The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 1898 The second day of the ceremony

On the second day of the graduation ceremony, Zhang Xiangbei wore a black academic robe. The entire three days of the graduation ceremony could be said to be progressing step by step, with the later getting more important, until the grand graduation ceremony on May 16th. The conference is over.

Today and tomorrow, Zhang Xiangbei will be dressed so grandly. Wearing a degree robe, it is inconvenient for Zhang Xiangxi to ride on his shoulders. Zhang Xiangxi can only sit on Zhang Chen's shoulders, or Xiaofang holds her hand. hands walking.

At around eight o'clock in the morning, they had breakfast at home, and the family went out and walked to school. It only took ten minutes to get to school from here.

Today is Yale University’s Open Day. Many venues and buildings that are usually not open to parents and students are open to students and parents today.

Parents can use this day to learn more about Yale. As a long-established university, it can be said that Yale will show you all its wealth on this day. After seeing it, you will definitely know it better. And like Yale.

The highlight of the morning was the “Yale College Graduate Ordination.” The ordination ceremony was held in Woothley Hall, Yale University’s largest music hall that can accommodate 2,650 people. Woothley Hall is also home to the New Haven Symphony Orchestra. and the venue where the Yale Philharmonic Orchestra performs.

Although Wuthrie Hall is large, it still cannot accommodate more than 3,000 graduates and their parents every year. The twelve colleges of the school can only hold the "Yale College Graduate Orientation" ceremony in three sessions.

According to the scheduled timetable, Zhang Xiangbei and the others were in the second session. They wandered around the campus until it was almost time. Zhang Chen and Xiaofang took Zhang Xiangxi and walked toward Wusili Hall.

Zhang Xiangbei had already separated from them. He was going to the college dormitory. After gathering with his classmates, he lined up to arrive at Wusili Hall. The students' seats were concentrated in the middle of the first floor of Wusili Hall. Parents were scattered around and in the stands on the second floor.

Zhang Chen and Xiaofang walked through the corridor of Wusili Hall. When entering the hall, Xiaofang pointed to the stone walls on both sides of the corridor and asked Zhang Chen to look at it. Zhang Chen saw that there were names densely carved on them. Xiaofang Tell him that these people are the names of Yale alumni who have sacrificed their lives for their country from the Civil War to the present.

By the time Zhang Xiangbei and the others entered the stadium one after another, Zhang Chen, Xiaofang and Zhang Xiangxi were already sitting in the stands on the second floor.

On the stage of Woolthrie Hall, where the symphony orchestra usually sits, it was decorated very solemnly today. There was a podium in the middle of the stage. On the left side of the stage, there was an American flag, and on the right side, there was the school flag of Yale University. , behind the podium, there are two rows of chairs neatly arranged, which are for specially invited guests, school principals, directors, and deans of various colleges to sit.

Behind the chair, there is a row of flags of each college.

The entire Wuthrie Hall is very high, almost twenty or thirty meters high. The top of the hall is arched, and the entire stage is also embedded in a huge arch. The back wall of the stage, the entire wall, On the upper and lower floors, there are pipes several meters long. This entire wall is a huge pipe organ. The Newbery Memorial Organ is one of the most famous pipe organs in the world.

The ceremony began with the Newbery Memorial Organ playing low, majestic music, followed by performances by four students representing different religions. Next, the president of Yale University, Peter Salovey, began his lecture and graduation speech. .

Xiaofang told Zhang Chen in a low voice that he also had a Chinese name, Su Bide. We Chinese at Yale all called him Lao Su.

"Lao Su is a psychologist. He invented the term 'emotional intelligence'. By the way, did you take a photo with him yesterday?" Xiaofang asked.

Zhang Chen nodded, and Zhang Xiangxi, who was holding Zhang Chen against his chest, pointed at the stage and shouted: "Maomao!"

Xiaofang quickly said "Shh" and then asked in a low voice: "What Maomao?"

Zhang Chen told her, Xiaofang couldn't help but smile.

Salovey began to speak. The title of his speech today was "Improving the World." Zhang Chen couldn't understand what he was talking about, so Xiaofang lay in his ear and translated to him:

“…when you create new businesses, hire people, and make new contributions to society, you are improving the world;

“When you serve others with outstanding work in a certain field, you are improving the world;

“As you work tirelessly to light the lamp of knowledge for the next generation of college and high school students, you are changing the world.

“When you change others by creating works of art, you are changing the world;

"When you build a service organization that listens and works with those you want to help, you are changing the world..."

Zhang Chen nodded: "This old Su said it well."

Zhang Xiangxi stretched his neck, came close to Zhang Chen's ear, and whispered to him, "It's Maomao."

Zhang Chen smiled and said: "Okay, this Maomao said it well."

"It's almost over." Xiaofang continued to translate, "Therefore, graduates of the class of 2015, please stand up."

In the dark Wuthrie Hall below, students stood up.

"We are happy for your achievements... Please start here with a grateful heart, repay the help you have received here by giving help, discover the cracked, bent, broken world, and start again Dedicate yourself to fixing the world!”

The entire Worthley Hall burst into thunderous applause.

"Oh my god, the translation is finally finished."

Xiaofang said that Lao Su spoke on the stage for more than 20 minutes, and she was in Zhang Chen's ear, translating for more than 20 minutes. Zhang Chen quickly handed her the water in his hand and told her that she had worked hard.

