Everyone else in the dressing room had taken off their makeup, changed their clothes and left. Xiang Nan and He Hongmei were the last two people. They walked outside and saw everyone standing in the corridor waiting for them.

Mang Chao and Xiang Nan said: "Captain Feng, we are going to have supper upstairs at the opera tower next door. Let your aunt go with us."

Xiang Nan looked at He Hongmei. He Hongmei shook her head slightly and said to Xiang Nan, "You go ahead. Go back to the hotel early after dinner. We have to get up early to rehearse tomorrow morning. I'll go for a walk with my aunt."

Yin Tao took off Xiang Nan's backpack from Xiang Nan's shoulder. Inside were Xiang Nan's performance costumes and cosmetics for the performance. The dressing room was shared with the group that performed in the afternoon. They can only take their own things with them. Yin Tao and Xiang Nan said:

"We'll help you take it back."

Say thank you to Nan!

Mang Chao took the others away with him.

He Hongmei smiled and said to Xiang Nan, "Nan Nan, I can see that they respect you as the leader."

Xiang Nan smiled and said, "We get along very well. We are all about the same age. We usually play together and laugh."

He Hongmei nodded.

The two held hands and walked out of the theater door. It was already past ten o'clock in the evening. In the Tokyo night at the end of May, the night breeze was slightly cool, blowing on people's faces, making people feel relaxed and happy.

Next to the Tokyo New National Theater is a small park. The two people walked through the park and walked to the street opposite. At this time, there were only a few people coming and going on the street. This road was not There were almost no vehicles on the main road, and the two people were walking aimlessly on the street.

He Hongmei thought about it and said, "Nannan, there is an izakaya nearby. The food is pretty good. Can Auntie invite you to have a drink?"

Say yes to Xiangnan, Aunt Hongmei, are you familiar with this area?

He Hongmei nodded and said yes: "I am familiar with the New National Theatre, Opera City, and Imperial Theater. Sometimes I help design costumes for the theater troupes that perform here, and I come over to watch their performances. There is also a gallery over there at the Opera City, and I often There will be an exhibition, and I will come and take a look.”

The two of them were talking and walking, and soon they arrived at the izakaya that He Hongmei was talking about.

Pushing the door and going in, there are more than a dozen tables inside, half of which are still occupied. Two of them only have one person sitting there, staring at the table and wine in front of him with a sad face, as if thinking about life. There is also a table where people sit. There were six or seven people who were in high spirits. It looked like they had just gotten off work from some company and were gathering here.

He Hongmei and Xiang Nan chose a table in the corner and sat down. He Hongmei ordered apricot wine for Xiang Nan and Daiginjo for herself. She said to Xiang Nan:

"The alcohol content of this wine is very low, it doesn't matter if you drink a little."

Say yes to the south.

Then, He Hongmei ordered fried chicken nuggets, grilled cheese chicken, grilled cod with soy sauce, cold tofu, wasabi octopus, and a plate of edamame.

There were six or seven people at that table. They paid attention to them as soon as they came in. At this time, someone yelled at them. Xiangnan couldn't understand what he was yelling. He Hongmei said:

"Ignore them, they are asking us to come over and eat together."

After a while, a guy actually staggered towards them and stood beside their table and said something. He Hongmei looked at him and replied a few words in Japanese. The man suddenly became stunned and stunned. After a while, they walked back, raising their hands as they walked, and kept shaking them back. They went back to sit down and the group of people never harassed them again.

Xiang Nan looked amused, and she asked: "Aunt Hongmei, what did you say to him, so powerful that he didn't dare to speak after just a few words?"

He Hongmei also laughed and said, "It's not a nice thing to say. Don't imitate it. Come on, let's drink."

The two clinked their glasses and took a sip of the wine. He Hongmei asked, "Does it taste good?"

Xiang Nan said it didn't taste very good, it smelled like rotten fruit.

"Come on, have a taste of this." He Hongmei picked up her cup and handed it over to Xiangnan, taking a sip. He Hongmei quickly asked, "How is it?"

"It still doesn't taste good. It's not as good as a rotten fruit like me." Xiang Nan said.

He Hongmei stared at her and cursed: "Why are you so difficult to take care of? Be careful of getting beaten by the boss. You said his wine doesn't taste good."

Xiang Nan also glared at He Hongmei, and both of them laughed, a little wildly. Everyone else in the tavern looked at them. Even the two guys who were thinking about life with sad faces turned their heads and looked at Nan. He Hongmei made a face, and the two of them lowered their voices.

"How is your mother? How are everyone else at home...in Hangcheng?" He Hongmei asked.

Xiang Nan nodded and said, "Everything is fine. Aunt Hongmei, what about you?"

"Me? I'm fine too. I'm here alone, with no worries. I can go wherever I want." He Hongmei smiled.

"Alone?" Xiang Nan was startled. She wanted to hold it in, but she couldn't hold it in any longer. She asked, "Aunt Hongmei, how can you be alone? You're not..."

"You mean Harada Shino? We divorced two years ago." He Hongmei said.

"That, that...who, is he not good to you?" Xiang Nan asked.

