The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 1918 An early morning phone call

The three of them finished breakfast and returned to the room. Zhang Xiangbei walked around the logistics park in front of him and was sticky. He took a shower in the bathroom first, then put on his pajamas and climbed into bed. He sat there without feeling sleepy. Looking at his watch, it was already six-twenty. At this time, Xiang Nan should have already gotten up.

Every morning, Xiang Nan gets up on time at six o'clock. If the weather is fine, she goes downstairs and walks out from the back door of their community to the river. Xiang Nan will stand among the row of trees by the river and sing her voice, just like back then. Tan Shuzhen was unshakable every day. She would stand in Gaofang, as if hanging from her throat, for forty minutes to an hour, and then go home to have breakfast.

If it rains, she will take the elevator directly to the underground garage, drive to Yongcheng Center, and play her voice in the small theater of their troupe, which also takes forty minutes to an hour. After that, she will go to the restaurant of Yongcheng Center Hotel for breakfast, and then Go back to the office.

Zhang Xiangbei thought to himself, he didn't know if it would rain in Yongcheng today.

Zhang Xiangbei picked up his phone and opened WeChat. No need to look for it, "Sister" must be the first one every day. Click on the dialog box, then click on the ⊕ number in the lower right corner, select video call, then select video call, the ringtone rang. After a few clicks, the call was connected. When Zhang Xiangbei saw the mist in the camera lens, he thought it was raining. He was stunned for a moment, and then he remembered it was fog. Xiangnan had already reached the riverside.

"Zhang Xiangbei, why did you get up so early?"

Because of the fog, Xiangnan's hair was a little wet and stuck to his forehead. She asked Zhang Xiangbei.

Zhang Xiangbei and Xiangnan told them that they had gotten up at two o'clock and went to the vegetable wholesale market here. They would go out of the city later and check out the greenhouses.

Xiang Nan nodded: "Not bad, hardworking enough."

Zhang Xiangbei asked Xiangnan: "How are you doing there?"

Xiang Nan said yes, everything is proceeding in an orderly manner as planned. Your office has overfulfilled the task of soliciting sponsorship, but it is a bit expensive to travel. Yin Tao told me that the key has never been returned to her, and it has not yet been returned to her. In more than a week, the drama festival will start, and I am ready here.

"Zhang Xiangbei, just do your job in a down-to-earth manner. Don't think that the earth will stop spinning without you." Xiangnan said.

Zhang Xiangbei laughed.

Xiang Nan and Zhang Xiangbei said, "Please sleep a little longer. I'm going to practice my voice. I've only been practicing for ten minutes and you're calling me."

Zhang Xiangbei refused, saying that he wanted to look at Xiangnan to make him laugh.

"Go, I don't sing lullabies, I don't coax the baby." Xiang Nan said.

Zhang Xiangbei continued to lie, saying that as long as he watched Xiangnan practice and heard her voice, he could fall asleep.

"Okay, okay, what a bummer."

Xiang Nan took her cell phone and looked around, and saw a cherry blossom tree nearby. She clamped her cell phone between the branches of the cherry blossom tree, took a few steps back, stopped, turned around and asked:

"Zhang Xiangbei, can you see it?"

Zhang Xiangbei shouted: "That's it."

"Then lie down quickly, be good, and get ready to sleep." Xiang Nan said.

Zhang Xiangbei said "Oh", but he did not lie down.

Xiang Nan turned his head, faced the camera sideways, and started babbling and raising his voice.

Zhang Xiangbei stared at the screen. The fog on the riverside was very heavy. Even though he was more than one meter away, Xiangnan's face was buried in the fog. It was hazy. Zhang Xiangbei looked at it and felt that Xiangnan She really looked like a fairy, even the babbling sounds seemed to be coming from the mist. He couldn't help but pick up the phone and kissed Xiangnan on the screen.

Xiangnan continued to practice for twenty minutes. The phone was quiet. Xiangnan thought Zhang Xiangbei had fallen asleep. When she got closer, Xiangnan was shocked. She saw Zhang Xiangbei's eyes open. , staring at her.

