The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 182 How are you now?

The next day, Jianqiang and Jiajia moved away. Even Xiaowu didn't know where they moved. After the room became available, Xiaowu rented it and moved into Jianqiang and Jiajia's room. .

Later, Zhang Chen met Jianqiang several times in Wanghai Tower. Jianqiang would sometimes go to Zhang Chen’s office at night to see Zhang Chen. Zhang Chen also saw Jiajia in the lobby of Wanghai Tower. When he arrived at Jiajia, he hid early.

When Zhang Chen was in the office, someone called him: "Brother Zhang Chen!"

Zhang Chen looked up and saw that it was Yi Lin, with Xiao Wu standing behind him. Zhang Chen was surprised and said, "Yilin, why are you here?"

Xiao Wu and Zhang Chen said that Yi Lin wanted to practice boxing with him, and his mother also told me, so I asked him to come over and practice together at night, and now I will show him the way.

Zhang Chen thought to himself that as orphans and widowers like Yilin, they would inevitably be bullied. It would be good for him to learn some martial arts from Xiao Wu, and at least he could protect himself.

Zhang Chen and Yi Lin said: "Then you don't have to go home after school, just come here. You can also do your homework in my office. There are meal tickets in the drawer. If we are not here, you can go to the cafeteria to eat by yourself." , I will give you a key tomorrow."

Yilin nodded shyly.

But in Yilin, even though he had the key to Zhang Chen's office, he didn't come here after school every day. Instead, after going home and eating, he would ride a broken bicycle and come here to practice boxing. After practicing, he would follow Xiao Wu rode back together.

Only for a few days, when her mother was away from home, would Yilin come to Zhang Chen's place for dinner.

After the temporary lobby in front was renovated, the lobby of Wanghai International Hotel was officially closed and demolition and renovation began.

Both the lobby and the third floor of the mall had to meet deadlines, and Zhang Chen was also very busy. Every night, he had to work overtime until about ten o'clock before going home. Gu Shufang seemed to have disappeared. Zhang Chen went back every day, and the third floor The lights were all dark, and Xiao Lin and Caizhen, no matter how noisy they came back or the next morning, Gu Shufang could not be seen at the stairs.

But Gu Shufang did not disappear. Zhang Chen went back every night and the notes and receipts he left for her disappeared the next day. The reimbursement that should be reimbursed and the money that should be arranged were always arranged in a timely manner.

Every Saturday, Jin Lili would come. They stayed at Wanghai International Hotel. Jin Lili would not ask to go to Wenmingdong, and Zhang Chen did not dare to invite him. He always felt that Jin Lili was the last person who should appear in that house. As long as she appears, the current peaceful situation will probably be broken.

Jin Lili had almost forgotten that they were in Wenming East and Zhang Chen's room.

Jin Lili is now very familiar with several waiters at the hotel's front desk. They all know that she is Mr. Zhang's girlfriend. When Jin Lili comes on weekends, she gets off the car at the gate and goes directly to the front desk to get the room key. There is no need to register, the waiter will do it for you, and they can even memorize the few items on the accommodation sheet.

Jin Lili went upstairs to take a shower, changed her clothes, and then appeared in Zhang Chen's office, smelling good, and went to have dinner with them.

Every Saturday, they would have a beautiful and satisfying night in the hotel room. Early the next morning, while Zhang Chen was still dreaming, Jin Lili got up and left. Now every Sunday morning, Jin Lili wakes up. Want to learn to drive.

Lao Bao is not in Haicheng, so Mr. Xia drives all day long. Even when Jin Lili goes to the bank to do things, he often has to be sent by Mr. Xia. The Guomao Road at the entrance of the Financial Garden is a small road, and the residents here all have their own cars, so it is very difficult. Taxis rarely come in. If you want to take a taxi, you have to go outside to Longkun North Road, so you have to go to Mr. Xia to deliver it. Mr. Xia said, I am almost your driver.

In a business like theirs, the main daily tasks are drinking and socializing. If Jin Lili could drive, it would be much easier and more convenient for Mr. Xia.

Mr. Xia and Jin Lili said that as long as you get your driver's license, the company will match you a car immediately. There are three people in our company and three Mercedes-Benz cars. Going out also represents our strength. My old boss is in Sanya, and Mr. Xia has already matched him with a car. car.

"I don't want a Mercedes-Benz. Mercedes-Benz doesn't have white ones. I want a white car." Jin Lili said. Indeed, at that time, the Mercedes-Benz in Haicheng were all black. I had never seen a white Mercedes-Benz on the street. .

"Okay, get me your driver's license first. Once you get it, you can choose what kind of car you want." Mr. Xia said, "Remember, you are not allowed to open the back door. You must really pass the test yourself, otherwise, you dare to drive , I don’t dare to take your car yet.”

