The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 1834 Taking office

Xiangnan led Zhang Xiangbei to Sun Jin's office. Sun Jin was very happy to see Zhang Xiangbei. He came over and held Zhang Xiangbei's hand. He smiled and said to Zhang Xiangbei, "Yale's top students, come back to us." Even in this mountainous valley, I still don’t forget my roots. I like it.

Zhang Xiangbei quickly bent his head slightly and said, "Hello, Aunt Sun Jin!"

Sun Jin invited the two of them to sit on the sofa and was about to ask his secretary to make tea for them. Xiang Nan was anxious to tell Sun Jin the purpose of their coming. Sun Jin listened and forgot about making tea. She saw He looked at Zhang Xiangbei and said to Xiangnan:

"Nan Nan, I know your funds are tight there, but you also know that the government's money is not something that can be disbursed immediately. It has to go through a process. By the way, he is your reinforcement, right?"

Xiang Nan said that he was right. He had some ideas that could ease our financial constraints. As long as the leadership supports us, we can solve the funding problem ourselves.

"Say, say, Beibei, tell Auntie what you think." Sun Jin became interested as soon as she heard this, and she said to Zhang Xiangbei.

Zhang Xiangbei told Sun Jin one by one his thoughts. Sun Jin listened carefully and wrote down his thoughts in a notebook. When Zhang Xiangbei finished speaking, Sun Jin nodded:

"It's a good idea, Beibei. He deserves to be a top student in Yale's Department of Economics. No, no, I should say, he deserves to be Zhang Chen's son. Your ideas, especially the idea of ​​encouraging citizens to open family hotels, can be said to kill three birds with one stone." , firstly, it solves the problem of hotel housing shortage at that time, secondly, it increases the participation of citizens, and thirdly, it also increases their income.

"Even if you only charge one hundred, five hundred or two hundred yuan per room per night, it's still a considerable amount of income per month. You don't have to worry about the source of customers. This is a really good idea, what do you think?"

"We didn't have such a high-level leadership and thought about citizen participation. We didn't expect this. We thought it could solve the housing problem and increase the income of the preparatory team." Zhang Xiangbei said.

Sun Jin laughed happily: "What you said, Beibei, makes people feel like a spring breeze. Can it be considered flattery?"

"No, it's the truth." Zhang Xiangbei said.

Sun Jin was overwhelmed with joy. She said, Beibei, tell me, why are there so many of us? The director of the Commerce Bureau also told me that they were exhausted and couldn’t think of a way to solve the shortage of hotel housing. Why? Did you just think of it?

"It's nothing. Family hotels and even homestays are very common abroad. When I went to high school in the United States, there were classmates in my class who stayed with Americans," Zhang Xiangbei said.

Sun Jin nodded, she closed the notebook and said to Xiang Nan:

"Nan Nan, please wait here for a while. There is no need to wait for the preparatory group meeting to discuss these matters. I will report to the mayor now."

Xiang Nan said yes, thank you Deputy Sun... Aunt Sun Jin.

Sun Jin smiled, pointed at Xiang Nan with his finger, Xiang Nan made a face at her, and Sun Jin shouted outside the door:

"Xiao Zhao, Xiao Zhao!"

Her secretary Xiao Zhao ran in, and Sun Jin said to him: "Quickly pour tea for them two. I'll go to the boss's place and I'll be back in a minute."

Sun Jin went out for twenty minutes and came back with a smile. She told Xiang Nan and Xiang Bei that the mayor agreed to your suggestion. Nan Nan, you can start preparations when you get back. Time waits for no one. At the same time, we will send you Please write up a report and send it to me. After the mayor and I sign it, we will ask the office to forward it to various departments for their full cooperation.

Xiang Nan said: "That's great, I didn't expect it to be so fast!"

Sun Jin smiled and said: "Why, you are seizing the day and night, and you don't allow us to step up and catch up?"

The two returned to Xiangnan's office. Xiangnan and Zhang Xiangbei said:

"As the leader of the security team, if you take up my post now, I can hardly bring the blame here. People from Shanghai's audio and lighting equipment company will come the day after tomorrow, and I don't even know how to pay their deposit."

"What are they here for?" Zhang Xiangbei asked.

Xiang Nan and Zhang Xiangbei said that although this is a street theater festival, there are still many performances by art groups that are held indoors. In addition to their own small theaters, they also have to include the government hall, Yongcheng Gymnasium, Yongcheng Gymnasium, and Yongcheng Gymnasium. The auditorium of the city middle school was fully utilized. Except for their small theater, the sound and lighting equipment in other places did not meet the performance requirements.

There are also open-air performances in the Cultural Square, Riverside Park, Moon Island, and New Square, all of which require audio equipment and lighting. With such a huge demand, it is definitely impossible to buy them. Ding Yousong’s teacher helped introduce them to them. Xiang Nan found a company in Shanghai that was engaged in leasing audio equipment and stage lighting, and they planned to rent each other's equipment.

But the other party's equipment does not mean that there are so many idle there. It also needs to be deployed from various places, so a deposit needs to be paid in advance.

Zhang Xiangbei understood, and he agreed, "When they come the day after tomorrow, let me talk to them together."

"You'd better act quickly and get me the money." Xiang Nan said.

