The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 183 Secret Fragrance

Zhang Chen returned to the office, feeling restless. Xiao Zhao's words kept lingering in his mind, "I miss you very much!"

Zhang Chen sighed, he thought, why don't I miss you again!

Zhang Chen stood up and went to the work shed to watch Xiao Wu and the others practice boxing. Although Yi Lin had just started training, every move was impressive. Xiao Wu came over and said to Zhang Chen, this guy is good, he seems to be born to practice martial arts. people.

Zhang Chen was not surprised by this point about Yi Lin. He thought about the scene when Yi Lin was almost standing on a tricycle, dodging left and right dexterously, pedaling on the tricycle to send them to Wenmingdong.

Zhang Chen looked at it for a while, then returned to the office, sorted out the documents and payment list that he was supposed to take home to Gu Shufang today, and put them in his bag.

Zhang Chen sat there blankly. The only thing that could not be dispelled was Xiao Zhao's figure. He looked at the time and saw that it was almost nine o'clock. After a while, Mr. Fu's dinner would be over.

Zhang Chen walked out involuntarily and reached the fountain in front of the old hotel door. He sat down and looked at the temporary lobby door over there.

The coconut tree above the head cast a huge shadow, and Zhang Chen sat in this shadow.

Ten minutes later, Zhang Chen saw Mr. Qin and several other people who were familiar to Zhang Chen but whose names he didn’t know came out of the door. They were all Mr. Fu’s friends and should have attended tonight’s dinner. There was one person beside each of them. The young girl held their hands and they left in several cars, probably going to a new place.

Zhang Chen didn't see Mr. Fu or Xiao Zhao. He sat there for another ten minutes, but there was still no sign of Xiao Zhao. Zhang Chen thought to himself that they should have gone upstairs.

Zhang Chen wanted to find a reason to go upstairs to take a look, but he controlled himself. At this time, he came uninvited. Even a fool knew what he was doing, not to mention Mr. Fu was not stupid.

Zhang Chen walked back with a depressed expression. He put his hand in front of his nose and smelled, as if he could still smell the faint cool aroma, but he knew it was impossible.

Zhang Chen returned to the office, picked up his bag and was about to go back. A head came in from the door and looked inside. When he saw Zhang Chen, he laughed. Zhang Chen also saw her and was stunned.

Standing at the door is Xiao Zhao.

"Why are you here?" Zhang Chen asked.

"What, you're not welcome?"

"Welcome, of course you are welcome!" Zhang Chen originally wanted to tell Xiao Zhao that he had gone to the front door to wait for her, but he didn't. So, "Where did you come from?"

"On the second floor, I asked the security guard. The security guard said your office is here, so I came over to take a look. I thought you had gone back."

Xiao Zhao smiled and said, there are passages on the second floor and lobby of the hotel, leading to the mall here. Xiao Zhao came through the mall from the second floor, no wonder he didn't see it at the door.

Zhang Chen raised the bag in his hand and said to Xiao Zhao, "No, I'm getting ready to go back and have a meal."

"You haven't eaten yet?"

Zhang Chen nodded.

"How pitiful." Xiao Zhao said, "Let me go to dinner with you."

Zhang Chen said yes, and he asked, what do you want to do after eating?

"I also want to ride a motorcycle."

Zhang Chen said yes, where do you want to go?

"I want to go to Tyrone City."

"Okay, let's ride motorcycles to Tailong City now." Zhang Chen said.

Xiao Zhao opened his eyes wide: "You don't want to eat?"

"There is food to eat in Tailong City."

"Really." Xiao Zhao smiled, "Why do I become stupid when I see you."

Zhang Chen thought about going to the parking lot in front with Xiao Zhao, and there was still a possibility of being bumped into by Mr. Fu. He slung his bag on his shoulder, and the two of them walked out of the office together. Zhang Chen pointed at the gate of the construction site and said to Xiao Zhao, You go to the gate on Wuzhishan Road and wait for me, and I'll ride in the parking lot in front.

Xiao Zhao waved to Zhang Chen and went to the gate.

Zhang Chen rode his motorcycle and arrived at Wuzhishan Road. Xiao Zhao stood at the gate waiting for him. He got into the back seat, still holding his waist with his hands and resting his head on Zhang Chen's back.

Zhang Chen turned the car around and rode towards Tailong City.

Before arriving at Tailong City, Xiao Zhao called from behind, stop the car.

Zhang Chen stopped the car and asked Xiao Zhao what happened?

Xiao Zhao pointed to a small shop in front and said, "Go and eat. The chicken oil rice and spicy soup here are delicious. I won't lie to you."

Zhang Chen followed the direction of Xiao Zhao's finger and saw a small restaurant on the roadside. The red door said Spicy Soup Chicken Oil Rice. There were six or seven tables in the store. It was already past the meal time, and half of the tables inside were The table is empty.

Xiao Zhao held his hand and walked there, telling him that this store was very busy from five in the morning to midnight. If he had come an hour earlier, there would have been a long queue here.

