The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 2007 The sunset is very red

It was already past five o'clock in the afternoon when they received the call from the police. The last flight from Hangzhou to Chongqing that day was at 8:05 pm. Unfortunately, there were no more tickets, so they had to book a flight at 7 o'clock the next morning. The earliest flight has passed.

After booking the flight, Liu Yun called the policeman in front and told him that there was no flight today and that he would arrive tomorrow morning. She asked how her father was injured.

"If two old men fight, they will be seriously injured. However, does your father have high blood pressure, diabetes, or heart disease? ... No? It's fine if he doesn't. Anyway, the hospital is also checking and observing them, and calls your family members. The main thing is to mediate, the two old men are very angry, and it will be difficult to deal with it the second time."

The police told Liu Yun that it seemed that Liu Ligan's judgment was correct, and Liu Yun finally breathed a sigh of relief.

The next morning, Liu Yun and the other three arrived at Chongqing Jiangbei Airport. Zhang Chen and his group, General Manager Yao of the Chongqing Logistics Base, drove to the airport to pick them up.

They first went to the hospital where the police and Liu Yun mentioned yesterday, but found no one. They asked four or five doctors and nurses. One of the nurses remembered the fight yesterday. The two old men who were sent over by the police said that one of them had a head injury. It was broken and required four stitches. There was also a slight trauma. The two of them observed it for a while and found no other symptoms. They all left yesterday.

The four people left the hospital and stood next to the car. Zhang Chen asked Liu Yun if she wanted to go to home or the police station.

Liu Yun thought for a while and said that she would go to the police station first to understand the situation. What she was thinking was that even if she went home and found her father, she would definitely not be able to find out anything about her father's character.

They arrived at the police station, and the car drove into the courtyard of the police station. There was a large yellow box tree in the yard. It was winter now. Logically speaking, the box tree should be littered with fallen leaves. Unexpectedly, this yellow box tree But it is luxuriant.

The leaves of the yellow box trees in Chongqing are variable. You can often see several yellow box trees standing in a row. One is bare and desolate, one is full of green, one is just sprouting, and another one is just losing its leaves one after another. When locals talk about the yellow jujube tree, they have a saying of "when it is planted, when it will fall off its leaves." It is also interesting to know from the time when a tree falls off its leaves that it can be inferred the time when it was planted.

The police station is a three-story building built in the 1980s and 1990s. Under the yellow oak tree is the parking lot of the police station. There are two police cars and three or four social vehicles parked here. Mr. Yao stopped the car. Zhang Chen thought to himself, Liu Yun My father fights with people. After all, it is not a glorious thing and not very good-looking. He and Mr. Yao said, you wait for us here.

Mr. Yao said yes.

The three people walked up the steps to the door. When they entered, they entered the police station's service hall, which was converted from the original foyer. Directly opposite the door, there was a staircase going upstairs. The surrounding walls were white, with a circle of paint about 1.2 meters above the ground. There is a green wall skirt, and there is a row of counters on the right side of the hall. Behind the counter are two police officers sitting, handling temporary residence permits and other matters.

There was a policeman sitting at the desk not far behind them.

Liu Yun walked over and gave the name of the police officer Chen who called her yesterday, and asked the police officer if he was there. The police officer said he was not here now. The police were dispatched. You guys go sit over there and wait.

The three of them were about to retreat to the row of stools opposite and sit down. The policeman sitting inside stood up and came over to ask Liu Yun, "What do you want?"

Liu Yun said: "I am Liu Pinmin's daughter. I had a phone call with Officer Chen yesterday."

As soon as Liu Yun mentioned her father Liu Pinmin's name, the two police officers and the policeman all laughed. It seemed that Teacher Liu was already famous here.

The policeman and an idle auxiliary police officer said: "Go and ask the boss to come down."

The assisting police officer immediately stood up, came out, and ran upstairs. After a while, he led a policeman in his forties down. This was their deputy director. The deputy director looked at them and saw that there was nothing wrong with them. I saw Teacher Liu and asked:

"Why aren't the parties involved here? Weren't they asked to come here for mediation today?"

Liu Yun quickly said: "We came directly from the airport to understand the situation first."

The deputy director nodded and led them to the second floor. He led them into the conference room and sat down. He introduced the case to them. Liu Yun's face turned red with embarrassment. If there was a hole in the ground, she might have gotten into it on the spot.

It turned out that Teacher Liu was in love with the old lady Hu who danced with them. Old Mrs. Hu had also been widowed for many years. The two danced together, went to competitions outside, and ate together. Old Mrs. Hu often went to Teacher Liu's house to help him wash up. Clothes and so on, it is said, it is said, the deputy director glanced at Liu Yun and continued, it is said that they even slept together.

The two of them got along so well that many people dancing together became jealous. The deputy director smiled and said that Teacher Liu was still very charming. Many old ladies liked him. They were jealous of Teacher Hu and pointed fingers behind his back. Stab.

Liu Yun frowned as she listened and thought to herself, what kind of charm is this? He is just a timid old man. No one in his life would look at him seriously. He followed her mother with a gray tail, that flattery. His strength is worse than that of a follower.

On the other side, the deputy director continued to say that there were a few old men who liked Mrs. Hu very much, and they were jealous of Teacher Liu.

