The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 1919 About the Greenhouse

The off-road vehicle drove out of Shouguang City. In the vegetable fields on both sides of the road, farmers were pulling up black sunshades on the vegetable greenhouses. Zhang Xiangbei asked Liu Dehua, do these sunshades need to be closed and opened like this every day?

Andy Lau is right. Usually, you put it on around ten in the morning and open it around two in the afternoon to avoid the hours when the sun is the strongest at noon.

"It's so troublesome. Why can't the greenhouse always have a sunshade?" Zhang Xiangbei asked.

"That will create a weak light environment in the greenhouse, which is not conducive to photosynthesis of vegetables and will affect their growth." Liu Dehua and Zhang Xiangbei said.

Zhang Xiangbei has been in this kind of plastic greenhouse, but it was in winter. When his mother was still there, her mother took him to pick strawberries in the strawberry greenhouse in Yongcheng. At noon in winter, the greenhouse was very warm, so he was wearing a shirt. There is no problem. In summer, you can see how high the temperature inside will be.

Zhang Xiangbei asked how vegetable greenhouses are usually cooled down. Liu Dehua told him that they usually use sunshades and, if you see it, open all the windows for natural ventilation.

As Liu Dehua was talking, he pointed to the greenhouses on the roadside. Zhang Xiangbei and Xiao Wu saw that these greenhouses had windows at the head and tail, and skylights on the top. At this time, these windows were all open.

"There is also a ceiling spray. The ceiling spray can not only reduce the temperature, but also water the vegetables." Liu Dehua told the two of them.

The three people were talking when a row of greenhouses passed by the roadside. This row of greenhouses had no shades and was exposed to the scorching sun. It was so bright that it was dazzling. When Zhang Xiangbei and Xiao Wu saw it, what was even more strange was that , these greenhouses actually did not even open the windows at the top and bottom. Liu Dehua saw Zhang Xiangbei paying attention to these greenhouses and said to him:

"These big sheds are in a stalemate."

"What shed are you talking about?" Zhang Xiangbei came back to his senses and asked.

"The shed is so boring," Liu Dehua said. "In such a greenhouse, when the temperature inside the shed is the highest, it can reach over 70 degrees, and the ground temperature can also reach over 50 degrees. Before the shed becomes stuffy, everyone will put all their accumulated energy into it." Farm manure, chicken manure, cow and horse manure are also placed in greenhouses to use high temperatures for natural sterilization.

“Through the stuffy shed, various soil-borne pathogens, pests, weeds, etc. in the soil can be killed, and it is especially effective in preventing and controlling root nematodes. It can also kill the root nematodes hidden in farm manure and organic fertilizers. Most spores, pathogens, eggs, larvae, and adults can also promote the decomposition of organic matter in the soil and prevent fertilizer from burning roots and seedlings.

"When the shed is closed, straw will be spread inside, and a certain amount of fermented bacterial fertilizer will be applied, which can improve the soil structure, enrich the soil's aggregate structure, reduce hardening, and reduce and delay the degree of salinization. Vegetable fields need to be nourished. Yes, if we don’t raise it, the land will become increasingly barren, just like, just like..."

"It's like a mother who has given birth to a baby and has no milk, so she needs to supplement it," Zhang Xiangbei said.

"Yes, yes, Mr. Zhang, your metaphor is very good." Liu Dehua said, his face turned slightly red.

Zhang Xiangbei actually has a deep understanding of this. It was the same when he was growing vegetables at Yale. Pesticides and fertilizers in the United States are very strictly controlled and not easy to buy. Especially on the Yale campus, you are not allowed to use too much. Pesticides and chemical fertilizers are used, but if vegetables are harvested one after another, the land will become increasingly barren.

This can also be seen from the vegetables themselves, such as leeks. Although the first batch of leeks is thin, its roots are red. Such leeks have a rich flavor and a particularly good texture. The subsequent batches of leeks look very thin. It is thick and strong, but the roots are all white, and the taste will be lighter with each crop.

Zhang Xiangbei also has no way to pry open the septic tank in the dormitory or teaching building of Yale University and pick up the feces from inside. In that case, he will soon become the strange and perverted Chinese on the Yale campus, Zhang Xiangbei. Bei can't lose face like this.

