The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 1889 Old Friend

Xiangnan and the others finished their performance in the United States and flew from San Francisco to Tokyo. Xiaohu did not follow them to Japan, but he sent Mang Chao and the general manager of Fubon Financial Holdings Cultural Foundation to go with Xiangnan and the others.

Mang Chao is already familiar with the people in the troupe, and having him by his side to help with arrangements and promotions can reassure Xiaohu. Not to mention that when they arrive in Tokyo, their Fubon Bank Tokyo branch has already arranged the performance in advance, and The troupe’s trip in Tokyo.

Minami's performance was held at the Tokyo New National Theater in Honmachi, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo. The Tokyo New National Theater is one of the most famous performance venues in Japan. It is right next to Tokyo Opera City. Together, they form the urban area of ​​Tokyo. an important cultural and artistic center,

The New National Theater in Tokyo has three performance venues: the Opera Theatre, the Chinese Theater and the Small Theatre. Xiang Nan's performances are held in the Small Theater.

When everyone arrived and took a look, they found that this small theater was about the same size as their own theater in Yongcheng Center. Although there were only more than 400 seats, which was more than 100 less than theirs, because their seats were arranged sparsely and they were all reserved. With disabled access and special seats, the entire area is similar to the size of their theater.

Looking at the size of the stage, it was almost the same, and everyone felt relieved.

This saves a lot of worry when walking on stage, and it can be done just like the small theater in the center of Yongcheng.

Dramatic performances, whether you are entering or exiting, including your position on the stage, all change according to the size of the stage. For example, for a large stage, you need to walk more than ten steps to get on and off the stage, while for a small stage, seven or eight steps will be enough. , when the stage steps change, the speed of your singing and reciting the lyrics will also change. It cannot be said that you have finished singing, and you have not yet reached the position you should be at.

Therefore, every time you go to a new place and see a new stage, it is very important to be familiar with the stage and walk on the stage. Experienced actors will also find a frame of reference on the scene so that they are less likely to make mistakes. After the actors know the stage well, The rehearsal has just started, otherwise the rehearsal will be a mess.

On the plane from San Francisco to Tokyo, Mang Chao told Xiang Nan and the others that because the New National Theater in Tokyo was very busy with performances, their performance was scheduled for the evening. In the same small theater, there were formal performances by other performance groups in the afternoon. The performance, so all rehearsals, must be held in the morning, and there are strict time limits. The rehearsal time for them is from 6 to 9 am.

Before nine o'clock arrives, there will be other groups waiting below to prepare for activities. When nine o'clock arrives, even if they are only halfway through the rehearsal, they have no choice but to give up the stage.

Moreover, they were in Tokyo for a total of seven days this time. The arrangements of the Tokyo branch can be said to be very considerate but also very compact.

They arrived in Tokyo in the evening and stayed at a hotel near the New National Theater. After a night's rest, they probably didn't even have time to get over the jet lag. They had to rehearse at 6 a.m. the next morning and start performing that night for three consecutive days. The next three days are just for fun in Japan without any performance tasks.

Then, fly from Tokyo to Taipei.

After all, they only had half the morning for the formal rehearsal and performance of the next day. Xiang Nan was still worried that these three hours would be enough time for everyone to get familiar with the stage.

"Can we go early and go to the stage at four in the morning?" Xiang Nan asked, "In the worst case, everyone can go to bed early tonight."

"No, the Japanese are very rigid. If they say six o'clock, it is six o'clock, even if it's early." Mang Chao and Xiang Nan said.

There is no other way but to bite the bullet and bear it down, Xiang Nan thought to himself.

But when we arrived at the theater, we saw that the layout and stage size were completely similar to their own theater in Yongcheng Center. Everyone felt relieved and felt that there would be no problem.

On the day of the performance, after dinner, Xiang Nan and the others had just arrived at the theater and before they started putting on makeup, Mang Chao called Xiang Nan and Ding Yousong over.

The small theater where they performed was on the underground floor. The two of them followed Mang Chao to the first floor. On the audience rest platform going up the steps, they saw a dozen people waiting here.

Mang Chao introduced them to them, and they found out that these people were from the Tokyo Hangcheng Association. There are many Hangcheng people in Japan, and Yongcheng is Hangcheng. They told Xiang Nan that in the past three days, they were from the same hometown every day. Yes, there will be 70 or 80 people coming to watch their performances.

Xiang Nan and Ding Yousong quickly said thank you.

There was a middle-aged couple standing there. The people standing next to them should be their children. After everyone else had finished talking, the man said to Xiang Nan, "My surname is You, and my name is You Guodong. This is my wife, whose name is You Guodong." Xu Xiujuan, these are my daughter and son.

Xiang Nan said hello to them one by one.

Xu Xiujuan smiled and said to them: "We are both from Yongcheng."

"Ah!" Xiang Nan and Ding Yousong were both surprised. What a coincidence.

Xu Xiujuan's eyes turned a little red and she said:

"We have been in Japan for more than 20 years. Today is the first time we heard that a theater troupe from Yongcheng is coming to Japan to perform, so our whole family must come and watch. Can I give you a hug?"

After Xiang Nan said yes, she stretched out her arms and hugged Xu Xiujuan. After the hug, Xu Xiujuan asked her daughter and son to call them uncle and aunt.

The girl and boy called uncle and aunt in half-baked Mandarin.

You Guodong and Xiang Nan said: "There is no way. We have two children who were born in Japan and we don't have time to teach them. They can speak a little Chinese, but they can't write a word except their own names." wrote."

Xiang Nan asked them: "Do you still go back to Yongcheng often?"

