You Guodong was very curious and asked Namu how you found out that you have this ability.

Namu first said sorry to You Guodong. She remembered that You Guodong came to see her several times, but every time, she ignored him.

Namu said that when she was preparing for a performance or performing, including the end of the performance, she remained silent and did not make any violent movements, otherwise she would be interrupted.

Namu explained that when she was performing, it seemed like there were two people, one in front of everyone, and the other, deep inside herself. She had to concentrate and listen to the call of the self deep inside. , she will tell her, it’s not enough, this is not enough, it’s not enough, or it’s okay, that’s it. If she can’t hear herself, she will be at a loss.

This is why she sometimes stops in the middle of a performance and stands there quietly. At that time, she can't hear herself and must work hard to calm herself down until the self deep inside her heart comes back to life. Start rendering.

After each performance, it takes a long time for her to return to the superficial self and return to reality.

Listening to Namu's words, Xiangnan understood why she was in the shopping mall. When she went to find Namu, Namu just looked at her without saying a word. She tried her best to say thank you.

Xiang Nan understands this feeling. She often has this experience herself, especially when she is very involved in the performance. After she gets off the stage, she cannot tell the difference between the stage and the stage, the inside and outside of the play, and it takes a long time. Only with time can you slowly separate yourself from the role and become yourself in reality.

Namu then answered Professor You's question and told him that she didn't know it herself. She was born in a small mountain village in northern Thailand. When she was a child, there were many friends in the village, but the whole village was very poor. They had no toys and could only pick up trees. The boys played with the branches in the game. The boys chased and fought with each other, using the branches as weapons.

The girls competed to stack branches one by one to see who could stack the most. She won every time. It seemed that as soon as she picked up a branch, a voice told her how to put it down. The self in her heart has always been there since she was a child, until she disappeared when she was in London. Later, she returned to Thailand and worked hard to find it back.

She has liked to go to the woods alone since she was a child. No matter how far she goes, she can always find her back. It is her inner self that guides her. The longest time she disappeared in the woods for five days and five nights, the village Everyone thought she had been carried away by a wild beast, but they didn't expect her to come back safe and sound.

When she was in the woods, she was like a fish in the water. She was not afraid at all. Even at night, if a wild beast was howling not far from her, she would not be afraid. She always felt that there was someone with her. Together.

She went to the woods for a long time and frequently. She meditated and inhaled and exhaled in the woods. She felt that the essence of the trees had penetrated into her body. Even if she didn't eat anything for a day, she would not feel hungry.

As she gets older, her inner self also grows up, and her abilities are increasing day by day, but she doesn't know it herself, and thinks that what she can do, many other people can do it too. It was okay, but she was still wondering why the other children in the village couldn't do it.

It wasn't until she later went to town and Chiang Mai that she discovered that her abilities were unique. Others couldn't do what she could do. In this way, she worked hard to develop in a direction that others couldn't do. The more she develops, the stronger her inner self becomes.

"How did you find that balance point? This point exists in theory, but it is difficult to find." You Guodong asked.

Namu shook her head and said she didn't know, I just know how to make something stand up.

Namu said, taking the disposable cup in front of Xiang Nan, which still had one-third of the water in it. Namu spread his left hand flat on his chest, then put the cup on his left hand with his right hand, closed his eyes, and drank slowly. Exhale, open your eyes, gently hold the edge of the cup with the five fingers of your right hand, and tilt the cup over.

Put down both hands, put the back of your left hand on the table, then close your eyes slightly, and start breathing slowly, pull away your left hand, the cup is still tilted in the right hand, the hand and cup seem to be fixed in the air, motionless, and then the right hand gently Release it gently.

Xiang Nan, You Guodong and the landlord were all stunned. They saw the cup standing tilted on the table.

Xiang Nan didn't even dare to breathe out for fear of knocking over the glass of water. She stretched her head and saw that the water in the glass was as calm as a piece of glass.

Namu reached out and leveled the cup. The three of them let out a long sigh, and the landlord shouted:

"Did you see a ghost? Did you see a ghost? Why is the cup standing like this?"

She picked up the cup, raised it and looked at the bottom of the cup. She didn't believe it, so she touched the bottom of the cup with her hand. She also put her hand in front of her nose and sniffed to confirm that there was nothing at the bottom of the cup.

She looked at Namu, then at Xiang Nan and You Guodong. She still didn't believe it. She reached out and wiped the place where she had just put the cup. There was nothing there. She turned her head to look at it. She still didn't believe it. She stretched out her hand on that place. Rubbing the table with her hands, the other three people were all amused by her actions.

Xiang Nan said: "This is your own table at home, you still don't believe it."

"No, no." The landlord tilted his head and asked, "Did you see that she just stood the cup up here like this?"

Xiang Nan said yes, you read that right.

"How is it possible? Tell me, how is it possible?" the landlord murmured.

"Theoretically it's possible." You Guodong said.

"Someone actually did it." Xiang Nan added, and both of them laughed.

You Guodong told the landlord: "Don't look weird and call your family and neighbors over in the evening and ask her to perform for you. That way, you are disturbing her. Do you understand?"

"I know, I know, that will drive away the ghost in her heart." The landlord said, "If they want to watch it, let them go to the gymnasium to watch it. It's free anyway."

