The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 1832 Everything is difficult (Thank you Yuanxi!)

When he arrived in Yongcheng, Zhang Xiangbei realized how busy Xiang Nan was. The Yongcheng International Street Theater Festival was about to open in more than a month. Xiang Nan’s office was the office of the preparatory group office. Xiang Nan was the general manager of the preparatory group office. Although there is also a director Ding Baigou above the deputy director, above Ding Baigou, there are also a bunch of directors, deputy directors, and team members of the preparatory team.

But these are the king's flags erected on the top of the city. They just hunt in the wind and ignore the actual affairs. The only one who really organizes everyone to do things is Xiangnan, which is the weekly preparatory group meeting. Problems that need help from above are solved. It also needs to be brought up first from Xiangnan.

There is a large office diagonally across from Xiangnan's office, where people from the Propaganda Department of the Municipal Party Committee, the Cyberspace Administration of China, the Municipal Public Security Bureau, the Municipal Culture, Tourism and Sports Bureau, the Municipal Education Bureau, the Municipal Commerce Bureau, the Municipal Urban Management Bureau, and the Municipal Market Supervision Bureau are seated. Bureau, Municipal Transportation Bureau, Municipal Health Bureau, Municipal Federation of Trade Unions, Municipal Women’s Federation, Municipal Youth League Committee, Municipal Federation of Literary and Art Circles and other units.

These people actually functioned as liaison officers and had no decision-making power. Xiang Nan told them that they had to go back and report on matters involving that department, and then they would reply to Xiang Nan after the unit leaders studied it.

The city transferred personnel from various departments to form this preparatory group office. The original intention was to improve work efficiency, but in fact Xiangnan felt that the work efficiency was lower than before. The reason is very simple. Although these people are sitting here, they are not here. It is a temporary unit, and Xiangnan, the executive deputy director of this office, has no actual control over them.

For these civil servants, who would take the leader of a theater troupe seriously? They basically don’t have to report to Xiangnan when they come and go. If they report, they say it’s their own unit. If there is any emergency, Xiangnan doesn’t know. There is no way to verify.

The most annoying thing is that there are people from these departments here. If anything happens to Xiangnan, it is better to just pick up the phone, bypass them, and call the leaders of their units. Even from a polite point of view, you must respect them and pass the call. As soon as they passed, a lot of things were delayed.

Xiang Nan has no choice. If they want to be clay Buddhas, let them provide themselves with a cup of tea and a cigarette every day. Xiang Nan can only make use of what he can really control, the young people in the troupe. In this way, Many things that should not be their business have become their business.

For example, the management and training of volunteers should have been a matter of the Youth League Municipal Committee, but now it is Yin Tao who is in charge and Xiang Nan is making decisions, while the Youth League Municipal Committee is watching from the sidelines. However, in their monthly work summary, Organizing and training volunteers for the Yongcheng International Street Theater Festival all appear in their work achievements.

It's not that Xiang Nan wants to do this, but there is really no other way.

This one-month drama festival has more than 300 art groups from all over the world and more than 60 domestic art groups signed up to participate. Thousands of volunteers are needed.

These volunteers are basically registered online. They are foreign language majors from universities across the country, and there are students of various languages. They will be responsible for serving as translators for overseas art groups and also serving as liaison officers.

There also needs to be a huge number of volunteers to maintain order and provide services. A drama festival cannot leave all these tasks to the police. Without so many police forces, such an atmosphere would not be suitable for a drama festival.

These thousands of volunteers need to be trained in advance. First, let them understand all aspects of Yongcheng and this drama festival. Second, they also need to be trained in drama knowledge. Most of these volunteers are language learners. Those who do not study art have no knowledge in this area. Without training, they will have no way to communicate with art groups.

Thirdly, they must be trained in politeness and etiquette, and understand the customs and habits of the countries they serve. Volunteers present the image of Chinese youth in front of these foreign art groups. This is what league organizations at all levels have repeatedly emphasized. point.

Volunteers came from all over the country to report one after another. After arriving in Yongcheng, they immediately had to arrange food and accommodation. They were waiting here. People from the Youth League Municipal Committee went back to report and called to say that they had no funds for this. It took several leaders to decide after discussion. The most annoying thing was that one of the deputy secretaries went to Hangzhou for a meeting and had to wait for him to come back.

Damn it, a dozen volunteers are sitting here without even eating, waiting for your leader to come back?

Xiang Nan was a little annoyed, so she asked Yin Tao to take her there and arrange for them to stay.

"What should I do with this fee?" Yin Tao asked.

"Forget it, let's get out." Xiang Nan said.

It turned out to be the case several times. The city did allocate a special fund for the drama festival, but this was a total package fee, and there was no special fee for volunteers, and the use of this money required Ding Baigou's approval. Xiang Nan went to see Ding Baigou specifically about volunteers.

Ding Baigou got angry when he heard this and cursed:

"Didn't you agree that the Youth League Committee is responsible? Why do you want us to pay for it? Xiangnan, don't worry about this. Just let the volunteers wander the streets hungry. Then we will see who gets slapped on the back."

He escaped from Ding Baigou's office as if he was running southward. Well, you gods will fight, and the little devils below us will suffer, leaving the volunteers hungry on the streets? In the end, these volunteers went back. Where will I find so many people?

