The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 1879 Over there at Lianyang Plaza

The day after Xiaofang arrived in Shanghai, she contacted lawyer Chen Qingfeng and asked if she could meet with him since she was in Shanghai.

"What are your plans now?" Lawyer Chen asked lukewarmly.

"I have already thought about transferring my investment to you, just as you said." Xiaofang said, "However, I will return to Changsha tomorrow, so I hope that I can complete the procedures today and get the Once you get the money, well, let’s just say it’s a loss, I admit it, this thing is annoying to death.”

When the other party heard what Xiaofang said, he immediately changed his attitude. He said enthusiastically, "Okay, then we will meet in the afternoon. I will come over with the third party. After completing the procedures, you can get the money right away."

Xiaofang said yes, where should we meet?

The other party asked Xiaofang, where are you?

Xiaofang knew in her heart that the other party didn't want them to come to the door, so they arranged to meet outside. There was a cafe downstairs in Jinmao Building where they could meet, but Xiaofang was worried about meeting here because she knew too many people, and her company's , from Liu Yun's company, and Zhang Chen and others who were customized by Liyu. Who knows who they might meet, they would come over and say hello to her, call her "Mr. Kan", and then they would get involved.

Xiaofang didn't want to go as far as Puxi. She told Lawyer Chen, "I live at a friend's place, and my friend's house is here in Lianyang."

The two parties immediately made an appointment to meet at the coffee shop of Lianyang Plaza at 2:30 in the afternoon.

Lianyang Plaza is not far from Xiaofang's home of "Century Jinxiu". Turn left from Jinxiu Road and go up Fangdian Road. Then go through another intersection and reach Yingchun Road, and you will reach Lianyang Plaza.

Liu Qing asked Xiaofang: "Do I need to call a few more people to go with you?"

Before Xiaofang could speak, Zhao Zheng said: "No, in broad daylight, in public, what else will happen to them? Besides, it's them..."

"Okay, I understand, you can deal with it too." Liu Qing and Zhao Zheng said.

Xiaofang looked at Zhao Zheng and said, "I think your hands are itchy?"

Zhao Zheng smiled sheepishly, and everyone laughed too.

Xiaofang and Liu Qing said: "The key is not when we meet, but after we meet. We have to follow them and see where they go. In this way, we will go there together in the afternoon. Zhao Zheng and I will meet them. After meeting, we will Follow them."

Liu Qing said yes.

It was almost the appointed time, and the five of them took Liu Qing's car and left. When they arrived opposite Lianyang Plaza, Liu Qing stopped the car and got out of the car. Xiao Ding from their company, Xiao Ding crossed the road. Walk to Lianyang Plaza opposite.

Liu Qing started the car and continued to drive forward until she reached the end of Lianyang Plaza. At the Dingxiang intersection, she pulled over and Xiaofang and Zhao Zheng got out of the car.

The two of them walked back to Lianyang Plaza. When they arrived at the entrance of the cafe on the square, they saw Xiao Ding already in place, sitting on a chair under the shade of a tree in the square, pretending to read a book, but in fact his attention was on the opposite side. Sitting here in the cafe, you can have a clear view of the cafe opposite, whether it is the three tables at the door or the shop inside the glass.

Xiaofang and Zhao Zheng walked over. They didn't even look at Xiaoding, and they pretended not to know each other.

Xiaofang and Zhao Zheng walked into the cafe. Only half of the dozens of tables in the cafe were occupied. Xiaofang and Zhao Zheng looked around and saw a man in his thirties wearing rimless glasses. He stood up and waved to them. Sitting with him was a man of about the same age.

Xiaofang and Zhao Zheng walked over, and Xiaofang asked, "Are you Lawyer Chen?"

The other party said yes, and asked: "Are you Miss Zhao?"

Zhao Zheng said quickly: "My surname is Zhao, and this is my cousin, whose surname is Liu. I don't understand this matter at all. Let my cousin help me talk."