His grandfather taught him a method, that is, after harvesting a crop of vegetables, he would dig up the leaves and roots, get some weeds, bury them in the vegetable field, and let them rot. This is natural retting. After fertilizing the vegetable field, if you replant it, the vegetables will grow plump.

However, as the soil became fertile, it was not only the vegetables that benefited, but also various insect eggs in the soil. As soon as the leafy vegetables almost grew out of the leaves, caterpillars began to crawl on them. Zhang Xiangbei could only mobilize everyone to catch them. Later, catching insects in vegetable fields became one of their pleasures and competitions.

What's annoying is that the foreign cooks are very sensitive to insects on vegetables. Not only can they not be allowed to see the insects, but they can't even see the traces of insect bites. For this reason, Zhang Xiangbei and the others are not allowed to see the insects before delivering the vegetables. Not careful selection and cleaning.

When Zhang Xiangbei came back, he told his grandparents about this matter. Grandma heard it from the side and kept shouting, "It's a pity, it's a pity." Zhang Xiangbei asked what was wrong. Grandma said, "Your grandma and I went to the market. Choose vegetables that have been bitten by insects.

Why? Zhang Xiangbei asked.

Grandma said that vegetable sellers all say that their vegetables have not been treated with pesticides. Hmm, who can believe it? Only vegetables that have been bitten by insects really have not been treated with pesticides.

Zhang Xiangbei heard this at the time and felt that his grandma and grandma were very wise. When he went back this time, he wanted to tell them about the stuffy sheds. He told them that there would be fewer insects in the stuffed greenhouses without pesticides.

Zhang Xiangbei said: "Yes, Liu Dehua, although you don't grow vegetables at home, you still know everything about the things in the vegetable field."

Liu Dehua said with a smile: "What's this? I've seen it since I was a kid. What's so difficult about growing vegetables? It's all just a little routine. Hey, Mr. Wu, just take this turn."

Xiao Wu drove off the main road and turned into the side road. The side road was also a cement road. There was no problem for two large trucks to meet. However, there were no street trees on the side. Rows of greenhouses seemed to be built close to the road. , being very close, it can be seen that these roads have to be given up. If there were not such a wide road, it would be difficult for vegetables to enter and exit.

After the car drove forward for more than ten minutes, the greenhouse on the right suddenly disappeared, and a clearing appeared. There was a farm vehicle parked in the clearing, and three or four electric tricycles. Behind the clearing, there was a two-story house. .

"This is here." Liu Dehua and Xiao Wu said. Xiao Wu turned right and drove the car until it stopped in front of the house.

Hearing the noise outside, three or four people walked out of the house.

Before the car stopped, Liu Dehua got out of the car and walked towards those people.

Zhang Xiangbei and Xiao Wu turned off the engine and got out of the car. They saw two signs hanging on the door of the house, one for the village committee and the other for the vegetable cooperative.

Zhang Xiangbei heard Liu Dehua talking to those people in local dialect. When Zhang Xiangbei and Xiao Wu approached, one of them, a short, stocky, swarthy middle-aged man, stretched out his hand to them. Liu Dehua introduced Said, this is Director Zhong.

Zhang Xiangbei quickly shook hands with him and said hello, hello!

Director Zhong let them go inside the house, and Zhang Xiangbei asked Liu Dehua quietly: "The village committee or the cooperative?"

"Both." Liu Dehua said, and Zhang Xiangbei understood.

The room is large, with an area of ​​forty or fifty square meters. There is a maroon executive table and an executive chair at one end, and a row of empty bookcases behind it. There is also a small national flag erected on the executive table. This layout is completely It is decorated according to the offices of party and state leaders shown on TV.

However, this end of the room is like another world. There are three coffee tables placed in a row. The tea cups and tea sets on the coffee tables are messy. There are some red tea left in some tea cups, and there is a trace on the rim of the cup. Circle tea stains.

There are also various stools beside the coffee table, including five or six mismatched chairs and four benches. In particular, there is one, a driver's seat removed from the cab of an agricultural vehicle. It can be seen that people usually sit here. There are many people in China who are very complex, so complex that they don’t need to be so particular.

Director Zhong asked them to sit down on those chairs, and at the same time said to another person: "Go and wash some cups."

