The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 2008 Words Between Men

Liu Yun's parents' home is in an old community facing the street. There are only six five-story houses in it. The house was built in the 1990s, but because it is a building facing the street, the exterior walls of the house have been renovated and painted light blue. Colorful exterior wall paint was used, the safety cages on the balconies were removed, and sealed aluminum alloy balconies were installed.

Inside the gate facing the community, a new wall was built. On both sides of the wall were painted red flags waving in the wind, with twenty-four words of socialist core values ​​written in the middle. This wall illuminated the courtyard of the community. All the rags have been covered up. Standing at the door and looking at it, this community is quite pleasing to the eye.

There was no parking lot in the community, so Liu Yun parked her car in a nearby parking lot and the three of them walked over.

After entering the gate and going around the screen wall, there is a bicycle shed on one side of the yard. The rest of the yard is filled with newly built flower beds. The path in the middle of the flower beds is winding.

The existence of these flower beds is because in this yard, there were originally illegal buildings built by each household. They were finally demolished and converted into flower beds, which did not leave space for the subsequent illegal buildings and also allowed some people to build them. Residents who own cars cannot bring their cars in.

Liu Yun led them to the unit in the middle of the second building. When they walked in, there was another world inside. The corridor was dim and the walls on both sides were dark. People walking on the street outside could not see this place. There is no need to care about image.

After entering, you can still smell the smell of urine at the foot of the corridor. Someone must have been unable to find a toilet on the street and came here to solve the problem. There is a gate at the entrance of the community. It is closed all year round. The gate is open. There is no one guarding the small door in the middle.

The street at the door is a long slope. On both sides of the slope, there are old residential areas like this. The first floor of the residential area facing the street is full of shops. There are two barrier gates installed at both ends of the whole street. There are security guards on duty there. , which is equivalent to treating the entire street as a community.

The three people arrived on the third floor and stood in front of the door of 302. Liu Yun knocked on the door. There was a rustling sound inside. It was obvious that someone was there, but no sound was made.

Liu Yun knocked on the door again and said, "Open the door."

A voice sounded from inside, and the voice came out tremblingly, asking: "Who?"

Zhang Chen and Liu Ligan looked at each other and smiled. It seemed that Teacher Liu had broken the head, but he was still panicking. Maybe he was afraid that the old lady Hu would come to the door with her family and chop him up, this heartless old man.

Liu Yun coughed twice and said again: "Me."

The person inside the door heard clearly, took off the iron chain hanging on the door, and then opened the door. The three people outside the door were all surprised.

There was a scratch on Teacher Liu's face and one of his eyes was black and blue. What surprised Liu Yun was not these, but the fact that she saw her father's hair, which was always messy, combed smoothly and covered with mousse. It turned out that The body is either a navy blue cotton jacket with two sleeves hanging on each hand, or a bloated black down jacket with two sleeves hanging on both hands.

Now, he is wearing a camel-colored woolen coat, which is open, and inside is a red cashmere sweater. He is wearing a pair of gray plaid trousers with straight seams, and a pair of white leather shoes on his feet. In this way, let Zhang Chen and Liu Ligan immediately thought of Lao Xie, who looked very impressive. The deputy director said that Teacher Liu was still very charming, and it seemed that he was right.

Liu Yun was even more surprised. She felt that her father seemed to have grown taller. Her father was 1.76 meters tall, which was not short. However, when he followed his mother, he always had a hunched back. Now that her mother is gone, he is really The serf stood up and sang, even with his back straight?

"Why are you back?" Teacher Liu asked when he saw Liu Yun.

Liu Yun snorted and cursed: "You still have the nerve to ask me. The police station called me and said that you had a fight with someone and you went to the hospital. Can I not come back?"

Liu Yun walked in as she said that. Zhang Chen and Liu Ligan called uncle "hello" and followed them in. Teacher Liu shouted:

"I'm fine. Don't look at my face like this. I'm fine. I didn't suffer any loss. The other party suffered a loss and even had stitches on his head."

"You are very honorable, right?" Liu Yun turned around and looked at her father with an aggressive look: "Come on, tell me, why are you fighting?"

Teacher Liu murmured and was speechless for a long time.

"Tell me, why are we fighting?" Liu Yun asked.

Teacher Liu muttered: "It's nothing, just a little conflict."

"A little conflict?" Liu Yun snorted again, and then asked: "What's going on, Mrs. Hu?"

Teacher Liu's expression suddenly became coy. He looked at Zhang Chen and Liu Ligan. Liu Ligan quietly gave him a thumbs up. Teacher Liu laughed and asked Liu Yun:

"You know everything?"

Liu Yun took Teacher Liu's cell phone out of her bag, threw it on the coffee table, and asked:

"We have been to the police station, do you know?"

Teacher Liu smiled and said nothing. He looked at Liu Ligan, who gave him a thumbs up again.

Zhang Chen looked at his watch. It was almost twelve o'clock. Zhang Chen and Liu Yun said:

"Let's go have lunch first. Uncle will also clean up here. He will stay with us in the hotel for the next two days and come back when everything is settled."

Liu Yun thought about it and realized that this was all she could do now. She knew that although her father had been very strong just now, he was still a timid and fearful person at heart. She was really worried about leaving him alone at home.

Liu Yun looked at her father and said, "Hurry up and clean up."

Teacher Liu hurriedly went to the inner room. Zhang Chen and Liu Yun said, don't worry, just be fine, everything else will be taken care of.