The other party seemed to be alert immediately, was stunned for a moment, and asked Xiaofang: "Where is Miss Liu from?"

"I am from Chongqing, and I came to Shanghai from Changsha yesterday to visit with my cousin." Xiaofang said with a smile, "My cousin told me about this, and I persuaded her that these people are doing online loans now. If you close the door, you can take it back while you can still get some, otherwise, you may not even be able to get more than ten thousand in a few days."

"Yes, yes, yes, many of our clients think so. This is a smart choice." Lawyer Chen said.

I heard that Xiaofang was also from out of town and came to Shanghai to play. In addition, they really only had two girls. The other party was relieved. Lawyer Chen introduced the man sitting next to him and said to them:

"This is Mr. Jiang, from a third party."

Xiaofang smiled and said to him: "Hello, Mr. Jiang!"

Mr. Jiang sat there expressionless and just nodded.

There was music playing in the cafe in the afternoon and it was a bit noisy. Xiaofang looked outside and saw that one of the three tables was empty. Xiaofang and Lawyer Chen said:

"Let's go outside, the weather is so nice today."

Lawyer Chen said okay, go outside.

Mr. Jiang who was sitting also stood up, and the four of them walked outside together. Xiaofang saw that Lawyer Chen winked at the two people sitting at a table not far away. They were obviously together. Those two The individual continued to sit and did not stand up.

The four of them sat down outside. Lawyer Chen greeted the waiter, took out his and Mr. Jiang's coffee, and asked Xiaofang and the others to place their orders.

When Xiao Ding saw the four of them coming out, he lowered his head and looked at his book intently.

Xiaofang and Lawyer Chen said: "My cousin told me the matter, but she didn't understand it. After talking for a long time, she didn't explain it very clearly. Lawyer Chen, can you tell me the matter again?"

Lawyer Chen said yes, and said what he said to Xiaofang on the phone again.

When he was talking, Xiaofang nodded from time to time, and added a sentence or two in the middle, such as "Yes, yes, the current situation is uncertain", "These platforms are like this, who cares whether you live or die?" Xiaofang Responding to him in this way made Lawyer Chen more and more excited as he talked. The other party was such a beautiful woman, making him completely unwary.

Xiaofang praised: "You are really awesome, but you have indeed helped investors. By the way, have you done a lot of this kind of business? I am very curious about how many investors will be cheated by this platform." Already?"

"How much? Ha." Lawyer Chen let out a "ha", leaned back slightly, put his fingers on the glass table, and said proudly: "I'm afraid I'll scare you if I tell you. The acquisition alone is the money we spent." , there are more than 32 million."

"It's impossible. Proportionally speaking, that would be an investment of more than 100 million." Xiaofang shouted.

"Of course, you know how many investors are involved and how busy we are, so I called Ms. Zhao and said..."

"I know. My cousin told me that if we didn't have such intention, you would be very busy and wouldn't meet us. Don't worry, Lawyer Chen, we definitely have this intention. We will sign an agreement when we come. "Yes." Xiaofang said, "It's just that the number you just told me really scared me. Is it really that many?"

"Of course, there's nothing wrong with this." Lawyer Chen turned around and said to Mr. Jiang, "Open the account on your computer and show it to the two beauties to see our payment records."

Mr. Jiang sat still. He probably thought that Lawyer Chen talked too much. He frowned slightly. Xiaofang quickly said:

"No, no, Lawyer Chen, you are here to help us. How could we not believe what you said? Of course we do. By the way, Lawyer Chen, what should we do next?"

"Did you bring a copy of Ms. Zhao's ID card?" Lawyer Chen asked.

"Take it, take it," Xiaofang said.

"In this way, the procedure is very simple. Ms. Zhao used to be in 'Ronghui Finance'. Didn't she have a contract confirmed online? The contracts are all numbered. We have a transfer agreement here. You can use this numbered contract and all rights. Transfer them all to us, and at the same time, sign another power of attorney, entrusting us to pursue all investment rights and interests from 'Ronghui Finance', and that's it."

