The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 204 Almost spoiled something big

Zhang Chen and Xiao Wu returned to the office. Zhang Chen first locked up Jin Lili, then took out the address book from his bag and dug out Mr. Xia's big brother number. Zhang Chen's hands were shaking as he pressed the phone buttons one by one.

Zhang Chen called several times, but most of Mr. Xia's eldest brother couldn't get through.

Zhang Chen thought for a while and then detained Lin Yiyan. Lin Yiyan came back and Zhang Chen asked her: "Have you seen Jin Lili?"

Lin Yiyan laughed: "Why are you asking me for Jin Lili? I should be the one asking you for it."

After laughing, Lin Yiyan immediately felt that something was fishy and asked, "Did something happen to Lily?"

"No, no." Zhang Chen said quickly, "I just detained her and didn't reply. I thought she was at your place."

Lin Yiyan breathed a sigh of relief and said, "I was shocked. I thought something happened."

Zhang Chen hung up Lin Yiyan's phone and withdrew the second-hand goods. The second-hand goods came back immediately. Zhang Chen shouted: "Have you ever gone to Jinling Resort to look for her?"

"I'm at Jinling Resort now. The sister at the front desk said that I haven't seen the three of them since Sunday. They must have all gone back to Haicheng." Erhuo and Zhang Chen said.

Zhang Chen sat there blankly. Jin Lili could not be found in these places. He didn't know where else Jin Lili could go.

Xiao Wu comforted him and said, "Brother Chen, don't worry. Sister Lili will be fine. She was with the trafficker, and she sold him to him."

Zhang Chen couldn't help but laugh after hearing Xiao Wu's words, but he still couldn't help but feel anxious in his heart.

The two of them sat there with nothing to say. They could only look at me and me, smiling bitterly.

After a while, Liu Ligan came. When he entered the door, he called: "Have you found Lily?"

Xiao Wu shook his head, and Zhang Chen asked strangely: "How do you know?"

Liu Ligan glared at him and said to him: "After Lin Yiyan talked to you on the phone, she called Jin Lili's company. None of their company's phone numbers could get through. She called Jin Lili and didn't reply. She was worried. Did you guys have a quarrel? I didn’t dare to call you, so I called me. Damn it, why don’t you detain me even if such a big thing happens? "

"What's the use of detaining you? We've looked for everything we need to look for. We've asked everyone we need to ask, and there's nothing wrong with us." The corner of Zhang Chen's mouth twitched, "What the hell else do you know that's new? ?”

"Tell me first what's going on." Liu Ligan said.

Zhang Chen repeated what he knew to Liu Ligan. After listening to it, Liu Ligan breathed a sigh of relief and said, "In this way, there is no danger that Lily is in danger. I estimate that she should be... Those buck teeth are stuck together, making it difficult to talk on the phone."

Zhang Chen was startled and shouted: "What are they doing together?!"

Liu Ligan smiled: "What are you anxious about? Lily is doing secret work now, instigating rebellion."

"Tell me quickly, what's going on?" Xiao Wu urged.

"Think about it, that buck-toothed rebel is definitely not as simple as leaving the company. Lily and the others rushed to Sanya in a hurry, and Mr. Xia rushed to Beijing in a hurry. You really believed his lies? What happened at home? He It’s time to deal with the crisis." Liu Ligan said firmly.

"How do you say this?" Neither Zhang Chen nor Xiao Wu understood.

"The bucktooth rebel must have had some conflict with Mr. Xia. He must not be willing to leave like this. He will want to take revenge. How to take revenge? He can't beat Mr. Xia, so he can only write letters, report, and inform. , For those who are playing dirty tricks, as long as it’s a company, it’s not a matter of which company’s insiders turn against them, not to mention that Bucktooth used to be an accountant, so he has even more leverage.”

Liu Ligan said, Zhang Chen kept nodding. He felt that Liu Ligan's analysis was very reasonable. Accountants probably all have this kind of virtue. Didn't even Gu Shufang use the 250,000 to blackmail herself? Don't talk about this buck-toothed Su.

"Are Lili's investors from Beijing?" Liu Ligan asked Zhang Chen, and Zhang Chen nodded.

"That's right. Mr. Xia went to Beijing to communicate with the investors about this matter, or to put it more unpleasantly, it's called collusion, so that if the matter is exposed, everyone would be caught off guard and helpless."

Zhang Chen agreed: "What you said makes sense, but what does this have to do with Lily?"