Xiang Nan sighed and called Zhang Chen. Zhang Chen told her to forget it. Asking these people to pay is harder than pulling their hair out. Let's pay for it. Xiang Nan, if the group doesn't have enough money, I'll call you as much as you need.

Since someone has done the work and provided the money, everyone pretends not to know. Xiangnan still doesn’t know whether the deputy secretary of the Youth League Municipal Committee has come back. As long as Ding Baigou doesn’t talk to him about money, He didn't care about the board or not, nor did he ask the volunteers how to arrange it.

Thousands of volunteers spent a lot of money to eat, drink and sleep every day. In the end, Xu Jianmei was so angry that she went home and yelled at Ding Baigou:

"Do you all think that Xiang Nan is easy to bully? Do you think that our troupe is easy to bully? We work hard and pay for money, and you all think that you are blind and can't see?"

Ding Baigou brought this matter up at the preparatory group meeting on Friday. The secretary and the mayor felt that this volunteer matter was really a big deal. We had not considered it before, so they immediately allocated a special fund. Going to the Wu Opera Troupe, since you, the Youth League Committee, don’t want to take the lead, you should cooperate with the troupe.

What made Ding Baigou feel aggrieved was that the funds had to come from him in the end, and no other funds were allocated.

Is this one of them, there are countless others?

Xiang Nan was tired of typing reports and waiting for instructions. She felt that it was better to ask her mother and Zhang Chen for money than to ask the boss for money, so she could only keep talking.

A total of more than 400 art groups are coming. Although Yongcheng is a tourist city with many large and small hotels, it is only a county-level city after all. These art groups and volunteers alone can bring Yongcheng to the city. Hotels are full.

Moreover, the three most luxurious hotels in Yongcheng, such as Huanglong Moon Bay Hotel, Qiandao Lake Hyatt Hotel and their Yongcheng Central Hotel, had their rooms fully booked by the city government reception office during the drama festival. It is used to receive leaders and guests at all levels invited by the city and is not open to the public.

As a result, the already tight accommodation is even more stretched. For a drama festival, you can't just have art groups and leaders at all levels, not even audiences. Audiences come from all over the country, and let them all sleep on the streets. .

This matter was originally the responsibility of the Commerce Bureau. Xiang Nan also asked people from the Commerce Bureau in the office to take her to meet with their bureau leaders several times. However, every time the leader saw Xiang Nan, he lamented. He said, We are also scratching our heads over this matter. Director Feng, think about it, this hotel is not just a building block. It does not mean that if you want it today, you will have it tomorrow.

There is still more than a month to go. Not to mention that we don’t have the funds. Even if we have the funds and want to build it, we won’t build it so quickly, right? Even if we encourage all units to build hotels, building them will be a hassle and a burden. Think about Captain Feng, there will be no place to live in this month, but what will happen after this month is over?

That is, no one lives in it, and it becomes a mosquito-raising hotel. Which unit will be motivated? It is impossible to build a new one. We can only mobilize all the hotels in the city to tap their potential internally. For this work, we Come and do it, okay, Director Feng?

The words were very polite, but the problem was not solved. Xiang Nan knew that the so-called mobilization of all hotels in the city to tap their internal potential was nothing more than clearing out some utility rooms that were originally filled with debris and using them as guest rooms, and turning conference rooms into If it is also used as a guest room, how many more rooms can be created in total?

Xiang Nan worries about this every day, something that is not her responsibility.

Later, Ding Yousong came up with a solution. He told Xiang Nan that the loan contract between us and the Western Zhejiang Technical School has not yet expired. A large part of the audience coming to the drama festival this time are college students, and they are very interested in the accommodation. The requirements are not that high, as long as it is cheap and has a place to live.

We can convert the classrooms and dormitories of the Western Zhejiang Technical School into youth hostels. All we need to do is whitewash the walls and renovate the public toilets. It doesn’t cost much. In this way, just one Western Zhejiang Technical School can accommodate two to three thousand people. .

Xiang Nan's eyes lit up and she thought this was a good idea. She shouted:

"No, no, there's no need to turn it into a youth hostel. Just turn it into a camp for volunteers. If all the volunteers are gathered there, won't a lot of hotels in the city be freed up? In this way, it's okay. It facilitates our management of volunteers.”

Ding Yousong and Yin Tao also think this method is good, but the next question immediately arises, where is the money for the transformation?

Whether it is the Commerce Bureau or the Culture, Tourism and Sports Bureau, they will definitely not pay for this money. Moreover, the renovation is carried out in the Western Zhejiang Technical School. The Western Zhejiang Technical School now has nothing to do with the Yongcheng City Government. It is just that their troupe has nothing to do with Hangzhou. relationship with the City Electric Power Bureau.

Xiang Nan looked at Ding Yousong and Yin Tao, and said with a sad face: "You won't ask me to call Mr. Zhang again, will you? I'm embarrassed to do this again and again."

"It's okay, it's okay. The more you ask for it, the happier Mr. Zhang will be." Yin Tao comforted Xiang Nan.

"Get out!" Xiang Nan scolded her.

Thank you Yuanxi, for reading the book every day, and for the reward! Thank you for your monthly votes for Yuan Xi, Adam 326, Little Gatekeeper, Tamagotchi, Yunlong Frog Fish, No Future, Just Remember the Original Intention, and The Chair in the World! Thanks for all the votes and reading! Have a good evening everyone!

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