The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 1899 Graduation Day

Xiaofang, Zhang Xiangbei and Zhang Xiangxi got up in the morning. Zhang Chen had already prepared breakfast. Zhang Xiangbei saw that there was a plate of meat buns on the table and shouted:

"Not bad, Dad, when did you even know how to make steamed buns?"

Zhang Chen said with a smile: "What's so difficult about this? Last night at Baidu, when you were asleep, I made the dough. Isn't it just a steamed bun? Just make it like a sculpture."

Xiaofang and Zhang Xiangbei laughed. Xiaofang picked up the bun, took a bite, and shouted, "It's terrible."

Zhang Chen quickly asked: "What's wrong?"

"It's delicious, and it's spicy. You will be pestered by us in the future, and we won't let you go if you don't do it." Xiaofang said, and Zhang Xiangbei quickly picked up one, took a bite, and nodded repeatedly.

"I can give you an A." Zhang Xiangbei said.

On the plate in front of Zhang Xiangxi, Zhang Chen had put two buns for her. They were cold, but she still stared at the buns in Zhang Xiangbei's hand and said to him:

"Beibei, I want to eat your buns."

Zhang Chen and Zhang Xiangxi said, "Eat your own. That's what dad made specially for you. Brother, this one is spicy."

"But, but I just want to eat Beibei." Zhang Xiangxi said with a pout.

Zhang Xiangbei gave his bun to Zhang Xiangxi. Zhang Xiangxi took it and took a bite, crying loudly. Xiaofang quickly picked up the milk and gave it to her to drink. Zhang Chen and Zhang Xiangbei laughed.

After finally stopping crying, Zhang Xiangbei teased her: "Do you want more, Xixi?"

"No, no, bad Beibei." Zhang Xiangxi turned around and complained to Xiaofang, "He is a bad Beibei."

"You deserve it. You asked your brother for it yourself. Dad already told you that it was spicy. Xixi, you have to bear the consequences of what you did. It has nothing to do with your brother."

Xiaofang and Zhang Xiangxi said that Zhang Xiangxi puffed out his cheeks, got angry and stopped eating.

Xiaofang said to her: "Eat quickly, you have to change clothes after eating."

Zhang Xiangxi snorted and simply folded his hands in front of his chest and refused to eat.

Xiaofang asked Zhang Chen: "By the way, Dad, are you a well-fed and obedient child who can go to Disneyland tomorrow?"

Zhang Chen suppressed a smile and said yes.

The three of them deliberately pretended not to look at Zhang Xiangxi and focused on eating breakfast. When Zhang Xiangxi heard Xiaofang's words, he quickly picked up the buns on the plate in front of him and started eating.

After breakfast, Zhang Chen changed into a suit and tie. Xiaofang also changed into a suit, and then changed clothes for Zhang Xiangxi.

Zhang Xiangbei still wore a black academic robe today, but he did not wear a bachelor's cap today. Instead, he wore a grass green old-fashioned People's Liberation Army military cap with a red five-pointed star pinned to it, which looked strange. .

Zhang Chen asked: "Why are you wearing this hat?"

Zhang Xiangbei chuckled and asked, "Are you handsome? Do you look like an uncle from the People's Liberation Army?"

Zhang Chen said it’s not like that. Like Cui Jian, are you going to attend the graduation ceremony or to sing rock music?

"I just want to attend the graduation ceremony." Zhang Xiangbei said.

Zhang Chen looked at him and then at Xiaofang. Xiaofang smiled and said:

"This is to participate in the hat ceremony, which is a tradition of Yale. Today's graduation ceremony, everyone wears academic uniforms, but instead of wearing mortarboards, they wear their own carefully prepared hats, turning the graduation ceremony into a Everyone was very creative in the hat competition, and some students started preparing months in advance.”

"I bought this from and sent it from China." Zhang Xiangbei told them.

Zhang Chen understood and thought to himself, there are so many tricksters in this school.

The family was getting ready to go out, but Zhang Xiangxi still had to ride on Zhang Xiangbei's shoulders. Zhang Xiangbei put his military cap on Zhang Xiangxi's head, squatted down, and let Zhang Xiangxi climb onto his shoulders.

The family was walking on the street. The hat on Zhang Xiangxi's head was too big and kept falling down, covering her eyes. At first, she kept touching the hat with her hands, but then she got impatient and simply took it off. He came down and put it on the head of Zhang Chen who was walking next to him.

Xiaofang and Zhang Xiangbei turned around and saw Zhang Chen in a straight suit with a military cap on his head, which was also worn crookedly. It looked a bit funny, so they both laughed. Zhang Chen also laughed, he thought Taking off his hat, Zhang Xiangxi shouted, "Dad, don't take it off."

Zhang Chen put his hand down and ignored it.

When they arrived at school, Xiaofang led Zhang Chen and Zhang Xiangxi to the square in front of the Sterling Library, while Zhang Xiangbei went to the college to gather. Before today's graduation ceremony, there would be a graduation parade.

Zhang Xiangbei and the others arrived at their respective colleges. After gathering, the graduation parade began.

At the front of the procession were the flag bearers holding the American flag and the Yale University flag, followed by the school's honor guard and drum band. Walking behind the drum band was a staff member holding the mascot of Yale University, a bullfighting bull. The dog, the bulldog, was followed by Principal Salovey, followed by the vice principal and school directors, teacher representatives and invited guests.

Following them were the parades from each college. Accompanied by the guard of honor's "Radesky March" and the Yale University anthem, everyone paraded around the campus in a mighty manner, and then headed towards the front of Sterling Library. Heading to the square.

