The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 205: For Yi Xiaode

Jin Lili was startled when she heard Zhang Chen's knock on the door. She held her breath and sat there, not daring to breathe out, but her heart was pounding with nervousness.

She heard them knocking on the door and calling her name. After a pause, they knocked on the door again and called her name again. She heard someone coming out next door and saying something to them. They left. Jin Lilisong After taking a breath, their knock on the door suddenly sounded again.

Why is all of this so childish?

Jin Lili was relieved when she heard that Zhang Chen came with Xiao Wu, but not Liu Ligan. She felt that if Liu Ligan was outside the door, he might be able to sense that she was inside, but not Open the door, this guy always seems to have such an intuition.

Jin Lili thought of their piece of land, their joy and anger after being hit. How childish were these things?

Jin Lili thought that she had once been like them, foolishly dreaming about getting rich and never tired of it, and she felt funny. Isn't it easy to get rich? I have a bank card lying here now. If I take it out, I will be a rich woman.

But I don't care.

Jin Lili felt that there was already a deep gap between herself, them, and Zhang Chen. She could no longer see the problem from their level, just like they couldn't understand everything she had experienced, at least at this point. , Liu Ligan was right, he was indeed looking up to the sky.

The world will be so vast when you look toward the sky, right? Look towards the ground and you can see at most a penny on the side of the road.

Jin Lili sighed. She didn't know how this gap was formed. She thinks it has something to do with Mr. Xia. I have already followed others and fought on the battlefield. You want me to retreat to the streets and alleys to play fake war games?

If that were the case, Jin Lili felt that she was unwilling to do so. She would not be proud of victory and would not be discouraged by failure.

This is not what Jinlili needs.

Jin Lili would not open the door to Zhang Chen and the others, nor would she answer them. She did not want to see anyone, and no one together would be as big as Jin Lili's worries and sorrows, and they were insignificant.

Today is already the fifth day. Mr. Xia told her that if I don’t come back for three days, you can take the money and leave. That means that three days is the golden rescue period for Mr. Xia to save himself. Today has been five days and it is not a rescue. Failure means that the bastard Lao Bao caused more damage than Mr. Xia expected, otherwise he would not have come back.

He said that he would return to Hainan even if he died.

There was no way he would lie to her.

She believed this.

Jin Lili slumped on the sofa. She felt that every inch of her skin was gone. Was she really on the verge of dying?

When Jin Lili felt that she was starting to collapse, she didn't have the original excitement at all. She warned herself that from now on, nothing would be taken for granted. Every minute and every second would be a miracle. If Mr. Xia came back in a miracle, then It is the miracle of miracles.

I just want to wait and create miracles.

Jin Lili wiggled her nostrils, and she could smell that her body was already stinky. Bastard, you are just waiting for a miracle with such a stinky smell, will the miracle come again?

Jin Lili was startled. She suddenly felt that the reason why the miracle did not happen was really because of her sloppiness.

Jin Lili quickly jumped up, ran to the bathroom, washed herself thoroughly, put on lipstick and sprayed perfume, looked at herself radiantly in the mirror, and nodded with satisfaction.

She walked back to the living room and sat there. She thought that no matter how far apart people were, they were all in touch with each other, and the more they loved each other, the more they loved each other. She had to work hard to cheer up and support Xia Zhiqing from behind. No matter what situation he is facing at the moment, I have to help him endure it.

Who has I been afraid of?

Jin Lili was tired from sitting on the sofa, so she went to the office to sit. Although there was a blue sky outside, in Jin Lili's eyes, everything was gray. As long as Mr. Xia didn't come back, Jin Lili's whole world would be gray. .

After Zhang Chen and Xiao Wu came here, it seemed that the whole world had forgotten about their company and her. No one knocked on their door again. People are the animals that get used to the most easily. It seemed that they were already used to her disappearance. .

Thinking of this, Jin Lili felt a little dissatisfied. She looked at the desk calendar on the table. Today was Saturday. It was supposed to be the day when she went to Wanghai Tower. Zhang Chen actually didn't come to see him again. He actually used that phrase twice. She knocked on the door and dismissed herself. It was not dismissal, but giving up. Jin Lili felt that Zhang Chen had accepted the fact that she did not exist.