Liu Yun sighed and said softly: "Thank you!"

Liu Yun felt that she really had no experience in dealing with this kind of thing. Fortunately, Zhang Chen and Liu Ligan accompanied her.

Liu Ligan and Liu Yun said: "Give me the other party's phone number, and you won't come forward. Zhang Chen and I can go talk to them one by one. You can stay in the hotel with your father."

Zhang Chen said yes, leave it to us.

Liu Yun said thank you again, took out the paper written by the deputy director from her bag, and handed it to Liu Ligan.

The Hilton Hotel is not far from here. The four of them went to the Hilton Hotel to stay, and then went to the Zuiyueting Chinese Restaurant on the second floor to eat. While eating, Liu Yun also calmed down. She said to her father:

"If you want to find another person and get married, I support it, as long as you don't mess around like this."

"I'm not messing around." Teacher Liu said, "It was the two of them who came to me and scolded me. The words were unpleasant and they scolded me worse than that Chen Shimei. Why didn't I argue with them? I would still be afraid of them... "

Liu Yun waved her hand to stop her father from talking any more. Liu Yun said:

"Okay, I don't want to hear about the fight anymore. Just tell me, Aunt Hu, do you like her?"

"Of course I do. If I don't like her, why would I be with her?" Teacher Liu said.

"Okay, as long as you like her." Liu Yun then asked, "Then I heard from the police station that she wanted to marry you. Is there such a thing?"

Teacher Liu nodded and said, "Yes."

"You didn't promise her?"


"Why?" Liu Yun asked.

"There is no reason, I don't want to get married." Teacher Liu said.

Liu Yun asked again why she didn't want to get married. Teacher Liu said it was because she didn't want to get married. She kept going back and forth between not wanting to get married and just because she didn't want to get married. Liu Yun couldn't come up with anything new to say.

The four of them were almost finished eating, and Liu Ligan and Liu Yun said, "You go up first, and Zhang Chen and I will chat with our uncle."

Liu Yun looked at Liu Ligan and Zhang Chen, and Zhang Chen nodded. Liu Yun understood their intentions. There were some words that father and daughter were ashamed to say, but with Liu Ligan and Zhang Chen, they might be able to say them.

Liu Yun stood up and went upstairs alone.

Liu Ligan watched Liu Yun walk away, turned around and said to Teacher Liu:

"Uncle, look, we are here to help you solve your problem. If this problem is not solved, you will not be at peace here, and Liu Yun will not be at ease in Shanghai either.

"Uncle, look, we are both men. We understand that you will feel itchy in your heart. We are also itchy. We will also be itchy when we see women. If not, we are either eunuchs or homosexuals. Normal men will be itchy. You Is that right?"

Teacher Liu nodded quickly and Liu Ligan said:

"We are here not only to solve the trouble you caused this time. Hey, hey, uncle, don't look at me like this. It's normal for men to cause trouble for women. Otherwise, how can we say that women are a trouble? Women are a trouble. We You just have to break through. If you don’t break through, your heart will feel itchy and you won’t be able to stand up."

Teacher Liu laughed and said, "I've never heard of anyone explaining that women are a source of trouble, but it's still very novel."

"Isn't it novel? I am not only novel, but also have many methods." Liu Ligan said, "This time, we will also solve your itchy problem, but you must tell us the real situation. , I don’t know the symptoms, how can we help you? Even if you can rejuvenate yourself, you must first treat the symptoms, are you right, uncle?"

Teacher Liu nodded.

"Uncle, tell me, why don't you want to marry Aunt Hu?" Liu Ligan asked.

"I was afraid of getting married after getting married once. I finally got rid of it. How could I get married again? Even if a fairy fell from the sky, I wouldn't marry her." Teacher Liu said, "Marriage is too terrible. That woman, before getting married, I didn't want to marry her." After getting married, you just have two faces."

"It's all the same, and so do we men. Uncle, we must learn to criticize and self-criticize." Liu Ligan said, "Uncle, tell me, have you always had this idea of ​​not wanting to get married, or have you just had it? ?”

"I have always regretted getting married since Xiaoyun was born. You don't know, I used to watch her mother scold Xiaoyun, and I felt very sad. I knew she was wrong and wanted to help her, so I just She felt that I was not a man and was not worthy of being a father, and I regretted it for decades. It was only after her mother passed away that I finally felt that I could breathe again," said Teacher Liu.

"That is to say, when you met Aunt Hu, you knew that you would not marry her, right?" Liu Ligan asked.


"Uncle, tell me, you don't want to marry someone, but you have to provoke them and have sex with them. What does this mean?" Liu Ligan asked.

"What did I do to provoke her? It was she who brought her up. We danced together. Many women were very nice to me..."

"I know, uncle is personable and charming. You are a pearl, but you have been buried in the sand for too long."

Liu Ligan's words made Teacher Liu very happy. Liu Ligan changed the subject and continued:

"But, having said that, sleeping is a matter between two people. If you don't want to sleep with her, even if she sleeps, it will be an empty bed. We are not allowed to cheat on this."

Teacher Liu's face turned red, and after holding it in for a long time, he could not speak. Liu Ligan said:

"I understand, uncle, you don't want to get married, but you are a man. You can't control your lower body and it will itch. This is also a normal reaction of a man. Am I right?"

Teacher Liu looked at him and nodded.

Thank you Hu Hu, Wu Family Courtyard, and book friend 130911202319552 for your monthly votes! Thanks for all the votes and reading! Have a good evening everyone!

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