Mr. Xia put a bank card in front of Jin Lili and told her, after I leave, you go and take out the money inside. You know the password. You should be able to withdraw so much from Lin Yiyan's bank card. of cash.

Jin Lili looked at Mr. Xia and asked in confusion: "What are you doing?"

Mr. Xia smiled and said, "If there is no news from me within three days, take the money and leave immediately. It is best not to even stay in Hainan."

Jin Lili shook her head and pushed the card back: "I'm not going anywhere. I'm just waiting for you here. If you don't come, I won't leave. If you have the guts, don't go back to Hainan."

Mr. Xia smiled bitterly: "You think I don't want to come back?"

"I know." Jin Lili nodded, "But I want you, no matter what happens in Beijing, just think about it more. I will wait for you here."

When Jin Lili said this, she thought of Chen Ming. She thought, if Mr. Xia becomes Chen Ming, then I will be Xiao Zhao.

"Don't be reluctant to give up money. If losing money can eliminate disaster, just spread it out in large quantities. You are just a pauper, begging for food. Remember to come back to Hainan. I will wait for you here."

Jin Lili said that Mr. Xia felt hot in his heart, and he turned his head away. Jin Lili said with a smile: "A grown man, he is so shy, and he still cries."

Mr. Xia slapped the table and shouted: "Okay, I will remember your words, and I will die in Hainan."

He pushed the card over and said to Jin Lili: "You should keep this card. If you want to spend coins, I still have money."

"Then just leave it on the table waiting for you. Remember, there is someone here and the card is there. You will starve to death when you return to Hainan. If you really want to give me money, then fine, when you come back, we will go to the bank together. From now on Go and withdraw one dollar from this card and give it to me.”

Mr. Xia looked at Jin Lili. He knew that she would do this if she said so. He nodded and said, "I, Xia Zhiqing, remember your words."

Seeing that the time was coming, Mr. Xia was going to take a taxi downstairs. Jin Lili said no, I will drive you.

Mr. Xia was taken aback and asked, "Can you drive it?"

"Okay, so what if I get hit?" Jin Lili said.

Mr. Xia was stunned for a moment, then laughed: "That's right, what will happen if we hit it."

The two went downstairs hand in hand and got into the car. Jin Lili drove the car and took Mr. Xia to the airport. Mr. Xia praised: "Not bad, much better than I expected."

When they arrived at the airport, Jin Lili couldn't park the car. It was Mr. Xia who helped park the car.

The two of them entered the terminal hand in hand. Mr. Xia was about to go through the security check. The two of them stood there, feeling extremely uncomfortable. Jin Lili didn't care about the public, and hugged Mr. Xia and kissed them.

Everyone around them looked at them. Jin Lili felt that Mr. Xia was uncomfortable, and smiled softly: "Okay, I'll let you go first."

Jin Lili watched Mr. Xia pass the security check and disappear from her sight. She still stood there for a long time. Through the glass of the terminal, she saw planes taking off one after another, and she felt in her heart Empty, she felt that there was a Xia Zhiqing on every plane, flying away from her.

Jin Lili walked to the parking lot, got into the car, and when she drove out, the front of the car hit the car next to her. She didn't even stop and continued driving. The security guard patrolling behind was shouting loudly, but she didn't bother. Ignore him and drive away.

Along the way, Jin Lili only felt that the steering wheel and accelerator of the car were much heavier than when they came just now. Had they been damaged? Jin Lili didn't dare to stop and take a look on the street, thinking, no matter what, as long as it can still be driven.

Returning to the underground parking lot of the Financial Garden, she backed up several times but could not back the car into the parking space. A car happened to come in. Jin Lili quickly got out of the car and stopped the car. The driver of the car stopped. After getting out of the car and rolling down the window, Jin Lili said to him, "I can't back my car into the parking space. Can you help me?"

The man smiled, got out of the car, and asked, "Are you the new driver?"

Jin Lili shook her head: "No, I haven't gotten my driver's license yet."

The man glanced at Jin Lili and smiled: "Awesome."

He sat in Jin Lili's driver's seat, turned to look to the right, and then looked curiously at Jin Lili standing outside the car. Jin Lili asked, "What's wrong?"