What kind of bullshit love is this?

Just like Liu Ligan, he seemed to be in love with Tan Shuzhen, even carving coconuts and playing romantic. She thought that Liu Ligan would be in pain when they broke up, but she didn't expect that as soon as he turned around and got into Dingdong's bed, he Well, now alive and kicking, Tan Shuzhen is like a fart, and disappeared in a gust of wind.

Will Zhang Chen also follow Liu Ligan and climb into Dingdong's bed? Even if he doesn't go, Liu Ligan will pull him there. Thinking of this, Jin Lili suddenly felt extremely disgusted with that familiar body.

So fucking disgusting.

Jin Lili sat for a while, and she felt that the fragrance on her body had disappeared. What if Mr. I smelled it, so I quickly went to take a shower again.

When she was taking a shower, she was afraid that at this time, Mr. Xia would just come back. She washed herself sparingly and in a hurry. She pricked up her ears and listened. There seemed to be some movement outside. Jin Lili quickly wrapped her body in a bath towel and ran away. He came out, but everything was still the same outside. There was still an empty room, an empty sofa, and empty chairs. The door coming in was closed, and the doors to Mr. Xia's office and bedroom were also closed.

Jin Lili sighed.

When it was completely dark outside, the whistle of Xiuying Port became clearer every time, and the night became deeper and deeper.

Jin Lili looked at her watch. It was already past twelve o'clock. It was impossible for Mr. Xia to come back at this time.

Jin Lili sat blankly in the darkness for a while. She got up and went to Mr. Xia's room, leaving the door open so that she could hear what was going on outside.

She walked to Mr. Xia's bed and let her clothes slip off her body one by one. She climbed onto the bed naked and covered herself with a blanket. She felt Mr. Xia's breath on the pillow and blanket. And the smell of sweat that they worked so hard and beautifully that day.

Tears flowed down Jin Lili's cheeks...

The food in the refrigerator was getting less and less. Jin Lili had to control herself and not eat unless she had to. She cooked a large pot of noodles and put it in the cold room of the refrigerator. She was really hungry, so she ate only two chopsticks. Cold noodles, she felt that she could finish the whole pot of noodles in one go, and screamed to herself, no, no, no.

She forced herself to put the pot back in the refrigerator, closed the door, and quickly fled the kitchen. She felt that if she stayed here for a while longer, she would really finish all the noodles.

This was her last pot of noodles. If so, she would probably starve to death before Mr. Xia came back.

Jin Lili's eyes and stomach were staring at the closed door. How much she wanted to go out and have a good meal, but she couldn't.

She felt that the door was closed by her for Mr. Xia, and only Mr. Xia could open it.

If she couldn't help but open it now, her previous efforts and waiting would be in vain, everything would disappear quickly, and the outside world would squeeze in through that door, and she would be unable to withstand it. of.

If the outside world invades the door and looks ferocious, then Mr. Xia will most likely never come back.

I, Jin Lili, locked this door for Xia Zhiqing. Xia Zhiqing, please open it yourself.

Time passed day by day. Jin Lili didn't know how long it had been since Mr. Xia left. All the noodles in the refrigerator were eaten. Even the pot of noodles was swamped by Jin Lili with cold boiled water and drank.

She searched the whole house and even found the biscuits that had been in Lao Bao's room for a long time and ate them.

Finally, Jin Lili smiled bitterly, thinking that even if ten thousand mice were let in, they would not find any food in this house.

Jin Lili still lay on Mr. Xia's bed at night, took a shower as soon as she got up, and cleaned herself up. She thought that when she was dying, she became more and more energetic, but when she wanted to cheer up every day, she became more and more energetic. Weak and getting thinner and thinner.

She sat on the sofa and stared at the closed door. She felt that even if she wanted to, she had no strength to open the heavy door.

This is good. When the world forgets us, let us forget ourselves behind a door.

Jin Lili couldn't help laughing when such sour words came out.

Jin Lili stared at the door. Suddenly, she felt the door lock moving. Jin Lili was dumbfounded. She wiped her eyes. The door lock was indeed moving. Jin Lili was so stupid.

Then the door opened, and a figure appeared at the door.

"Ah!" With a surprised voice, Jin Lili fainted.

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