"Zhang Xiangbei, what are you doing?" Xiangnan asked.

"I'm watching you practice your voice," Zhang Xiangbei said.

"You're not going to bed yet, you're bored." Xiang Nan cursed in an irritated voice.

Zhang Xiangbei said: "Looking at you, I am not bored at all. I can't bear to sleep."

Xiangnan giggled, moved closer, and kissed Zhang Xiangbei, and Zhang Xiangbei kissed her back.

Xiangnan took his mobile phone, walked to a stone bench next to him, sat down, and asked Zhang Xiangbei: "Did you gain much from your trip to Shandong this time?"

Zhang Xiangbei said, Shouguang should be one of our main supply bases in the future. Once the office here is established, we will go to Hebei. Hebei is the largest cabbage producing area in the country, and then we will go to Ningxia. .

"Run that far?" Xiang Nan asked.

"Yes, although Ningxia is not one of the five major facilities vegetable production areas in my country, it is a major supplier of open-field vegetables. Moreover, due to its unique geographical conditions, it has rich light and heat resources, a large temperature difference between day and night, and a high soil organic matter content. The vegetables in that place The quality is very high, and the same dish cannot be compared to other places. Moreover, there is a large area for organic vegetable cultivation there.”

As soon as he talked about vegetables, Zhang Xiangbei became eloquent. Xiangnan listened half-understood. After Zhang Xiangbei finished speaking, Xiangnan asked:

"What are facility vegetables? What are open-field vegetables?"

"It means with or without greenhouses." Zhang Xiangbei said, "Shandong, Hebei, Henan, Guangdong and Yunnan are the five major facilities vegetable production areas in our country. When we came here in Shandong, we saw that there were greenhouses all the way. , Ningxia may be poorer and has fewer greenhouses.”

“Are vegetable greenhouses expensive?”

"It's expensive. It costs money to build and maintain. People who grow vegetables say, 'It takes three years to build a greenhouse.' That means it takes three years to recoup the cost of building a greenhouse."

Xiang Nan nodded: "That's a bit expensive. By the way, how far is it from you to Ningxia?"

"If we go from here to Yinchuan, it should be more than 1,300 kilometers. Fortunately, if Master and I switch to drive, we should arrive in 14 to 5 hours." Zhang Xiangbei said.

"You should pay attention to safety outside. Also, when you are with Uncle Xiao Wu, don't fight with others just because you think you are good at fighting. Do you understand?"

Zhang Xiangbei laughed: "I'm not a gangster. I graduated from Yale after all."

"Pull him down. If something happens, I'm afraid Uncle Xiao Wu will be calmer than you."

"Okay, then I'll ask Master to keep an eye on me, is that okay?"

"Zhang Xiangbei, don't be so playful. I'm telling you the truth, people will be worried." Xiangnan lectured, "Outside, if you suffer a loss, just suffer a loss. There is no shame in it. Safety is the most important thing. Don't worry about anything else." , do you know?"

Zhang Xiangbei said okay, I understand, come and reward one.

Xiangnan came closer and kissed Zhang Xiangbei. Before Zhang Xiangbei could kiss him back, she giggled and turned off the video. Then, she sent a grimace expression to Zhang Xiangbei. Xiang Bei returned an angry expression.

Zhang Xiangbei hung up the phone, fell down, and prepared to sleep for a while, but he was still not sleepy. Looking at the time, it was already past seven o'clock. Zhang Xiangbei got off the bed, walked to the sofa, sat down, and simply called Wu Huan. After making a phone call, Wu Huan reported to Zhang Xiangbei the preparations in various aspects of Hangzhou. Wu Huan and Zhang Xiangbei said:

"The fat man is still in Yiwu. He will send you a video in the morning. I went to Yiwu yesterday to check it out. There should be no problem with the fresh-keeping cabinet. If you can, I will place the order for the fresh-keeping cabinet today. Time Very urgent.”

Zhang Xiangbei said yes, how many communities have we signed now?