Mr. Xia knew that if she only needed a driver's license, Jin Lili could get it immediately without taking a test by finding an acquaintance in the Public Security Bureau. She already had this skill.

Under such motivation, Jin Lili practices driving very frequently every week. The sun in Haicheng is very strong during the day, and Jin Lili is afraid of getting tanned. She practices driving every Sunday from 7 to 9 in the morning. From six to eight o'clock in the evening, after finishing driving practice in the morning, I rushed over. It was almost time to check out of the hotel room. Jin Lili simply didn't come over and went directly back to the company.

In this way, Zhang Chen and Jin Lili could meet only one Saturday night every week. They were both very busy. They didn't say that they met frequently, but they felt it was just right in their hearts.

It was almost seven o'clock, and Zhang Chen was still in the closed lobby, watching them dismantle the white marble relief. Zhang Chen had already asked carpenters to make a lot of wooden boxes. He asked them to use straw ropes piece by piece to remove the relief. Tie them up and put them into wooden boxes. Each wooden box is numbered by workers in order.

Mr. Fu did not ask for the relief to be preserved. Zhang Chen himself did not know what the use of preserving it was. He just felt that it would be a pity if such a good sculpture was thrown away as construction waste.

Zhang Chen has been in the lobby all afternoon, instructing the workers to disassemble and number, and has only now completed the work.

The worker asked where to move these boxes. Zhang Chen said that they should first be moved to the material warehouse at the back and find a corner to pile them up.

After spending an afternoon in the stuffy and hot lobby, Zhang Chen twitched his nose when he walked outside. He felt that the air outside was unusually fresh. He stood at the original gate for a while, without appetite, and wanted to go back later. Eat some on the way.

The parking lots in front of the gate and on the left hand side were already full of cars, and cars kept coming in. The entrance was blocked. The queue outside reached Haixiu Road, and even the traffic police came over.

Because a temporary lobby was built in the parking lot, more than 20 parking spaces were reduced. At meal time, the hotel's parking spaces became tight. They had already closed the roadsides of Haixiu 1st Road and 2nd Branch Road. It has been converted into a parking lot, and security guards are guiding the vehicles blocking the entrance there.

Now is the time when the temporary lobby has the most people. Zhang Chen walked over to take a look. Although there were many people in the lobby, because there was no rest area, the guests stayed in the lobby for a short time and the people were evacuated quickly, so there was no It seemed crowded, just as I had imagined.

Zhang Chen breathed a sigh of relief.

Zhang Chen turned around to go out, but saw someone coming in at the gate. Zhang Chen's eyes lit up and he shouted:

"Xiao Zhao!"

Xiao Zhao also saw Zhang Chen, and she shouted happily: "Why are you here?"

Zhang Chen smiled and said: "I should be here, it's strange that you are here."

"I, I...I'm going to eat upstairs." Xiao Zhao said, her face slightly red, and she looked behind Zhang Chen.

Zhang Chen understood that it was Director Fu's team again, and Xiao Zhao was accompanying him.

Zhang Chen took a few steps to the side and pulled Xiao Zhao. Xiao Zhao followed him and walked away. They walked to the corner inside the door and got out of the way.

The two stood still, and Zhang Chen said softly: "Long time no see."

Xiao Zhao sighed and said, "Yes, long time no see."

Both of them knew the reason why they hadn't seen each other for a long time, but they couldn't tell. Zhang Chen was careful and didn't even mention Mr. Fu's name, although he knew that Mr. Fu must have asked Xiao Zhao to come here.

Xiao Zhao's back was facing the glass exterior wall of the temporary lobby. While talking to Zhang Chen, she would look at the lobby behind Zhang Chen from time to time. She looked a little nervous. It was obvious that she was nervous that someone would suddenly appear there.

Zhang Chen knew who she was worried about, so Zhang Chen asked, "Are you okay now?"

Xiao Zhao's face suddenly turned gloomy, her eyes flickered, and she didn't dare to look at Zhang Chen. After a moment of hesitation, she said, "It's okay."

What else did Zhang Chen want to say? Xiao Zhao looked at Zhang Chen, pointed upstairs, and smiled bitterly: "I want it, I want to go up..."

Zhang Chen sighed helplessly.

Xiao Zhao stared at Zhang Chen for a while, and then walked towards the hall. When passing by Zhang Chen, she gently pulled Zhang Chen's hand. Her hand was cold, and Zhang Chen smelled her again. , cool aroma.

"I miss you so much!" Xiao Zhao said softly but firmly. After saying that, she let go of Zhang Chen's hand and walked quickly towards the elevator.

Zhang Chen was stunned there. He stared blankly at Xiao Zhao's back getting farther and farther into the elevator.

Zhang Chen covered his lips with his hands, and Xiao Zhao's faint and cool fragrance was still lingering on his fingertips.

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