The two of them entered the restaurant and sat down. Xiao Zhao called out: "A bowl of chicken oil rice, a bowl of spicy soup, an omelette with chopped green onion, and a Hainanese Fenjiu sausage."

The waiter quickly brought the food. Xiao Zhao sat opposite Zhang Chen and pushed them all in front of Zhang Chen. Zhang Chen asked: "You don't want to eat?"

"I haven't just finished eating." Xiao Zhao said with a smile, "Hurry up and drink this soup."

Zhang Chen took a spoonful of soup and put it into his mouth. It was spicy, sour and fresh. It was made of pepper, pickled cabbage and pig meat. It was full of ingredients. Zhang Chen was surprised. He looked at this shop and it should be from Hainan. Opened by a local, I didn’t expect Hainanese people to be able to make such spicy spicy soup.

"Is it delicious?" Xiao Zhao stared at Zhang Chen, looking very nervous.

"It's delicious!" Zhang Chen nodded, and Xiao Zhao breathed a sigh of relief, then pointed to the fried egg with green onion and said, "Try this egg quickly."

After Zhang Chen tasted it and said it was delicious, Xiao Zhao asked him to try Fenjiu sausage and chicken oil rice.

As soon as Zhang Chen finished cooking, Xiao Zhao immediately asked him to drink spicy soup. Zhang Chen's soup was still in his mouth, and Xiao Zhao shouted again, "Egg, egg..."

Zhang Chen almost finished this meal under Xiao Zhao's guidance. Even the waiters leaned on the counter and looked at them and laughed. He had never seen such a funny eating scene.

Zhang Chen felt a little embarrassed after eating, but he felt happy in his heart.

Besides, this soup, this rice, these eggs, and this sausage are really delicious.

After finishing the meal, the two of them sat there for a while. Zhang Chen remembered something and asked Xiao Zhao, "Why, you seem to be very familiar with Haicheng now."

Xiao Zhao curled her lips and said, "I almost vomited when I went shopping with Xiao Ning every day. It was hard to even think about not being familiar with her."

Zhang Chen felt strange, thinking why did Xiao Zhao go shopping with Xiao Ning every day until he almost vomited? He looked at Xiao Zhao and seemed to have no intention of continuing, so he didn't ask.

The two of them arrived at Tailong City and walked around. When Zhang Chen saw that Xiao Zhao liked something, he wanted to buy it for her. Xiao Zhao said no, but Zhang Chen persisted, so Xiao Zhao simply pulled him out of the store. After coming out, the two of them finally went to the cinema. Xiao Zhao said, let's watch a movie, and Zhang Chen agreed.

The two of them walked into the cinema. Zhang Chen saw "The Silence of the Lambs" and said to Xiao Zhao, "Let's watch this. I like this old guy."

Zhang Chen was pointing to Anthony Hopkins on the poster.

Xiao Zhao shook her head. She said she didn't understand foreign movies very well. Look, this movie seems quite scary.

"Then let's watch this?" Zhang Chen said, pointing to Stephen Chow's "Play Back to School".

"I want to watch this." Xiaozhao pointed to "Tokyo Love Story" starring Oda Yuji, Suzuki Honami and Eguchi Yosuke.

Zhang Chen smiled and said: "This is also a foreign movie."

"It's different, Guo Guo." Xiao Zhao said coquettishly, and the last 'brother' was in Chongqing dialect, which sounded a bit playful.

"Okay, just look at this." Zhang Chen quickly followed Xiao Zhao.

They bought a couple's seat. When Zhang Chen told the conductor about the couple's seat, Xiao Zhao was giggling on the side. Zhang Chen looked at her and she was shaving her face with her fingers.

The two of them entered the cinema and sat down. Xiao Zhao stretched out his right hand and said to Zhang Chen, "Here it is, Guo Guo."

Zhang Chen held Xiao Zhao's hand. Xiao Zhao's hand was soft and cool, lying quietly in Zhang Chen's hand. Her head naturally rested on Zhang Chen's shoulder.

Zhang Chen smelled the cool fragrance on her body, and he felt that it didn't matter what movie he was watching.

After watching the movie, the two of them walked out of the cinema. Zhang Chen asked Xiao Zhao if he was hungry. If so, should we eat hot pot on Daying Road?

Xiao Zhao shook his head. Zhang Chen felt that when Xiao Zhao's movie was about to end, he kept looking at his watch. His whole body seemed to tighten and stiffen, and he became uncomfortable.

Xiao Zhao sighed softly and said, "Send me back."

Zhang Chen said yes.

Along the way, Xiao Zhao hugged Zhang Chen tightly, and his face was pressed against Zhang Chen's back. The two of them didn't speak all the way. When they got to the downstairs of Xiao Zhao's house and got out of the car, Zhang Chen wanted to see Xiao Zhao off. Going upstairs, Xiao Zhao put his hand on Zhang Chen's chest and said to him: "Go back, be good."

Zhang Chen was stunned.

Xiao Zhao looked around to see if there was no one around, stood up on tiptoes, kissed Zhang Chen quickly, turned around and ran upstairs.

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