"Where do you think that bucktooth is? Could he be so stupid that he would go to the company to die by himself? He must be hiding in a secret place. Lily has a good relationship with him and should be able to contact him. In this way, Lily and Mr. Xia, One goes to Beijing to do preventive work, and the other goes to find Buck Tooth and do ideological work. Even if the instigation of rebellion fails, Buck Tooth must be stabilized first to prevent him from jumping over the wall in a hurry."

"But, even if Sister Lili is with him, she can still call him back." Xiao Wu was still puzzled.

"Are you stupid?" Liu Ligan scolded, "How do you know there must be a phone where he is hiding? Lily received the page and told him, I'll go find the phone and answer the page? That buck tooth had already scared him away. How do people know if you are tipping off someone?"

Zhang Chen and Xiao Wu suddenly realized that after thinking about it carefully, only Liu Ligan's explanation was reasonable and the most likely to happen.

"Don't worry, Lily is fine." Liu Ligan said, "If Buck Tooth wants to play with Lily, he is no match for her. Besides, Buck Tooth is also frightened now. He wants to destroy Mr. Xia's job, but Mr. Xia still doesn't want his life. ? What level is he? What level is Mr. Xia? Will he be his opponent? Now he estimates that he will ask Lily to put in good words for him and protect him. "

Hearing what Liu Ligan said, Zhang Chen finally breathed a sigh of relief. He asked Liu Ligan: "When will Lily show up?"

"This matter will ultimately have to be resolved face to face by Mr. Xia and Buck Tooth. When will Mr. Xia come back from Beijing? When will Jin Lili end her work of instigating rebellion and stabilizing him, and will she come to make you drink from the northwest wind again?"

Liu Ligan laughed loudly as he spoke. Zhang Chen and Xiao Wu were stunned for a moment, and then they also laughed.

"You idiot." Liu Ligan looked at Zhang Chen and cursed. Zhang Chen was confused by his scolding.

Liu Ligan continued: "How could you call Lin Yiyan?"

"I'm looking for Lily, what's wrong with Lin Yiyan?" Zhang Chen asked strangely.

"What's wrong, hum." Liu Ligan sneered, "Lily's company has a loan of 29 million in Lin Yiyan's bank, and Lin Yiyan is also the loan officer for this project.

"Tell her that Jin Lili can't be found. She called all the phone numbers in their company, including those in Sanya and Mr. Xia's big brother, but she couldn't get through. Do you think she'll be scared out of her mind? Life? She will have a miscarriage because of this, and you will wait until Qihang comes to settle the score with you."

"Ah!" Liu Ligan said, and Zhang Chen also came to his senses. He thought, indeed, for banks, they are very concerned about any troubles in loan companies, not to mention that three people in the company disappeared at the same time. For such a big matter, Lin Yiyan, as a loan officer, is responsible if anything goes wrong with Jin Lili and her company.

Zhang Chen became anxious. He quickly grabbed the phone on the table. Liu Ligan clicked and held down his hand. Liu Ligan asked, "What do you want to do?"

"I immediately called Lin Yiyan and Qihang and told them that Jin Lili and his company were fine. The construction and decoration of the hotel were still going on normally." Zhang Chen said anxiously.

"You have to say, idiot, I analyzed it with Lin Yiyan before, and she agreed with me. I assured her that Jin Lili and his company were fine. At this time, it is better to be still than to move. She also agreed that she would not take it for the time being. Report this situation to their president and wait for Mr. Xia to come back, otherwise, the entire overseas publishing industry will be turned upside down."

After Liu Ligan finished speaking, he glared at Zhang Chen again and scolded: "It's all your fault. If something goes wrong because of this, we didn't drink the northwest wind, and Jin Lili will really drink the northwest wind, idiot!"

Zhang Chen breathed a long sigh of relief and chuckled. Although Liu Ligan was scolding him, he felt that the scolding sounded so nice, and it was appropriate and timely.

"Let's atone for our sins." Liu Ligan and Zhang Chen said.

Zhang Chen looked at him, wondering what he was talking about.

"The commander is going through so much trouble today. I guess your eldest brother can't sit still anymore. Why don't you give him a call and help Lily and the others stabilize their morale? Otherwise, your eldest brother will really stop the commander and the others." Liu Ligan said.

When Zhang Chen heard that it made sense, he stood up and said:

"What are you calling? I'll go and make it clear to Mr. Tan in person that there are not only the sluts and the others on the construction site, but also the construction team. The construction team has been scared once by the boss in front of them. Now, I'm afraid They are more panicked than the idiots. The construction team, what I said does not work, only after Mr. Tan talks to him will it have some effect."

"You've finally figured it out." Liu Ligan shouted, "Hurry up and go."

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