Xiang Nan and You Guodong both laughed, and You Guodong said, yes, that's the truth.

You Guodong translated their conversation to Namu. After hearing this, Namu clasped his hands and bowed to the landlord. The landlord quickly imitated her and bowed back with his palms clasped together. Everyone laughed again.

The landlord clicked his tongue and said, "I still don't believe it. I really saw a ghost."

You Guodong translated the landlord's words to Namu. Namu looked around, and then stood up. On either side of the Eight Immortals table was a long stool. Namu picked up the stool he was sitting on just now, and held it with both hands. Holding the stool, she closed her eyes and weighed it, then raised it and put her face against the stool, as if listening to what the stool was saying to her.

She put one foot of the stool on the ground and tilted the entire stool to the ground. She closed her eyes and breathed in and out slowly. At first, the hand holding the stool trembled slightly, and then became motionless.

Namu opened his eyes, breathed a sigh of relief, and let go of his hand. The long bench stood with one foot on the ground and tilted there. The three people here couldn't help but applaud. The stool fell down as if it was frightened. Fortunately, Namu had quick eyes and quick hands and caught it.

"I believe it, I believe it, I really saw a ghost!" the landlord shouted, "I never thought that after living for more than fifty years, I can really see ghosts."

You Guodong smiled and said, "I'm almost fifty and it's the first time I've seen him. It's amazing."

Namu came back with the stool and sat down again. The landlord said to You Guodong, "Ask me, I must know, how did she do it?"

You Guodong said yes, I will help you translate. You Guodong said, Namu shook her head, she said I don't know, there was a voice telling me to let go, I let go, and it stood there.

"It's her ghost calling her again," the landlord muttered.

Namu looked at Xiang Nan and said something. You Guodong said, she asked you, how are you practicing?

Xiang Nan said: "I practiced for two mornings and the effect is very good. Thank you, Namu!"

Namu smiled at Xiangnan and told her that practicing more would be good for girls' health.

Xiang Nan said that it is not only good for the body, but also feels that it has a great impact on his voice. His voice can travel far and his breath is long.

"By the way, Namu, I have one more request when I come this time." Xiang Nan said.

Namu asked Xiangnan to say, Xiangnan said to Namu, "Can I ask you to be the consultant of our troupe?"

As a consultant? Namu was confused, she smiled and said, I can't even understand the opera you are singing, and I can't sing either. What can I teach you?

Xiang Nan said, just teach the people in our group how to regulate their breath. Your method will be of great help to the opera singers.

Namu still shook his head and said to Nan, as our consultant, you don’t need to travel back and forth. Just at the annual street theater festival, you will be our special guest performance group. During the performance here, you will take time to teach. us.

You Guodong understood. Xiang Nan said that whether he was a consultant or a specially invited performance group, he wanted to help Namu. The round-trip air tickets, food and accommodation for the specially invited performance group were all from the organizing committee of the Yongcheng International Street Theater Festival. It will be reimbursed.

Starting this year, Zhang Chen, Tan Shuzhen and Xiaohu, together with their Fubon Cultural Foundation, have also established a special foundation for the theater festival. Each group specially invited to perform at the theater festival will receive additional subsidies.

The theater troupe's consultants will also receive a monthly salary, so that Namu can have a fixed income without changing her original life.

You Guodong did not directly translate Xiang Nan's words to Na Mu. Instead, he made up a set of rhetoric himself to persuade Na Mu to accept Xiang Nan's suggestion. In this way, Na Mu could continue to maintain his original life and avoid being exposed to the outside world to the greatest extent. Interference, talk to the woman in your heart, and things like London will never happen again.

Namu was moved. After thinking about it for a while, she clasped her hands towards Nan and thanked her for the invitation.

"Well, since you are a consultant in our group, our group will arrange a dormitory for you. You can stay there whenever you come to Yongcheng." Xiang Nan and Namu said.

Namu asked: "Is it also at the foot of the mountain?"

Xiangnan is right. There is a road coming down from our Gaofang. Walk 300 meters into it and you will reach a mountain col. From there you can go up the mountain and go forward to the riverside, which is only a few hundred meters away.

Thank you again, Namu!

Xiang Nan and You Guodong stood up to say goodbye. Namu and the landlord sent them out. Xiang Nan whispered to the landlord:

"I will send someone to pick her up tomorrow. By the way, you don't have to ask her for the room fee. People in our group will pay it to you."

"I've seen ghosts. It's worth not paying me."

As the landlord spoke, he tugged on Xiang Nan's clothes and said to her, "I have something I can discuss with you."

"you say."

"When she goes to teach you what, can I follow her and learn? She said it is good for the body. My waist is not very good." The landlord said.

Xiang Nan smiled and said: "Okay, when does it start? I'll tell you that you can come to our troupe's practice room. However, you can only come alone. There are too many people and our practice room cannot be crowded." "

The landlord smiled brightly and quickly said thank you, thank you, definitely, definitely!

Thank you for your monthly votes from Badangweng, Lao Shen Xisang, Ha 234, Lao Dibowei, and Dragon King 123777! Thanks for all the votes and reading! Have a good evening everyone!

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