Xiang Nan was still thinking about that Thai woman. What happened today that made her not come to the performance? She was fine when I met her by the river in the morning. Of course she wasn't sick as Professor You said. So what could be the reason?

Xiang Nan's heart trembled. Could it be that she has left?

She seems to not belong to this world in the first place. Whether she appears or disappears suddenly, isn't it normal?

Originally, she came uninvited. Xiang Nan asked her to leave information that day and invite her to come next year, but she didn't agree at the time. When Xiang Nan thought of her, he thought of the four words "maverick". She is really unique. Even now, her videos are overwhelming on the Internet, and no one knows more about her.

Those TV stations that invited her one by one, including Mango Channel and Oriental Channel, which are most fond of doing such strange programs, all failed in the end. She did not accept the invitation of any TV station, nor did she accept any interview from any print media.

Sitting there, Xiang Nan felt a little uneasy. She asked You Guodong:

"Professor You, are you interested in finding her with me? Move her performance venue to the gymnasium. I made the decision without even talking to her,"

You Guodong shouted: "Okay, I tried to communicate with her several times, but she was rejected by her silence."

"Professor You, do you know Thai?" Xiang Nan asked.

"There is no problem with general communication. My students come from Thailand in every class. I learned from them. You won't believe it. The pronunciation of Thai is very similar to the pronunciation of Xu Xiujuan and her family."

"Great, then we don't need a translator?" Xiang Nan asked.

"no need."

Xiang Nan picked up the phone on the table and called the housekeeping center. During the drama festival, the housekeeping center under the organizing committee office is responsible for the accommodation in all family hotels in Yongcheng.

Xiang Nan said to the other party, "I'm Xiang Nan. Could you please help me check where the Thai guy who performed in our shopping mall lives? I heard he lives in Mayuan Ridge."

"Is it the person who performed the balancing act, Captain Feng?" the other party asked.

Xiang Nan is right.

"Okay, Commander Feng, I'll tell you right away after I find out."

Xiangnan said thank you and hung up the phone. After only three or four minutes, the phone rang. Xiangnan picked it up and the other party said:

"Captain Feng, we found out that she does not live in Mayuanling, but in a farmer's house behind the Party School on Fuxi Road. Do you want me to send you the address?"

"Okay, send it to me right away." Xiang Nan stood up and said to You Guodong, "I found it, Professor You, let's go."

Before the two of them left the office, the address was sent to Xiangnan's mobile phone. She opened it and looked at it, and understood.

The farmers behind the party school were originally villagers in Xinanjiang Village, and their main business was vegetable farming. Now, their vegetable fields have been turned into commercial housing. Xinanjiang Village has also been converted into a village and turned into Xinanjiang Street. , they all became residents, relying on a piece of forest, the annual dividends from the street, and renting out houses to live.

Xiangnan parked the car in the open space in front of the house, and got out of the car with Professor You. The house was a three-story building. The door on the first floor was open. There was an Eight Immortals table in front of the hall. There was no one there. But the ceiling fan on the top of the table turned slowly and leisurely.

Xiang Nan and Professor You walked in, Xiang Nan called, "Is there anyone there?"

A door on the side opened and the owner of the house, a woman in her fifties, walked out. She was stunned for a moment when she saw Xiang Nan and asked, "Are you..."

Xiang Nan quickly nodded and said yes, it's me.

Needless to say, this woman has watched Xiang Nan's performances and seen Xiang Nan on local TV stations and newspapers. She knows who she is, and who makes Xiang Nan a celebrity in Yongcheng.

The woman quickly turned on the vertical air conditioner in front of the hall, asked them to sit down, and said to Xiang Nan, "We are here to find the Thai guy who lives here."

"Is he the one building blocks?" the woman asked.

Xiang Nan was right, and it was right to say that she was building blocks.

"She seems to have gone out. I'll go upstairs and show you." The woman turned around and left. When she reached the stairs, she said again: "Pour the water from the water dispenser yourself."

Xiang Nan smiled and said thank you.

She walked to the water dispenser, took out a disposable cup from the cabinet below, and poured two glasses of water for Professor You and herself. When she came back, she put the water on the Eight Immortals table, walked over and closed the door. The front of the hall suddenly became dark. , she turned on the light again and turned off the ceiling fan. Then she came back and sat down with You Guodong on both sides of the Eight Immortals table.

The woman came down and told them that she was not here. She was not in the room and she had not come back yet.

"She's still living here and hasn't checked out?" Xiang Nan asked.

The woman said no.

"Then do you know where she might have gone?"

"It must be on the mountain behind. If it's morning, she will go to the riverside and not anywhere else." The woman said, "She is here and she has no other acquaintances. You are the first to find her. Wait here. , she will be back."

"She lives here, do you get along well?" Xiang Nan asked.

"Okay, she's a nice person, but a little weird, like a fairy." The woman said.

"What's wrong?" You Guodong asked.

The woman laughed, patted the Eight Immortals table with her hand and said:

"We asked her to eat together, but she didn't eat anything. There was a bag of cucumbers in the refrigerator at the foot of the wall. She only ate two cucumbers every day, and she didn't eat more. It's strange. Tell me, for such a big person , how can you still live on eating two cucumbers a day?"