When the parade arrived at its destination, the parents who had been waiting here gave out warm applause, cheers and screams.

The parade was colorful, with various hats on their heads. Zhang Chen saw that some were dressed like Indians, some had various small animal stuffed toys lying on their heads, some were carrying a windmill model, and some were wearing Some of the equations made of cardboard were wearing circus clown hats, and some people just tied a dozen paper cups together with ropes and wore them on their heads.

Everyone really worked hard for this hat, and almost no two hats were the same. More than 3,000 graduates had more than 3,000 styles of hats. It is said to be a hat conference, and it really deserves its reputation.

Zhang Chen wanted to find Zhang Xiangbei's military hat among so many hats, but he couldn't find it anywhere.

Zhang Xiangxi became excited when he saw so many hats. All the parents stood up and applauded. Zhang Chen put Zhang Xiangxi on his shoulders so that she could see clearly.

President Salovey was wearing a tall blue top hat today. He made the emblems of each college of Yale University into the shape of playing cards and pasted them around the top hat, which is consistent with his identity.

President Salovey announced the commencement of the graduation ceremony. After he delivered a brief speech, the highlight followed, inviting Yale alumni or social celebrities to speak. Yale itself has never lacked outstanding alumni, including the Clintons, Bush Sr. and George W. Bush. Father and son, both graduated from Yale University.

When George W. Bush was invited to attend the Yale graduation ceremony, his opening remarks are still talked about today. Bush stood on the stage and said to the Yale students below:

"Congratulations to the children who got A, you did a great job! Congratulations to the children who got C, you may be the president in the future!"

Because George W. Bush himself was at Yale and got a C grade.

The guest invited to this year’s graduation ceremony was the then US Vice President Joe Biden, who gave a speech on “Finding a Balance between Ambition and Happiness”.

The guest speeches ended, followed by the awarding ceremony of an honorary doctorate. Chinese director Zhang Yimou was awarded an honorary doctorate in art from Yale University in 2010.

When the host reported a name, there was a burst of screaming in the venue, and the girls screamed more energetically than the boys. Zhang Chen didn't know what was going on. When the person came on stage, he understood that it turned out that right now The most popular figure in the world, Elon Musk, the founder of Tesla, is handsome and rich. No wonder so many girls scream.

After the graduation ceremony, everyone went back to their colleges. Zhang Chen and Xiaofang followed them. In the small auditorium of the college, a ceremony to issue graduation certificates was to be held.

The students were sitting in rows below, and parents were standing around. The superintendent of the college reported his name, and a classmate from below came up to the stage, took the graduation certificate from the dean's hand, and accepted the dean's commendation.

The supervisor of Zhang Xiangbei's college is very powerful and attentive. She actually calls the students by their names in the language of that country according to the country they are from. When she calls Zhang Xiangbei, she first calls him He shouted "Zhang Xiangbei", then realized it immediately, corrected himself and shouted "Zhang Xiangbei!"

Her Mandarin was so standard that Zhang Xiangxi heard it and shouted in a high-pitched voice: "Beibei!"

In the auditorium, everyone laughed and looked towards them. The female superintendent also smiled and waved towards them.

Xiaofang followed Zhang Xiangbei to the stage. When Zhang Xiangbei took the graduation certificate from the dean's hand, Xiaofang took a video. Although it was already late at night in Hangzhou, Zhang Xiangbei's grandmother Grandma and the others have been watching the alternating live broadcasts of Xiaofang and Zhang Chen. They are all waiting to see Zhang Xiangbei get his diploma.

It was almost one o'clock when Zhang Chen and the others returned home. Zhang Chen immediately started cooking, taking out everything in the refrigerator and eating it for lunch.

The luggage that should be packed has been packed, and the courier company sent it to their home in New York yesterday if it could not fit in the trunk of the car. Xiaofang also called the hourly worker and asked her to sort out the room at home. They will do this this afternoon , I will drive back to New York. Tomorrow I will fly from New York to Orlando, Florida, and take Zhang Xiangxi to Disneyland.

The family will stay in Orlando for three days, then return to New York, and then back to China.

While Zhang Chen was cooking, Xiaofang and Zhang Xiangbei had already started cleaning the room. By the time Zhang Chen finished cooking, their room was almost cleaned. After the meal, the family did not rest. Anyway, Zhang Xiangbei and Xiaofang They can take turns driving, and they will go back to New York.

The family left the house carrying large and small bags. Zhang Xiangbei put the two house keys under the mat, then called the landlord and told him that he was leaving.

In the elevator, Xiaofang looked at Zhang Xiangbei and sighed.

Zhang Chen asked what happened?

Xiaofang said: "You are a boy after all, Beibei. Were you not sad at all when you left? When I left here, I cried all the way."

Zhang Xiangbei snorted and said, "What's so sad about this."

When they arrived at the gate below, the family was surprised. They saw a dozen people at the gate, squatting or standing. They were all Zhang Xiangbei's classmates and members of the club. They came here to see Zhang Xiangbei off. of.

Xiaofang went to drive, and Zhang Xiangbei hugged them one by one. Zhang Chen saw that Zhang Xiangbei's eyes were red.

Thank you for the reward of two fishes! Thank you windinwing, Hu Hu, Tianma Xingkong, Changfei Changfei, Yujiu, hmzsm, Qidisun, forget your password and come back from the monthly pass! Thanks for all the votes and reading! I wish you all good health!

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