"Is it that simple?" Xiaofang asked.

"Yes, it's that simple." Lawyer Chen said.

"Then when can we get the money?" Xiaofang asked, "I mean, if we sign the contract but you don't give us the money, what will we do?"

Lawyer Chen and Mr. Jiang both laughed.

"We are not bandits, and we will rob in public. Did you see that there are surveillance cameras all around?" Lawyer Chen said, "You sign these two documents, and the documents will be placed on this table. We will not Come on, I'll transfer the money to you immediately. Once the money arrives, we can take the documents and leave, okay?"

"Is that so? Of course that's okay." Xiaofang said.

"By the way, we still need to take a few photos." Lawyer Chen said, "The first is the photos of Miss Zhao when she signed these two documents, which proves that the documents were indeed signed by Miss Zhao herself. The second is at the end, Miss Zhao holding her own Please take a photo with your ID card to prove that it is indeed authorized by Miss Zhao herself. Does Miss Zhao mind?"

Zhao Zheng looked at Xiaofang, who nodded and said yes.

Attorney Chen took out a blue folder from his bag, opened the folder, and took out two documents. When Xiaofang saw it, she almost laughed out loud. It seemed that the other party had already thought about this matter. They are well prepared and feel that it is a sure thing. It is also possible that they want to end the process quickly.

Xiaofang saw that on these two documents, Zhao Zheng's name and ID number, including the contract number, the remaining amount of investment money, the amount of acquisition money, etc., were all printed. Zhao Zheng only needed to fill in the payment. Just give your bank card number, sign at the end, and write the date.

Lawyer Chen reminded: "Ms. Liu, just check whether the ID number, contract number, and payment amount are correct."

After checking it carefully, Xiaofang deliberately took out her mobile phone and recalculated the amount to confirm that it was correct. Xiaofang nodded and said, everything was correct.

Zhao Zheng looked at Xiaofang and said, "Cousin, then I signed it?"

Xiaofang said yes.

Zhao Zheng began to sign the two documents. As she was signing, Lawyer Chen raised his mobile phone to take a photo. After signing, he asked Zhao Zheng to stand up, holding his ID card in hand, and took a bust photo.

Then, he asked Zhao Zheng to sign his name on the back of the copy of his ID card.

After signing, Lawyer Chen took out a box of ink pads and asked Zhao Zheng to put her fingerprints on all the places where she signed her name. After Zhao Zheng completed her fingerprints, he thoughtfully handed her a napkin and asked her to wipe her hands. Zhao Zheng quickly said thank you.

The signed documents lay quietly on the table, between the two groups of people.

Lawyer Chen and Mr. Jiang said, OK, you can make the payment.

Mr. Jiang did not open his computer, but took out his mobile phone, leaned over, and looked at the bank card operation on the agreement. After a while, he said to Zhao Zheng:


Zhao Zheng took out his mobile phone, looked at it, and said to Xiaofang, "We're here."

Lawyer Chen smiled and said to Xiaofang: "Beauty, can we take these two documents away now?"

Xiaofang said yes.

Over there, Mr. Jiang has already asked the waiter to pay the bill.

Lawyer Chen put the documents into the folder and put the folder into his bag. He stood up and said to Xiaofang and the others: "You two beauties, please continue to sit. We are leaving first. We have to catch the next show."

Xiaofang stood up and shook hands with him. Lawyer Chen said, "Beauty, see you next time."

Xiaofang smiled and said: "Don't meet me anymore. If we meet you once, we will lose more than 30,000 yuan. If we meet you a few more times, we will jump off the building."

Lawyer Chen and Mr. Jiang both laughed.

Thank you for the reward of two fishes! Thank you to Guandian Electromechanical, Evergreen Yan Dadi, Shadowless Foot, Shao Dongmin, Shachen Mood, Wahoji, Rainman, Captain Jim, Happy Every Year, and Cai Yilei for your monthly votes! Thanks for all the votes and reading! I wish you all good health!

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