The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 202 One person goes to the left, one person goes to the right

Jin Lili didn't know that she could like someone so suddenly, impulsively, and so desperately.

Loving someone turns out to be so worrying. If love has ten points, Jin Lili feels that she has reached ten points now. In comparison, her original love with Zhang Chen has become shallow.

Jin Lili felt a little disappointed, but also a little satisfied. It turned out that the kind of vigorous love written in the book existed, and she had experienced it personally.

Jin Lili feels that she is already making a splash now. Compared with those who are watching their lovers go to the execution ground or the battlefield, I am not inferior to them at all. I am also using my life and all my body and mind to wait for my lover. Return.

Jin Lili thought of Mr. Xia's words, "Once I leave, I probably won't be able to come back." Thinking back on this sentence now, it was full of a sense of ritual, making Jin Lili's waiting a bit tragic.

Jin Lili likes and is very proud of this kind of tragedy. It makes her love seem to become broad and deep, filling the whole world.

She was very satisfied with herself. When Mr. Xia put the bank card in front of her and said to herself, you can leave with the money, Jin Lili was very satisfied with herself. At that time, she did not hesitate at all and refused flatly. This decisiveness made her love pure.

Jin Lili always thought that she was a person who liked money, but only today did she realize that she had thought wrong about herself. It turned out that when she was in front of money, she didn't even frown or feel any ripples in her heart. .

This temptation is not for that moment. It has time for her to regret it. If she wants to, the card is still on the table. She can go in and get it, go to Lin Yiyan's bank, and put it in Withdraw all the money above and fly away.

But Jin Lili had no such idea at all.

Why are you so awesome? Jin Lili was even moved by herself.

Jin Lili moves around the small space around the sofa in the living room every day, and rarely even goes to her own room, because here, if Mr. Xia comes back, she will know it immediately.

Jin Lili didn't wash her face, brush her teeth, and only took a shower once in a few days. If she hadn't been so hungry, she wouldn't even leave the sofa to get herself something to eat.

After eating noodles for a few days, she already felt that the chopsticks tasted better than the noodles, but it didn't matter, because I was waiting for someone now.

After chewing the cookies for a few days, she felt that just picking up a book, tearing off a few pages and putting them in her mouth to chew, the taste would probably not be worse than the cookies, but it didn't matter, who told me to wait for someone now? .

When Jin Lili heard Zhou Zhenglai knocking on the door, Jin Lili felt strange. Didn't Zhou Zheng know that Mr. Xia had gone to Beijing? If Mr. Xia comes back, he will definitely know what he is doing here?

Jin Lili heard Zhou Zheng calling outside, "Lily, Lili."

Jin Lili didn't open the door and didn't make a sound.

After Zhou Zheng left, Jin Lili suddenly thought that he must have been asked by Mr.

Jin Lili couldn't help but be moved to tears when she thought that Mr.

Jin Lili hopes that she is sick now and is getting more and more haggard day by day. She hopes that when Mr. Xia comes back, she will be dying. Mr. Xia will hold her and think she is dead. When Mr. Xia is in pain, his eyes will shed tears. When she reached out and touched his face, Mr. Xia would definitely cry with joy.

Jin Lili was so attracted and moved by such dramatic effects that she lived in the troupe for a long time. When she saw the spotlight chasing Tan Shuzhen, and the audience below gave Tan Shuzhen applause and cheers, Jin Lili was secretly envious. Who else Wouldn’t a girl have a dream about a protagonist?

Jin Lili felt that her day had come. In this touching drama, she was the protagonist, the real protagonist.

Jin Lili went to the bathroom to look in the mirror, and couldn't help but sigh. Although the clear soup every day was too little, why couldn't she see herself becoming thinner and haggard? It used to be brighter.

Apart from being a little unkempt, how could he still have a rosy complexion? It doesn't make sense.

Jin Lili shook her head, but she didn't feel dizzy. It seemed that she wouldn't be sick for a while. Why the hell is it so difficult to be dying?

Jin Lili sighed. She felt that as long as she was not dying, the protagonist could only be regarded as half of the role, which was not satisfactory enough.

Jin Lili was lying on the sofa. She heard other people knocking on the door, some whom Jin Lili knew and some who she didn't know.

They called Mr. Xia's name, and also called Lao Bao's name, and some called Xiao Jin, but those who called Xiao Jin were all after calling Mr. Xia and Lao Bao, and there was no response. This made Jin Lili very angry. Come on, this is not what a protagonist deserves.