"No, it's because we don't get used to each other." He Hongmei smiled and continued: "He is, it should be said, not a bad person among Japanese men, but after all, they grew up in different environments. Over time, each This kind of conflict arises, so it would be better to separate to save trouble."

He Hongmei saw Xiang Nan looking at her with a confused look. He Hongmei pointed to the six or seven people at the table and said to Xiang Nan:

"For example, have you seen that this is the norm for Japanese men? Every day after get off work, they must go out to drink with their colleagues. If they don't come out, they will be looked down upon by their colleagues. Japanese people are very serious when they go to work, and they don't even say a word of gossip. No, after work, in the pub, everyone’s true face is revealed, and if you don’t fit in, you will be isolated.”

Xiang Nan nodded and He Hongmei continued:

"When you go home drunk like this, Japanese women still have to bend their knees and bend their backs to greet you, saying with a smile that you are back, huh, how can I do this? It's better if I don't kick you out."

Xiang Nan chuckled as he listened, and He Hongmei also laughed. She said:

"What I'm talking about is just one example. There are too many like this, and it's annoying. In the end, this is the result. I finally understand. What we Chinese say is a good match, it also applies here. Two cultural backgrounds If you don’t want to wrong yourself if you are different people, you can’t be together.”

"Aunt Hongmei, have you ever thought about returning to China?" Xiang Nan said.

"Go back to China? How? I am already a Japanese now. If I go back, I will still be a foreigner." He Hongmei said, "I went back once, but after going back once, I don't want to go back again."

"Why?" Xiang Nan asked, "Now the country is doing very well, like Wenwen and Qianqian, they are doing very well now."

"I know, it's not because of that that I don't go back, but... how should I put it, since I came out, everyone in the country has become accustomed to my absence. I no longer have a place among them."

He Hongmei took a sip of wine and said in a deep tone:

"I went back to Chongqing and met with several classmates. At the beginning, everyone was very enthusiastic about me, but then they talked about themselves, their husbands' promotions, their children's schooling and extracurricular tutoring, and other things. I couldn't get into all the other topics they talked about. I felt like I was sitting there completely redundant.

"If I tell them about my life in Japan, they won't be able to get involved. At most, they will just be bystanders and listen to me telling stories. Think about it, what's the point of such a party? I'm afraid of it after going to it once. Yes, this is called talking without speculation. There is no common language between us.

"Not to mention them, it's the same with my family. Everyone has their own focus in life. I have long been no longer the focus in their lives. My mother dances with a bunch of old women every day. For her, where she will participate in the competition today and what ranking she will get are much more important than me.

"As for my father, even on the day I came home, after dinner, he would immediately run out to play mahjong. My sister and her children couldn't even worry about it. She talked about it all day long and thought about it in her heart. It's them that I'm thinking about.

"I say this not to say how bad they were to me, but because I walked away and removed myself from their lives. Now, each of them has their own life and is no longer there. Maybe there is space for me again, but when I go back, I feel like I am really a foreigner, so why should I go back?"

While He Hongmei was talking, Xiang Nan thought of what You Guodong had told her before, saying that after all the elderly at home were gone, she would feel like a guest when she went back.

No wonder I said earlier that they were so hesitant when I asked them to go back to Yongcheng to take a look. It turns out that they must have the same feeling as Aunt Hongmei. They felt that there was no room for them to exist in the place they were familiar with.

"No, Aunt Hongmei, then you can go back to Hangzhou. We will welcome you back to Hangzhou. You will always be my Aunt Hongmei." Xiang Nan and He Hongmei said.

He Hongmei lowered her head and was silent for a while. When she raised her head, she smiled and said:

"Silly boy, thank you aunt, thank you for what you said to me, Nan Nan, but what do you think aunt can do now that she's back to Yongcheng? Does your troupe need a full-time costumer? But, Nan Nan , Don’t worry, I will definitely go back when you and Beibei get married, auntie promises you."

"Ah!" Xiangnan was taken aback, and she stammered: "No, no, Aunt Hongmei, what's wrong with you? How do you know about Zhang Xiangbei and me?"

"Wenwen told me." He Hongmei said.

"But, Wenwen doesn't know either." Xiang Nan said anxiously.

He Hongmei chuckled and said:

"You, Nannan, you are such a stupid boy. Do you think that if you don't tell others about the matter between you and Beibei, others won't know about it? You just didn't tell others, and everyone else knows about it. Why can't everyone pretend that they know it?" You know, including your grandparents, grandparents, don’t they care if you have a boyfriend now that you are so old?”

Xiang Nan was stunned, and He Hongmei said: "Actually, they all know it. They don't say it because they think it's good and they don't think you two need to worry about it. Do you understand?"

Xiang Nan chuckled, and He Hongmei raised her cup and said, "Come on, Nan Nan, let's touch it for this."

Xiang Nan raised his cup and clinked it with He Hongmei.

Thank you book friend 20170712165354432 for the reward! Thank you for your monthly votes from Luo Luo Wu Chen Yi Hua Yi Shi Shi, Professional Wear Season, Qidi Sun, and Hu Hu! Thanks for all the votes and reading! Have a good evening everyone!

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