting for us in Shanghai. He said that we went to Anhui this time to start a business, not to enjoy ourselves. The conditions in Anhui are incomparable to those of Shanghai companies. If you want the same conditions as Shanghai, just create them yourself. I think what Lao Ding said is very good."

As soon as the girl made the first move, everyone started talking. Some people said: "Old Ding has given us a choice. He said that those who can't bear this hardship can continue to stay in Shanghai."

"That's right, Lao Ding also said that every penny used by our Hefei company now is earned by brothers and sisters in other companies. We are raised by them now, so we don't dare to spend lavishly."

"Mr. Zhang, thank you for your concern for us, but there is really no need to move to the dormitory. It is just a transitional period, and it will be fine after our dormitory is renovated." Han Song and Zhang Xiangbei said, "Isn't it just a transitional period? As for the sleeping place, now we go to the workshop when we get up in the morning, and when we go back at night, we fall asleep on the bed and feel nothing."

Everyone else nodded, and the girl in front said:

"Actually, this kind of hard-working entrepreneurial environment is quite exciting. Watching the workshop change every day, I feel a sense of accomplishment."

Zhang Xiangbei said: "I am your boss, you find it very exciting, but I feel sorry for myself after watching it."

"What should I feel sorry for? If these guys weren't incompetent and had forgotten all the things they learned in military training in college, I originally wanted them to come here with backpacks and lay the floor in this workshop at night." Ding Mianli said. .

"Old Ding, can you still carry a backpack?" someone asked.

"Of course I will. If you don't believe me, I'll call you later." Ding said reluctantly.

Someone immediately retorted disdainfully: "Old Ding, what's the use of packing a backpack? Your bed is just like ours, it's also a doghouse. I didn't see you folding the quilt like dried tofu."

"That's right." Many people cheered together.

Ding Mianli chuckled: "I'm not pragmatic, it's just for the convenience of getting in and out of bed."

One girl snorted: "Pragmatism means carrying a backpack and paving the floor. I think that's formalism."

"It makes sense." Sun Xiangyang said, "Old Ding, do you still want them to wear leggings?"

"Yes, it's a pity that there are no straps." Ding said reluctantly.

"Hey, you're so ugly and you're wearing leggings. You're not afraid of being regarded as a bunch of lunatics." A girl shouted.

"What do you know? Do you know why the Red Army wears leggings?" Ding Mianli asked the girl who was speaking.

The girl shook her head and asked, "You know?"

"Of course." Ding Mianli said, "The Red Army marches every day in the mountains and forests. The leggings are to prevent leeches and insects from crawling in through the trousers. The most important thing is to prevent varicose veins. Look at the treasures now. Above, a pair of socks to prevent varicose veins costs several hundred, but for the Red Army, a single strap can solve the problem."

"Okay." Zhang Xiangbei said with a smile, "Mr. Ding, you are almost catching up with Gu Gong."

Ding Mianli chuckled and said, "By the way, I told you girls that when you go to the market in the future, you'd better wear stockings, which is good for preventing varicose veins."

"Old Ding, what about you? Do you want me to lend you a pair of stockings?" a girl shouted.

"Tch, I've been prepared for a long time. I was in Shanghai some time ago and I had to wear it every day when visiting big clients. This time, I'm already prepared." Ding Mianli said.

"No way, Lao Ding, you are so perverted, and you still wear stockings?" A young man shouted, "We are all in the same dormitory, don't scare me."

"Get out!" Ding Mian yelled, "I'm wearing football socks, I've prepared them for you all."

"Old Ding, can our stockings be reimbursed?" a girl shouted.

"No need to reimburse you." Ding Mianli said, "I will give each of you five pairs. You can go pick out what styles you want, and I will clear the shopping cart."

"Can you clear away the chocolate too?" a girl shouted.

"I want three squirrels."

"I want pecans."

Ding Mianli agreed to them all.

Everyone enjoyed this meal happily. Zhang Xiangbei looked at the people at this table and felt very happy in his heart. Although the conditions here were difficult, the spirits of these people were full, which made Zhang Xiangbei happy. I couldn't help but be full of expectations for the Hefei branch in the north.

He also understood why Ding Mianli wanted to live with them. Ding Mianli had changed from Mr. Ding to Lao Ding. The title on his lips was gone, but the respect and trust of the people below him had increased. This It's heartfelt.

Ding Mianli raised his cup to toast Zhang Xiangbei. The two sat next to each other. Zhang Xiangbei clinked the cup with him, drank it all in one gulp, and put down the cup. Ding Mianli said to Zhang Xiangbei:

"Mr. Zhang, I have...also on behalf of everyone here, I have a request."

"Say." Zhang Xiangbei said.

"Our battle with 'Daily Fresh' made us famous across the country. I went to visit the University of Science and Technology of China and Anhui University. They were looking forward to our 'Fresh Delivery' being able to enter Hefei and hoped that If we can open earlier, they will definitely become our first customers. I was thinking, can we set the launch time of the Hefei company on December 20?

"Once the time is set, our publicity work, including elevator advertising, can be arranged early."

"December 20th?" Zhang Xiangbei said, "It's already November now. I'm fully prepared and there are only a few more days left. Can you guys make it in time?"

"It's too late. To prepare for this kind of thing, you have to be forced. You need to count down. Otherwise, if you give it another three months and a half, you will still feel that there is not enough time. Look at the cities that applied to host the Olympic Games. From the beginning of the bid to the final opening, there are at least ten Years are just ten years to prepare. Which city, when it comes to its opening, is not good here or there?

"But on the other hand, which city would delay the opening because it is not ready? The last month is the key, the most efficient time. We now need to set a time to put ourselves and the supply company Shang has been forced to the point where there is no way out, we need a countdown."

Zhang Xiangbei smiled and said: "Your theory is quite new."

He looked at the people present, and they all looked at him, with their eyes shining in anticipation. Zhang Xiangbei said:

"Okay, I agree. If you need any support from us, just come up with it."

Everyone in the box cheered "Oh".

After finishing the meal, on the way back to the base, a girl who had not drunk was in front of her to help drive. Zhang Xiangbei and Ding Mianli sat in the back seat. Ding Mianli and Zhang Xiangbei said:

"Mr. Zhang, don't think that I'm here asking everyone to tighten their belts just to show off. No, it makes sense."

"What's the reason?" Zhang Xiangbei asked.

"I think the company's preparations are to eat sugar cane. It will make everyone suffer at first, and then it will get better and better, and everyone will feel more and more hopeful. If it starts lavishly and throws money everywhere, I I can guarantee that the company has not started business yet, everyone is lazy, and the people's hearts are scattered." Ding Mianli said.

"It makes sense." Zhang Xiangbei said.

"Look at the history of China, why do southern expeditions usually go smoothly and northern expeditions usually end in failure?"

"Why?" Zhang Xiangbei asked.

"Fighting from south to north, the environment becomes more difficult, and the food of the troops becomes worse and worse. On the contrary, when we fight south, we get richer and richer, life becomes better, and everyone becomes more energetic."

Ding Mianli said, Zhang Xiangbei laughed, Ding Mianli also laughed, and he said:

"I know you are saying that I look like Gu Gong again. Go back and ask Gu Gong if that's the case."

Thank you Bai Xiaochang, for the reward of two fishes, one at three o'clock in the middle of the night! Thank you for your monthly votes from Qingbo, Hu Hu, Luoluo Wuchen Yihua Yishi, Yunlong Frogyu, Xianlaiwang, Da Zhilao, Exercise, xiezhiwww, Book Friends Scooter, Book Friends 20190528183030544! Thanks for all the votes and reading! I wish you all good health!

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