"The day after tomorrow may not be so soon, but you can borrow it from Aunt Jianmei and Aunt Xiangxiang first, and I promise to return it to them after a while. Is this okay?" Zhang Xiangbei asked.

"That's okay. I just need to talk to the finance department." Xiang Nan said.

"By the way, Zhang Xiangbei, we can't let you be a mere commander. Do we need to give you an office and assign you some people? Look, how many people in our regiment do you need?" Xiangnan Talk to Zhang Xiangbei.

Zhang Xiangbei thought for a moment and said, "Just put it diagonally opposite. Just give me those people diagonally opposite."

"Are you crazy? These people are useless." Xiangnan looked outside the door, lowered his voice and said to Zhang Xiangbei: "I even wonder if these departments have dumped their units' garbage into me. "

Zhang Xiangbei shook his head and said: "No matter what, they are better than the people in the troupe. After all, they are all civil servants. They are all familiar with the work units in Yongcheng, right? Moreover, when you go to other people's work units, your aura will not be the same." Lose to others, and let them get money reasonably and legally. If they can't get it, then this civil servant has failed too much, so give it to me."

"Okay, Zhang Xiangbei, let me tell you, I don't care if you regret it."

Xiang Nan stood up as he spoke, and took Zhang Xiangbei to the diagonally opposite side. He told everyone that starting from today, this is also the security team of our preparatory team office. This is Zhang Xiangbei, the leader of your security team, to establish the security team. The city has agreed to the group, including what you will do next.

Xiangnan specially emphasized that the city had agreed, which was giving Zhang Xiangbei blessing. She knew that these people were difficult to deal with.

When Xiang Nan and Zhang Xiangbei came in, everyone in the office raised their heads and looked at them. When Xiang Nan was talking, they were indifferent. When Xiang Nan finished speaking and left, they lowered their heads again. What they were doing before was what they were doing next. Some of them leaned back and put their feet on the table, without even putting their feet down. Zhang Xiangbei stood there, as if they had forgotten about him.

Zhang Xiangbei stood there awkwardly. He took a deep breath to calm himself down. He clapped his hands twice and shouted:

"Everyone, please put down what you are doing and listen to what I have to say."

Everyone in the office looked up at him. Zhang Xiangbei smiled and thought to himself, I have seen bastards of all colors in the world, am I still afraid of you?

Zhang Xiangbei said: "I know you don't take me seriously, and you must be thinking in your heart, who is this little brat? Where the hell did he come from?

"To be honest, I don't need you to take me seriously, and I don't care, but I have something to say first. I am here to work, and it is voluntary labor without wages. You are all paid. Logically speaking. , you should work more seriously than me, does what I say make sense?"

Everyone looked at him coldly and said nothing.

Zhang Xiangbei smiled to himself and continued:

"There is one thing I can tell you, that is, I don't actually take you seriously. Because of this, I am not afraid of offending you. No matter which department you are in, I can't control you if you want to. If I fall into your hands, you come back to deal with me. To tell you the truth, you can't wait until the theater festival is over and I will just slap my butt and leave.

"What do you mean by saying this to you? I just want to tell you first, if I arrange for any of you to do something and who fails to do it well, I will definitely be rude to you, and there is no need to be polite to you."

As soon as Zhang Xiangbei said a few words, the atmosphere in the office became a little solid. Everyone stared at Zhang Xiangbei, unable to guess where this guy was from, and his tone was indeed quite serious.

Someone snorted: "You're not being polite, how can you be so rude?"

"Yes, I am so loud. If you are not convinced and you continue to speak, if you ask how to be polite, I can also tell you first that I will kick you out of here, and there will also be a notice from the preparatory team office. In the notice The reasons why you are not suitable to continue working here will be written clearly. If anyone has the nerve to return to the original unit with such a notice, I don't care.

"I don't lack you here. If I do, the worst I can do is drive you away and ask your unit to send someone else over. I think you know that the preparatory team office can do this."

"The boy is still crazy." someone shouted.

"Yes, I'm still so crazy." Zhang Xiangbei looked at the man and said, "I said it before, if you don't take me seriously, I won't take you seriously either. There's no need to flatter you. , now let me add one more thing, if you respect me and treat me as a friend, I will definitely respect you and treat you as a friend. You can choose between two ways to get along."

"Don't talk so much nonsense, is there something practical?" someone shouted.

"Practical? Yes." Zhang Xiangbei said with a smile, "Today is the first time we meet, and it is also the day our security team is established. I will treat everyone to dinner in the evening, and you choose the place. There is no upper limit on the budget. You have to organize it. You can punish me tonight and find a way to make me poor."

Zhang Xiangbei's words caused a stir in the office. Everyone was interested. The person just now asked: "Seriously?"

"Of course, it can be done anywhere. There is no upper limit on the budget." Zhang Xiangbei said.

"Okay, then we will eat all your shorts." The man shouted.

"You have too strong taste."

Zhang Xiangbei cursed, everyone laughed, and the atmosphere in the office suddenly became relaxed, without the tense situation just now.

Thank you zdlm001 for the tip! Thank you Adam326, forget your password and come here again, Xiaoxiao’s monthly pass! Thanks for all the votes and reading! Have a good evening everyone!

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