"The three cities combined have a total of more than 1,900 communities and almost 1.8 million residents." Wu Huan said.

"Is it possible to produce fresh-keeping cabinets in time?"

Zhang Xiangbei asked. When Wu Huan was talking, Zhang Xiangbei was calculating quickly in his mind, and he immediately calculated it. There were 1.8 million households, and based on 60% of the actual occupied households, one cabinet Sixteen households would need more than 60,000 cabinets.

"First it will be produced in Shentu's own factory, and then she will send it out to do it. Her own factory will also continue to expand production capacity. Anyway, we have always needed this cabinet. In the beginning, residents also have a process of gradual acceptance, and the demand will not explode all at once. , it is impossible for us all to take the job at the same time. If we all take the job, we will have new employees here, and the delivery will not be able to bear it.

"Expand the scale every day. Mr. Shentu keeps producing and our side keeps developing. There should be no problem. If there are no problems after you check it this afternoon, I will first place an order for 25,000 cabinets to Mr. Shentu.

"Mr. Shentu said that he would try to give it to us in two months without delaying us. On our side, it will take almost three months for the base to be ready for use. By that time, there should be 35,000 to 40,000 cabinets. Now that you can come out, I'm thinking that if the cabinet is a little tighter, it might actually be a good thing."

"Hungry marketing?" Zhang Xiangbei asked with a smile.

Wu Huan was right: "I'm thinking that the tighter the cabinets are, the more customers who may be motivated to subscribe to fixed cabinets for a monthly basis."

There is no need to pay extra for the fixed cabinet for monthly subscription, but there is a requirement to become their member and spend more than 1,000 yuan per month. Of course, becoming a member also comes with corresponding membership discounts.

Zhang Xiangbei said yes.

"Also, Mr. Zhang, Xiaoguang has started working there. He has already started reporting the information on growers, statistics on planting area and vegetable varieties, as well as the daily changes in local vegetable purchase prices."

Wu Huan told Zhang Xiangbei, and Zhang Xiangbei nodded, which was considered good news.

"The recruitment work in Yinchuan has also started. I think there are a few good ones who have signed up. Let's screen them first and let them wait for notification. When will you come over, I will notify them here to come to you for an interview."

Zhang Xiangbei said yes, it is estimated that we will stay here for two or three days, and it will take a few more days to reach Hebei. In about a week, we will arrive in Yinchuan.

Wu Huan said okay, I understand.

Banmutian does not have a logistics base in Yinchuan. The nearest logistics base is also in Xi'an. When going to Yinchuan, Zhang Xiangbei and the others are planning to adjust their work. They will no longer set up offices in major production areas like other places, and then set up offices in other places. Upgrade to a company, but do the opposite.

That is to first set up a branch in Yinchuan, determine the candidates for the branch, and then let the people from the branch go to Wuzhong, Guyuan, Shizuishan and Zhongwei to set up offices in the major vegetable producing areas.

The work of the Yinchuan branch is not only responsible for procurement, but also the task of carrying out fresh food delivery in urban areas. Although in the early stage, they will focus on first-tier cities and coastal cities, Yinchuan will definitely be in their follow-up within the territory.

Therefore, recruitment of branch personnel is also very important.

Wu Huan and the others first recruited the staff of the Yinchuan branch online. When Zhang Xiangbei and Xiao Wu arrived, they conducted interviews in person. Those who passed the interview were taken to the staff for a run down below. First, they were allowed to familiarize themselves with the business. , and also conduct further assessment on them.

After talking to Wu Huan on the phone, it was almost eight o'clock. Zhang Xiangbei stood up, walked to the bed and lay down, thinking to himself, just lean on him. Why should he sleep if he doesn't want to sleep anymore? He was about to leave.

With this thought in his mind, his eyes were already closed and he fell asleep soon.

Thank you to Shouwang, Shuyou Scooter, zsw, Weizi 99999, and Sinful Orchid for your monthly votes! Thanks for all the reading and votes! Have a good evening everyone!

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