It's outrageous to rank yourself behind Mr. Xia, if you want to, but to still fucking rank behind that traitor Lao Bao.

Jin Lili ignored all these calls.

For several days, there was no movement from Gu Shufang, and Zhang Chen never saw her again. Every day when she went back, the third floor was still dark. Gu Shufang took away the notes and receipts she left in the office the next day. The money that should be remitted was not delayed, everything seemed to be calm again, Zhang Chen couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief.

It seemed that Gu Shufang had really decided to let herself go, or at least, stop entangled with herself on this matter, wait, save, and settle the accounts together later.

At night, Zhang Chen was lying on the bed, staring at the ceiling above his head. He never heard Gu Shufang's movement upstairs again. Zhang Chen concluded that he was just like the woman crying that day, because he was too nervous. Forked.

When Zhang Chen was writing a note to Gu Shufang, he really wanted to write one or two more words to express his kindness to her, but after thinking about it, he forgot about it. He was worried that if he did this, in Gu Shufang's view, he might be guilty of committing a crime. Performance?

Now that it has calmed down into a pool of stagnant water, why should I stir up some more waves?

What's more, Gu Shufang may not be the only one who can see this note. Thinking of this, Zhang Chen thought of another thing. He wondered whether Caizhen and the others would end up handing over to Gu Shufang by writing notes every day. Are you talking to Mr. Fu about work? If so, wouldn't it be better and prove that he has nothing to do with Gu Shufang?

Bah bah! Do you want to have a relationship with her, or do you already have some shady relationship that requires you to go to such lengths? Zhang Chen cursed himself.

The phone on the table rang, and Zhang Chen picked it up.

"Instructor, where is your Pig Grass girl?" the idiot asked on the phone.

Zhang Chen knew that he was talking about Jin Lili. Zhang Chen said, "How do I know? We are not together every day. What are you going to do?"

"What are you doing? I can't find her anywhere. Lao Cai from the construction team is also looking for her, but he can't find her."

Zhang Chen was surprised: "Why are you looking for her? Don't you have Lao Bao?"

The second-rate guy was even stranger than Zhang Chen and asked: "Instructor, you don't know?"

Zhang Chen was stunned for a moment and asked, "What do you know?"

"Lao Bao has rebelled and is no longer in their company."

"Ah!" Zhang Chen was surprised. Why hadn't he heard from Jin Lili about such a big thing? Could it be that some idiot is talking nonsense?

"How did you know that Lao Bao left the company?" Zhang Chen asked the second boss.

"Zhucao Girl and Mr. Xia came to the construction site that day and told us personally. Mr. Xia also asked us to deal with Pigcao Girl for everything on the construction site in the future. Otherwise, why should I look for her?"

"What day is that?" Zhang Chen quickly interrupted him and asked, knowing that the idiot would get more and more outrageous if he continued talking.

"It's Sunday."

Zhang Chen was even more confused. Didn't Jin Lili leave from Wanghailou to learn driving on Sunday? Why did she go to Sanya again? She was going to Sanya, and the night before, they hung out together all night, so it was impossible for her not to tell her.

"Did you remember correctly?" Zhang Chen asked.

"It's only been a few days, how could I make a mistake?" the second-rate guy scolded.

Zhang Chen suddenly understood that since Lao Bao rebelled and the incident happened suddenly, Jin Lili and Mr. Xia suddenly went to Sanya to deal with the matter. It must have been a temporary decision. No wonder Jin Lili didn't tell him.

"You beat Mr. Xia's eldest brother, they should be together." Zhang Chen said to Erhuo.

"We are no longer together. Mr. Xia has gone to Beijing."

"Fuck, how did you know?"

"Mr. Xia and Uncle Tan told me to go back to Beijing and deal with some urgent matters at home. For small matters on the construction site, I can contact Sister Zhucao. For major matters, I will wait until he comes back."

Zhang Chen suddenly panicked. He felt that what the second-rate guy said was correct. If Mr. Xia was not in Hainan, then where would Jin Lili go?

In particular, since Mr. Xia left and left the construction site matters to Jin Lili, according to Jin Lili's temper, she should stay on the phone every day, or even go to Sanya in person to take charge. How is it possible, second-hand goods and construction Even the team couldn't find her?

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