Zhang Xiangbei, Zhou Ruoyi, Sun Xiangyang, and Xiaohu went to Yongcheng. Zhang Xiangbei went to see Xiangnan and made arrangements for the drama festival organizing committee office. The other three people were Accompany him to see Xiang Nan and eat the fish pot.

Xiang Nan and Zhang Xiangbei said, it doesn't matter, this is already the second session this year, and everyone knows what they should do. You can go and do your own thing. You just need to hand over the key of your Audi R8 to Ding Yousong for management. Can.

They stayed in Yongcheng for one night and returned to Hangcheng the next day to start work.

Wu Huan hadn't arrived yet, so Zhang Xiangbei arranged for Sun Xiangyang to be responsible for connecting with Shentu Hongyan to complete the trial production and production of fresh-keeping cabinets, as well as the purchase of vegetable cleaning equipment and sorting equipment.

The three logistics bases in Hangzhou, Shanghai and Nanjing were the first bases established by Zhang Chen and others. The warehouses inside have been rented out, and second-hand goods are arranged in the logistics bases in these three places. The parking lots have been adjusted and vacated. On the vacant land, a workshop covering an area of ​​more than 3,000 square meters was built specifically for "Zhaixian Delivery".

Wu Zhaohui introduced Zhang Xiangbei to a company that helped them with express delivery and sorting equipment. This company designed an integrated design for the entire workshop based on Zhang Xiangbei's business needs.

Like express delivery companies, they move goods in and out every day at a fast pace. Carloads of vegetables, poultry, meat products, and aquatic products arrive. After unloading the goods, they immediately start cleaning, slaughtering, sorting, and dividing. , followed by sorting, weighing, and packaging according to the orders one by one, and then concentrating them on the corresponding shelves according to different community codes, and finally distribution.

The entire workshop is designed to be low-temperature, so that throughout the entire operation process of their workshop, the cold chain is not interrupted, ensuring that vegetables, etc. are in the freshest state.

Half of the warehouse area, above the sorting and weighing and packaging area, is divided into a second floor. This is the office area, as well as their service center and operation dispatch center. The service center is responsible for receiving orders and answering customer inquiries, and solving their problems. The operation dispatch center is responsible for allocating all distribution vehicles and personnel in the city and monitoring the operation trajectory of each cold chain vehicle in real time.

While they are stepping up the construction of bases in the three cities of Hangzhou, Shanghai and Nanjing, they have also started preparations in advance for the cities of Ningbo, Suzhou, Wuxi and Hefei. These cities are the second batch of cities that Zhang Xiangbei and the others will soon launch.

Zhang Xiangbei handed over the work of base construction and equipment procurement to Sun Xiangyang and Wu Yue. Wu Yue resigned from Teacher Ma earlier than his sister Wu Huan, and came to "Zhaixianshu". Wu Yue was still handing over, but all her get off work Almost all the time is here, she is working on both sides at the same time.

Although Zhang Xiangbei hates the titles of this O and that O, in actual work, he has to admit that such titles are still very convenient and can be clearly understood at a glance.

Wu Huan is the CEO (Chief Executive Officer) of their "Zhai Xianshui", Li Wei is their COO (Chief Operating Officer), Wu Yue is their CTO (Chief Technology Officer), and Sun Xiangyang is their CPO (Chief Procurement Officer) , Zhou Ruoyi is their CMO (marketing director), these O's, while recruiting employees, are also responsible for the training of employees in various departments.

Although they themselves are still novices and the company is still new, there is no way. Wu Huan said, it is not about chasing the ducks to the shelf, but you and the shelf are both driven away. This is our Whampoa Military Academy and the family background of our company. From now on Here, I don’t know how many CEOs from various cities will come out in the future.

Wu Huan's words made those who participated in the training feel the pressure on themselves, and at the same time they were encouraged. They looked up and saw that their prospects were bright. Future CEOs, how is this impossible? I haven't heard of many companies. , after it developed, even the front desk became a senior executive? That's the benefit of new companies.

Ma Lin, the CFO (Chief Financial Officer) of "Zhaixianshui", was transferred from Liu Yun's company. The three core people of the company are Zhang Xiangbei, the chairman and president, Wu Huan is the vice president and CEO, and Xiao Wu is also Vice President, he is mainly responsible for logistics.

The logistics of "Zhai Xian Delivery" are different from Zhang Chen and his original logistics base, and have a wider scope. On the contrary, Wu Huan and Li Wei only need to take care of the logistics in the base and the city. At most, they will encounter any thorns. First, Xiao Wu comes forward. The most difficult thing for them to manage is the branches they want to establish in the main vegetable supply areas across the country.

These branches are their difficulties and key points. In comparison, their operations in each city and their business rules seem simple. These branches can be said to be their To extend directly into society, in addition to business rules, it is more about social rules, even the rules of the underworld.

Within their company, this is called their "country", and each branch is their "base area". Wu Huan and Xiao Wu said:

"Brother Xiao Wu, I can't do this. I have to rely on you."

Xiao Wu smiled, wasn't that what Zhang Chen wanted to do when he transferred him here to assist Zhang Xiangbei?

These branches of theirs not only have to sign purchase agreements with local vegetable farmers, fruit farmers and farmers, and are responsible for purchasing vegetables, fruits, poultry and fish, but they also organize the continuous delivery of these things to various cities every day. It's like the capillaries of their company.