"You didn't even release the handbrake, so you drove like this?"

"Damn it." Jin Lili shouted, "I came from the airport and I kept forgetting to release the handbrake. I asked myself why the steering wheel and the accelerator are so heavy."

The man laughed loudly, and Jin Lili shouted: "Stop laughing, stop laughing, help me park the car."

The man parked the car into the parking space, got out of the car, and walked back to his car. Still laughing, he said to Jin Lili: "I hope I don't run into you next time I drive on the road."

Jin Lili scolded: "What are you afraid of? Just stay away."

"Okay, as ordered." The man stepped on the accelerator and drove away.

Jin Lili went upstairs, locked the door, walked to the kitchen and looked at the refrigerator. There were a lot of eggs and noodles in the refrigerator, and there were biscuits in her room. This was enough. She felt that these things would be enough to last until summer. Always come back.

Jin Lili walked back to the living room and stood there thinking for a while. She unplugged all the phone lines. Before Mr. Xia came back, whether they were clients or acquaintances, Jin Lili felt that she had nothing to say to them. , and I don’t know what to say.

No matter what business or project, Mr. Xia is ready to run away. Do these things still matter? If Mr. Xia can't come back, having these means not having them, and it's destined to be a mess.

After unplugging all the phone lines, Jin Lili thought about it, found another plastic bag, put her BB machine in it, and then put it in the cold room of the refrigerator. Before the contents in the refrigerator were finished, and before Mr. Xia came back. , she has decided not to care who else will detain her.

Jin Lili felt that the only thing she had to do every day was to wait and pray, wait and pray wholeheartedly, pray that Mr. Xia would be safe, and wait for Mr. Xia to return safely. Nothing else could disturb her.

Although they had only been together for a few short hours from morning to now, Jin Lili felt that they had been well for a long, long time, so good that the two of them were inseparable and each was the only one for the other.

Jin Lili sat down on the sofa. She didn't want to read a book, watch TV, or even look out the window. The only thing she wanted to do was to think carefully about every moment between herself and Mr. Xia.

A name suddenly broke into Jin Lili's mind, Zhang Chen. This name was both familiar and unfamiliar. Jin Lili was startled. She was both frightened by this name and also by the fact that this name could actually frighten her. It's scary.

She had to think of Zhang Chen. Jin Lili sighed. She felt that she had always been playing house with others. Only when she met Mr. Earth knows how to love.

Jin Lili started to cry, and she whispered softly, Zhang Chen, I'm sorry.

When she said Zhang Chen was sorry, Zhang Chen seemed to have retreated very far away, and even his face was blurred. She was very clear that what she really worried about and cared about now was Mr. Xia. As long as Mr. Xia could come back, what else would she have? Those who cannot be abandoned include Zhang Chen.

Jin Lili herself felt strange that she would have such thoughts. What was going on? How could everything become so incredible in just a few hours? The intimacy of these few hours had actually offset the impact of their relationship. Years of getting along.

Jin Lili sat like this, the sky completely darkened outside. She thought that Mr. Xia should have been walking on the streets of Beijing at this time. Jin Lili had never been to Beijing during this season. She didn't know what the streets of Beijing would look like now. What kind of thing, but thinking that Mr. Xia was in Beijing at the moment, she felt that the word Beijing became closer to her.

I love Beijing, Beijing, Beijing, and you must also protect my Xia Zhiqing.

Jin Lili sat in the dark and thought wildly. The center of her thoughts always revolved around Mr. Xia. When she was tired from thinking, she fell down and fell asleep on the sofa. She vaguely heard someone opening the door and coming in. Jin Lili sat down. When I got up, I realized that I was dreaming.

In her and Lao Bao's office, the curtains were half-opened, and the light yellow light from outside poured into the living room from the window.

The sound of a whistle came from the distance. This was Xiuying Port, and a ferry was about to dock. Jin Lili walked to her office and looked over there. Although it was already midnight, there were still many people and cars gathered on the pier. The iodine tungsten lamps on the telephone poles illuminated the dock brightly, and those people were like transparent ants, moving there.

Jin Lili thought about Mr. Xia again. She didn't know where Mr. Xia was now, or whether he was still moving like a transparent ant under the street lights in Beijing.

That's my dear ant.

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