The graduation ceremony is over. The rest of the day is to visit the Yale campus during the open day. Xiaofang and Zhang Xiangbei are very familiar with the campus. Zhang Chen has been here several times. Only Zhang Xiangxi is here for the first time today. Xiaofang and Zhang Xiangxi said , Xixi, mom, take a good look at it. Is the school where mom and brother study good?

Zhang Xiangxi nodded and said yes.

When Zhang Chen and Xiaofang walked to the door, Zhang Xiangbei was already waiting for them. Zhang Xiangxi refused to let Zhang Xiangbei go no matter what, and climbed onto his shoulders.

The first place they went to was the Beinecke Library next door. Zhang Chen wanted to see what it was like inside.

Entering the Beinecke Library, Zhang Chen first saw the marbles around him. Sure enough, there was light coming through, making the surrounding walls come alive.

What caught his eye next was a glass house in the middle of the library. The glass house was six stories high. All the rare books were stored in it. There was no one in the glass house. Everyone was walking around. Circle the corridor and look at the glass house like a gorilla.

Xiaofang and Zhang Chen said that these books cannot be lent out. Even if you read them here, they must be in a designated room. The application procedures are also very complicated, and the qualification review of applicants is also quite strict, unless you are determined to be someone. Only world-class experts in the field are qualified, not everyone can check it.

"So, these books, piled here like this, can only be viewed from a distance, not close?" Zhang Chen asked.

Xiaofang is right.

"Then this place can't be called a library, it should be called an exhibition hall. The books here are the same as the paintings in our 'Riverside Oil Painting Gallery'." Zhang Chen laughed as he spoke.

"Why are you laughing?" Xiaofang asked.

Zhang Chen said: "The way your school behaves is like a wealthy man showing off to others with a bankbook."

Xiaofang glared at him and said to Zhang Xiangbei: "Beibei, come and scold him."

"No need to scold him, he is ignorant." Zhang Xiangbei said, "These books are more than hundreds of years old. If everyone can read them, all these books will be destroyed in a month. By the way, your art museum Can you touch the painting as you like?"

"That's good." Xiaofang chuckled, "Besides, many of the books here are already online. You can see them in Yale's online library. Why do you have to touch them?"

"Okay, I'll just take a look, okay?" Zhang Chen was at a loss for words. He could only say this, how could he tolerate the two Yales joining forces.

There happens to be an exhibition in the library. Some precious books are put on display in display cabinets for everyone to see. Even the lights in the display cabinets are sensor-controlled. Only when people get close to the display cabinets, the lights inside will light up. It is also to protect the books on display.

They came out of the Beinecke Library and then went to the Sterling Library, the largest library at Yale University and the second largest university library in the world. After entering the library, Zhang Xiangbei and Zhang Chen said:

"Don't you want to read a book? You can borrow all the books here. Do you want to read? My card can still be used. Let's see what you need?"

Xiaofang giggled, and Zhang Xiangxi shouted: "I want it, Beibei, I want that big bird."

The other three people looked around to see if there was any big bird. After a while, Zhang Xiangbei remembered. What Zhang Xiangxi was talking about was a sixteenth-century book on display in the Beinecke Library display cabinet. A colorful picture book with an unknown colorful bird on it.

Xiaofang understood, shook her head and said, "This father and daughter are both living treasures."

Zhang Xiangbei couldn't help but laugh, and Zhang Chen scolded: "Hey, hey, don't bully us just because you think this is your home court."

Then we went to the Peabody Museum of Natural History. To Zhang Chen's surprise, he actually saw a complete skeleton of a Brontosaurus. This alone made this museum extraordinary.

The family took a look around and even went to the Yale University Art Museum. After coming out of the art gallery, Zhang Chen proudly said to Xiaofang and Zhang Xiangbei, I can guarantee that the art gallery in your school is not as good as our "Riverside". Art Museum.”

Xiaofang and Zhang Xiangbei both deliberately pretended not to hear.

Zhang Xiangxi was sitting on Zhang Xiangbei's shoulder. She could see the clock tower of the old campus of Yale University in the distance. She wanted to go and have a look, so they took her there.

The bell tower of Yale University, called Harchrist Tower, is a typical Gothic building, sixty-six meters high. Xiaofang looked at her watch and told Zhang Chen that at 5:30 every afternoon, the carillon will be played here. Qiming, it sounds great, but it’s a pity that it’s too early today, there’s still an hour left.

Zhang Xiangxi heard this, but he didn't ask to stay and listen. Zhang Chen said, we were tired from walking, so let's rest here.

The family sat down on the lawn not far from Harkrista.

Xiaofang remembered something. She said to Zhang Xiangbei:

"When I was studying here, there was National Day one year. I remember I was sitting here reading a book. The bell tower suddenly rang, and it was 'Dongfanghong'. I cried at that time, Beibei, you are here. Are they still like this?"

Zhang Xiangbei scratched his head and said I didn't pay attention.

Thank you Chuan Lin, On the Road-Tiantian, Zhongkai 727, wahoji, Hu Hu, the fish-eating brother, and book friend 202110814024051886 for your monthly votes! Thanks for all the votes and reading! Have a good evening everyone!

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