The man took off three cup lids with one hand, picked up three empty teacups with the other hand and walked out. The few cups with red overnight tea were still left on the coffee table.

Zhang Xiangbei and Xiao Wu took out their business cards and handed them to Director Zhong. Liu Dehua then introduced Zhang Xiangbei and Xiao Wu to Director Zhong. He spoke in the local dialect. Zhang Xiangbei heard that the people he introduced were not theirs. "Fresh delivery at home", Director Zhong told him that the half-acre logistics bases in Jinan, Beijing, and Tianjin all belong to Mr. Zhang and his family.

Director Zhong looked at Zhang Xiangbei with a sense of awe. Zhang Xiangbei thought to himself, yes, if you tell them "fresh delivery at home", even if you tell them "Riverside Oil Painting Gallery", they will No idea, but as long as you tell them about the logistics bases in Jinan, Beijing and Tianjin, they will definitely know and they must have dealt with them before.

The logistics bases in Jinan, Beijing, and Tianjin are all owned by them. In one sentence, they can simply and clearly show the other party that this is a big customer that cannot be underestimated.

Zhang Xiangbei also discovered an interesting thing. He found that Liu Dehua spoke Mandarin. When dealing with them, he was a little shy and often blushed. But once he spoke his hometown dialect, he seemed very comfortable and connected with his hometown. When interacting with people, his whole person seems to become more mature.

Zhang Xiangbei still wanted to introduce their "Zhai Xian Delivery" to Director Zhong and the purpose of their visit this time. The website of "Zhai Xian Delivery" is still under construction and has not been launched online, but the home page has been made and Wu Yue sent it to Zhang Xiangbei, Zhang Xiangbei took out his laptop and opened the homepage to show Director Zhong, so that Director Zhong could understand what they did at a glance.

"When will you open?" Director Zhong asked Zhang Xiangbei.

Zhang Xiangbei said: "About October. By that time, we should have signed 500 to 600 communities and units in the three cities of Shanghai, Nanjing and Hangzhou, covering a population of about 20 million."

Zhang Xiangbei's words made Director Zhong unable to sit still. The calculations in his mind were running fast. He said:

“Then our entire cooperative’s food supply is still far from being available to you.”

Zhang Xiangbei nodded.

Liu Dehua said: "We will sign several cooperatives in Shouguang. Also, as long as there is no problem with the quality of your vegetables, our purchase price will definitely be the highest in Shouguang and will be higher than the transaction price in the logistics park."

Liu Dehua did not say how much higher it would be, but the highest price is already very attractive to Director Zhong. In this way, not only will their dishes not have to worry about sales in the future, but they can be loaded directly from the door. How can you go to Shanghai, Nanjing and Hangzhou and ask for such business without asking for it?

Moreover, the profit is still high.

"Mr. Zhang, do you want to come and have a look at our greenhouse?" Director Zhong asked, and Zhang Xiangbei said yes.

The four people stood up and walked out, and met the man who was washing the cups at the door. He saw that he had worked hard to wash the cups, but the guest didn't drink a sip of water and was about to leave again. He froze there.

"Make the tea and let it cool down. We'll be back." Director Zhong glared at him and said.

Thank you for the reward of two fishes! Thank you Mu Ziqing, Tianying 1978, Tian Wai Wai Wai, Zi Zeng Yue, Hua'er and Youth, Book Friends 20171121083237166, Hydrogen Oxide Disinfection Knowledge Bureau, ZL59, Lingnan Lone Wolf, engross11, Book Friends 20171008161542219, Traveling Traveler Ye Buchan, Luoluo Wuchen One Flower One World, why can’t I change my name? Book Friends 20200416214645353, Quadratic VC, Leisure List, Book Friends 20181028224043944, Qdragon, You know whether a book is good or not, Book Friends 20180906223204934, Heavy Hammer Shake Music, Dong Longdong, Book Friends 20191009114434217, Huaxin Yong Shao, Changbai Zhidian, Xixi Zi, Sinful Orchid Finger, ﹉Love Purple Only﹉, Wang Zhu, Lao Shen Xisang, Changsha Huisheng, Wan Qingsi, End丶Hao, Shu Monthly ticket from friend 161205193046744! Thanks for all the votes and reading! I wish you all good health!

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