Wu Huan said that it should also be the nerve endings of their company.

In addition to procurement and transportation, these branches also need to establish files to summarize the vegetable farmers and farmers they contact, the vegetable varieties, area, expected maturity period and output of each vegetable field, and summarize them into the total every day. company, so that it is convenient for them to deploy among various cities and issue purchasing instructions as needed.

The number of livestock and poultry kept by the farmers, the price fluctuations of agricultural products in various places, and the rising and falling trends in the coming week must also be reported and summarized to the head office, so that they can reasonably formulate their plans. The retail price ensures the relative stability of daily vegetable prices on their platform to the greatest extent.

"When the prices of vegetables and meat on the market soar in the short term, we must be a helper, not an accomplice, in stabilizing urban prices, so that we can establish our reputation among consumers." Zhang Xiangbei and Wu Huan said.

Wu Huan agreed with this statement. She said: "In this way, the local government will also think that we are a positive energy, not a troublemaker. In our industry, it is important to get the support of the local government."

Zhang Xiangbei nodded. For this reason, they rented a part of the cold storage in the logistics base and established their storage warehouse, such as some ginger, garlic and meat products that are easy to be stored at low temperatures and frozen, and established their necessary reserves. In this way, you can avoid being attacked by "Jiang Youjun", "Garlic you are cruel" and "Meatless".

Wu Yue recruited troops and began to build their company's website, database and computer room.

Zhou Ruoyi took the lead. After she recruited two people, she started to take them to expand the market in Hangzhou. In Hangzhou, she could be said to be very handy at work. She usually asked her father to do business in various streets. After saying hello, she went over and asked people on the street to take her from neighborhood to neighborhood and sign an agreement with them to install fresh-keeping cabinets.

At the same time, the property management companies of these communities should also be asked to facilitate the entry and exit of cold chain vehicles in the future.

The layout here in Hangzhou is almost complete. She and her people will move to Shanghai. There are Lao Wan, Liu Yun and Xiao Fang in Shanghai who can help. Regarding social matters, Zhang Chen called Xiaomi and asked Xiaomi to help Zhou Ruoyi and the others. .

When they arrived in Nanjing, not only did Tan Shuzhen and his colleagues have a branch here, but there were also Qian Fang and others. Zhang Chen called Li Yang, and Li Yang said, "What's going on?"

Zhou Ruoyi and Zhang Xiangbei said: "Zhang Xiangbei, your dad is so awesome. I was panicking when I thought about going to Shanghai and Nanjing. I didn't expect that your dad's subordinates and friends are so awesome. It seems like something happened to them." It can all be done.”

The bases in the three cities also need to recruit a large number of workers. Zhang Xiangbei and Wu Huan said that the recruitment notices should be posted in the farmers' markets in each place first. Also, all farmers' market operators are willing to come to our company. , as soon as you come in, your salary will be raised by one level compared to others. If you are a couple, both of you will be raised by two levels.

"Why, Mr. Zhang?" Wu Huan asked, confused.

Zhang Xiangbei said: "In the end, we will definitely affect other people's jobs. If we destroy other people's jobs, they will have to eat."

Wu Huan nodded and felt that what Zhang Xiangbei said made sense. Wu Huan asked: "Then why do couples come in two different grades?"

"It shows that the family's livelihood depends on this stall, and even the cost of children's education depends on this stall."

Zhang Xiangbei told Wu Huan that Wu Huan understood and felt that this boss was pretty good, very similar to his father and aunt.

Working under such a boss makes people feel comfortable. Those bosses who are very mean are mean, but the things they have to do, things that offend people or even harm the world, are not done by themselves, but by the people below. Do, they just demand to be mean and reap the results of being mean.

After everything was carried out in an orderly manner here in Hangzhou, Zhang Xiangbei and Xiao Wu set off in a Mitsubishi off-road vehicle in the scorching heat of July. They were going to "conquer the country" and build their individual empires. "The base."

Wu Huan told them that considering the different needs of consumers, I am considering whether we can also set up a special area for organic agricultural products on our platform, so that the following branches can treat vegetable fields and farms of organic agricultural products differently. , we give them certification.

"Well, the country seems to have a special certification agency, right?" Zhang Xiangbei said.

"We don't talk about certification, we talk about designated, designated production bases of organic agricultural products. Although there is no green certification mark, we can have a more intuitive method that consumers will trust more," Wu Huan said.

"What can we do?" Zhang Xiangbei asked.

"In addition to the daily management of these bases by each branch, Wu Yue and I have discussed that we can monitor all designated vegetable fields and farms 24 hours a day, and consumers can open each one anytime, anywhere. Live videos of vegetable fields and farms to view their entire production and harvesting process," Wu Huan said.

"This is good, we can have this." Zhang Xiangbei said, "We will include this as part of the branch's work."

Thank you to Two Fishes, Brother Mianyang, and Wooden Man for the rewards! Thank you for looking at the landscape, Ermao, the sky is crooked, no future, just remember the original intention, Zhou Zhiya, smelly socks~~, my heart dances, book friend 20190129082826883, Fan Pei's Journey to the West, running with a smile Y, book friend 20201124185256102, wind and waves 26 , Dachuan Dachuan, Wangzhu, wahoji, Void Broken Dream, Happy Liu Hong, Wooden Man, Yan Xin, Feng Xiao 2006 fans and book friends 20210814024051886 monthly votes! Thanks for all the votes and reading! I wish you all good health!

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