Ding Mianli drove Han Song from Shanghai to Hefei. On the same day, Ding Mianli called Zhang Xiangbei and Wu Huan to tell them that they had met Mr. Qian of the "Half Acre Field" Hefei Logistics Base, and Mr. Qian had been accompanying him. Follow us.

Yesterday, when they were still in Shanghai, Ding Mianli asked Erhuo to call Mr. Qian and asked him to find a way to free up one or two warehouses in the logistics base.

"Where are you people? Have you arranged your accommodation?" Wu Huan asked.

"It has been implemented." Ding said reluctantly.

"Tell me the phone number in the room. If there is an emergency at night, I can call you directly in the room." Wu Huan said.

"There's no phone in the room. Oh, Mr. Wu, I mean, I'm basically not in the room. If you call the room and you can't find me, just call my cell phone. I'm sure it's turned on." Ding said reluctantly.

"Has the factory building in Hefei been decided?" Zhang Xiangbei asked.

"The location has been decided, but half of that house has been rented out. Mr. Qian and I did each other's work, and the other party agreed to vacate it and move it to another warehouse. Mr. Qian is leading the loading and unloading team to help them Move things, and when they are empty, I will send you photos and floor plans." Ding said with all his strength.

Zhang Xiangbei said yes, thank you for your hard work.

"It's not hard, it should be." Ding said with all his strength.

In the evening, Ding Jianli sent over the photos, videos, and floor plans of the warehouse, as well as the rental contract for the Hefei branch of "Zhaixianshui" and the Hefei Logistics Base of "Half Acre Field". The rental contract was still missing. An official seal from the Hefei branch of "Zhaixianxian".

Ding Mianli said that he and Mr. Qian had already agreed that the official seal would be replaced after our official seal came out, and the renovation of the house would begin immediately.

Zhang Xiangbei said yes, I will ask Sun Xiangyang to send the construction team there.

"This Ding Mianli moves very quickly." Wu Huan and Zhang Xiangbei said after putting down the phone.

Yes, they just arrived in Hefei today, and the factory building was settled immediately. They moved very quickly indeed.

Since he was fast there, Zhang Xiangbei had to be fast too. He called Sun Xiangyang and told him to make arrangements for the people sent to Hefei.

"I've already left. The high-speed rail to Hefei at 5:40 is now on the high-speed rail." Sun Xiangyang said.

"Already gone?" Zhang Xiangbei was surprised, "Who informed you, Ding Mianli?"

"Yes, Ding Mianli kept calling me and asked the person in charge of design to come over immediately. I was almost driven to death by him. If he doesn't send someone over today, I won't even think about sleeping at night. He said he would pester me."

Zhang Xiangbei laughed and hung up the phone.

At noon the next day, Ding Mianli called them again. This time, others had arrived in Wuhu. Ding Mianli told them that the workshop in Wuhu was also located in the Wuhu logistics base of "Half Acre Field". The contract, photos, and I'll send you the floor plan right away.

In the evening of that day, Ding Mianli had arrived at Ma'anshan. Zhang Xiangbei was surprised when he heard this and asked:

"So fast, aren't you still in Wuhu at noon?"

"Yes, Ma'anshan is right next to Wuhu. It only takes 40 minutes to drive there. We will leave after talking to you on the phone at noon." Ding Mianli said.

"Half Mu Tian" does not have a logistics base in Ma'anshan, but Ding managed to tell them:

"The place has been found, Mr. Zhang and Mr. Wu. I will send you the agreement, photos, and floor plan. You can take a look. If there are no problems with the agreement and the rent, I will sign the agreement with them."

Zhang Xiangbei and Wu Huan looked at each other. Ding Mianli moved so quickly in Wuhu. They understood that after all, in Wuhu, he went to the logistics base of "Half Mu Tian". All the logistics bases of "Half Mu Tian" in the country were very important to them. "Fresh delivery at home" is a priority arrangement, but they all have the same dad.

But to be able to find a house so quickly in a place like Ma'anshan where they are unfamiliar with their lives was indeed beyond their expectation.

"So magical?" Zhang Xiangbei asked, "How did you do it?"

Ding Mianli smiled and said: "I asked a lot of truck drivers in Hefei and Wuhu. They have all traveled to Ma'anshan and knew that there are several logistics bases in Ma'anshan and where they are. I talked to these logistics bases one by one on the road. If you don’t have a house, you don’t even have to go.”

"Smart!" Zhang Xiangbei couldn't help but praise.

In the afternoon of the next day, Ding Miali and Zhang Xiangbei Wu Huan said that the house in Anqing had also been settled. They drove from Ma'anshan to Anqing last night. Anqing did not have a logistics base with "half an acre of land", so the driver helped. They introduced it. They visited three places in Anqing today. This one is the best. I have sent the information to your email.

"This Ding Mianli, do you think he is deliberately showing off to us, or is he really risking his life?" Wu Huan asked Zhang Xiangbei.

Zhang Xiangbei said: "All of them. If anyone is punished and doesn't hold his breath in his heart, he is no longer a human being."

"What does he have to hold back? Isn't it because of what he did that we punish him? We have already held him high and put him down gently." Wu Huan said.