Xiang Nan and You Guodong looked at each other, and both of them laughed. It seemed that You Guodong's guess was correct, she was fasting or fasting.

Xiang Nan and the others waited for twenty minutes. The Thai woman came back, opened the door and came in. She was stunned when she saw them, and then smiled at them.

Xiang Nan was a little surprised when he saw her. She saw that her dress today was a bit unexpected. She was wearing a pair of jeans, a black T-shirt on her upper body, and a pair of travel shoes on her feet. The most different thing was that her face looked different today. Her face was rosy, no longer pale and transparent, which made her look younger and more lively.

She came over and sat down on the other side of the Eight Immortals table, so that each of the four people occupied one side of the table. She stretched out her hand and held Xiang Nan's hand. It's so cold, I don't know if it's because I'm used to it.

You Guodong introduced himself. Although Xiang Nan and Xiang Nan knew each other, You Guodong still introduced Xiang Nan. She put her hands together and gestured to You Guodong and Xiang Nan respectively, and said something to You Guodong. You Guodong told Xiang Nan that she said her name was Namu, I just went hiking. Sorry for keeping us waiting.

Xiang Nan quickly said it doesn't matter, it doesn't matter.

Xiang Nan found that Namu seemed to be cheerful today. How can I put it, more worldly, no longer incompatible with this world, existing alone in her own world? She talked more and was willing to Communicated with people.

Xiang Nan asked Namu why he didn't go to the performance today?

Namu told her, I drank milk and ate bread today, and the bread here is delicious.

Namu laughed as he spoke, a little innocently, as if drinking milk and eating bread was such a great thing.

Not only Xiang Nan was curious, but You Guodong was also curious and asked Namu, is there any difference between drinking milk and eating bread?

Namu explained to them that before each performance period, he would start a diet and only eat a little bit of vegetables and fruits every day, so that he would be particularly awake. However, after a few days of performance, the body would be unable to bear it. After all, performance is very energy-consuming. When the time comes, she will stop for a day, rest, drink some milk, and eat some bread to replenish her physical strength.

Namu laughed as she spoke. She said that this place is great. It is surrounded by mountains. Breathing in the mountains is the best way to nourish the spirit. It is also by the river. The water here is so clear.

When Namu was talking, Xiang Nan remembered that when he breathed according to the breathing method that Namu taught him and Jiang Wu filled his body, he did feel a full feeling, just like what Professor You said , even the feeling of hunger will disappear.

Xiang Nan told Namu that I would treat you to dinner tonight.

Namu put her hands together and thanked Nan, but she said no, just the milk and bread were enough for one day. If you eat too much, you will not only vomit, but you will also be unable to digest it for a long time, and you will not be able to perform.

"Her stomach and entire digestive system will not be able to accept it." You Guodong and Xiangnan said, "Whether it is reducing or increasing, it requires a process, just like a person who is too weak cannot suddenly take a large amount of supplements."

Xiang Nan understood and no longer forced it.

Xiang Nan and Namu said that starting tomorrow, her performance will be moved to the stadium. Someone will come to pick her up tomorrow morning. They will go to see the venue first and move her to the stadium to perform. The main reason is that her show is too popular. Yes, there are too many people watching, and there will be safety concerns in the mall.

Namu said that she didn't expect so many people here to like her performance. They were all so cute. Thank you to Xiangnan.

Xiang Nan asked her, when is the best time for the performance?

Namu said, then from one to three o'clock in the afternoon.

Xiang Nan could see that, like all the performers, Namu was still very happy with his performance. There would be so many people watching it and he would be welcomed by everyone. No performer would refuse applause, otherwise, he would not Performance, performance itself is expression and pouring out, and expressing and pouring out both require a recipient.

Xiang Nan asked Namu why you didn't accept the invitations from those TV stations or interviews from reporters. If that were the case, more people would see your performance and understand your performance.

Namu shook his head and said no, then lowered his head and remained silent.

After a while, Namu raised her head and told Xiangnan that when she was seventeen, she was brought to London by an Englishman. She performed in London and appeared on TV and newspapers. The performance was very popular and took place every morning. There will be performances in the morning and afternoon, and at the request of the audience, there will be performances in the evening.

As a result, it didn't take long for her to mess up. She became nervous before she went on stage. She made many mistakes when she got on stage, and was booed. Finally, she couldn't even go on stage. She returned to Thailand from London and returned to It took more than six years and nearly seven years of recuperation in her own village before she slowly regained her original abilities. This is her first performance abroad since London.

Namu looked at Xiang Nan and said, while You Guodong was at the side translating:

"I can't have too much contact with the outside world. In that case, I will have more thoughts, various desires will be stimulated, people will not be able to calm down, and I will not be able to hear my own heart and what I am saying."

Thank you for the reward for ranking third from top to bottom, two fishes one above the bottom, and including me! Thank you zpengyong1, Dragon King 12377, Captain Jim, Tian Wai Wai Wai, Tamagotchi, Fish-eating Brother, Lao Shen Xisang, and Book Friends 20181130105305944 for your monthly votes! Thanks for all the votes and reading! I wish you all good health!

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