The two looked at each other and shook their heads. You Guodong said: "I haven't been back for more than ten years. When the old man at home was here, we would go back every year. Now that the old man is gone, when I go back, I feel like a guest. Every day I go back." If you know where to go, you won’t go back.”

"If you have the chance, you should go back and take a look. Yongcheng has completely changed now. I believe that if you go back again, I'm afraid you won't know each other." Xiang Nan said, "By the way, we will hold a ' Yongcheng Summer International Street Theater Festival, if you have time, you can take your little brothers and sisters back to see it."

When the two children heard what Xiang Nan said, their eyes lit up. You Guodong and Xu Xiujuan hesitated, not knowing how to answer.

Xiang Nan and Xu Xiujuan said: "If you are willing, you can give me your address, and we will send you an invitation letter to welcome your family back to Yongcheng as guests of the drama festival."

When You Guodong heard this, he quickly said thank you, thank you.

You Guodong took out his business card from his pocket and handed it to Xiang Nan. It turned out that he was a professor at Tokyo Institute of Technology.

Xiang Nan also took out his business card and handed it to You Guodong and Xu Xiujuan. Xu Xiujuan shouted softly:

"It turns out to be Captain Feng, so young."

"It's still our starring role. You can see her on the stage later." Ding Yousong said.

"I just saw that Captain Feng is young and promising, and he has won the 'Huabiao Award' and the 'Plum Blossom Award'. It's really not easy." You Guodong shook the introduction booklet in his hand and said, "You also won the 'Plum Blossom Award' 's best composition, right, Deputy Commander Ding?"

Xiang Nan and Ding Yousong, quickly say thank you, thank you!

Someone came over and asked Xiang Nan and Ding Yousong to take a photo with them. Xiang Nan and Ding Yousong fulfilled their requests one by one. They also took a photo with You Guodong's family and signed the introduction brochure for everyone.

Xiang Nan was going to put on makeup. The two of them said goodbye to You Guodong and his family, as well as so many fellow Hangzhou residents, and went to the basement.

Because it was in a small theater, what they performed were all excerpts of the opera. It can be said that they took out the best parts of Wu Opera and presented it to everyone.

The entire stage design is gorgeous and gorgeous, the actors' singing is beautiful, and the performances are detailed and vivid. The martial arts students, including Xiang Nan's somersaults, are also dazzling. Those audiences in Hangzhou have all seen Yue Opera before, but they have not I have watched Wu Opera, and Yue Opera is mainly based on literary opera. I didn’t expect this Wu Opera to be so lively and exciting, and everyone said it was enjoyable.

Xiang Nan led Yin Tao and the others to the curtain call again and again, but when they walked to the backstage, the curtain fell halfway, and the applause from below was still unrelenting. The curtain could only be pulled up. There was no other way, so Xiang Nan could only take everyone back. , one more curtain call, and after more than a dozen curtain calls, the curtain finally came down.

When everyone was taking off their makeup backstage, they were laughing and joking. They also felt that today's performance was very enjoyable, as if they had returned to Yongcheng's home stadium.

The cheers below are all in Mandarin, and some people also use Hangzhou dialect.

"Boss, someone is looking for you."

Xiang Nan was sitting there taking off her makeup. Ding Yousong walked to the door of the dressing room and called to her. Xiang Nan thought it was probably You Guodong and his wife. She quickly stood up and said okay, come right away.

Xiang Nan turned around, was stunned for a moment, and then shouted: "Aunt Hongmei!"

The person standing at the door and looking at her with a smile was none other than He Hongmei. Xiang Nan quickly ran over and hugged her.

"Aunt Hongmei, why are you here?" Xiang Nan asked.

He Hongmei smiled and said: "I saw in the newspaper that you were performing here, Yongcheng Wu Troupe, and I thought, Nannan must be here, so I came over."

"Are you in the audience in front of me? Aunt Hongmei, why didn't I see you?"

Xiang Nan shouted, when Xiang Nan performed on stage, she paid close attention to the expressions of the audience. The theater was not big, so how could she not see such a familiar figure like He Hongmei just now.

"Fool, there are hundreds of spectators below, how could you possibly see it?"

He Hongmei told Xiang Nan that what she didn't tell Xiang Nan was that she was in the audience in front of her, wearing glasses and a flowered scarf on her face. It was not for any other reason than that she was sitting there and looking at Xiang Nan. Every performance, I don’t know how many tears I shed.

"Let's go, Nan Nan, Auntie will watch you remove your makeup." He Hongmei and Xiang Nan said.

After Xiang Nan said yes, she smiled happily, took He Hongmei's hand, and led her into the dressing room to her seat. Xiang Nan sat down and He Hongmei said:

"Auntie, help you unload it."

"Okay, thank you Aunt Hongmei."

Xiang Nan smiled playfully and raised his head towards He Hongmei. He Hongmei used makeup remover cotton and makeup remover to carefully help Xiang Nan remove the paint on her face.

He Hongmei has been in various production crews all year round, and she knows how to remove heavy makeup.

Only halfway through unloading, Xiang Nan refused. She refused to face He Hongmei. Instead, she turned around and leaned on He Hongmei like she did when she was a child. In this way, He Hongmei could only stand behind Xiang Nan and help her in the mirror. Remove makeup to the south.

"You are so old, but you are still so naughty." He Hongmei said, Xiang Nan giggled.

Thank you for the reward of two fishes! Thank you Lin Bu Hungry, Guandian Electrical and Mechanical, Wahoji, Don’t see a future but remember your original intention, On the Road-Tiantian, Zhongkai 727 for your monthly pass! Thanks for all the votes and reading! I wish you all good health!

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