"He was holding his breath, not necessarily at us." Zhang Xiangbei said, "He might be being cruel to himself."

"Well, why do I feel that you are always trying to excuse him? If you were not the boss, I would doubt whether you were taking advantage of him." Wu Huan said.

Zhang Xiangbei laughed: "The boss can also get benefits."

After all, Wu Huan had to admit that in two days, Ding managed to secure the production and operation sites for the four branches. This efficiency is still impressive.

Next, all aspects of the work of the Hefei branch of "Zhai Xian Delivery" were implemented in an orderly and fast pace. Whether it was employee recruitment or base construction, it took less time than their other branches.

Sun Xiangyang and Zhang Xiangbei said that the construction team called him and said that they were being driven crazy by Ding Mianli. This guy followed them all day long, without even a moment to breathe. They worked until midnight, and he was at the construction site. I stayed there until midnight, all I needed was a whip in my hand.

"Not only the construction team, but also the company that installed equipment and assembly lines for us, everyone was chased away by him, and the construction site was in a state of chaos." Sun Xiangyang said.

"That's not bad." Zhang Xiangbei smiled, "They should know now how kind we were before."

After more than two weeks of this, even Zhang Xiangbei couldn't bear it anymore. He called Sun Xiangyang and told him to leave and let's go to Hefei to see it.

The two people drove to Hefei. At the gate of the "Half Mu Tian" logistics base, they asked about the location of the "Zhai Xian Delivery". The security guard pointed at them and told them that the noisiest room at the end was the one they were renovating.

The two people drove the car to the door of the workshop and stopped. They saw Ding Miuli's car also parked here, covered with a layer of dust.

The two people got off the car and walked into the workshop. The workshop was very busy. Several construction teams were working at the same time. Work clothes of various colors were shuttled in the spacious workshop.

Ding Mianli and a dozen other "Zhaixianshui" employees were all wearing "Zhaixianshui" work clothes and helping on the construction site. When Zhang Xiangbei and Sun Xiangyang found him, Ding Mianli was standing on the scaffolding, holding in his hand Holding up a square ventilation pipe folded from stainless steel plates, construction workers welded it at both ends.

The sounds from various machines in the workshop gathered together and made it very noisy. Ding Mianli saw them and shouted loudly from above:

"Mr. Zhang, Mr. Sun, please wait a moment, I can't get off now."

Zhang Xiangbei waved his hand to indicate that it was okay. Ding Mianli held the square tube with both hands and continued on the scaffolding for more than ten minutes. When the welding joints at both ends were welded, the welder told him that he could let go. Ding Mianli immediately got off the scaffolding. Climb up and down.

"Why are you here?" Ding Mianli asked while wiping his hands with a tissue.

"Come to see you." Zhang Chen said.

"Then I'll call them all over."

As Ding Mianli spoke, he was about to shout at the top of his voice and shout at all his people, but Zhang Xiangbei quickly stopped him:

"No, I'll treat you all to dinner tonight. You decide the place. Do you know any delicious food around here?"

"I don't know." Ding shook his head reluctantly, "We have never been out, we have been here for almost the same time."

"They're all here?" Zhang Xiangbei was surprised, "Then where do you live?"

In the logistics base, the dormitory of the Hefei branch is still being renovated. Even if it is renovated, Ding Mianli does not need to live here. According to their company's regulations, the branch general manager level can rent a high-end house locally. Or rent in a five-star hotel.

"I live here too. I asked the boss to borrow a dormitory." Ding said reluctantly.

"Come on, take me to see it." Zhang Xiangbei said.

Ding reluctantly hesitated.

"Let's go!" Zhang Xiangbei urged him, but Ding Mian had no choice but to lead them to the dormitory.

After arriving at the dormitory building of the logistics base and going up to the second floor, Ding managed to open a room. As soon as the door was opened, a strong mixed smell of sweat, foot odor and cigarette smoke came out from the door.

Zhang Xiangbei and the others walked in and saw that there were four beds in a room of more than 20 square meters. It was not enough, so they bought five folding wire beds, making a total of nine beds. The whole room was packed to the brim, and there was only one road. , allowing people to walk sideways, the original four tables in the dormitory building were pushed to the corner, and two tables were stacked on top of each other.

"I'll go, this is where people live!?" Sun Xiangyang shouted.

"It's okay, it's temporary, isn't it? The dormitory here at the logistics base is also very tight. It took a lot of money to find two rooms for us. We have one room for men and one for women. There are many men, so it's a bit crowded. ." Ding said with all his strength.

"Which bed do you want?" Zhang Xiangbei asked.

"That one." Ding pointed to a wire bed and said.

"Why don't you stay in a hotel?" Zhang Xiangbei asked.

"I have to rush to work every day. It's more convenient to live here than the trouble of running around." Ding Mianli said with a smile.

"Besides, they all live here. It's not good for me to go and stay in a hotel alone." Ding managed to add.

"You can tell us the situation and everyone will stay in the hotel." Zhang Xiangbei said.

"Forget it, we're all going to the hotel. People can easily get separated. It's better to manage things here. It'll be over in just a few months," Ding said with all his strength.

Thank you Hu Hu and "Love Purple" for your monthly votes! Thanks for all the votes and reading! Have a good evening everyone!

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