"Originally, it is normal for the elderly to fall in love. The most beautiful thing is the red sunset, right?" the deputy director said, "But this old lady Hu wants to marry Teacher Liu, but Teacher Liu refuses to say anything. The two of them They had a falling out. Mrs. Hu said that Teacher Liu had deceived her feelings and was a big liar. Two old men who liked Mrs. Hu found out and were not convinced and went to find Teacher Liu.

"Three people were quarreling. There were two people fighting, and there was an old man who was helping and yelling. Teacher Liu's face was scratched, and there was a black bruise here."

The deputy director pointed to his left eye and continued:

"The other party's head was broken and he bled a lot. I can't explain it clearly now. Teacher Liu said that he pushed him and the other party fell and knocked on the steps. The two old men said it was Liu. The teacher made the call on his mobile phone.

"The thing is like this, it's not big in itself, and we can't even ask for a forensic appraisal. Are you right? The old men's matter can be resolved if it can be resolved. Everyone should bear the medical expenses. Anyway, they all use medical insurance, and they don't have to pay much. money.

"It's just that these old men are very angry. It will be bad if they make trouble again. We don't know what will happen. It is possible that something extreme will happen. We still have to take precautions before they happen.

"We just want to call all your family members over and persuade them together. They are all old comrades who have been revolutionary all their lives. If you have any grudges or grievances that need to be fought, why don't you all talk about it?"

Liu Ligan quickly said: "Yes, you are right, Director. No matter how big the problem, you must use your fists to solve it. Even old comrades should not do this."

"Well, that's all. When you have time, bring Teacher Liu over. I'll also make an appointment with the other party's family members and ask them to call the two parties involved and Mrs. Hu over. Let's all come together. Do you think this matter has been resolved?" the deputy director asked.

Liu Yun sat there, feeling dumbfounded all the time. What was this? She didn't expect that her father, who had been submissive all her life, started to flirt with women after her mother left.

The deputy director asked Liu Yun. Liu Yun had an embarrassed look on her face, thinking in her heart, being laughed at once is enough, but what about another time? And there are also the other party's family members and that old Mrs. Hu coming together? How big a show is this? Don't you think it's not enough to be embarrassed? Repeatedly?

Zhang Chen looked at Liu Yun and knew that she didn't want to come here again. As soon as she mentioned Teacher Liu's name, there was a burst of laughter. Zhang Chen asked the deputy director:

"Director, do you have the phone number of the other party's family, and the phone number of the old lady Hu? I think we can go to them ourselves and negotiate to resolve this matter."

"That's right, your police station is also very busy. How can you work so hard for such a trivial matter, once or twice? Leader, let's solve it ourselves." Liu Ligan also said.

"Originally, this matter is not even a security incident. It should not be under our control. It should be a matter on the street. But seeing that the parties involved are elderly, we won't push it around. Now since you have this request yourself. , OK... By the way, do you really not need our help in mediating?" the deputy director looked at Liu Yun and asked.

Liu Yun nodded quickly.

The deputy director leaned back, as if he was relieved, and said:

"Okay, then you can handle it yourself. If you need any help from us, just call me."

Zhang Chen and Liu Ligan quickly agreed.

Next, the two parties exchanged business cards. The deputy director gave them the phone numbers of the other party's family members and Mrs. Hu's phone number, and the three of them said goodbye and left.

The deputy director sent them downstairs. As he passed the counter, he knocked on the counter and shouted inside:

"Bring Liu Pinmin's cell phone."

The policeman inside walked to the metal cabinet on the side, opened it, took out a mobile phone from it, and handed it to the deputy director. The deputy director handed it to Liu Yun. The screen of the mobile phone was cracked. .

The two assistant policemen looked at Liu Yun, smiling all the time. The deputy director glared at them, and they quickly lowered their heads.

The three of them, Zhang Chen, once again shook hands with the deputy director and said goodbye, asking him to stay.

The three people walked outside the police station, and Liu Yun cursed angrily: "What a fucking shame!"

Liu Ligan smiled and said: "It's okay, you should be happy. Teacher Liu still has a restless heart and can fight, which means he is in better health than Zhang Chen and I. This is a good thing."

Liu Yun glared at him and cursed: "Do you think everyone is as shameless as you?!"

This scolding brought out the old hatred. Zhang Chen couldn't help laughing, and Liu Ligan also laughed.

After getting in the car, Zhang Chen and Mr. Yao said, "Ask the base to send us a car. We will need the car in Chongqing these two days."

"Where are you going now? I'll take you there, and I'll leave this car to you. I'll take a taxi back myself." Mr. Yao said.

Zhang Chen agreed: "Then you don't have to send it away, we will drive there ourselves."

Mr. Yao told them, "Call me if you have anything to do," and got out of the car. Liu Ligan wanted to move from the passenger seat to the driver's seat. Liu Yun got out of the car from the back seat, walked to the front, opened the door and got in.

"You don't know the roads in Chongqing, you don't even know the navigation." Liu Yun said.

Thank you zdlm001 for the reward of two fishes! Thank you for your monthly votes from Shuishubao, winsonliu, zpengyong1, Xiao Husuansa, Doudou, Moral Flame, Book Friends 130214153304258, and Book Friends 20180906223204934! Thanks for all the votes and reading! I wish you all good health!

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